Revert "Speed up ECDSA verify on x86-64."

This reverts commit 3d450d2844db825a906fc19f7bb1e6ce765047db. It fails
SDE, looks like a missing CPUID check before using vector instructions.

Change-Id: I6b7dd71d9e5b1f509d2e018bd8be38c973476b4e
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <>
Commit-Queue: Adam Langley <>
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/CMakeLists.txt b/crypto/fipsmodule/CMakeLists.txt
index 463febb..e6c8cc6 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
-    p256_beeu-x86_64-asm.${ASM_EXT}
@@ -101,7 +100,6 @@
 perlasm(md5-586.${ASM_EXT} md5/asm/
 perlasm(md5-x86_64.${ASM_EXT} md5/asm/
 perlasm(p256-x86_64-asm.${ASM_EXT} ec/asm/
-perlasm(p256_beeu-x86_64-asm.${ASM_EXT} ec/asm/
 perlasm(rdrand-x86_64.${ASM_EXT} rand/asm/
 perlasm(rsaz-avx2.${ASM_EXT} bn/asm/
 perlasm(sha1-586.${ASM_EXT} sha/asm/
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/asm/ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/asm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 12b9f5a..0000000
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/asm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2018, Amazon Inc.
-# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
-# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
-# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
-# Written by Nir Drucker, and Shay Gueron
-# AWS Cryptographic Algorithms Group
-# (,
-# based on BN_mod_inverse_odd
-$flavour = shift;
-$output  = shift;
-if ($flavour =~ /\./) { $output = $flavour; undef $flavour; }
-$win64=0; $win64=1 if ($flavour =~ /[nm]asm|mingw64/ || $output =~ /\.asm$/);
-$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
-( $xlate="${dir}" and -f $xlate ) or
-( $xlate="${dir}../../../perlasm/" and -f $xlate) or
-die "can't locate";
-open OUT,"| \"$^X\" \"$xlate\" $flavour \"$output\"";
-# extern int beeu_mod_inverse_vartime(BN_ULONG out[P256_LIMBS],
-#                                     BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS],
-#                                     BN_ULONG n[P256_LIMBS]);
-# (Binary Extended Euclidean Algorithm.
-#  See
-# Assumption 1: n is odd for the BEEU
-# Assumption 2: 1 < a < n < 2^256
-$out = "%rdi";
-$a = "%rsi";
-$n = "%rdx";
-# X/Y will hold the inverse parameter
-# Assumption: X,Y<2^(256)
-$x0 = "%r8";
-$x1 = "%r9";
-$x2 = "%r10";
-$x3 = "%r11";
-# borrow from out (out is needed only at the end)
-$x4 = "%rdi";
-$y0 = "%r12";
-$y1 = "%r13";
-$y2 = "%r14";
-$y3 = "%r15";
-$y4 = "%rbp";
-$shift = "%rcx";
-$t0 = "%rax";
-$t1 = "%rbx";
-$t2 = "%rsi";
-# borrow
-$t3 = "%rcx";
-$T0 = "%xmm0";
-$T1 = "%xmm1";
-# Offsets on the stack
-$out_rsp = 0;
-$shift_rsp = $out_rsp+0x8;
-$a_rsp0 = $shift_rsp+0x8;
-$a_rsp1 = $a_rsp0+0x8;
-$a_rsp2 = $a_rsp1+0x8;
-$a_rsp3 = $a_rsp2+0x8;
-$b_rsp0 = $a_rsp3+0x8;
-$b_rsp1 = $b_rsp0+0x8;
-$b_rsp2 = $b_rsp1+0x8;
-$b_rsp3 = $b_rsp2+0x8;
-# Borrow when a_rsp/b_rsp are no longer needed.
-$y_rsp0 = $a_rsp0;
-$y_rsp1 = $y_rsp0+0x8;
-$y_rsp2 = $y_rsp1+0x8;
-$y_rsp3 = $y_rsp2+0x8;
-$y_rsp4 = $y_rsp3+0x8;
-$last_rsp_offset = $b_rsp3+0x8;
-sub TEST_B_ZERO {
-  return <<___;
-    xorq $t1, $t1
-    or $b_rsp0(%rsp), $t1
-    or $b_rsp1(%rsp), $t1
-    or $b_rsp2(%rsp), $t1
-    or $b_rsp3(%rsp), $t1
-    jz .Lbeeu_loop_end
-$g_next_label = 0;
-sub SHIFT1 {
-  my ($var0, $var1, $var2, $var3, $var4) = @_;
-  my $label = ".Lshift1_${g_next_label}";
-  $g_next_label++;
-  return <<___;
-    # Ensure X is even and divide by two.
-    movq \$1, $t1
-    andq $var0, $t1
-    jz $label
-    add 0*8($n), $var0
-    adc 1*8($n), $var1
-    adc 2*8($n), $var2
-    adc 3*8($n), $var3
-    adc \$0, $var4
-    shrdq \$1, $var1, $var0
-    shrdq \$1, $var2, $var1
-    shrdq \$1, $var3, $var2
-    shrdq \$1, $var4, $var3
-    shrq  \$1, $var4
-sub SHIFT256 {
-  my ($var) = @_;
-  return <<___;
-    # Copy shifted values.
-    # Remember not to override t3=rcx
-    movq 1*8+$var(%rsp), $t0
-    movq 2*8+$var(%rsp), $t1
-    movq 3*8+$var(%rsp), $t2
-    shrdq %cl, $t0, 0*8+$var(%rsp)
-    shrdq %cl, $t1, 1*8+$var(%rsp)
-    shrdq %cl, $t2, 2*8+$var(%rsp)
-    shrq  %cl, $t2
-    mov $t2, 3*8+$var(%rsp)
-.type beeu_mod_inverse_vartime,\@function
-.hidden beeu_mod_inverse_vartime
-.globl  beeu_mod_inverse_vartime
-.align 32
-    push %rbp
-.cfi_push rbp
-    movq %rsp, %rbp
-.cfi_def_cfa_register rbp
-    push %r12
-.cfi_push r12
-    push %r13
-.cfi_push r13
-    push %r14
-.cfi_push r14
-    push %r15
-.cfi_push r15
-    push %rbx
-.cfi_push rbx
-    push %rsi
-.cfi_push rsi
-    sub \$$last_rsp_offset, %rsp
-    movq $out, $out_rsp(%rsp)
-    # X=1, Y=0
-    movq \$1, $x0
-    xorq $x1, $x1
-    xorq $x2, $x2
-    xorq $x3, $x3
-    xorq $x4, $x4
-    xorq $y0, $y0
-    xorq $y1, $y1
-    xorq $y2, $y2
-    xorq $y3, $y3
-    xorq $y4, $y4
-    # Copy a/n into B/A on the stack.
-    vmovdqu 0*8($a), $T0
-    vmovdqu 2*8($a), $T1
-    vmovdqu $T0, $b_rsp0(%rsp)
-    vmovdqu $T1, $b_rsp2(%rsp)
-    vmovdqu 0*8($n), $T0
-    vmovdqu 2*8($n), $T1
-    vmovdqu $T0, $a_rsp0(%rsp)
-    vmovdqu $T1, $a_rsp2(%rsp)
-    ${\TEST_B_ZERO}
-    # 0 < B < |n|,
-    # 0 < A <= |n|,
-    # (1)      X*a  ==  B   (mod |n|),
-    # (2) (-1)*Y*a  ==  A   (mod |n|)
-    # Now divide B by the maximum possible power of two in the
-    # integers, and divide X by the same value mod |n|. When we're
-    # done, (1) still holds.
-    movq \$1, $shift
-    # Note that B > 0
-    movq $shift, $t1
-    andq $b_rsp0(%rsp), $t1
-    jnz .Lbeeu_shift_loop_end_XB
-    ${\SHIFT1($x0, $x1, $x2, $x3, $x4)}
-    shl \$1, $shift
-    # Test wraparound of the shift parameter. The probability to have 32 zeroes
-    # in a row is small Therefore having the value below equal \$0x8000000 or
-    # \$0x8000 does not affect the performance. We choose 0x8000000 because it
-    # is the maximal immediate value possible.
-    cmp \$0x8000000, $shift
-    jne .Lbeeu_shift_loop_XB
-    bsf $shift, $shift
-    test $shift, $shift
-    jz .Lbeeu_no_shift_XB
-    ${\SHIFT256($b_rsp0)}
-    # Same for A and Y.  Afterwards, (2) still holds.
-    movq \$1, $shift
-    # Note that A > 0
-    movq $shift, $t1
-    andq $a_rsp0(%rsp), $t1
-    jnz .Lbeeu_shift_loop_end_YA
-    ${\SHIFT1($y0, $y1, $y2, $y3, $y4)}
-    shl \$1, $shift
-    # Test wraparound of the shift parameter. The probability to have 32 zeroes
-    # in a row is small therefore having the value below equal \$0x8000000 or
-    # \$0x8000 Does not affect the performance. We choose 0x8000000 because it
-    # is the maximal immediate value possible.
-    cmp \$0x8000000, $shift
-    jne .Lbeeu_shift_loop_YA
-    bsf $shift, $shift
-    test $shift, $shift
-    jz .Lbeeu_no_shift_YA
-    ${\SHIFT256($a_rsp0)}
-    # T = B-A (A,B < 2^256)
-    mov $b_rsp0(%rsp), $t0
-    mov $b_rsp1(%rsp), $t1
-    mov $b_rsp2(%rsp), $t2
-    mov $b_rsp3(%rsp), $t3
-    sub $a_rsp0(%rsp), $t0
-    sbb $a_rsp1(%rsp), $t1
-    sbb $a_rsp2(%rsp), $t2
-    sbb $a_rsp3(%rsp), $t3  # borrow from shift
-    jnc .Lbeeu_B_bigger_than_A
-    # A = A - B
-    mov $a_rsp0(%rsp), $t0
-    mov $a_rsp1(%rsp), $t1
-    mov $a_rsp2(%rsp), $t2
-    mov $a_rsp3(%rsp), $t3
-    sub $b_rsp0(%rsp), $t0
-    sbb $b_rsp1(%rsp), $t1
-    sbb $b_rsp2(%rsp), $t2
-    sbb $b_rsp3(%rsp), $t3
-    mov $t0, $a_rsp0(%rsp)
-    mov $t1, $a_rsp1(%rsp)
-    mov $t2, $a_rsp2(%rsp)
-    mov $t3, $a_rsp3(%rsp)
-    # Y = Y + X
-    add $x0, $y0
-    adc $x1, $y1
-    adc $x2, $y2
-    adc $x3, $y3
-    adc $x4, $y4
-    jmp .Lbeeu_loop
-    # B = T = B - A
-    mov $t0, $b_rsp0(%rsp)
-    mov $t1, $b_rsp1(%rsp)
-    mov $t2, $b_rsp2(%rsp)
-    mov $t3, $b_rsp3(%rsp)
-    # X = Y + X
-    add $y0, $x0
-    adc $y1, $x1
-    adc $y2, $x2
-    adc $y3, $x3
-    adc $y4, $x4
-    jmp .Lbeeu_loop
-    # The Euclid's algorithm loop ends when A == beeu(a,n);
-    # Therefore (-1)*Y*a == A (mod |n|), Y>0
-    # Verify that A = 1 ==> (-1)*Y*a = A = 1  (mod |n|)
-    mov $a_rsp0(%rsp), $t1
-    sub \$1, $t1
-    or $a_rsp1(%rsp), $t1
-    or $a_rsp2(%rsp), $t1
-    or $a_rsp3(%rsp), $t1
-    # If not, fail.
-    jnz .Lbeeu_err
-    # From this point on, we no longer need X
-    # Therefore we use it as a temporary storage.
-    # X = n
-    movq 0*8($n), $x0
-    movq 1*8($n), $x1
-    movq 2*8($n), $x2
-    movq 3*8($n), $x3
-    xorq $x4, $x4
-    movq $y0, $y_rsp0(%rsp)
-    movq $y1, $y_rsp1(%rsp)
-    movq $y2, $y_rsp2(%rsp)
-    movq $y3, $y_rsp3(%rsp)
-    movq $y4, $y_rsp4(%rsp)
-    # If Y>n ==> Y=Y-n
-    sub $x0, $y0
-    sbb $x1, $y1
-    sbb $x2, $y2
-    sbb $x3, $y3
-    sbb \$0, $y4
-    # Choose old Y or new Y
-    cmovc $y_rsp0(%rsp), $y0
-    cmovc $y_rsp1(%rsp), $y1
-    cmovc $y_rsp2(%rsp), $y2
-    cmovc $y_rsp3(%rsp), $y3
-    jnc .Lbeeu_reduction_loop
-    # X = n - Y (n, Y < 2^256), (Cancel the (-1))
-    sub $y0, $x0
-    sbb $y1, $x1
-    sbb $y2, $x2
-    sbb $y3, $x3
-    # Save the inverse(<2^256) to out.
-    mov $out_rsp(%rsp), $out
-    movq $x0, 0*8($out)
-    movq $x1, 1*8($out)
-    movq $x2, 2*8($out)
-    movq $x3, 3*8($out)
-    # Return 1.
-    movq \$1, %rax
-    jmp .Lbeeu_finish
-    # Return 0.
-    xorq %rax, %rax
-    add \$$last_rsp_offset, %rsp
-    pop %rsi
-.cfi_pop rsi
-    pop %rbx
-.cfi_pop rbx
-    pop %r15
-.cfi_pop r15
-    pop %r14
-.cfi_pop r14
-    pop %r13
-.cfi_pop r13
-    pop %r12
-.cfi_pop r12
-    pop %rbp
-.cfi_pop rbp
-.cfi_def_cfa rsp, 8
-    ret
-.size beeu_mod_inverse_vartime, .-beeu_mod_inverse_vartime
-print $code;
-close STDOUT;
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec.c b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec.c
index 4c557a1..134d051 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec.c
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec.c
@@ -911,43 +911,6 @@
   return 1;
-int ec_cmp_x_coordinate(const EC_GROUP *group, const EC_POINT *p,
-                        const BIGNUM *r, BN_CTX *ctx) {
-  return group->meth->cmp_x_coordinate(group, p, r, ctx);
-int ec_field_element_to_scalar(const EC_GROUP *group, BIGNUM *r) {
-  // We must have p < 2×order, assuming p is not tiny (p >= 17). Thus rather we
-  // can reduce by performing at most one subtraction.
-  //
-  // Proof: We only work with prime order curves, so the number of points on
-  // the curve is the order. Thus Hasse's theorem gives:
-  //
-  //     |order - (p + 1)| <= 2×sqrt(p)
-  //         p + 1 - order <= 2×sqrt(p)
-  //     p + 1 - 2×sqrt(p) <= order
-  //       p + 1 - 2×(p/4)  < order       (p/4 > sqrt(p) for p >= 17)
-  //         p/2 < p/2 + 1  < order
-  //                     p  < 2×order
-  //
-  // Additionally, one can manually check this property for built-in curves. It
-  // is enforced for legacy custom curves in |EC_GROUP_set_generator|.
-  //
-  // TODO(davidben): Introduce |EC_FIELD_ELEMENT|, make this a function from
-  // |EC_FIELD_ELEMENT| to |EC_SCALAR|, and cut out the |BIGNUM|. Does this need
-  // to be constant-time for signing? |r| is the x-coordinate for kG, which is
-  // public unless k was rerolled because |s| was zero.
-  assert(!BN_is_negative(r));
-  assert(BN_cmp(r, &group->field) < 0);
-  if (BN_cmp(r, &group->order) >= 0 &&
-      !BN_sub(r, r, &group->order)) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  assert(!BN_is_negative(r));
-  assert(BN_cmp(r, &group->order) < 0);
-  return 1;
 void EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag(EC_GROUP *group, int flag) {}
 const EC_METHOD *EC_GROUP_method_of(const EC_GROUP *group) {
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec_montgomery.c b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec_montgomery.c
index db2d657..3fb67e2 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec_montgomery.c
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec_montgomery.c
@@ -234,6 +234,4 @@
   out->bignum_to_felem = ec_GFp_mont_bignum_to_felem;
   out->felem_to_bignum = ec_GFp_mont_felem_to_bignum;
   out->scalar_inv_montgomery = ec_simple_scalar_inv_montgomery;
-  out->scalar_inv_montgomery_vartime = ec_GFp_simple_mont_inv_mod_ord_vartime;
-  out->cmp_x_coordinate = ec_GFp_simple_cmp_x_coordinate;
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/internal.h b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/internal.h
index 4f58cb9..e51109a 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/internal.h
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/internal.h
@@ -167,21 +167,11 @@
   int (*felem_to_bignum)(const EC_GROUP *group, BIGNUM *out,
                          const EC_FELEM *in);
-  // scalar_inv_montgomery sets |out| to |in|^-1, where both input and output
-  // are in Montgomery form.
+  // scalar_inv_mont sets |out| to |in|^-1, where both input and output are in
+  // Montgomery form.
   void (*scalar_inv_montgomery)(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_SCALAR *out,
                                 const EC_SCALAR *in);
-  // scalar_inv_montgomery_vartime performs the same computation as
-  // |scalar_inv_montgomery|. It further assumes that the inputs are public so
-  // there is no concern about leaking their values through timing.
-  int (*scalar_inv_montgomery_vartime)(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_SCALAR *out,
-                                       const EC_SCALAR *in);
-  // cmp_x_coordinate compares the x (affine) coordinate of |p|, mod the group
-  // order, with |r|. It returns one if they are equal and zero otherwise.
-  int (*cmp_x_coordinate)(const EC_GROUP *group, const EC_POINT *p,
-                          const BIGNUM *r, BN_CTX *ctx);
 } /* EC_METHOD */;
 const EC_METHOD *EC_GFp_mont_method(void);
@@ -287,11 +277,6 @@
 void ec_scalar_inv_montgomery(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_SCALAR *r,
                               const EC_SCALAR *a);
-// ec_scalar_inv_montgomery_vartime performs the same actions as
-// |ec_scalar_inv_montgomery|, but in variable time.
-int ec_scalar_inv_montgomery_vartime(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_SCALAR *r,
-                                     const EC_SCALAR *a);
 // ec_point_mul_scalar sets |r| to generator * |g_scalar| + |p| *
 // |p_scalar|. Unlike other functions which take |EC_SCALAR|, |g_scalar| and
 // |p_scalar| need not be fully reduced. They need only contain as many bits as
@@ -307,16 +292,6 @@
     const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r, const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar,
     const EC_POINT *p, const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar, BN_CTX *ctx);
-// ec_cmp_x_coordinate compares the x (affine) coordinate of |p| with |r|. It
-// returns one if they are equal and zero otherwise. The |ctx| must have been
-// started by the caller.
-int ec_cmp_x_coordinate(const EC_GROUP *group, const EC_POINT *p,
-                        const BIGNUM *r, BN_CTX *ctx);
-// ec_field_element_to_scalar reduces |r| modulo |group->order|. |r| must
-// previously have been reduced modulo |group->field|.
-int ec_field_element_to_scalar(const EC_GROUP *group, BIGNUM *r);
 void ec_GFp_simple_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
                        const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar, const EC_RAW_POINT *p,
                        const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar);
@@ -362,14 +337,6 @@
 void ec_simple_scalar_inv_montgomery(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_SCALAR *r,
                                      const EC_SCALAR *a);
-int ec_GFp_simple_mont_inv_mod_ord_vartime(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_SCALAR *r,
-                                           const EC_SCALAR *a);
-// ec_GFp_simple_cmp_x_coordinate compares the x (affine) coordinate of |p|, mod
-// the group order, with |r|. It returns one on success or zero otherwise.
-int ec_GFp_simple_cmp_x_coordinate(const EC_GROUP *group, const EC_POINT *p,
-                                   const BIGNUM *r, BN_CTX *ctx);
 // method functions in montgomery.c
 int ec_GFp_mont_group_init(EC_GROUP *);
 int ec_GFp_mont_group_set_curve(EC_GROUP *, const BIGNUM *p, const BIGNUM *a,
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p224-64.c b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p224-64.c
index 27bfc36..ebaca85 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p224-64.c
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p224-64.c
@@ -1136,8 +1136,6 @@
   out->bignum_to_felem = ec_GFp_nistp224_bignum_to_felem;
   out->felem_to_bignum = ec_GFp_nistp224_felem_to_bignum;
   out->scalar_inv_montgomery = ec_simple_scalar_inv_montgomery;
-  out->scalar_inv_montgomery_vartime = ec_GFp_simple_mont_inv_mod_ord_vartime;
-  out->cmp_x_coordinate = ec_GFp_simple_cmp_x_coordinate;
 #endif  // BORINGSSL_HAS_UINT128 && !SMALL
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p256-x86_64.c b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p256-x86_64.c
index 0ff5455..73d36b6 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p256-x86_64.c
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p256-x86_64.c
@@ -44,12 +44,6 @@
     TOBN(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff), TOBN(0x00000000, 0xfffffffe),
-// P256_ORDER is the order of the P-256 group, not in Montgomery form.
-static const BN_ULONG P256_ORDER[P256_LIMBS] = {
-    TOBN(0xf3b9cac2, 0xfc632551), TOBN(0xbce6faad, 0xa7179e84),
-    TOBN(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff), TOBN(0xffffffff, 0x00000000),
 // Precomputed tables for the default generator
 #include "p256-x86_64-table.h"
@@ -295,63 +289,19 @@
   ecp_nistz256_point_add(r, r, &h);
-typedef union {
-  P256_POINT p;
-} p256_point_union_t;
-static unsigned calc_first_wvalue(unsigned *index, const uint8_t p_str[33]) {
-  static const unsigned kWindowSize = 7;
-  static const unsigned kMask = (1 << (7 /* kWindowSize */ + 1)) - 1;
-  *index = kWindowSize;
-  unsigned wvalue = (p_str[0] << 1) & kMask;
-  return booth_recode_w7(wvalue);
-static unsigned calc_wvalue(unsigned *index, const uint8_t p_str[33]) {
-  static const unsigned kWindowSize = 7;
-  static const unsigned kMask = (1 << (7 /* kWindowSize */ + 1)) - 1;
-  const unsigned off = (*index - 1) / 8;
-  unsigned wvalue = p_str[off] | p_str[off + 1] << 8;
-  wvalue = (wvalue >> ((*index - 1) % 8)) & kMask;
-  *index += kWindowSize;
-  return booth_recode_w7(wvalue);
-static void mul_p_add_and_store(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
-                                const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar,
-                                const EC_RAW_POINT *p_,
-                                const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar,
-                                p256_point_union_t *t, p256_point_union_t *p) {
-  const int p_is_infinity = g_scalar == NULL;
-  if (p_scalar != NULL) {
-    P256_POINT *out = &t->p;
-    if (p_is_infinity) {
-      out = &p->p;
-    }
-    ecp_nistz256_windowed_mul(group, out, p_, p_scalar);
-    if (!p_is_infinity) {
-      ecp_nistz256_point_add(&p->p, &p->p, out);
-    }
-  }
-  assert(group->field.width == P256_LIMBS);
-  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->X.words, p->p.X, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
-  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->Y.words, p->p.Y, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
-  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->Z.words, p->p.Z, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
 static void ecp_nistz256_points_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
                                     const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar,
                                     const EC_RAW_POINT *p_,
                                     const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar) {
   assert((p_ != NULL) == (p_scalar != NULL));
-  alignas(32) p256_point_union_t t, p;
+  static const unsigned kWindowSize = 7;
+  static const unsigned kMask = (1 << (7 /* kWindowSize */ + 1)) - 1;
+  alignas(32) union {
+    P256_POINT p;
+    P256_POINT_AFFINE a;
+  } t, p;
   if (g_scalar != NULL) {
     uint8_t p_str[33];
@@ -359,8 +309,10 @@
     p_str[32] = 0;
     // First window
-    unsigned index = 0;
-    unsigned wvalue = calc_first_wvalue(&index, p_str);
+    unsigned wvalue = (p_str[0] << 1) & kMask;
+    unsigned index = kWindowSize;
+    wvalue = booth_recode_w7(wvalue);
     const PRECOMP256_ROW *const precomputed_table =
         (const PRECOMP256_ROW *)ecp_nistz256_precomputed;
@@ -376,7 +328,12 @@
     copy_conditional(p.p.Z, ONE, is_not_zero(wvalue >> 1));
     for (int i = 1; i < 37; i++) {
-      wvalue = calc_wvalue(&index, p_str);
+      unsigned off = (index - 1) / 8;
+      wvalue = p_str[off] | p_str[off + 1] << 8;
+      wvalue = (wvalue >> ((index - 1) % 8)) & kMask;
+      index += kWindowSize;
+      wvalue = booth_recode_w7(wvalue);
       ecp_nistz256_select_w7(&t.a, precomputed_table[i], wvalue >> 1);
@@ -387,60 +344,23 @@
-  mul_p_add_and_store(group, r, g_scalar, p_, p_scalar, &t, &p);
-static void ecp_nistz256_points_mul_public(const EC_GROUP *group,
-                                           EC_RAW_POINT *r,
-                                           const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar,
-                                           const EC_RAW_POINT *p_,
-                                           const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar) {
-  assert(p_ != NULL && p_scalar != NULL && g_scalar != NULL);
-  alignas(32) p256_point_union_t t, p;
-  uint8_t p_str[33];
-  OPENSSL_memcpy(p_str, g_scalar->bytes, 32);
-  p_str[32] = 0;
-  // First window
-  unsigned index = 0;
-  unsigned wvalue = calc_first_wvalue(&index, p_str);
-  const PRECOMP256_ROW *const precomputed_table =
-      (const PRECOMP256_ROW *)ecp_nistz256_precomputed;
-  // Convert |p| from affine to Jacobian coordinates. We set Z to zero if |p|
-  // is infinity and |ONE| otherwise. |p| was computed from the table, so it
-  // is infinity iff |wvalue >> 1| is zero.
-  if ((wvalue >> 1) != 0) {
-    OPENSSL_memcpy(&p.a, &precomputed_table[0][(wvalue >> 1) - 1], sizeof(p.a));
-    OPENSSL_memcpy(&p.p.Z, ONE, sizeof(p.p.Z));
-  } else {
-    OPENSSL_memset(&p.a, 0, sizeof(p.a));
-    OPENSSL_memset(p.p.Z, 0, sizeof(p.p.Z));
-  }
-  if ((wvalue & 1) == 1) {
-    ecp_nistz256_neg(p.p.Y, p.p.Y);
-  }
-  for (int i = 1; i < 37; i++) {
-    wvalue = calc_wvalue(&index, p_str);
-    if ((wvalue >> 1) == 0) {
-      continue;
+  const int p_is_infinity = g_scalar == NULL;
+  if (p_scalar != NULL) {
+    P256_POINT *out = &t.p;
+    if (p_is_infinity) {
+      out = &p.p;
-    OPENSSL_memcpy(&t.a, &precomputed_table[i][(wvalue >> 1) - 1], sizeof(p.a));
-    if ((wvalue & 1) == 1) {
-      ecp_nistz256_neg(t.a.Y, t.a.Y);
+    ecp_nistz256_windowed_mul(group, out, p_, p_scalar);
+    if (!p_is_infinity) {
+      ecp_nistz256_point_add(&p.p, &p.p, out);
-    ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine(&p.p, &p.p, &t.a);
-  mul_p_add_and_store(group, r, g_scalar, p_, p_scalar, &t, &p);
+  assert(group->field.width == P256_LIMBS);
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->X.words, p.p.X, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->Y.words, p.p.Y, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->Z.words, p.p.Z, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
 static int ecp_nistz256_get_affine(const EC_GROUP *group,
@@ -593,68 +513,6 @@
-static int ecp_nistz256_mont_inv_mod_ord_vartime(const EC_GROUP *group,
-                                                 EC_SCALAR *out,
-                                                 const EC_SCALAR *in) {
-  if (!beeu_mod_inverse_vartime(out->words, in->words, P256_ORDER)) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // The result should be returned in the Montgomery domain.
-  ec_scalar_to_montgomery(group, out, out);
-  return 1;
-static int ecp_nistz256_cmp_x_coordinate(const EC_GROUP *group,
-                                         const EC_POINT *p, const BIGNUM *r,
-                                         BN_CTX *ctx) {
-  if (ec_GFp_simple_is_at_infinity(group, &p->raw)) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  BN_ULONG r_words[P256_LIMBS];
-  if (!bn_copy_words(r_words, P256_LIMBS, r)) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // We wish to compare X/Z^2 with r. This is equivalent to comparing X with
-  // r*Z^2. Note that X and Z are represented in Montgomery form, while r is
-  // not.
-  BN_ULONG r_Z2[P256_LIMBS], Z2_mont[P256_LIMBS], X[P256_LIMBS];
-  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(Z2_mont, p->raw.Z.words, p->raw.Z.words);
-  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(r_Z2, r_words, Z2_mont);
-  ecp_nistz256_from_mont(X, p->raw.X.words);
-  if (OPENSSL_memcmp(r_Z2, X, sizeof(r_Z2)) == 0) {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // During signing the x coefficient is reduced modulo the group order.
-  // Therefore there is a small possibility, less than 1/2^128, that group_order
-  // < p.x < P. in that case we need not only to compare against |r| but also to
-  // compare against r+group_order.
-  // P_MINUS_ORDER is the difference between the field order (p) and the group
-  // order (N). This value is not in the Montgomery domain.
-  static const BN_ULONG P_MINUS_ORDER[P256_LIMBS] = {
-      TOBN(0x0c46353d, 0x039cdaae), TOBN(0x43190553, 0x58e8617b),
-      TOBN(0x00000000, 0x00000000), TOBN(0x00000000, 0x00000000)};
-  if (bn_less_than_words(r_words, P_MINUS_ORDER, P256_LIMBS)) {
-    // We can add in-place, ignoring the carry, because: r + group_order < p <
-    // 2^256
-    bn_add_words(r_words, r_words, P256_ORDER, P256_LIMBS);
-    ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(r_Z2, r_words, Z2_mont);
-    if (OPENSSL_memcmp(r_Z2, X, sizeof(r_Z2)) == 0) {
-      return 1;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
   out->group_init = ec_GFp_mont_group_init;
   out->group_finish = ec_GFp_mont_group_finish;
@@ -663,14 +521,12 @@
   out->add = ecp_nistz256_add;
   out->dbl = ecp_nistz256_dbl;
   out->mul = ecp_nistz256_points_mul;
-  out->mul_public = ecp_nistz256_points_mul_public;
+  out->mul_public = ecp_nistz256_points_mul;
   out->felem_mul = ec_GFp_mont_felem_mul;
   out->felem_sqr = ec_GFp_mont_felem_sqr;
   out->bignum_to_felem = ec_GFp_mont_bignum_to_felem;
   out->felem_to_bignum = ec_GFp_mont_felem_to_bignum;
   out->scalar_inv_montgomery = ecp_nistz256_inv_mod_ord;
-  out->scalar_inv_montgomery_vartime = ecp_nistz256_mont_inv_mod_ord_vartime;
-  out->cmp_x_coordinate = ecp_nistz256_cmp_x_coordinate;
 #endif /* !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) && defined(OPENSSL_X86_64) && \
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p256-x86_64.h b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p256-x86_64.h
index 9de3240..21b461c 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p256-x86_64.h
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p256-x86_64.h
@@ -61,16 +61,6 @@
   ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(res, in, ONE);
-// ecp_nistz256_to_mont sets |res| to |in|, converted to Montgomery domain
-// by multiplying with RR = 2^512 mod P precomputed for NIST P256 curve.
-static inline void ecp_nistz256_to_mont(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS],
-                                        const BN_ULONG in[P256_LIMBS]) {
-  static const BN_ULONG RR[P256_LIMBS] = {
-      TOBN(0x00000000, 0x00000003), TOBN(0xfffffffb, 0xffffffff),
-      TOBN(0xffffffff, 0xfffffffe), TOBN(0x00000004, 0xfffffffd)};
-  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(res, in, RR);
 // P-256 scalar operations.
@@ -89,12 +79,6 @@
 void ecp_nistz256_ord_sqr_mont(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS],
                                const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS], int rep);
-// beeu_mod_inverse_vartime sets out = a^-1 mod p using a Euclidean algorithm.
-// Assumption: 0 < a < p < 2^(256) and p is odd.
-int beeu_mod_inverse_vartime(BN_ULONG out[P256_LIMBS],
-                             const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS],
-                             const BN_ULONG p[P256_LIMBS]);
 // P-256 point operations.
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/
index 68749e2..8ed1dd4 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/
@@ -24,11 +24,8 @@
 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
 #include <openssl/bn.h>
-#include <openssl/ec.h>
 #include <openssl/mem.h>
-#include <openssl/nid.h>
-#include "internal.h"
 #include "../bn/internal.h"
 #include "../../internal.h"
 #include "../../test/file_test.h"
@@ -90,59 +87,6 @@
-TEST(P256_X86_64Test, BEEU) {
-  bssl::UniquePtr<EC_GROUP> group(
-      EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(group);
-  BN_ULONG order_words[P256_LIMBS];
-      bn_copy_words(order_words, P256_LIMBS, EC_GROUP_get0_order(group.get())));
-  BN_ULONG in[P256_LIMBS], out[P256_LIMBS];
-  EC_SCALAR in_scalar, out_scalar, result;
-  OPENSSL_memset(in, 0, sizeof(in));
-  // Trying to find the inverse of zero should fail.
-  ASSERT_FALSE(beeu_mod_inverse_vartime(out, in, order_words));
-  // kOneMont is 1, in Montgomery form.
-  static const BN_ULONG kOneMont[P256_LIMBS] = {
-      TOBN(0xc46353d, 0x039cdaaf), TOBN(0x43190552, 0x58e8617b),
-      0, 0xffffffff,
-  };
-  for (BN_ULONG i = 1; i < 2000; i++) {
-    in[0] = i;
-    if (i >= 1000) {
-      in[1] = i << 8;
-      in[2] = i << 32;
-      in[3] = i << 48;
-    } else {
-      in[1] = in[2] = in[3] = 0;
-    }
-    EXPECT_TRUE(bn_less_than_words(in, order_words, P256_LIMBS));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(beeu_mod_inverse_vartime(out, in, order_words));
-    EXPECT_TRUE(bn_less_than_words(out, order_words, P256_LIMBS));
-    // Calculate out*in and confirm that it equals one, modulo the order.
-    OPENSSL_memcpy(in_scalar.bytes, in, sizeof(in));
-    OPENSSL_memcpy(out_scalar.bytes, out, sizeof(out));
-    ec_scalar_to_montgomery(group.get(), &in_scalar, &in_scalar);
-    ec_scalar_to_montgomery(group.get(), &out_scalar, &out_scalar);
-    ec_scalar_mul_montgomery(group.get(), &result, &in_scalar, &out_scalar);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, OPENSSL_memcmp(kOneMont, &result, sizeof(kOneMont)));
-    // Invert the result and expect to get back to the original value.
-    ASSERT_TRUE(beeu_mod_inverse_vartime(out, out, order_words));
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, OPENSSL_memcmp(in, out, sizeof(in)));
-  }
 static bool GetFieldElement(FileTest *t, BN_ULONG out[P256_LIMBS],
                             const char *name) {
   std::vector<uint8_t> bytes;
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/scalar.c b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/scalar.c
index 88678a9..1bd6b02 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/scalar.c
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/scalar.c
@@ -74,8 +74,3 @@
                               const EC_SCALAR *a) {
   group->meth->scalar_inv_montgomery(group, r, a);
-int ec_scalar_inv_montgomery_vartime(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_SCALAR *r,
-                                     const EC_SCALAR *a) {
-  return group->meth->scalar_inv_montgomery_vartime(group, r, a);
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/simple.c b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/simple.c
index 854da1e..5c63711 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/simple.c
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/simple.c
@@ -570,55 +570,3 @@
   // The points are equal.
   return 0;
-int ec_GFp_simple_mont_inv_mod_ord_vartime(const EC_GROUP *group,
-                                           EC_SCALAR *out,
-                                           const EC_SCALAR *in) {
-  // This implementation (in fact) runs in constant time,
-  // even though for this interface it is not mandatory.
-  // out = in^-1 in the Montgomery domain. This is
-  // |ec_scalar_to_montgomery| followed by |ec_scalar_inv_montgomery|, but
-  // |ec_scalar_inv_montgomery| followed by |ec_scalar_from_montgomery| is
-  // equivalent and slightly more efficient.
-  ec_scalar_inv_montgomery(group, out, in);
-  ec_scalar_from_montgomery(group, out, out);
-  return 1;
-// Compares the x (affine) coordinate of the point p with x.
-// Return 1 on success 0 otherwise
-// Assumption: the caller starts the BN_CTX.
-int ec_GFp_simple_cmp_x_coordinate(const EC_GROUP *group, const EC_POINT *p,
-                                   const BIGNUM *r, BN_CTX *ctx) {
-  int ret = 0;
-  BN_CTX_start(ctx);
-  BIGNUM *X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-  if (X == NULL) {
-    goto out;
-  }
-  if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, p, X, NULL, ctx)) {
-    goto out;
-  }
-  if (!ec_field_element_to_scalar(group, X)) {
-    goto out;
-  }
-  // The signature is correct iff |X| is equal to |r|.
-  if (BN_ucmp(X, r) != 0) {
-    goto out;
-  }
-  ret = 1;
-  BN_CTX_end(ctx);
-  return ret;
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ecdsa/ecdsa.c b/crypto/fipsmodule/ecdsa/ecdsa.c
index 7ec4565..f3ce214 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ecdsa/ecdsa.c
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ecdsa/ecdsa.c
@@ -98,6 +98,40 @@
+// field_element_to_scalar reduces |r| modulo |group->order|. |r| must
+// previously have been reduced modulo |group->field|.
+static int field_element_to_scalar(const EC_GROUP *group, BIGNUM *r) {
+  // We must have p < 2×order, assuming p is not tiny (p >= 17). Thus rather we
+  // can reduce by performing at most one subtraction.
+  //
+  // Proof: We only work with prime order curves, so the number of points on
+  // the curve is the order. Thus Hasse's theorem gives:
+  //
+  //     |order - (p + 1)| <= 2×sqrt(p)
+  //         p + 1 - order <= 2×sqrt(p)
+  //     p + 1 - 2×sqrt(p) <= order
+  //       p + 1 - 2×(p/4)  < order       (p/4 > sqrt(p) for p >= 17)
+  //         p/2 < p/2 + 1  < order
+  //                     p  < 2×order
+  //
+  // Additionally, one can manually check this property for built-in curves. It
+  // is enforced for legacy custom curves in |EC_GROUP_set_generator|.
+  //
+  // TODO(davidben): Introduce |EC_FIELD_ELEMENT|, make this a function from
+  // |EC_FIELD_ELEMENT| to |EC_SCALAR|, and cut out the |BIGNUM|. Does this need
+  // to be constant-time for signing? |r| is the x-coordinate for kG, which is
+  // public unless k was rerolled because |s| was zero.
+  assert(!BN_is_negative(r));
+  assert(BN_cmp(r, &group->field) < 0);
+  if (BN_cmp(r, &group->order) >= 0 &&
+      !BN_sub(r, r, &group->order)) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  assert(!BN_is_negative(r));
+  assert(BN_cmp(r, &group->order) < 0);
+  return 1;
 ECDSA_SIG *ECDSA_SIG_new(void) {
   ECDSA_SIG *sig = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(ECDSA_SIG));
   if (sig == NULL) {
@@ -159,6 +193,12 @@
   int ret = 0;
   EC_POINT *point = NULL;
+  BN_CTX_start(ctx);
+  BIGNUM *X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+  if (X == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
   EC_SCALAR r, s, u1, u2, s_inv_mont, m;
   if (BN_is_zero(sig->r) ||
@@ -170,7 +210,11 @@
   // s_inv_mont = s^-1 in the Montgomery domain. This is
-  ec_scalar_inv_montgomery_vartime(group, &s_inv_mont, &s);
+  // |ec_scalar_to_montgomery| followed by |ec_scalar_inv_montgomery|, but
+  // |ec_scalar_inv_montgomery| followed by |ec_scalar_from_montgomery| is
+  // equivalent and slightly more efficient.
+  ec_scalar_inv_montgomery(group, &s_inv_mont, &s);
+  ec_scalar_from_montgomery(group, &s_inv_mont, &s_inv_mont);
   // u1 = m * s^-1 mod order
   // u2 = r * s^-1 mod order
@@ -190,10 +234,24 @@
     goto err;
+  if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, point, X, NULL, ctx)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (!field_element_to_scalar(group, X)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  // The signature is correct iff |X| is equal to |sig->r|.
+  if (BN_ucmp(X, sig->r) != 0) {
+    goto err;
+  }
-  ret = ec_cmp_x_coordinate(group, point, sig->r, ctx);
+  ret = 1;
+  BN_CTX_end(ctx);
   return ret;
@@ -262,7 +320,7 @@
       goto err;
-    if (!ec_field_element_to_scalar(group, r)) {
+    if (!field_element_to_scalar(group, r)) {
       goto err;
   } while (BN_is_zero(r));
diff --git a/third_party/fiat/p256.c b/third_party/fiat/p256.c
index b6f3f49..2d40ea0 100644
--- a/third_party/fiat/p256.c
+++ b/third_party/fiat/p256.c
@@ -1836,8 +1836,6 @@
   out->bignum_to_felem = ec_GFp_mont_bignum_to_felem;
   out->felem_to_bignum = ec_GFp_mont_felem_to_bignum;
   out->scalar_inv_montgomery = ec_simple_scalar_inv_montgomery;
-  out->scalar_inv_montgomery_vartime = ec_GFp_simple_mont_inv_mod_ord_vartime;
-  out->cmp_x_coordinate = ec_GFp_simple_cmp_x_coordinate;