blob: f2cdcc851e85a9ff1f2c1a3aed2965882473fff7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <optional>
#include <openssl/base.h>
#include <openssl/bytestring.h>
#include "input.h"
namespace der {
class BitString;
struct GeneralizedTime;
// Parses a DER-encoded ASN.1 structure. DER (distinguished encoding rules)
// encodes each data value with a tag, length, and value (TLV). The tag
// indicates the type of the ASN.1 value. Depending on the type of the value,
// it could contain arbitrary bytes, so the length of the value is encoded
// after the tag and before the value to indicate how many bytes of value
// follow. DER also defines how the values are encoded for particular types.
// This Parser places a few restrictions on the DER encoding it can parse. The
// largest restriction is that it only supports tags which have a tag number
// no greater than 30 - these are the tags that fit in a single octet. The
// second restriction is that the maximum length for a value that can be parsed
// is 4GB. Both of these restrictions should be fine for any reasonable input.
// The Parser class is mainly focused on parsing the TLV structure of DER
// encoding, and does not directly handle parsing primitive values (other
// functions in the bssl::der namespace are provided for this.) When a Parser
// is created, it is passed in a reference to the encoded data. Because the
// encoded data is not owned by the Parser, the data cannot change during the
// lifespan of the Parser. The Parser functions by keeping a pointer to the
// current TLV which starts at the beginning of the input and advancing through
// the input as each TLV is read. As such, a Parser instance is thread-unsafe.
// Most methods for using the Parser write the current tag and/or value to
// the output parameters provided and then advance the input to the next TLV.
// None of the methods explicitly expose the length because it is part of the
// value. All methods return a boolean indicating whether there was a parsing
// error with the current TLV.
// Some methods are provided in the Parser class as convenience to both read
// the current TLV from the input and also parse the DER encoded value,
// converting it to a corresponding C++ type. These methods simply combine
// ReadTag() with the appropriate ParseType() free function.
// The design of DER encoding allows for nested data structures with
// constructed values, where the value is a series of TLVs. The Parser class
// is not designed to traverse through a nested encoding from a single object,
// but it does facilitate parsing nested data structures through the
// convenience methods ReadSequence() and the more general ReadConstructed(),
// which provide the user with another Parser object to traverse the next
// level of TLVs.
// For a brief example of how to use the Parser, suppose we have the following
// ASN.1 type definition:
// Foo ::= SEQUENCE {
// quux OCTET STRING }
// If we have a DER-encoded Foo in an Input |encoded_value|, the
// following code shows an example of how to parse the quux field from the
// encoded data.
// bool ReadQuux(Input encoded_value, Input* quux_out) {
// Parser parser(encoded_value);
// Parser foo_parser;
// if (!parser.ReadSequence(&foo_parser))
// return false;
// if (!foo_parser->SkipOptionalTag(kOctetString))
// return false;
// if (!foo_parser->ReadTag(kOctetString, quux_out))
// return false;
// return true;
// }
class OPENSSL_EXPORT Parser {
// Default constructor; equivalent to calling Parser(Input()). This only
// exists so that a Parser can be stack allocated and passed in to
// ReadConstructed() and similar methods.
// Creates a parser to parse over the data represented by input. This class
// assumes that the underlying data will not change over the lifetime of
// the Parser object.
explicit Parser(Input input);
Parser(const Parser &) = default;
Parser &operator=(const Parser &) = default;
// Returns whether there is any more data left in the input to parse. This
// does not guarantee that the data is parseable.
bool HasMore();
// Reads the current TLV from the input and advances. If the tag or length
// encoding for the current value is invalid, this method returns false and
// does not advance the input. Otherwise, it returns true, putting the
// read tag in |tag| and the value in |out|.
[[nodiscard]] bool ReadTagAndValue(CBS_ASN1_TAG *tag, Input *out);
// Reads the current TLV from the input and advances. Unlike ReadTagAndValue
// where only the value is put in |out|, this puts the raw bytes from the
// tag, length, and value in |out|.
[[nodiscard]] bool ReadRawTLV(Input *out);
// Basic methods for reading or skipping the current TLV, with an
// expectation of what the current tag should be. It should be possible
// to parse any structure with these 4 methods; convenience methods are also
// provided to make some cases easier.
// If the current tag in the input is |tag|, it puts the corresponding value
// in |out| and advances the input to the next TLV. If the current tag is
// something else, then |out| is set to nullopt and the input is not
// advanced. Like ReadTagAndValue, it returns false if the encoding is
// invalid and does not advance the input.
[[nodiscard]] bool ReadOptionalTag(CBS_ASN1_TAG tag, std::optional<Input> *out);
// If the current tag in the input is |tag|, it puts the corresponding value
// in |out|, sets |was_present| to true, and advances the input to the next
// TLV. If the current tag is something else, then |was_present| is set to
// false and the input is not advanced. Like ReadTagAndValue, it returns
// false if the encoding is invalid and does not advance the input.
// DEPRECATED: use the std::optional version above in new code.
// TODO(mattm): convert the existing callers and remove this override.
[[nodiscard]] bool ReadOptionalTag(CBS_ASN1_TAG tag, Input *out, bool *was_present);
// Like ReadOptionalTag, but the value is discarded.
[[nodiscard]] bool SkipOptionalTag(CBS_ASN1_TAG tag, bool *was_present);
// If the current tag matches |tag|, it puts the current value in |out|,
// advances the input, and returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.
[[nodiscard]] bool ReadTag(CBS_ASN1_TAG tag, Input *out);
// Advances the input and returns true if the current tag matches |tag|;
// otherwise it returns false.
[[nodiscard]] bool SkipTag(CBS_ASN1_TAG tag);
// Convenience methods to combine parsing the TLV with parsing the DER
// encoding for a specific type.
// Reads the current TLV from the input, checks that the tag matches |tag|
// and is a constructed tag, and creates a new Parser from the value.
[[nodiscard]] bool ReadConstructed(CBS_ASN1_TAG tag, Parser *out);
// A more specific form of ReadConstructed that expects the current tag
// to be 0x30 (SEQUENCE).
[[nodiscard]] bool ReadSequence(Parser *out);
// Expects the current tag to be kInteger, and calls ParseUint8 on the
// current value. Note that DER-encoded integers are arbitrary precision,
// so this method will fail for valid input that represents an integer
// outside the range of an uint8_t.
// Note that on failure the Parser is left in an undefined state (the
// input may or may not have been advanced).
[[nodiscard]] bool ReadUint8(uint8_t *out);
// Expects the current tag to be kInteger, and calls ParseUint64 on the
// current value. Note that DER-encoded integers are arbitrary precision,
// so this method will fail for valid input that represents an integer
// outside the range of an uint64_t.
// Note that on failure the Parser is left in an undefined state (the
// input may or may not have been advanced).
[[nodiscard]] bool ReadUint64(uint64_t *out);
// Reads a BIT STRING. On success returns BitString. On failure, returns
// std::nullopt.
// Note that on failure the Parser is left in an undefined state (the
// input may or may not have been advanced).
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<BitString> ReadBitString();
// Reads a GeneralizeTime. On success fills |out| and returns true.
// Note that on failure the Parser is left in an undefined state (the
// input may or may not have been advanced).
[[nodiscard]] bool ReadGeneralizedTime(GeneralizedTime *out);
// Lower level methods. The previous methods couple reading data from the
// input with advancing the Parser's internal pointer to the next TLV; these
// lower level methods decouple those two steps into methods that read from
// the current TLV and a method that advances the internal pointer to the
// next TLV.
// Reads the current TLV from the input, putting the tag in |tag| and the raw
// value in |out|, but does not advance the input. Returns true if the tag
// and length are successfully read and the output exists.
[[nodiscard]] bool PeekTagAndValue(CBS_ASN1_TAG *tag, Input *out);
// Advances the input to the next TLV. This method only needs to be called
// after PeekTagAndValue; all other methods will advance the input if they
// read something.
bool Advance();
CBS cbs_;
size_t advance_len_ = 0;
} // namespace der
#endif // BSSL_DER_PARSER_H_