blob: 2050298e3eeb2d51f3af65ff5524bc76036373ee [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The BoringSSL Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package runner
import (
_ "embed"
var (
useValgrind = flag.Bool("valgrind", false, "If true, run code under valgrind")
useGDB = flag.Bool("gdb", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under gdb")
useLLDB = flag.Bool("lldb", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under lldb")
useRR = flag.Bool("rr-record", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under `rr record`.")
waitForDebugger = flag.Bool("wait-for-debugger", false, "If true, jobs will run one at a time and pause for a debugger to attach")
flagDebug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Hexdump the contents of the connection")
mallocTest = flag.Int64("malloc-test", -1, "If non-negative, run each test with each malloc in turn failing from the given number onwards.")
mallocTestDebug = flag.Bool("malloc-test-debug", false, "If true, ask bssl_shim to abort rather than fail a malloc. This can be used with a specific value for --malloc-test to identity the malloc failing that is causing problems.")
jsonOutput = flag.String("json-output", "", "The file to output JSON results to.")
pipe = flag.Bool("pipe", false, "If true, print status output suitable for piping into another program.")
testToRun = flag.String("test", "", "Semicolon-separated patterns of tests to run, or empty to run all tests")
skipTest = flag.String("skip", "", "Semicolon-separated patterns of tests to skip")
allowHintMismatch = flag.String("allow-hint-mismatch", "", "Semicolon-separated patterns of tests where hints may mismatch")
numWorkersFlag = flag.Int("num-workers", runtime.NumCPU(), "The number of workers to run in parallel.")
shimPath = flag.String("shim-path", "../../../build/ssl/test/bssl_shim", "The location of the shim binary.")
shimExtraFlags = flag.String("shim-extra-flags", "", "Semicolon-separated extra flags to pass to the shim binary on each invocation.")
handshakerPath = flag.String("handshaker-path", "../../../build/ssl/test/handshaker", "The location of the handshaker binary.")
fuzzer = flag.Bool("fuzzer", false, "If true, tests against a BoringSSL built in fuzzer mode.")
transcriptDir = flag.String("transcript-dir", "", "The directory in which to write transcripts.")
idleTimeout = flag.Duration("idle-timeout", 15*time.Second, "The number of seconds to wait for a read or write to bssl_shim.")
deterministic = flag.Bool("deterministic", false, "If true, uses a deterministic PRNG in the runner.")
allowUnimplemented = flag.Bool("allow-unimplemented", false, "If true, report pass even if some tests are unimplemented.")
looseErrors = flag.Bool("loose-errors", false, "If true, allow shims to report an untranslated error code.")
shimConfigFile = flag.String("shim-config", "", "A config file to use to configure the tests for this shim.")
includeDisabled = flag.Bool("include-disabled", false, "If true, also runs disabled tests.")
repeatUntilFailure = flag.Bool("repeat-until-failure", false, "If true, the first selected test will be run repeatedly until failure.")
// ShimConfigurations is used with the “json” package and represents a shim
// config file.
type ShimConfiguration struct {
// DisabledTests maps from a glob-based pattern to a freeform string.
// The glob pattern is used to exclude tests from being run and the
// freeform string is unparsed but expected to explain why the test is
// disabled.
DisabledTests map[string]string
// ErrorMap maps from expected error strings to the correct error
// string for the shim in question. For example, it might map
// “:NO_SHARED_CIPHER:” (a BoringSSL error string) to something
ErrorMap map[string]string
// HalfRTTTickets is the number of half-RTT tickets the client should
// expect before half-RTT data when testing 0-RTT.
HalfRTTTickets int
// AllCurves is the list of all curve code points supported by the shim.
// This is currently used to control tests that enable all curves but may
// automatically disable tests in the future.
AllCurves []int
// MaxACKBuffer is the maximum number of received records the shim is
// expected to retain when ACKing.
MaxACKBuffer int
// Setup shimConfig defaults aligning with BoringSSL.
var shimConfig ShimConfiguration = ShimConfiguration{
HalfRTTTickets: 2,
MaxACKBuffer: 32,
//go:embed rsa_2048_key.pem
var rsa2048KeyPEM []byte
//go:embed rsa_1024_key.pem
var rsa1024KeyPEM []byte
//go:embed ecdsa_p224_key.pem
var ecdsaP224KeyPEM []byte
//go:embed ecdsa_p256_key.pem
var ecdsaP256KeyPEM []byte
//go:embed ecdsa_p384_key.pem
var ecdsaP384KeyPEM []byte
//go:embed ecdsa_p521_key.pem
var ecdsaP521KeyPEM []byte
//go:embed ed25519_key.pem
var ed25519KeyPEM []byte
//go:embed channel_id_key.pem
var channelIDKeyPEM []byte
var (
rsa1024Key rsa.PrivateKey
rsa2048Key rsa.PrivateKey
ecdsaP224Key ecdsa.PrivateKey
ecdsaP256Key ecdsa.PrivateKey
ecdsaP384Key ecdsa.PrivateKey
ecdsaP521Key ecdsa.PrivateKey
ed25519Key ed25519.PrivateKey
channelIDKey ecdsa.PrivateKey
var channelIDKeyPath string
func initKeys() {
// Since key generation is not particularly cheap (especially RSA), and the
// runner is intended to run on systems which may be resouece constrained,
// we load keys from disk instead of dynamically generating them. We treat
// key files the same as dynamically generated certificates, writing them
// out to temporary files before passing them to the shim.
for _, k := range []struct {
pemBytes []byte
key *rsa.PrivateKey
{rsa1024KeyPEM, &rsa1024Key},
{rsa2048KeyPEM, &rsa2048Key},
} {
key, err := loadPEMKey(k.pemBytes)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to load RSA test key: %s", err))
*k.key = *(key.(*rsa.PrivateKey))
for _, k := range []struct {
pemBytes []byte
key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
{ecdsaP224KeyPEM, &ecdsaP224Key},
{ecdsaP256KeyPEM, &ecdsaP256Key},
{ecdsaP384KeyPEM, &ecdsaP384Key},
{ecdsaP521KeyPEM, &ecdsaP521Key},
{channelIDKeyPEM, &channelIDKey},
} {
key, err := loadPEMKey(k.pemBytes)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to load ECDSA test key: %s", err))
*k.key = *(key.(*ecdsa.PrivateKey))
k, err := loadPEMKey(ed25519KeyPEM)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to load Ed25519 test key: %s", err))
ed25519Key = k.(ed25519.PrivateKey)
channelIDKeyPath = writeTempKeyFile(&channelIDKey)
var channelIDBytes []byte
var (
testOCSPResponse = []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}
testOCSPResponse2 = []byte{5, 6, 7, 8}
testSCTList = []byte{0, 6, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
testSCTList2 = []byte{0, 6, 0, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4}
var (
testOCSPExtension = append([]byte{byte(extensionStatusRequest) >> 8, byte(extensionStatusRequest), 0, 8, statusTypeOCSP, 0, 0, 4}, testOCSPResponse...)
testSCTExtension = append([]byte{byte(extensionSignedCertificateTimestamp) >> 8, byte(extensionSignedCertificateTimestamp), 0, byte(len(testSCTList))}, testSCTList...)
var (
rsaCertificate Credential
rsaChainCertificate Credential
rsa1024Certificate Credential
ecdsaP224Certificate Credential
ecdsaP256Certificate Credential
ecdsaP384Certificate Credential
ecdsaP521Certificate Credential
ed25519Certificate Credential
garbageCertificate Credential
func initCertificates() {
for _, def := range []struct {
key crypto.Signer
out *Credential
{&rsa1024Key, &rsa1024Certificate},
{&rsa2048Key, &rsaCertificate},
{&ecdsaP224Key, &ecdsaP224Certificate},
{&ecdsaP256Key, &ecdsaP256Certificate},
{&ecdsaP384Key, &ecdsaP384Certificate},
{&ecdsaP521Key, &ecdsaP521Certificate},
{ed25519Key, &ed25519Certificate},
} {
*def.out = generateSingleCertChain(nil, def.key)
channelIDBytes = make([]byte, 64)
writeIntPadded(channelIDBytes[:32], channelIDKey.X)
writeIntPadded(channelIDBytes[32:], channelIDKey.Y)
garbageCertificate.Certificate = [][]byte{[]byte("GARBAGE")}
garbageCertificate.PrivateKey = rsaCertificate.PrivateKey
// Build a basic three cert chain for testing chain specific things.
rootTmpl := *baseCertTemplate
rootTmpl.Subject.CommonName = "test root"
rootCert := generateTestCert(&rootTmpl, nil, &rsa2048Key)
intermediateTmpl := *baseCertTemplate
intermediateTmpl.Subject.CommonName = "test inter"
intermediateCert := generateTestCert(&intermediateTmpl, rootCert, &rsa2048Key)
leafTmpl := *baseCertTemplate
leafTmpl.IsCA, leafTmpl.BasicConstraintsValid = false, false
leafCert := generateTestCert(nil, intermediateCert, &rsa2048Key)
keyPath := writeTempKeyFile(&rsa2048Key)
rootCertPath, chainPath := writeTempCertFile([]*x509.Certificate{rootCert}), writeTempCertFile([]*x509.Certificate{leafCert, intermediateCert})
rsaChainCertificate = Credential{
Certificate: [][]byte{leafCert.Raw, intermediateCert.Raw},
PrivateKey: &rsa2048Key,
Leaf: leafCert,
ChainPath: chainPath,
KeyPath: keyPath,
RootPath: rootCertPath,
func flagInts(flagName string, vals []int) []string {
ret := make([]string, 0, 2*len(vals))
for _, val := range vals {
ret = append(ret, flagName, strconv.Itoa(val))
return ret
func base64FlagValue(in []byte) string {
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(in)
func useDebugger() bool {
return *useGDB || *useLLDB || *useRR || *waitForDebugger
// delegatedCredentialConfig specifies the shape of a delegated credential, not
// including the keys themselves.
type delegatedCredentialConfig struct {
// lifetime is the amount of time, from the notBefore of the parent
// certificate, that the delegated credential is valid for. If zero, then 24
// hours is assumed.
lifetime time.Duration
// dcAlgo is the signature scheme that should be used with this delegated
// credential. If zero, ECDSA with P-256 is assumed.
dcAlgo signatureAlgorithm
// algo is the signature algorithm that the delegated credential itself is
// signed with. Cannot be zero.
algo signatureAlgorithm
func loadPEMKey(pemBytes []byte) (crypto.PrivateKey, error) {
block, _ := pem.Decode(pemBytes)
if block == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no PEM block found")
if block.Type != "PRIVATE KEY" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected PEM type (expected \"PRIVATE KEY\"): %s", block.Type)
k, err := x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse PKCS#8 key: %s", err)
return k, nil
func createDelegatedCredential(parent *Credential, config delegatedCredentialConfig) *Credential {
if parent.Type != CredentialTypeX509 {
panic("delegated credentials must be issued by X.509 credentials")
dcAlgo := config.dcAlgo
if dcAlgo == 0 {
dcAlgo = signatureECDSAWithP256AndSHA256
var dcPriv crypto.Signer
switch dcAlgo {
case signatureRSAPKCS1WithMD5, signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA1, signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA256, signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA384, signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA512, signatureRSAPSSWithSHA256, signatureRSAPSSWithSHA384, signatureRSAPSSWithSHA512:
dcPriv = &rsa2048Key
case signatureECDSAWithSHA1, signatureECDSAWithP256AndSHA256, signatureECDSAWithP384AndSHA384, signatureECDSAWithP521AndSHA512:
var curve elliptic.Curve
switch dcAlgo {
case signatureECDSAWithSHA1, signatureECDSAWithP256AndSHA256:
curve = elliptic.P256()
case signatureECDSAWithP384AndSHA384:
curve = elliptic.P384()
case signatureECDSAWithP521AndSHA512:
curve = elliptic.P521()
panic("internal error")
priv, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(curve, rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
dcPriv = priv
panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported DC signature algorithm: %x", dcAlgo))
lifetime := config.lifetime
if lifetime == 0 {
lifetime = 24 * time.Hour
lifetimeSecs := int64(lifetime.Seconds())
if lifetimeSecs < 0 || lifetimeSecs > 1<<32 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("lifetime %s is too long to be expressed", lifetime))
dc := cryptobyte.NewBuilder(nil)
pubBytes, err := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(dcPriv.Public())
if err != nil {
addUint24LengthPrefixedBytes(dc, pubBytes)
var dummyConfig Config
parentSignature, err := signMessage(false /* server */, VersionTLS13, parent.PrivateKey, &dummyConfig, config.algo, delegatedCredentialSignedMessage(dc.BytesOrPanic(), config.algo, parent.Leaf.Raw))
if err != nil {
addUint16LengthPrefixedBytes(dc, parentSignature)
dcCred := *parent
dcCred.Type = CredentialTypeDelegated
dcCred.DelegatedCredential = dc.BytesOrPanic()
dcCred.PrivateKey = dcPriv
dcCred.KeyPath = writeTempKeyFile(dcPriv)
return &dcCred
// recordVersionToWire maps a record-layer protocol version to its wire
// representation.
func recordVersionToWire(vers uint16, protocol protocol) uint16 {
if protocol == dtls {
switch vers {
case VersionTLS12:
return VersionDTLS12
case VersionTLS10:
return VersionDTLS10
} else {
switch vers {
case VersionSSL30, VersionTLS10, VersionTLS11, VersionTLS12:
return vers
panic("unknown version")
// encodeDERValues encodes a series of bytestrings in comma-separated-hex form.
func encodeDERValues(values [][]byte) string {
var ret string
for i, v := range values {
if i > 0 {
ret += ","
ret += hex.EncodeToString(v)
return ret
func decodeHexOrPanic(in string) []byte {
ret, err := hex.DecodeString(in)
if err != nil {
return ret
type testType int
const (
clientTest testType = iota
func (t testType) String() string {
switch t {
case clientTest:
return "Client"
case serverTest:
return "Server"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad test type %d", t))
type protocol int
const (
tls protocol = iota
func (p protocol) String() string {
switch p {
case tls:
return "TLS"
case dtls:
return "DTLS"
case quic:
return "QUIC"
return "unknown protocol"
const (
alpn = 1
npn = 2
// connectionExpectations contains connection-level test expectations to check
// on the runner side.
type connectionExpectations struct {
// version, if non-zero, specifies the TLS version that must be negotiated.
version uint16
// cipher, if non-zero, specifies the TLS cipher suite that should be
// negotiated.
cipher uint16
// channelID controls whether the connection should have negotiated a
// Channel ID with channelIDKey.
channelID bool
// nextProto controls whether the connection should negotiate a next
// protocol via NPN or ALPN.
nextProto string
// noNextProto, if true, means that no next protocol should be negotiated.
noNextProto bool
// nextProtoType, if non-zero, is the next protocol negotiation mechanism.
nextProtoType int
// srtpProtectionProfile is the DTLS-SRTP profile that should be negotiated.
// If zero, none should be negotiated.
srtpProtectionProfile uint16
// peerSignatureAlgorithm, if not zero, is the signature algorithm that the
// peer should have used in the handshake.
peerSignatureAlgorithm signatureAlgorithm
// curveID, if not zero, is the curve that the handshake should have used.
curveID CurveID
// peerCertificate, if not nil, is the credential the peer is expected to
// send.
peerCertificate *Credential
// quicTransportParams contains the QUIC transport parameters that are to be
// sent by the peer using codepoint 57.
quicTransportParams []byte
// quicTransportParamsLegacy contains the QUIC transport parameters that are
// to be sent by the peer using legacy codepoint 0xffa5.
quicTransportParamsLegacy []byte
// peerApplicationSettings are the expected application settings for the
// connection. If nil, no application settings are expected.
peerApplicationSettings []byte
// peerApplicationSettingsOld are the expected application settings for
// the connection that are to be sent by the peer using old codepoint.
// If nil, no application settings are expected.
peerApplicationSettingsOld []byte
// echAccepted is whether ECH should have been accepted on this connection.
echAccepted bool
type testCase struct {
testType testType
protocol protocol
name string
config Config
shouldFail bool
expectedError string
// expectedLocalError, if not empty, contains a substring that must be
// found in the local error.
expectedLocalError string
// expectations contains test expectations for the initial
// connection.
expectations connectionExpectations
// resumeExpectations, if non-nil, contains test expectations for the
// resumption connection. If nil, |expectations| is used.
resumeExpectations *connectionExpectations
// messageLen is the length, in bytes, of the test message that will be
// sent.
messageLen int
// messageCount is the number of test messages that will be sent.
messageCount int
// resumeSession controls whether a second connection should be tested
// which attempts to resume the first session.
resumeSession bool
// resumeRenewedSession controls whether a third connection should be
// tested which attempts to resume the second connection's session.
resumeRenewedSession bool
// expectResumeRejected, if true, specifies that the attempted
// resumption must be rejected by the client. This is only valid for a
// serverTest.
expectResumeRejected bool
// resumeConfig, if not nil, points to a Config to be used on
// resumption. Unless newSessionsOnResume is set,
// SessionTicketKey, ServerSessionCache, and
// ClientSessionCache are copied from the initial connection's
// config. If nil, the initial connection's config is used.
resumeConfig *Config
// newSessionsOnResume, if true, will cause resumeConfig to
// use a different session resumption context.
newSessionsOnResume bool
// noSessionCache, if true, will cause the server to run without a
// session cache.
noSessionCache bool
// sendPrefix sends a prefix on the socket before actually performing a
// handshake.
sendPrefix string
// shimWritesFirst controls whether the shim sends an initial "hello"
// message before doing a roundtrip with the runner.
shimWritesFirst bool
// readWithUnfinishedWrite behaves like shimWritesFirst, but the shim
// does not complete the write until responding to the first runner
// message.
readWithUnfinishedWrite bool
// shimShutsDown, if true, runs a test where the shim shuts down the
// connection immediately after the handshake rather than echoing
// messages from the runner. The runner will default to not sending
// application data.
shimShutsDown bool
// renegotiate indicates the number of times the connection should be
// renegotiated during the exchange.
renegotiate int
// sendHalfHelloRequest, if true, causes the server to send half a
// HelloRequest when the handshake completes.
sendHalfHelloRequest bool
// renegotiateCiphers is a list of ciphersuite ids that will be
// switched in just before renegotiation.
renegotiateCiphers []uint16
// replayWrites, if true, configures the underlying transport
// to replay every write it makes in DTLS tests.
replayWrites bool
// damageFirstWrite, if true, configures the underlying transport to
// damage the final byte of the first application data write.
damageFirstWrite bool
// exportKeyingMaterial, if non-zero, configures the test to exchange
// keying material and verify they match.
exportKeyingMaterial int
exportLabel string
exportContext string
useExportContext bool
// flags, if not empty, contains a list of command-line flags that will
// be passed to the shim program.
flags []string
// testTLSUnique, if true, causes the shim to send the tls-unique value
// which will be compared against the expected value.
testTLSUnique bool
// sendEmptyRecords is the number of consecutive empty records to send
// before each test message.
sendEmptyRecords int
// sendWarningAlerts is the number of consecutive warning alerts to send
// before each test message.
sendWarningAlerts int
// sendUserCanceledAlerts is the number of consecutive user_canceled alerts to
// send before each test message.
sendUserCanceledAlerts int
// sendBogusAlertType, if true, causes a bogus alert of invalid type to
// be sent before each test message.
sendBogusAlertType bool
// sendKeyUpdates is the number of consecutive key updates to send
// before and after the test message.
sendKeyUpdates int
// keyUpdateRequest is the KeyUpdateRequest value to send in KeyUpdate messages.
keyUpdateRequest byte
// shimSendsKeyUpdateBeforeRead indicates the shim should send a KeyUpdate
// message before each read.
shimSendsKeyUpdateBeforeRead bool
// expectUnsolicitedKeyUpdate makes the test expect a one or more KeyUpdate
// messages while reading data from the shim. Don't use this in combination
// with any of the fields that send a KeyUpdate otherwise any received
// KeyUpdate might not be as unsolicited as expected.
expectUnsolicitedKeyUpdate bool
// expectMessageDropped, if true, means the test message is expected to
// be dropped by the client rather than echoed back.
expectMessageDropped bool
// shimPrefix is the prefix that the shim will send to the server.
shimPrefix string
// resumeShimPrefix is the prefix that the shim will send to the server on a
// resumption.
resumeShimPrefix string
// exportTrafficSecrets, if true, configures the test to export the TLS 1.3
// traffic secrets and confirms that they match.
exportTrafficSecrets bool
// skipTransportParamsConfig, if true, will skip automatic configuration of
// sending QUIC transport parameters when protocol == quic.
skipTransportParamsConfig bool
// skipQUICALPNConfig, if true, will skip automatic configuration of
// sending a fake ALPN when protocol == quic.
skipQUICALPNConfig bool
// earlyData, if true, configures default settings for an early data test.
// expectEarlyDataRejected controls whether the test is for early data
// accept or reject. In a client test, the shim will be configured to send
// an initial write in early data which, on accept, the runner will enforce.
// In a server test, the runner will send some default message in early
// data, which the shim is expected to echo in half-RTT.
earlyData bool
// expectEarlyDataRejected, if earlyData is true, is whether early data is
// expected to be rejected. In a client test, this controls whether the shim
// should retry for early rejection. In a server test, this is whether the
// test expects the shim to reject early data.
expectEarlyDataRejected bool
// skipSplitHandshake, if true, will skip the generation of a split
// handshake copy of the test.
skipSplitHandshake bool
// skipHints, if true, will skip the generation of a handshake hints copy of
// the test.
skipHints bool
// skipVersionNameCheck, if true, will skip the consistency check between
// test name and the versions.
skipVersionNameCheck bool
// shimCertificate, if not nil, is the default credential which should be
// configured at the shim. If set, it must be an X.509 credential.
shimCertificate *Credential
// handshakerCertificate, if not nil, overrides the default credential which
// on the handshaker.
handshakerCertificate *Credential
// shimCredentials is a list of credentials which should be configured at
// the shim. It differs from shimCertificate only in whether the old or
// new APIs are used.
shimCredentials []*Credential
resumeShimCredentials []*Credential
var testCases []testCase
func appendTranscript(path string, data []byte) error {
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil
settings, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
// If the shim aborted before writing a file, use a default
// settings block, so the transcript is still somewhat valid.
settings = []byte{0, 0} // kDataTag
settings = append(settings, data...)
return os.WriteFile(path, settings, 0644)
// A timeoutConn implements an idle timeout on each Read and Write operation.
type timeoutConn struct {
timeout time.Duration
func (t *timeoutConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
if !*useGDB {
if err := t.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(t.timeout)); err != nil {
return 0, err
return t.Conn.Read(b)
func (t *timeoutConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
if !*useGDB {
if err := t.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(t.timeout)); err != nil {
return 0, err
return t.Conn.Write(b)
func makeTestMessage(msgIdx int, messageLen int) []byte {
testMessage := make([]byte, messageLen)
for i := range testMessage {
testMessage[i] = 0x42 ^ byte(msgIdx)
return testMessage
func expectedReply(b []byte) []byte {
ret := make([]byte, len(b))
for i, v := range b {
ret[i] = v ^ 0xff
return ret
func doExchange(test *testCase, config *Config, conn net.Conn, isResume bool, transcripts *[][]byte, num int) error {
if !test.noSessionCache {
if config.ClientSessionCache == nil {
config.ClientSessionCache = NewLRUClientSessionCache(1)
if config.ServerSessionCache == nil {
config.ServerSessionCache = NewLRUServerSessionCache(1)
if test.testType != clientTest {
// Supply a ServerName to ensure a constant session cache key,
// rather than falling back to net.Conn.RemoteAddr.
if len(config.ServerName) == 0 {
config.ServerName = "test"
if *fuzzer {
config.Bugs.NullAllCiphers = true
if *deterministic {
config.Time = func() time.Time { return time.Unix(1234, 1234) }
if !useDebugger() {
conn = &timeoutConn{conn, *idleTimeout}
if test.protocol == dtls {
config.Bugs.PacketAdaptor = newPacketAdaptor(conn)
conn = config.Bugs.PacketAdaptor
if *flagDebug || len(*transcriptDir) != 0 {
local, peer := "client", "server"
if test.testType == clientTest {
local, peer = peer, local
connDebug := &recordingConn{
Conn: conn,
isDatagram: test.protocol == dtls,
local: local,
peer: peer,
conn = connDebug
if *flagDebug {
defer connDebug.WriteTo(os.Stdout)
if len(*transcriptDir) != 0 {
defer func() {
if num == len(*transcripts) {
*transcripts = append(*transcripts, connDebug.Transcript())
} else {
panic("transcripts are out of sync")
// Record ClientHellos for the decode_client_hello_inner fuzzer.
var clientHelloCount int
config.Bugs.RecordClientHelloInner = func(encodedInner, outer []byte) error {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-%d",, num, clientHelloCount)
dir := filepath.Join(*transcriptDir, "decode_client_hello_inner")
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755); err != nil {
return err
bb := cryptobyte.NewBuilder(nil)
addUint24LengthPrefixedBytes(bb, encodedInner)
return os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, name), bb.BytesOrPanic(), 0644)
if config.Bugs.PacketAdaptor != nil {
config.Bugs.PacketAdaptor.debug = connDebug
if test.protocol == quic {
config.Bugs.MockQUICTransport = newMockQUICTransport(conn)
// The MockQUICTransport will panic if Read or Write is
// called. When a MockQUICTransport is set, separate
// methods should be used to actually read and write
// records. By setting the conn to it here, it ensures
// Read or Write aren't accidentally used instead of the
// methods provided by MockQUICTransport.
conn = config.Bugs.MockQUICTransport
if test.replayWrites {
conn = newReplayAdaptor(conn)
var connDamage *damageAdaptor
if test.damageFirstWrite {
connDamage = newDamageAdaptor(conn)
conn = connDamage
if test.sendPrefix != "" {
if _, err := conn.Write([]byte(test.sendPrefix)); err != nil {
return err
var tlsConn *Conn
if test.testType == clientTest {
if test.protocol == dtls {
tlsConn = DTLSServer(conn, config)
} else {
tlsConn = Server(conn, config)
} else {
config.InsecureSkipVerify = true
if test.protocol == dtls {
tlsConn = DTLSClient(conn, config)
} else {
tlsConn = Client(conn, config)
defer tlsConn.Close()
if err := tlsConn.Handshake(); err != nil {
return err
expectations := &test.expectations
if isResume && test.resumeExpectations != nil {
expectations = test.resumeExpectations
connState := tlsConn.ConnectionState()
if vers := connState.Version; expectations.version != 0 && vers != expectations.version {
return fmt.Errorf("got version %x, expected %x", vers, expectations.version)
if cipher := connState.CipherSuite; expectations.cipher != 0 && cipher != expectations.cipher {
return fmt.Errorf("got cipher %x, expected %x", cipher, expectations.cipher)
if didResume := connState.DidResume; isResume && didResume == test.expectResumeRejected {
return fmt.Errorf("didResume is %t, but we expected the opposite", didResume)
if expectations.channelID {
channelID := connState.ChannelID
if channelID == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no channel ID negotiated")
if channelID.Curve != channelIDKey.Curve ||
channelIDKey.X.Cmp(channelIDKey.X) != 0 ||
channelIDKey.Y.Cmp(channelIDKey.Y) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("incorrect channel ID")
} else if connState.ChannelID != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("channel ID unexpectedly negotiated")
if expected := expectations.nextProto; expected != "" {
if actual := connState.NegotiatedProtocol; actual != expected {
return fmt.Errorf("next proto mismatch: got %s, wanted %s", actual, expected)
if expectations.noNextProto {
if actual := connState.NegotiatedProtocol; actual != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("got unexpected next proto %s", actual)
if expectations.nextProtoType != 0 {
if (expectations.nextProtoType == alpn) != connState.NegotiatedProtocolFromALPN {
return fmt.Errorf("next proto type mismatch")
if expectations.peerApplicationSettings != nil {
if !connState.HasApplicationSettings {
return errors.New("application settings should have been negotiated")
if !bytes.Equal(connState.PeerApplicationSettings, expectations.peerApplicationSettings) {
return fmt.Errorf("peer application settings mismatch: got %q, wanted %q", connState.PeerApplicationSettings, expectations.peerApplicationSettings)
} else if connState.HasApplicationSettings {
return errors.New("application settings unexpectedly negotiated")
if expectations.peerApplicationSettingsOld != nil {
if !connState.HasApplicationSettingsOld {
return errors.New("old application settings should have been negotiated")
if !bytes.Equal(connState.PeerApplicationSettingsOld, expectations.peerApplicationSettingsOld) {
return fmt.Errorf("old peer application settings mismatch: got %q, wanted %q", connState.PeerApplicationSettingsOld, expectations.peerApplicationSettingsOld)
} else if connState.HasApplicationSettingsOld {
return errors.New("old application settings unexpectedly negotiated")
if p := connState.SRTPProtectionProfile; p != expectations.srtpProtectionProfile {
return fmt.Errorf("SRTP profile mismatch: got %d, wanted %d", p, expectations.srtpProtectionProfile)
if expected := expectations.peerSignatureAlgorithm; expected != 0 && expected != connState.PeerSignatureAlgorithm {
return fmt.Errorf("expected peer to use signature algorithm %04x, but got %04x", expected, connState.PeerSignatureAlgorithm)
if expected := expectations.curveID; expected != 0 && expected != connState.CurveID {
return fmt.Errorf("expected peer to use curve %04x, but got %04x", expected, connState.CurveID)
if expected := expectations.peerCertificate; expected != nil {
if len(connState.PeerCertificates) != len(expected.Certificate) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected peer to send %d certificates, but got %d", len(connState.PeerCertificates), len(expected.Certificate))
for i, cert := range connState.PeerCertificates {
if !bytes.Equal(cert.Raw, expected.Certificate[i]) {
return fmt.Errorf("peer certificate %d did not match", i+1)
if !bytes.Equal(connState.OCSPResponse, expected.OCSPStaple) {
return fmt.Errorf("peer OCSP response did not match")
if !bytes.Equal(connState.SCTList, expected.SignedCertificateTimestampList) {
return fmt.Errorf("peer SCT list did not match")
if expected.Type == CredentialTypeDelegated {
if connState.PeerDelegatedCredential == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("peer unexpectedly did not use delegated credentials")
if !bytes.Equal(expected.DelegatedCredential, connState.PeerDelegatedCredential) {
return fmt.Errorf("peer delegated credential did not match")
} else if connState.PeerDelegatedCredential != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("peer unexpectedly used delegated credentials")
if len(expectations.quicTransportParams) > 0 {
if !bytes.Equal(expectations.quicTransportParams, connState.QUICTransportParams) {
return errors.New("Peer did not send expected QUIC transport params")
if len(expectations.quicTransportParamsLegacy) > 0 {
if !bytes.Equal(expectations.quicTransportParamsLegacy, connState.QUICTransportParamsLegacy) {
return errors.New("Peer did not send expected legacy QUIC transport params")
if expectations.echAccepted {
if !connState.ECHAccepted {
return errors.New("tls: server did not accept ECH")
} else {
if connState.ECHAccepted {
return errors.New("tls: server unexpectedly accepted ECH")
if test.exportKeyingMaterial > 0 {
actual := make([]byte, test.exportKeyingMaterial)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, actual); err != nil {
return err
expected, err := tlsConn.ExportKeyingMaterial(test.exportKeyingMaterial, []byte(test.exportLabel), []byte(test.exportContext), test.useExportContext)
if err != nil {
return err
if !bytes.Equal(actual, expected) {
return fmt.Errorf("keying material mismatch; got %x, wanted %x", actual, expected)
if test.exportTrafficSecrets {
secretLenBytes := make([]byte, 2)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, secretLenBytes); err != nil {
return err
secretLen := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(secretLenBytes)
theirReadSecret := make([]byte, secretLen)
theirWriteSecret := make([]byte, secretLen)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, theirReadSecret); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, theirWriteSecret); err != nil {
return err
myReadSecret :=
myWriteSecret := tlsConn.out.trafficSecret
if !bytes.Equal(myWriteSecret, theirReadSecret) {
return fmt.Errorf("read traffic-secret mismatch; got %x, wanted %x", theirReadSecret, myWriteSecret)
if !bytes.Equal(myReadSecret, theirWriteSecret) {
return fmt.Errorf("write traffic-secret mismatch; got %x, wanted %x", theirWriteSecret, myReadSecret)
if test.testTLSUnique {
var peersValue [12]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, peersValue[:]); err != nil {
return err
expected := tlsConn.ConnectionState().TLSUnique
if !bytes.Equal(peersValue[:], expected) {
return fmt.Errorf("tls-unique mismatch: peer sent %x, but %x was expected", peersValue[:], expected)
if test.sendHalfHelloRequest {
shimPrefix := test.shimPrefix
if isResume {
shimPrefix = test.resumeShimPrefix
if test.shimWritesFirst || test.readWithUnfinishedWrite {
shimPrefix = shimInitialWrite
if test.renegotiate > 0 {
// If readWithUnfinishedWrite is set, the shim prefix will be
// available later.
if shimPrefix != "" && !test.readWithUnfinishedWrite {
buf := make([]byte, len(shimPrefix))
_, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, buf)
if err != nil {
return err
if string(buf) != shimPrefix {
return fmt.Errorf("bad initial message %v vs %v", string(buf), shimPrefix)
shimPrefix = ""
if test.renegotiateCiphers != nil {
config.CipherSuites = test.renegotiateCiphers
for i := 0; i < test.renegotiate; i++ {
if err := tlsConn.Renegotiate(); err != nil {
return err
} else if test.renegotiateCiphers != nil {
panic("renegotiateCiphers without renegotiate")
if test.damageFirstWrite {
if _, err := tlsConn.Write([]byte("DAMAGED WRITE")); err != nil {
return err
messageLen := test.messageLen
if messageLen < 0 {
if test.protocol == dtls {
return fmt.Errorf("messageLen < 0 not supported for DTLS tests")
// Read until EOF.
_, err := io.Copy(io.Discard, tlsConn)
return err
if messageLen == 0 {
messageLen = 32
messageCount := test.messageCount
// shimShutsDown sets the default message count to zero.
if messageCount == 0 && !test.shimShutsDown {
messageCount = 1
for j := 0; j < messageCount; j++ {
for i := 0; i < test.sendKeyUpdates; i++ {
if err := tlsConn.SendKeyUpdate(test.keyUpdateRequest); err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < test.sendEmptyRecords; i++ {
if _, err := tlsConn.Write(nil); err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < test.sendWarningAlerts; i++ {
if err := tlsConn.SendAlert(alertLevelWarning, alertUnexpectedMessage); err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < test.sendUserCanceledAlerts; i++ {
if err := tlsConn.SendAlert(alertLevelWarning, alertUserCanceled); err != nil {
return err
if test.sendBogusAlertType {
if err := tlsConn.SendAlert(0x42, alertUnexpectedMessage); err != nil {
return err
if test.shimSendsKeyUpdateBeforeRead {
if err := tlsConn.ReadKeyUpdate(); err != nil {
return err
testMessage := makeTestMessage(j, messageLen)
if _, err := tlsConn.Write(testMessage); err != nil {
return err
// Consume the shim prefix if needed.
if shimPrefix != "" {
buf := make([]byte, len(shimPrefix))
_, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, buf)
if err != nil {
return err
if string(buf) != shimPrefix {
return fmt.Errorf("bad initial message %v vs %v", string(buf), shimPrefix)
shimPrefix = ""
if test.shimShutsDown || test.expectMessageDropped {
// The shim will not respond.
// Process the KeyUpdate reply. However many KeyUpdates the runner
// sends, the shim should respond only once.
if test.sendKeyUpdates > 0 && test.keyUpdateRequest == keyUpdateRequested {
if err := tlsConn.ReadKeyUpdate(); err != nil {
return err
buf := make([]byte, len(testMessage))
if test.protocol == dtls {
bufTmp := make([]byte, len(buf)+1)
n, err := tlsConn.Read(bufTmp)
if err != nil {
return err
if config.Bugs.SplitAndPackAppData {
m, err := tlsConn.Read(bufTmp[n:])
if err != nil {
return err
n += m
if n != len(buf) {
return fmt.Errorf("bad reply; length mismatch (%d vs %d)", n, len(buf))
copy(buf, bufTmp)
} else {
_, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, buf)
if err != nil {
return err
if expected := expectedReply(testMessage); !bytes.Equal(buf, expected) {
return fmt.Errorf("bad reply contents; got %x and wanted %x", buf, expected)
if seen := tlsConn.keyUpdateSeen; seen != test.expectUnsolicitedKeyUpdate {
return fmt.Errorf("keyUpdateSeen (%t) != expectUnsolicitedKeyUpdate", seen)
// The shim will end attempting to read, sending one last KeyUpdate. Consume
// the KeyUpdate before closing the connection.
if test.shimSendsKeyUpdateBeforeRead {
if err := tlsConn.ReadKeyUpdate(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
const xtermSize = "140x50"
func valgrindOf(dbAttach bool, path string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
valgrindArgs := []string{"--error-exitcode=99", "--track-origins=yes", "--leak-check=full", "--quiet"}
if dbAttach {
valgrindArgs = append(valgrindArgs, "--db-attach=yes", "--db-command=xterm -geometry "+xtermSize+" -e gdb -nw %f %p")
valgrindArgs = append(valgrindArgs, path)
valgrindArgs = append(valgrindArgs, args...)
return exec.Command("valgrind", valgrindArgs...)
func gdbOf(path string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
xtermArgs := []string{"-geometry", xtermSize, "-e", "gdb", "--args"}
xtermArgs = append(xtermArgs, path)
xtermArgs = append(xtermArgs, args...)
return exec.Command("xterm", xtermArgs...)
func lldbOf(path string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
xtermArgs := []string{"-geometry", xtermSize, "-e", "lldb", "--"}
xtermArgs = append(xtermArgs, path)
xtermArgs = append(xtermArgs, args...)
return exec.Command("xterm", xtermArgs...)
func rrOf(path string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
rrArgs := []string{"record", path}
rrArgs = append(rrArgs, args...)
return exec.Command("rr", rrArgs...)
func removeFirstLineIfSuffix(s, suffix string) string {
idx := strings.IndexByte(s, '\n')
if idx < 0 {
return s
if strings.HasSuffix(s[:idx], suffix) {
return s[idx+1:]
return s
var (
errMoreMallocs = errors.New("child process did not exhaust all allocation calls")
errUnimplemented = errors.New("child process does not implement needed flags")
type shimProcess struct {
cmd *exec.Cmd
// done is closed when the process has exited. At that point, childErr may be
// read for the result.
done chan struct{}
childErr error
listener *shimListener
stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
// newShimProcess starts a new shim with the specified executable, flags, and
// environment. It internally creates a TCP listener and adds the the -port
// flag.
func newShimProcess(dispatcher *shimDispatcher, shimPath string, flags []string, env []string) (*shimProcess, error) {
listener, err := dispatcher.NewShim()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
shim := &shimProcess{listener: listener}
cmdFlags := []string{
"-port", strconv.Itoa(listener.Port()),
"-shim-id", strconv.FormatUint(listener.ShimID(), 10),
if listener.IsIPv6() {
cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, "-ipv6")
cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, flags...)
if *useValgrind {
shim.cmd = valgrindOf(false, shimPath, cmdFlags...)
} else if *useGDB {
shim.cmd = gdbOf(shimPath, cmdFlags...)
} else if *useLLDB {
shim.cmd = lldbOf(shimPath, cmdFlags...)
} else if *useRR {
shim.cmd = rrOf(shimPath, cmdFlags...)
} else {
shim.cmd = exec.Command(shimPath, cmdFlags...)
shim.cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
shim.cmd.Stdout = &shim.stdout
shim.cmd.Stderr = &shim.stderr
shim.cmd.Env = env
if err := shim.cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, err
shim.done = make(chan struct{})
go func() {
shim.childErr = shim.cmd.Wait()
return shim, nil
// accept returns a new TCP connection with the shim process, or returns an
// error on timeout or shim exit.
func (s *shimProcess) accept() (net.Conn, error) {
var deadline time.Time
if !useDebugger() {
deadline = time.Now().Add(*idleTimeout)
return s.listener.Accept(deadline)
// wait finishes the test and waits for the shim process to exit.
func (s *shimProcess) wait() error {
// Close the listener now. This is to avoid hangs if the shim tries to open
// more connections than expected.
if !useDebugger() {
waitTimeout := time.AfterFunc(*idleTimeout, func() {
defer waitTimeout.Stop()
return s.childErr
// close releases resources associated with the shimProcess. This is safe to
// call before or after |wait|.
func (s *shimProcess) close() {
func doExchanges(test *testCase, shim *shimProcess, resumeCount int, transcripts *[][]byte) error {
config := test.config
if *deterministic {
config.Rand = &deterministicRand{}
conn, err := shim.accept()
if err != nil {
return err
err = doExchange(test, &config, conn, false /* not a resumption */, transcripts, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
nextTicketKey := config.SessionTicketKey
for i := 0; i < resumeCount; i++ {
var resumeConfig Config
if test.resumeConfig != nil {
resumeConfig = *test.resumeConfig
resumeConfig.Rand = config.Rand
if resumeConfig.Credential == nil {
resumeConfig.Credential = config.Credential
} else {
resumeConfig = config
if test.newSessionsOnResume {
resumeConfig.ClientSessionCache = nil
resumeConfig.ServerSessionCache = nil
if _, err := resumeConfig.rand().Read(resumeConfig.SessionTicketKey[:]); err != nil {
return err
} else {
resumeConfig.ClientSessionCache = config.ClientSessionCache
resumeConfig.ServerSessionCache = config.ServerSessionCache
// Rotate the ticket keys between each connection, with each connection
// encrypting with next connection's keys. This ensures that we test
// the renewed sessions.
resumeConfig.SessionTicketKey = nextTicketKey
if _, err := resumeConfig.rand().Read(nextTicketKey[:]); err != nil {
return err
resumeConfig.Bugs.EncryptSessionTicketKey = &nextTicketKey
var connResume net.Conn
connResume, err = shim.accept()
if err != nil {
return err
err = doExchange(test, &resumeConfig, connResume, true /* resumption */, transcripts, i+1)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func translateExpectedError(errorStr string) string {
if translated, ok := shimConfig.ErrorMap[errorStr]; ok {
return translated
if *looseErrors {
return ""
return errorStr
// shimInitialWrite is the data we expect from the shim when the
// -shim-writes-first flag is used.
const shimInitialWrite = "hello"
func appendCredentialFlags(flags []string, cred *Credential, prefix string, newCredential bool) []string {
if newCredential {
switch cred.Type {
case CredentialTypeX509:
flags = append(flags, prefix+"-new-x509-credential")
case CredentialTypeDelegated:
flags = append(flags, prefix+"-new-delegated-credential")
case CredentialTypeSPAKE2PlusV1:
flags = append(flags, prefix+"-new-spake2plusv1-credential")
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown credential type %d", cred.Type))
} else if cred.Type != CredentialTypeX509 {
panic("default credential must be X.509")
handleBase64Field := func(flag string, value []byte) {
if len(value) != 0 {
flags = append(flags, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", prefix, flag), base64FlagValue(value))
if len(cred.ChainPath) != 0 {
flags = append(flags, prefix+"-cert-file", cred.ChainPath)
if len(cred.KeyPath) != 0 {
flags = append(flags, prefix+"-key-file", cred.KeyPath)
handleBase64Field("ocsp-response", cred.OCSPStaple)
handleBase64Field("signed-cert-timestamps", cred.SignedCertificateTimestampList)
for _, sigAlg := range cred.SignatureAlgorithms {
flags = append(flags, prefix+"-signing-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(sigAlg)))
handleBase64Field("delegated-credential", cred.DelegatedCredential)
handleBase64Field("pake-context", cred.PAKEContext)
handleBase64Field("pake-client-id", cred.PAKEClientID)
handleBase64Field("pake-server-id", cred.PAKEServerID)
handleBase64Field("pake-password", cred.PAKEPassword)
if cred.WrongPAKERole {
flags = append(flags, prefix+"-wrong-pake-role")
return flags
func runTest(dispatcher *shimDispatcher, statusChan chan statusMsg, test *testCase, shimPath string, mallocNumToFail int64) error {
// Help debugging panics on the Go side.
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Test '%s' panicked.\n",
var flags []string
if len(*shimExtraFlags) > 0 {
flags = strings.Split(*shimExtraFlags, ";")
if test.testType == serverTest {
flags = append(flags, "-server")
// Configure the default credential.
shimCertificate := test.shimCertificate
if shimCertificate == nil && len(test.shimCredentials) == 0 && len(test.resumeShimCredentials) == 0 && test.testType == serverTest && len(test.config.PreSharedKey) == 0 {
shimCertificate = &rsaCertificate
if shimCertificate != nil {
var shimPrefix string
if test.handshakerCertificate != nil {
shimPrefix = "-on-shim"
flags = appendCredentialFlags(flags, shimCertificate, shimPrefix, false)
if test.handshakerCertificate != nil {
flags = appendCredentialFlags(flags, test.handshakerCertificate, "-on-handshaker", false)
// Configure any additional credentials.
for _, cred := range test.shimCredentials {
flags = appendCredentialFlags(flags, cred, "", true)
for _, cred := range test.resumeShimCredentials {
flags = appendCredentialFlags(flags, cred, "-on-resume", true)
if test.protocol == dtls {
flags = append(flags, "-dtls")
} else if test.protocol == quic {
flags = append(flags, "-quic")
if !test.skipTransportParamsConfig {
test.config.QUICTransportParams = []byte{1, 2}
test.config.QUICTransportParamsUseLegacyCodepoint = QUICUseCodepointStandard
if test.resumeConfig != nil {
test.resumeConfig.QUICTransportParams = []byte{1, 2}
test.resumeConfig.QUICTransportParamsUseLegacyCodepoint = QUICUseCodepointStandard
test.expectations.quicTransportParams = []byte{3, 4}
if test.resumeExpectations != nil {
test.resumeExpectations.quicTransportParams = []byte{3, 4}
useCodepointFlag := "0"
if test.config.QUICTransportParamsUseLegacyCodepoint == QUICUseCodepointLegacy {
useCodepointFlag = "1"
flags = append(flags,
base64FlagValue([]byte{3, 4}),
base64FlagValue([]byte{1, 2}),
"-quic-use-legacy-codepoint", useCodepointFlag)
if !test.skipQUICALPNConfig {
flags = append(flags,
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
"-select-alpn", "foo",
"-expect-alpn", "foo",
test.config.NextProtos = []string{"foo"}
if test.resumeConfig != nil {
test.resumeConfig.NextProtos = []string{"foo"}
test.expectations.nextProto = "foo"
test.expectations.nextProtoType = alpn
if test.resumeExpectations != nil {
test.resumeExpectations.nextProto = "foo"
test.resumeExpectations.nextProtoType = alpn
if test.earlyData {
if !test.resumeSession {
panic("earlyData set without resumeSession in " +
resumeConfig := test.resumeConfig
if resumeConfig == nil {
resumeConfig = &test.config
if test.expectEarlyDataRejected {
flags = append(flags, "-on-resume-expect-reject-early-data")
} else {
flags = append(flags, "-on-resume-expect-accept-early-data")
if test.protocol == quic {
// QUIC requires an early data context string.
flags = append(flags, "-quic-early-data-context", "context")
flags = append(flags, "-enable-early-data")
if test.testType == clientTest {
// Configure the runner with default maximum early data.
flags = append(flags, "-expect-ticket-supports-early-data")
if test.config.MaxEarlyDataSize == 0 {
test.config.MaxEarlyDataSize = 16384
if resumeConfig.MaxEarlyDataSize == 0 {
resumeConfig.MaxEarlyDataSize = 16384
// In DTLS 1.3, we're setting flags to configure the client to attempt
// sending early data, but we expect it to realize that it's incapable
// of supporting early data and not send any.
if test.protocol != dtls {
// Configure the shim to send some data in early data.
flags = append(flags, "-on-resume-shim-writes-first")
if resumeConfig.Bugs.ExpectEarlyData == nil {
resumeConfig.Bugs.ExpectEarlyData = [][]byte{[]byte(shimInitialWrite)}
} else {
// By default, send some early data and expect half-RTT data response.
if resumeConfig.Bugs.SendEarlyData == nil {
resumeConfig.Bugs.SendEarlyData = [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}}
if resumeConfig.Bugs.ExpectHalfRTTData == nil {
resumeConfig.Bugs.ExpectHalfRTTData = [][]byte{{254, 253, 252, 251}}
resumeConfig.Bugs.ExpectEarlyDataAccepted = !test.expectEarlyDataRejected
var resumeCount int
if test.resumeSession {
if test.resumeRenewedSession {
if resumeCount > 0 {
flags = append(flags, "-resume-count", strconv.Itoa(resumeCount))
if test.shimWritesFirst {
flags = append(flags, "-shim-writes-first")
if test.readWithUnfinishedWrite {
flags = append(flags, "-read-with-unfinished-write")
if test.shimShutsDown {
flags = append(flags, "-shim-shuts-down")
if test.exportKeyingMaterial > 0 {
flags = append(flags, "-export-keying-material", strconv.Itoa(test.exportKeyingMaterial))
if test.useExportContext {
flags = append(flags, "-use-export-context")
if test.exportKeyingMaterial > 0 {
flags = append(flags, "-export-label", test.exportLabel)
flags = append(flags, "-export-context", test.exportContext)
if test.exportTrafficSecrets {
flags = append(flags, "-export-traffic-secrets")
if test.expectResumeRejected {
flags = append(flags, "-expect-session-miss")
if test.testTLSUnique {
flags = append(flags, "-tls-unique")
if test.shimSendsKeyUpdateBeforeRead {
flags = append(flags, "-key-update-before-read")
if *waitForDebugger {
flags = append(flags, "-wait-for-debugger")
var transcriptPrefix string
var transcripts [][]byte
if len(*transcriptDir) != 0 {
protocol := "tls"
if test.protocol == dtls {
protocol = "dtls"
} else if test.protocol == quic {
protocol = "quic"
side := "client"
if test.testType == serverTest {
side = "server"
dir := filepath.Join(*transcriptDir, protocol, side)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755); err != nil {
return err
transcriptPrefix = filepath.Join(dir,"-")
flags = append(flags, "-write-settings", transcriptPrefix)
if test.testType == clientTest && test.config.Credential == nil {
test.config.Credential = &rsaCertificate
if test.config.Credential != nil {
flags = append(flags, "-trust-cert", test.config.Credential.RootPath)
flags = append(flags, test.flags...)
var env []string
if mallocNumToFail >= 0 {
env = os.Environ()
env = append(env, "MALLOC_NUMBER_TO_FAIL="+strconv.FormatInt(mallocNumToFail, 10))
if *mallocTestDebug {
env = append(env, "MALLOC_BREAK_ON_FAIL=1")
env = append(env, "_MALLOC_CHECK=1")
shim, err := newShimProcess(dispatcher, shimPath, flags, env)
if err != nil {
return err
statusChan <- statusMsg{test: test, statusType: statusShimStarted, pid: shim.cmd.Process.Pid}
defer shim.close()
localErr := doExchanges(test, shim, resumeCount, &transcripts)
childErr := shim.wait()
// Now that the shim has exited, all the settings files have been
// written. Append the saved transcripts.
for i, transcript := range transcripts {
if err := appendTranscript(transcriptPrefix+strconv.Itoa(i), transcript); err != nil {
return err
var isValgrindError, mustFail bool
if exitError, ok := childErr.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
switch exitError.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus).ExitStatus() {
case 88:
return errMoreMallocs
case 89:
return errUnimplemented
case 90:
mustFail = true
case 99:
isValgrindError = true
// Account for Windows line endings.
stdout := strings.Replace(shim.stdout.String(), "\r\n", "\n", -1)
stderr := strings.Replace(shim.stderr.String(), "\r\n", "\n", -1)
// Work around an NDK / Android bug. The NDK r16 sometimes generates
// binaries with the DF_1_PIE, which the runtime linker on Android N
// complains about. The next NDK revision should work around this but,
// in the meantime, strip its error out.
// Remove this after switching to the r17 NDK.
stderr = removeFirstLineIfSuffix(stderr, ": unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x8000001")
// Separate the errors from the shim and those from tools like
// AddressSanitizer.
var extraStderr string
if stderrParts := strings.SplitN(stderr, "--- DONE ---\n", 2); len(stderrParts) == 2 {
stderr = stderrParts[0]
extraStderr = stderrParts[1]
failed := localErr != nil || childErr != nil
expectedError := translateExpectedError(test.expectedError)
correctFailure := len(expectedError) == 0 || strings.Contains(stderr, expectedError)
localErrString := "none"
if localErr != nil {
localErrString = localErr.Error()
if len(test.expectedLocalError) != 0 {
correctFailure = correctFailure && strings.Contains(localErrString, test.expectedLocalError)
if failed != test.shouldFail || failed && !correctFailure || mustFail {
childErrString := "none"
if childErr != nil {
childErrString = childErr.Error()
var msg string
switch {
case failed && !test.shouldFail:
msg = "unexpected failure"
case !failed && test.shouldFail:
msg = fmt.Sprintf("unexpected success (wanted failure with %q / %q)", expectedError, test.expectedLocalError)
case failed && !correctFailure:
msg = fmt.Sprintf("bad error (wanted %q / %q)", expectedError, test.expectedLocalError)
case mustFail:
msg = "test failure"
panic("internal error")
return fmt.Errorf("%s: local error %q, child error %q, stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s\n%s", msg, localErrString, childErrString, stdout, stderr, extraStderr)
if len(extraStderr) > 0 || (!failed && len(stderr) > 0) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected error output:\n%s\n%s", stderr, extraStderr)
if *useValgrind && isValgrindError {
return fmt.Errorf("valgrind error:\n%s\n%s", stderr, extraStderr)
return nil
type tlsVersion struct {
name string
// version is the protocol version.
version uint16
// excludeFlag is the legacy shim flag to disable the version.
excludeFlag string
hasDTLS bool
hasQUIC bool
// versionDTLS, if non-zero, is the DTLS-specific representation of the version.
versionDTLS uint16
// versionWire, if non-zero, is the wire representation of the
// version. Otherwise the wire version is the protocol version or
// versionDTLS.
versionWire uint16
func (vers tlsVersion) String() string {
func (vers tlsVersion) shimFlag(protocol protocol) string {
// The shim uses the protocol version in its public API, but uses the
// DTLS-specific version if it exists.
if protocol == dtls && vers.versionDTLS != 0 {
return strconv.Itoa(int(vers.versionDTLS))
return strconv.Itoa(int(vers.version))
func (vers tlsVersion) wire(protocol protocol) uint16 {
if protocol == dtls && vers.versionDTLS != 0 {
return vers.versionDTLS
if vers.versionWire != 0 {
return vers.versionWire
return vers.version
func (vers tlsVersion) supportsProtocol(protocol protocol) bool {
if protocol == dtls {
return vers.hasDTLS
if protocol == quic {
return vers.hasQUIC
return true
var tlsVersions = []tlsVersion{
name: "TLS1",
version: VersionTLS10,
excludeFlag: "-no-tls1",
hasDTLS: true,
versionDTLS: VersionDTLS10,
name: "TLS11",
version: VersionTLS11,
excludeFlag: "-no-tls11",
name: "TLS12",
version: VersionTLS12,
excludeFlag: "-no-tls12",
hasDTLS: true,
versionDTLS: VersionDTLS12,
name: "TLS13",
version: VersionTLS13,
excludeFlag: "-no-tls13",
hasQUIC: true,
hasDTLS: true,
versionDTLS: VersionDTLS13,
versionWire: VersionTLS13,
func allVersions(protocol protocol) []tlsVersion {
if protocol == tls {
return tlsVersions
var ret []tlsVersion
for _, vers := range tlsVersions {
if vers.supportsProtocol(protocol) {
ret = append(ret, vers)
return ret
type testCipherSuite struct {
name string
id uint16
var testCipherSuites = []testCipherSuite{
{"CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256", TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256},
{"AES_128_GCM_SHA256", TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
{"AES_256_GCM_SHA384", TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384},
func hasComponent(suiteName, component string) bool {
return strings.Contains("_"+suiteName+"_", "_"+component+"_")
func isTLS12Only(suiteName string) bool {
return hasComponent(suiteName, "GCM") ||
hasComponent(suiteName, "SHA256") ||
hasComponent(suiteName, "SHA384") ||
hasComponent(suiteName, "POLY1305")
func isTLS13Suite(suiteName string) bool {
return !hasComponent(suiteName, "WITH")
func bigFromHex(hex string) *big.Int {
ret, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(hex, 16)
if !ok {
panic("failed to parse hex number 0x" + hex)
return ret
func convertToSplitHandshakeTests(tests []testCase) (splitHandshakeTests []testCase, err error) {
var stdout bytes.Buffer
var flags []string
if len(*shimExtraFlags) > 0 {
flags = strings.Split(*shimExtraFlags, ";")
flags = append(flags, "-is-handshaker-supported")
shim := exec.Command(*shimPath, flags...)
shim.Stdout = &stdout
if err := shim.Run(); err != nil {
return nil, err
switch strings.TrimSpace(string(stdout.Bytes())) {
case "No":
case "Yes":
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown output from shim: %q", stdout.Bytes())
var allowHintMismatchPattern []string
if len(*allowHintMismatch) > 0 {
allowHintMismatchPattern = strings.Split(*allowHintMismatch, ";")
for _, test := range tests {
if test.protocol != tls ||
test.testType != serverTest ||
len(test.shimCredentials) != 0 ||
len(test.resumeShimCredentials) != 0 ||
strings.Contains(, "ECH-Server") ||
test.skipSplitHandshake {
for _, flag := range test.flags {
if flag == "-implicit-handshake" {
continue NextTest
shTest := test += "-Split"
shTest.flags = make([]string, len(test.flags), len(test.flags)+3)
copy(shTest.flags, test.flags)
shTest.flags = append(shTest.flags, "-handoff", "-handshaker-path", *handshakerPath)
splitHandshakeTests = append(splitHandshakeTests, shTest)
for _, test := range tests {
if test.protocol == dtls ||
test.testType != serverTest ||
test.skipHints {
var matched bool
if len(allowHintMismatchPattern) > 0 {
matched, err = match(allowHintMismatchPattern, nil,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error matching pattern: %s", err)
shTest := test += "-Hints"
shTest.flags = make([]string, len(test.flags), len(test.flags)+3)
copy(shTest.flags, test.flags)
shTest.flags = append(shTest.flags, "-handshake-hints", "-handshaker-path", *handshakerPath)
if matched {
shTest.flags = append(shTest.flags, "-allow-hint-mismatch")
splitHandshakeTests = append(splitHandshakeTests, shTest)
return splitHandshakeTests, nil
func addBasicTests() {
basicTests := []testCase{
name: "NoFallbackSCSV",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FailIfNotFallbackSCSV: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "no fallback SCSV found",
name: "SendFallbackSCSV",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FailIfNotFallbackSCSV: true,
flags: []string{"-fallback-scsv"},
name: "ClientCertificateTypes",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
ClientCertificateTypes: []byte{
flags: []string{
name: "CheckClientCertificateTypes",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
ClientCertificateTypes: []byte{CertTypeECDSASign},
shimCertificate: &rsaCertificate,
shouldFail: true,
name: "NoCheckClientCertificateTypes",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
ClientCertificateTypes: []byte{CertTypeECDSASign},
shimCertificate: &rsaCertificate,
flags: []string{"-no-check-client-certificate-type"},
name: "UnauthenticatedECDH",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
UnauthenticatedECDH: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
name: "SkipCertificateStatus",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Credential: rsaCertificate.WithOCSP(testOCSPResponse),
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipCertificateStatus: true,
flags: []string{
// This test involves an optional message. Test the message callback
// trace to ensure we do not miss or double-report any.
`write hs 1
read hs 2
read hs 11
read hs 12
read hs 14
write hs 16
write ccs
write hs 20
read hs 4
read ccs
read hs 20
read alert 1 0
protocol: dtls,
name: "SkipCertificateStatus-DTLS",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Credential: rsaCertificate.WithOCSP(testOCSPResponse),
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipCertificateStatus: true,
flags: []string{
// This test involves an optional message. Test the message callback
// trace to ensure we do not miss or double-report any.
`write hs 1
read hs 3
write hs 1
read hs 2
read hs 11
read hs 12
read hs 14
write hs 16
write ccs
write hs 20
read hs 4
read ccs
read hs 20
read alert 1 0
name: "SkipServerKeyExchange",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipServerKeyExchange: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "ServerSkipCertificateVerify",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Credential: &rsaCertificate,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipCertificateVerify: true,
expectations: connectionExpectations{
peerCertificate: &rsaCertificate,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
testType: serverTest,
name: "Alert",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "Alert-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
testType: serverTest,
name: "FragmentAlert",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FragmentAlert: true,
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_ALERT:",
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "FragmentAlert-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FragmentAlert: true,
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_ALERT:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "DoubleAlert",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
DoubleAlert: true,
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_ALERT:",
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "DoubleAlert-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
DoubleAlert: true,
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_ALERT:",
name: "SkipNewSessionTicket",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipNewSessionTicket: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "FallbackSCSV",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS11,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFallbackSCSV: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: inappropriate fallback",
testType: serverTest,
name: "FallbackSCSV-VersionMatch-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFallbackSCSV: true,
testType: serverTest,
name: "FallbackSCSV-VersionMatch-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFallbackSCSV: true,
flags: []string{"-max-version", strconv.Itoa(VersionTLS12)},
// Regression test for CVE-2014-3511. Even when the ClientHello is
// maximally fragmented, version negotiation works correctly.
testType: serverTest,
name: "FragmentedClientVersion",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxHandshakeRecordLength: 1,
expectations: connectionExpectations{
version: VersionTLS13,
testType: serverTest,
name: "HttpGET",
sendPrefix: "GET / HTTP/1.0\n",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":HTTP_REQUEST:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "HttpPOST",
sendPrefix: "POST / HTTP/1.0\n",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":HTTP_REQUEST:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "HttpHEAD",
sendPrefix: "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":HTTP_REQUEST:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "HttpPUT",
sendPrefix: "PUT / HTTP/1.0\n",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":HTTP_REQUEST:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "HttpCONNECT",
sendPrefix: "CONNECT HTTP/1.0\n",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":HTTPS_PROXY_REQUEST:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "Garbage",
sendPrefix: "blah",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:",
name: "RSAEphemeralKey",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RSAEphemeralKey: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
name: "DisableEverything",
flags: []string{"-no-tls13", "-no-tls12", "-no-tls11", "-no-tls1"},
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DisableEverything-DTLS",
flags: []string{"-no-tls13", "-no-tls12", "-no-tls1"},
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "MTU-DTLS12-AEAD",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxPacketLength: 256,
flags: []string{"-mtu", "256"},
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "MTU-DTLS12-AES-CBC",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxPacketLength: 256,
flags: []string{"-mtu", "256"},
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "MTU-DTLS12-3DES-CBC",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxPacketLength: 256,
flags: []string{"-mtu", "256", "-cipher", "TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA"},
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "MTU-DTLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxPacketLength: 256,
flags: []string{"-mtu", "256"},
name: "EmptyCertificateList",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EmptyCertificateList: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
name: "EmptyCertificateList-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EmptyCertificateList: true,
shouldFail: true,
name: "TLSFatalBadPackets",
damageFirstWrite: true,
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLSIgnoreBadPackets",
damageFirstWrite: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLSIgnoreBadPackets-Async",
damageFirstWrite: true,
flags: []string{"-async"},
name: "AppDataBeforeHandshake",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataBeforeHandshake: []byte("TEST MESSAGE"),
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
name: "AppDataBeforeHandshake-Empty",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataBeforeHandshake: []byte{},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "AppDataBeforeHandshake-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataBeforeHandshake: []byte("TEST MESSAGE"),
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "AppDataBeforeHandshake-DTLS-Empty",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataBeforeHandshake: []byte{},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
name: "AppDataBeforeTLS13KeyChange",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataBeforeTLS13KeyChange: []byte("TEST MESSAGE"),
// The shim should fail to decrypt this record.
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_DECRYPT:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: bad record MAC",
name: "AppDataBeforeTLS13KeyChange-Empty",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataBeforeTLS13KeyChange: []byte{},
// The shim should fail to decrypt this record.
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_DECRYPT:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: bad record MAC",
protocol: dtls,
name: "AppDataBeforeTLS13KeyChange-DTLS",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataBeforeTLS13KeyChange: []byte("TEST MESSAGE"),
// The shim will decrypt the record, because it has not
// yet applied the key change, but it should know to
// reject the record.
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
protocol: dtls,
name: "AppDataBeforeTLS13KeyChange-DTLS-Empty",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataBeforeTLS13KeyChange: []byte{},
// The shim will decrypt the record, because it has not
// yet applied the key change, but it should know to
// reject the record.
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
name: "UnencryptedEncryptedExtensions",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
UnencryptedEncryptedExtensions: true,
// The shim should fail to decrypt this record.
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: bad record MAC",
protocol: dtls,
name: "UnencryptedEncryptedExtensions-DTLS",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
UnencryptedEncryptedExtensions: true,
// The shim will decrypt the record, because it has not
// yet applied the key change, but it should know to
// reject new handshake data on the previous epoch.
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":EXCESS_HANDSHAKE_DATA:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
name: "AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec: []byte("TEST MESSAGE"),
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
name: "AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec-Empty",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec: []byte{},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec-DTLS",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec: []byte("TEST MESSAGE"),
// BoringSSL's DTLS implementation will drop the out-of-order
// application data.
protocol: dtls,
name: "AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec-DTLS-Empty",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec: []byte{},
// BoringSSL's DTLS implementation will drop the out-of-order
// application data.
name: "AlertAfterChangeCipherSpec",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlertAfterChangeCipherSpec: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "AlertAfterChangeCipherSpec-DTLS",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlertAfterChangeCipherSpec: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
name: "SendInvalidRecordType",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendInvalidRecordType: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendInvalidRecordType-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendInvalidRecordType: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
name: "FalseStart-SkipServerSecondLeg",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipNewSessionTicket: true,
SkipChangeCipherSpec: true,
SkipFinished: true,
ExpectFalseStart: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
"-expect-alpn", "foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
name: "FalseStart-SkipServerSecondLeg-Implicit",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipNewSessionTicket: true,
SkipChangeCipherSpec: true,
SkipFinished: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "FailEarlyCallback",
flags: []string{"-fail-early-callback"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CONNECTION_REJECTED:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: handshake failure",
name: "FailCertCallback-Client-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
flags: []string{"-fail-cert-callback"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CERT_CB_ERROR:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: internal error",
testType: serverTest,
name: "FailCertCallback-Server-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
flags: []string{"-fail-cert-callback"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CERT_CB_ERROR:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: internal error",
name: "FailCertCallback-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
flags: []string{"-fail-cert-callback"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CERT_CB_ERROR:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: internal error",
testType: serverTest,
name: "FailCertCallback-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
flags: []string{"-fail-cert-callback"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CERT_CB_ERROR:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: internal error",
protocol: dtls,
name: "FragmentMessageTypeMismatch-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
WriteFlightDTLS: func(c *DTLSController, prev, received, next []DTLSMessage, records []DTLSRecordNumberInfo) {
f1 := next[0].Fragment(0, 1)
f2 := next[0].Fragment(1, 1)
c.WriteFragments([]DTLSFragment{f1, f2})
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":FRAGMENT_MISMATCH:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "FragmentMessageLengthMismatch-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
WriteFlightDTLS: func(c *DTLSController, prev, received, next []DTLSMessage, records []DTLSRecordNumberInfo) {
f1 := next[0].Fragment(0, 1)
f2 := next[0].Fragment(1, 1)
c.WriteFragments([]DTLSFragment{f1, f2})
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":FRAGMENT_MISMATCH:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SplitFragments-Header-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SplitFragments: 2,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_HANDSHAKE_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SplitFragments-Boundary-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SplitFragments: dtlsMaxRecordHeaderLen,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_HANDSHAKE_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SplitFragments-Body-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SplitFragments: dtlsMaxRecordHeaderLen + 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_HANDSHAKE_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendEmptyFragments-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEmptyFragments: true,
testType: serverTest,
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendEmptyFragments-Padded-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Test empty fragments for a message with a
// nice power-of-two length.
PadClientHello: 64,
SendEmptyFragments: true,
name: "BadFinished-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:",
name: "BadFinished-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "BadFinished-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "BadFinished-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:",
name: "FalseStart-BadFinished",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadFinished: true,
ExpectFalseStart: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
"-expect-alpn", "foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:",
name: "NoFalseStart-NoALPN",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectFalseStart: true,
AlertBeforeFalseStartTest: alertAccessDenied,
flags: []string{
shimWritesFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TLSV1_ALERT_ACCESS_DENIED:",
expectedLocalError: "tls: peer did not false start: EOF",
name: "FalseStart-NoALPNAllowed",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectFalseStart: true,
flags: []string{
shimWritesFirst: true,
name: "NoFalseStart-NoAEAD",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectFalseStart: true,
AlertBeforeFalseStartTest: alertAccessDenied,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TLSV1_ALERT_ACCESS_DENIED:",
expectedLocalError: "tls: peer did not false start: EOF",
name: "NoFalseStart-RSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectFalseStart: true,
AlertBeforeFalseStartTest: alertAccessDenied,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TLSV1_ALERT_ACCESS_DENIED:",
expectedLocalError: "tls: peer did not false start: EOF",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendSplitAlert-Sync",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSplitAlert: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendSplitAlert-Async",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSplitAlert: true,
flags: []string{"-async"},
name: "SendEmptyRecords-Pass",
sendEmptyRecords: 32,
name: "SendEmptyRecords",
sendEmptyRecords: 33,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TOO_MANY_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS:",
name: "SendEmptyRecords-Async",
sendEmptyRecords: 33,
flags: []string{"-async"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TOO_MANY_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS:",
name: "SendWarningAlerts-Pass",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
sendWarningAlerts: 4,
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendWarningAlerts-DTLS-Pass",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
sendWarningAlerts: 4,
name: "SendWarningAlerts-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
sendWarningAlerts: 4,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_ALERT:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: error decoding message",
// Although TLS 1.3 intended to remove warning alerts, it left in
// user_canceled. JDK11 misuses this alert as a post-handshake
// full-duplex signal. As a workaround, skip user_canceled as in
// TLS 1.2, which is consistent with NSS and OpenSSL.
name: "SendUserCanceledAlerts-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
sendUserCanceledAlerts: 4,
name: "SendUserCanceledAlerts-TooMany-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
sendUserCanceledAlerts: 5,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TOO_MANY_WARNING_ALERTS:",
name: "SendWarningAlerts-TooMany",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
sendWarningAlerts: 5,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TOO_MANY_WARNING_ALERTS:",
name: "SendWarningAlerts-TooMany-Async",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
sendWarningAlerts: 5,
flags: []string{"-async"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TOO_MANY_WARNING_ALERTS:",
name: "SendBogusAlertType",
sendBogusAlertType: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNKNOWN_ALERT_TYPE:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendBogusAlertType-DTLS",
sendBogusAlertType: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNKNOWN_ALERT_TYPE:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
name: "TooManyKeyUpdates",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
sendKeyUpdates: 33,
keyUpdateRequest: keyUpdateNotRequested,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TOO_MANY_KEY_UPDATES:",
name: "EmptySessionID",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
noSessionCache: true,
flags: []string{"-expect-no-session"},
name: "Unclean-Shutdown",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoCloseNotify: true,
ExpectCloseNotify: true,
shimShutsDown: true,
flags: []string{"-check-close-notify"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: "Unexpected SSL_shutdown result: -1 != 1",
name: "Unclean-Shutdown-Ignored",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoCloseNotify: true,
shimShutsDown: true,
name: "Unclean-Shutdown-Alert",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendAlertOnShutdown: alertDecompressionFailure,
ExpectCloseNotify: true,
shimShutsDown: true,
flags: []string{"-check-close-notify"},
shouldFail: true,
name: "LargePlaintext",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendLargeRecords: true,
messageLen: maxPlaintext + 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: record overflow",
protocol: dtls,
name: "LargePlaintext-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendLargeRecords: true,
messageLen: maxPlaintext + 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: record overflow",
name: "LargePlaintext-TLS13-Padded-8192-8192",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RecordPadding: 8192,
SendLargeRecords: true,
messageLen: 8192,
name: "LargePlaintext-TLS13-Padded-8193-8192",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RecordPadding: 8193,
SendLargeRecords: true,
messageLen: 8192,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: record overflow",
name: "LargePlaintext-TLS13-Padded-16383-1",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RecordPadding: 1,
SendLargeRecords: true,
messageLen: 16383,
name: "LargePlaintext-TLS13-Padded-16384-1",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RecordPadding: 1,
SendLargeRecords: true,
messageLen: 16384,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: record overflow",
name: "LargeCiphertext",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendLargeRecords: true,
messageLen: maxPlaintext * 2,
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "LargeCiphertext-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendLargeRecords: true,
messageLen: maxPlaintext * 2,
// Unlike the other four cases, DTLS drops records which
// are invalid before authentication, so the connection
// does not fail.
expectMessageDropped: true,
name: "BadHelloRequest-1",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadHelloRequest: []byte{typeHelloRequest, 0, 0, 1, 1},
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_HELLO_REQUEST:",
name: "BadHelloRequest-2",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadHelloRequest: []byte{typeServerKeyExchange, 0, 0, 0},
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_HELLO_REQUEST:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "SupportTicketsWithSessionID",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
resumeSession: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS12-SendExtraFinished",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendExtraFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS12-SendExtraFinished-Reordered",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxHandshakeRecordLength: 2,
ReorderHandshakeFragments: true,
SendExtraFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":EXCESS_HANDSHAKE_DATA:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS12-SendExtraFinished-Packed",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendExtraFinished: true,
PackHandshakeFragments: 1000,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":EXCESS_HANDSHAKE_DATA:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS13-SendExtraFinished",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendExtraFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":EXCESS_HANDSHAKE_DATA:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS13-SendExtraFinished-Reordered",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxHandshakeRecordLength: 2,
ReorderHandshakeFragments: true,
SendExtraFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":EXCESS_HANDSHAKE_DATA:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS13-SendExtraFinished-Packed",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendExtraFinished: true,
PackHandshakeFragments: 1000,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":EXCESS_HANDSHAKE_DATA:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "DTLS13-SendExtraFinished-AfterAppData",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipImplicitACKRead: true,
WriteFlightDTLS: func(c *DTLSController, prev, received, next []DTLSMessage, records []DTLSRecordNumberInfo) {
if next[len(next)-1].Type != typeFinished {
// Complete the handshake.
// Send some application data. The shim is now on epoch 3.
msg := []byte("hello")
c.WriteAppData(c.OutEpoch(), msg)
c.ReadAppData(c.InEpoch(), expectedReply(msg))
// The shim is still accepting data from epoch 2, so it can
// ACK a retransmit if needed, but it should not accept new
// messages at epoch three.
extraFinished := next[len(next)-1]
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":EXCESS_HANDSHAKE_DATA:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
// Disable tickets on the shim to avoid NewSessionTicket
// interfering with the test callback.
flags: []string{"-no-ticket"},
testType: serverTest,
name: "V2ClientHello-EmptyRecordPrefix",
config: Config{
// Choose a cipher suite that does not involve
// elliptic curves, so no extensions are
// involved.
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendV2ClientHello: true,
sendPrefix: string([]byte{
3, 1, // version
0, 0, // length
// A no-op empty record may not be sent before V2ClientHello.
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "V2ClientHello-WarningAlertPrefix",
config: Config{
// Choose a cipher suite that does not involve
// elliptic curves, so no extensions are
// involved.
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendV2ClientHello: true,
sendPrefix: string([]byte{
3, 1, // version
0, 2, // length
alertLevelWarning, byte(alertDecompressionFailure),
// A no-op warning alert may not be sent before V2ClientHello.
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:",
name: "SendSNIWarningAlert",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSNIWarningAlert: true,
testType: serverTest,
name: "ExtraCompressionMethods-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCompressionMethods: []byte{1, 2, 3, compressionNone, 4, 5, 6},
testType: serverTest,
name: "ExtraCompressionMethods-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCompressionMethods: []byte{1, 2, 3, compressionNone, 4, 5, 6},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoNullCompression-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCompressionMethods: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoNullCompression-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCompressionMethods: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
// Test that the client rejects invalid compression methods
// from the server.
testType: clientTest,
name: "InvalidCompressionMethod",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCompressionMethod: 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-InvalidCompressionMethod",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCompressionMethod: 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-HRR-InvalidCompressionMethod",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP384},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCompressionMethod: 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: error decoding message",
name: "GREASE-Client-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectGREASE: true,
flags: []string{"-enable-grease"},
name: "GREASE-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectGREASE: true,
flags: []string{"-enable-grease"},
testType: serverTest,
name: "GREASE-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// TLS 1.3 servers are expected to
// always enable GREASE. TLS 1.3 is new,
// so there is no existing ecosystem to
// worry about.
ExpectGREASE: true,
// Test the TLS 1.2 server so there is a large
// unencrypted certificate as well as application data.
testType: serverTest,
name: "MaxSendFragment-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxReceivePlaintext: 512,
messageLen: 1024,
flags: []string{
"-max-send-fragment", "512",
"-read-size", "1024",
// Test the TLS 1.2 server so there is a large
// unencrypted certificate as well as application data.
testType: serverTest,
name: "MaxSendFragment-TLS12-TooLarge",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Ensure that some of the records are
// 512.
MaxReceivePlaintext: 511,
messageLen: 1024,
flags: []string{
"-max-send-fragment", "512",
"-read-size", "1024",
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "local error: record overflow",
// Test the TLS 1.3 server so there is a large encrypted
// certificate as well as application data.
testType: serverTest,
name: "MaxSendFragment-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxReceivePlaintext: 512,
ExpectPackedEncryptedHandshake: 512,
messageLen: 1024,
flags: []string{
"-max-send-fragment", "512",
"-read-size", "1024",
// Test the TLS 1.3 server so there is a large encrypted
// certificate as well as application data.
testType: serverTest,
name: "MaxSendFragment-TLS13-TooLarge",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Ensure that some of the records are
// 512.
MaxReceivePlaintext: 511,
messageLen: 1024,
flags: []string{
"-max-send-fragment", "512",
"-read-size", "1024",
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "local error: record overflow",
// Test that handshake data is tightly packed in TLS 1.3.
testType: serverTest,
name: "PackedEncryptedHandshake-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectPackedEncryptedHandshake: 16384,
// Test that DTLS can handle multiple application data
// records in a single packet.
protocol: dtls,
name: "SplitAndPackAppData-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SplitAndPackAppData: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "SplitAndPackAppData-DTLS-Async",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SplitAndPackAppData: true,
flags: []string{"-async"},
// DTLS 1.2 allows up to a 255-byte HelloVerifyRequest cookie, which
// is the largest encodable value.
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS-HelloVerifyRequest-255",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
HelloVerifyRequestCookieLength: 255,
// DTLS 1.2 allows up to a 0-byte HelloVerifyRequest cookie, which
// was probably a mistake in the spec but test that it works
// nonetheless.
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS-HelloVerifyRequest-0",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EmptyHelloVerifyRequestCookie: true,
testCases = append(testCases, basicTests...)
// Test that very large messages can be received.
cert := rsaCertificate
for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
cert.Certificate = append(cert.Certificate, cert.Certificate[0])
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "LargeMessage",
config: Config{
Credential: &cert,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "LargeMessage-DTLS",
config: Config{
Credential: &cert,
// They are rejected if the maximum certificate chain length is capped.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "LargeMessage-Reject",
config: Config{
Credential: &cert,
flags: []string{"-max-cert-list", "16384"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":EXCESSIVE_MESSAGE_SIZE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "LargeMessage-Reject-DTLS",
config: Config{
Credential: &cert,
flags: []string{"-max-cert-list", "16384"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":EXCESSIVE_MESSAGE_SIZE:",
// Servers echoing the TLS 1.3 compatibility mode session ID should be
// rejected.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "EchoTLS13CompatibilitySessionID",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EchoSessionIDInFullHandshake: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
// Servers should reject QUIC client hellos that have a legacy
// session ID.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "QUICCompatibilityMode",
testType: serverTest,
protocol: quic,
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CompatModeWithQUIC: true,
shouldFail: true,
// Clients should reject DTLS 1.3 ServerHellos that echo the legacy
// session ID.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS13CompatibilityMode-EchoSessionID",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
DTLS13EchoSessionID: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
// DTLS 1.3 should work with record headers that don't set the
// length bit or that use the short sequence number format.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS13RecordHeader-NoLength-Client",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
DTLSRecordHeaderOmitLength: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS13RecordHeader-NoLength-Server",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
DTLSRecordHeaderOmitLength: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS13RecordHeader-ShortSeqNums-Client",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
DTLSUseShortSeqNums: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS13RecordHeader-ShortSeqNums-Server",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
DTLSUseShortSeqNums: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS13RecordHeader-OldHeader",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
DTLSUsePlaintextRecordHeader: true,
expectMessageDropped: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS13RecordHeader-CIDBit",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
DTLS13RecordHeaderSetCIDBit: true,
expectMessageDropped: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS13-MessageCallback-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
flags: []string{
`write hs 1
read hs 2
read hs 8
read hs 11
read hs 15
read hs 20
write hs 20
read ack
read hs 4
read hs 4
read alert 1 0
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS13-MessageCallback-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
flags: []string{
`read hs 1
write hs 2
write hs 8
write hs 11
write hs 15
write hs 20
read hs 20
write ack
write hs 4
write hs 4
read ack
read ack
read alert 1 0
func addTestForCipherSuite(suite testCipherSuite, ver tlsVersion, protocol protocol) {
const psk = "12345"
const pskIdentity = "luggage combo"
if !ver.supportsProtocol(protocol) {
prefix := protocol.String() + "-"
var cert *Credential
if isTLS13Suite( {
cert = &rsaCertificate
} else if hasComponent(, "ECDSA") {
cert = &ecdsaP256Certificate
} else if hasComponent(, "RSA") {
cert = &rsaCertificate
var flags []string
if hasComponent(, "PSK") {
flags = append(flags,
"-psk", psk,
"-psk-identity", pskIdentity)
if hasComponent(, "3DES") {
// BoringSSL disables 3DES ciphers by default.
flags = append(flags, "-cipher", "3DES")
var shouldFail bool
if isTLS12Only( && ver.version < VersionTLS12 {
shouldFail = true
if !isTLS13Suite( && ver.version >= VersionTLS13 {
shouldFail = true
if isTLS13Suite( && ver.version < VersionTLS13 {
shouldFail = true
var sendCipherSuite uint16
var expectedServerError, expectedClientError string
serverCipherSuites := []uint16{}
if shouldFail {
expectedServerError = ":NO_SHARED_CIPHER:"
if ver.version >= VersionTLS13 && cert == nil {
// TLS 1.2 PSK ciphers won't configure a server certificate, but we
// require one in TLS 1.3.
expectedServerError = ":NO_CERTIFICATE_SET:"
expectedClientError = ":WRONG_CIPHER_RETURNED:"
// Configure the server to select ciphers as normal but
// select an incompatible cipher in ServerHello.
serverCipherSuites = nil
sendCipherSuite =
// Verify exporters interoperate.
exportKeyingMaterial := 1024
if ver.version != VersionTLS13 || !ver.hasDTLS {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
protocol: protocol,
name: prefix + + "-" + + "-server",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
CipherSuites: []uint16{},
Credential: cert,
PreSharedKey: []byte(psk),
PreSharedKeyIdentity: pskIdentity,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AdvertiseAllConfiguredCiphers: true,
shimCertificate: cert,
flags: flags,
resumeSession: true,
shouldFail: shouldFail,
expectedError: expectedServerError,
exportKeyingMaterial: exportKeyingMaterial,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
protocol: protocol,
name: prefix + + "-" + + "-client",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
CipherSuites: serverCipherSuites,
Credential: cert,
PreSharedKey: []byte(psk),
PreSharedKeyIdentity: pskIdentity,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
IgnorePeerCipherPreferences: shouldFail,
SendCipherSuite: sendCipherSuite,
flags: flags,
resumeSession: true,
shouldFail: shouldFail,
expectedError: expectedClientError,
exportKeyingMaterial: exportKeyingMaterial,
if shouldFail {
// Ensure the maximum record size is accepted.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: prefix + + "-" + + "-LargeRecord",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
CipherSuites: []uint16{},
Credential: cert,
PreSharedKey: []byte(psk),
PreSharedKeyIdentity: pskIdentity,
flags: flags,
messageLen: maxPlaintext,
// Test bad records for all ciphers. Bad records are fatal in TLS
// and ignored in DTLS.
shouldFail = protocol == tls
var expectedError string
if shouldFail {
// When QUIC is used, the QUIC stack handles record encryption/decryption.
// Thus it is not possible for the TLS stack in QUIC mode to receive a
// bad record (i.e. one that fails to decrypt).
if protocol != quic {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: prefix + + "-" + + "-BadRecord",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
CipherSuites: []uint16{},
Credential: cert,
PreSharedKey: []byte(psk),
PreSharedKeyIdentity: pskIdentity,
flags: flags,
damageFirstWrite: true,
messageLen: maxPlaintext,
shouldFail: shouldFail,
expectedError: expectedError,
func addCipherSuiteTests() {
const bogusCipher = 0xfe00
for _, suite := range testCipherSuites {
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
for _, protocol := range []protocol{tls, dtls, quic} {
addTestForCipherSuite(suite, ver, protocol)
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "NoSharedCipher",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{},
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "NoSharedCipher-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{},
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "UnsupportedCipherSuite",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
IgnorePeerCipherPreferences: true,
flags: []string{"-cipher", "DEFAULT:!AES"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CIPHER_RETURNED:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ServerHelloBogusCipher",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCipherSuite: bogusCipher,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CIPHER_RETURNED:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ServerHelloBogusCipher-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCipherSuite: bogusCipher,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CIPHER_RETURNED:",
// The server must be tolerant to bogus ciphers.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "UnknownCipher",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{bogusCipher, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AdvertiseAllConfiguredCiphers: true,
// The server must be tolerant to bogus ciphers.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "UnknownCipher-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{bogusCipher, TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AdvertiseAllConfiguredCiphers: true,
// Test empty ECDHE_PSK identity hints work as expected.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "EmptyECDHEPSKHint",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
PreSharedKey: []byte("secret"),
flags: []string{"-psk", "secret"},