blob: 13163863a4bb9d01d7ce4a00f3d29cfc5ba04ede [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, Google Inc.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
// copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
package runner
import (
var (
useValgrind = flag.Bool("valgrind", false, "If true, run code under valgrind")
useGDB = flag.Bool("gdb", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under gdb")
useLLDB = flag.Bool("lldb", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under lldb")
flagDebug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Hexdump the contents of the connection")
mallocTest = flag.Int64("malloc-test", -1, "If non-negative, run each test with each malloc in turn failing from the given number onwards.")
mallocTestDebug = flag.Bool("malloc-test-debug", false, "If true, ask bssl_shim to abort rather than fail a malloc. This can be used with a specific value for --malloc-test to identity the malloc failing that is causing problems.")
jsonOutput = flag.String("json-output", "", "The file to output JSON results to.")
pipe = flag.Bool("pipe", false, "If true, print status output suitable for piping into another program.")
testToRun = flag.String("test", "", "The pattern to filter tests to run, or empty to run all tests")
numWorkers = flag.Int("num-workers", runtime.NumCPU(), "The number of workers to run in parallel.")
shimPath = flag.String("shim-path", "../../../build/ssl/test/bssl_shim", "The location of the shim binary.")
resourceDir = flag.String("resource-dir", ".", "The directory in which to find certificate and key files.")
fuzzer = flag.Bool("fuzzer", false, "If true, tests against a BoringSSL built in fuzzer mode.")
transcriptDir = flag.String("transcript-dir", "", "The directory in which to write transcripts.")
idleTimeout = flag.Duration("idle-timeout", 15*time.Second, "The number of seconds to wait for a read or write to bssl_shim.")
deterministic = flag.Bool("deterministic", false, "If true, uses a deterministic PRNG in the runner.")
allowUnimplemented = flag.Bool("allow-unimplemented", false, "If true, report pass even if some tests are unimplemented.")
looseErrors = flag.Bool("loose-errors", false, "If true, allow shims to report an untranslated error code.")
shimConfigFile = flag.String("shim-config", "", "A config file to use to configure the tests for this shim.")
includeDisabled = flag.Bool("include-disabled", false, "If true, also runs disabled tests.")
repeatUntilFailure = flag.Bool("repeat-until-failure", false, "If true, the first selected test will be run repeatedly until failure.")
// ShimConfigurations is used with the “json” package and represents a shim
// config file.
type ShimConfiguration struct {
// DisabledTests maps from a glob-based pattern to a freeform string.
// The glob pattern is used to exclude tests from being run and the
// freeform string is unparsed but expected to explain why the test is
// disabled.
DisabledTests map[string]string
// ErrorMap maps from expected error strings to the correct error
// string for the shim in question. For example, it might map
// “:NO_SHARED_CIPHER:” (a BoringSSL error string) to something
ErrorMap map[string]string
// HalfRTTTickets is the number of half-RTT tickets the client should
// expect before half-RTT data when testing 0-RTT.
HalfRTTTickets int
// Setup shimConfig defaults aligning with BoringSSL.
var shimConfig ShimConfiguration = ShimConfiguration{
HalfRTTTickets: 2,
type testCert int
const (
testCertRSA testCert = iota
const (
rsaCertificateFile = "cert.pem"
rsa1024CertificateFile = "rsa_1024_cert.pem"
rsaChainCertificateFile = "rsa_chain_cert.pem"
ecdsaP224CertificateFile = "ecdsa_p224_cert.pem"
ecdsaP256CertificateFile = "ecdsa_p256_cert.pem"
ecdsaP384CertificateFile = "ecdsa_p384_cert.pem"
ecdsaP521CertificateFile = "ecdsa_p521_cert.pem"
ed25519CertificateFile = "ed25519_cert.pem"
const (
rsaKeyFile = "key.pem"
rsa1024KeyFile = "rsa_1024_key.pem"
rsaChainKeyFile = "rsa_chain_key.pem"
ecdsaP224KeyFile = "ecdsa_p224_key.pem"
ecdsaP256KeyFile = "ecdsa_p256_key.pem"
ecdsaP384KeyFile = "ecdsa_p384_key.pem"
ecdsaP521KeyFile = "ecdsa_p521_key.pem"
ed25519KeyFile = "ed25519_key.pem"
channelIDKeyFile = "channel_id_key.pem"
var (
rsaCertificate Certificate
rsa1024Certificate Certificate
rsaChainCertificate Certificate
ecdsaP224Certificate Certificate
ecdsaP256Certificate Certificate
ecdsaP384Certificate Certificate
ecdsaP521Certificate Certificate
ed25519Certificate Certificate
var testCerts = []struct {
id testCert
certFile, keyFile string
cert *Certificate
id: testCertRSA,
certFile: rsaCertificateFile,
keyFile: rsaKeyFile,
cert: &rsaCertificate,
id: testCertRSA1024,
certFile: rsa1024CertificateFile,
keyFile: rsa1024KeyFile,
cert: &rsa1024Certificate,
id: testCertRSAChain,
certFile: rsaChainCertificateFile,
keyFile: rsaChainKeyFile,
cert: &rsaChainCertificate,
id: testCertECDSAP224,
certFile: ecdsaP224CertificateFile,
keyFile: ecdsaP224KeyFile,
cert: &ecdsaP224Certificate,
id: testCertECDSAP256,
certFile: ecdsaP256CertificateFile,
keyFile: ecdsaP256KeyFile,
cert: &ecdsaP256Certificate,
id: testCertECDSAP384,
certFile: ecdsaP384CertificateFile,
keyFile: ecdsaP384KeyFile,
cert: &ecdsaP384Certificate,
id: testCertECDSAP521,
certFile: ecdsaP521CertificateFile,
keyFile: ecdsaP521KeyFile,
cert: &ecdsaP521Certificate,
id: testCertEd25519,
certFile: ed25519CertificateFile,
keyFile: ed25519KeyFile,
cert: &ed25519Certificate,
var channelIDKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey
var channelIDBytes []byte
var testOCSPResponse = []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}
var testSCTList = []byte{0, 6, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
var testOCSPExtension = append([]byte{byte(extensionStatusRequest) >> 8, byte(extensionStatusRequest), 0, 8, statusTypeOCSP, 0, 0, 4}, testOCSPResponse...)
var testSCTExtension = append([]byte{byte(extensionSignedCertificateTimestamp) >> 8, byte(extensionSignedCertificateTimestamp), 0, byte(len(testSCTList))}, testSCTList...)
func initCertificates() {
for i := range testCerts {
cert, err := LoadX509KeyPair(path.Join(*resourceDir, testCerts[i].certFile), path.Join(*resourceDir, testCerts[i].keyFile))
if err != nil {
cert.OCSPStaple = testOCSPResponse
cert.SignedCertificateTimestampList = testSCTList
*testCerts[i].cert = cert
channelIDPEMBlock, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(*resourceDir, channelIDKeyFile))
if err != nil {
channelIDDERBlock, _ := pem.Decode(channelIDPEMBlock)
if channelIDDERBlock.Type != "EC PRIVATE KEY" {
panic("bad key type")
channelIDKey, err = x509.ParseECPrivateKey(channelIDDERBlock.Bytes)
if err != nil {
if channelIDKey.Curve != elliptic.P256() {
panic("bad curve")
channelIDBytes = make([]byte, 64)
writeIntPadded(channelIDBytes[:32], channelIDKey.X)
writeIntPadded(channelIDBytes[32:], channelIDKey.Y)
func getRunnerCertificate(t testCert) Certificate {
for _, cert := range testCerts {
if == t {
return *cert.cert
panic("Unknown test certificate")
func getShimCertificate(t testCert) string {
for _, cert := range testCerts {
if == t {
return cert.certFile
panic("Unknown test certificate")
func getShimKey(t testCert) string {
for _, cert := range testCerts {
if == t {
return cert.keyFile
panic("Unknown test certificate")
// recordVersionToWire maps a record-layer protocol version to its wire
// representation.
func recordVersionToWire(vers uint16, protocol protocol) uint16 {
if protocol == dtls {
switch vers {
case VersionTLS12:
return VersionDTLS12
case VersionTLS10:
return VersionDTLS10
} else {
switch vers {
case VersionSSL30, VersionTLS10, VersionTLS11, VersionTLS12:
return vers
panic("unknown version")
// encodeDERValues encodes a series of bytestrings in comma-separated-hex form.
func encodeDERValues(values [][]byte) string {
var ret string
for i, v := range values {
if i > 0 {
ret += ","
ret += hex.EncodeToString(v)
return ret
type testType int
const (
clientTest testType = iota
type protocol int
const (
tls protocol = iota
const (
alpn = 1
npn = 2
type testCase struct {
testType testType
protocol protocol
name string
config Config
shouldFail bool
expectedError string
// expectedLocalError, if not empty, contains a substring that must be
// found in the local error.
expectedLocalError string
// expectedVersion, if non-zero, specifies the TLS version that must be
// negotiated.
expectedVersion uint16
// expectedResumeVersion, if non-zero, specifies the TLS version that
// must be negotiated on resumption. If zero, expectedVersion is used.
expectedResumeVersion uint16
// expectedCipher, if non-zero, specifies the TLS cipher suite that
// should be negotiated.
expectedCipher uint16
// expectChannelID controls whether the connection should have
// negotiated a Channel ID with channelIDKey.
expectChannelID bool
// expectedNextProto controls whether the connection should
// negotiate a next protocol via NPN or ALPN.
expectedNextProto string
// expectNoNextProto, if true, means that no next protocol should be
// negotiated.
expectNoNextProto bool
// expectedNextProtoType, if non-zero, is the expected next
// protocol negotiation mechanism.
expectedNextProtoType int
// expectedSRTPProtectionProfile is the DTLS-SRTP profile that
// should be negotiated. If zero, none should be negotiated.
expectedSRTPProtectionProfile uint16
// expectedOCSPResponse, if not nil, is the expected OCSP response to be received.
expectedOCSPResponse []uint8
// expectedSCTList, if not nil, is the expected SCT list to be received.
expectedSCTList []uint8
// expectedPeerSignatureAlgorithm, if not zero, is the signature
// algorithm that the peer should have used in the handshake.
expectedPeerSignatureAlgorithm signatureAlgorithm
// expectedCurveID, if not zero, is the curve that the handshake should
// have used.
expectedCurveID CurveID
// messageLen is the length, in bytes, of the test message that will be
// sent.
messageLen int
// messageCount is the number of test messages that will be sent.
messageCount int
// certFile is the path to the certificate to use for the server.
certFile string
// keyFile is the path to the private key to use for the server.
keyFile string
// resumeSession controls whether a second connection should be tested
// which attempts to resume the first session.
resumeSession bool
// resumeRenewedSession controls whether a third connection should be
// tested which attempts to resume the second connection's session.
resumeRenewedSession bool
// expectResumeRejected, if true, specifies that the attempted
// resumption must be rejected by the client. This is only valid for a
// serverTest.
expectResumeRejected bool
// resumeConfig, if not nil, points to a Config to be used on
// resumption. Unless newSessionsOnResume is set,
// SessionTicketKey, ServerSessionCache, and
// ClientSessionCache are copied from the initial connection's
// config. If nil, the initial connection's config is used.
resumeConfig *Config
// newSessionsOnResume, if true, will cause resumeConfig to
// use a different session resumption context.
newSessionsOnResume bool
// noSessionCache, if true, will cause the server to run without a
// session cache.
noSessionCache bool
// sendPrefix sends a prefix on the socket before actually performing a
// handshake.
sendPrefix string
// shimWritesFirst controls whether the shim sends an initial "hello"
// message before doing a roundtrip with the runner.
shimWritesFirst bool
// readWithUnfinishedWrite behaves like shimWritesFirst, but the shim
// does not complete the write until responding to the first runner
// message.
readWithUnfinishedWrite bool
// shimShutsDown, if true, runs a test where the shim shuts down the
// connection immediately after the handshake rather than echoing
// messages from the runner.
shimShutsDown bool
// renegotiate indicates the number of times the connection should be
// renegotiated during the exchange.
renegotiate int
// sendHalfHelloRequest, if true, causes the server to send half a
// HelloRequest when the handshake completes.
sendHalfHelloRequest bool
// renegotiateCiphers is a list of ciphersuite ids that will be
// switched in just before renegotiation.
renegotiateCiphers []uint16
// replayWrites, if true, configures the underlying transport
// to replay every write it makes in DTLS tests.
replayWrites bool
// damageFirstWrite, if true, configures the underlying transport to
// damage the final byte of the first application data write.
damageFirstWrite bool
// exportKeyingMaterial, if non-zero, configures the test to exchange
// keying material and verify they match.
exportKeyingMaterial int
exportLabel string
exportContext string
useExportContext bool
// flags, if not empty, contains a list of command-line flags that will
// be passed to the shim program.
flags []string
// testTLSUnique, if true, causes the shim to send the tls-unique value
// which will be compared against the expected value.
testTLSUnique bool
// sendEmptyRecords is the number of consecutive empty records to send
// before each test message.
sendEmptyRecords int
// sendWarningAlerts is the number of consecutive warning alerts to send
// before each test message.
sendWarningAlerts int
// sendBogusAlertType, if true, causes a bogus alert of invalid type to
// be sent before each test message.
sendBogusAlertType bool
// sendKeyUpdates is the number of consecutive key updates to send
// before and after the test message.
sendKeyUpdates int
// keyUpdateRequest is the KeyUpdateRequest value to send in KeyUpdate messages.
keyUpdateRequest byte
// expectMessageDropped, if true, means the test message is expected to
// be dropped by the client rather than echoed back.
expectMessageDropped bool
// expectPeerCertificate, if not nil, is the certificate chain the peer
// is expected to send.
expectPeerCertificate *Certificate
// shimPrefix is the prefix that the shim will send to the server.
shimPrefix string
// resumeShimPrefix is the prefix that the shim will send to the server on a
// resumption.
resumeShimPrefix string
// tls13Variant, if non-zero, causes both runner and shim to be
// configured with the specified TLS 1.3 variant. This is a convenience
// option for configuring both concurrently.
tls13Variant int
var testCases []testCase
func writeTranscript(test *testCase, path string, data []byte) {
if len(data) == 0 {
settings, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error reading %s: %s.\n", path, err)
settings = append(settings, data...)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, settings, 0644); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error writing %s: %s\n", path, err)
// A timeoutConn implements an idle timeout on each Read and Write operation.
type timeoutConn struct {
timeout time.Duration
func (t *timeoutConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
if err := t.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(t.timeout)); err != nil {
return 0, err
return t.Conn.Read(b)
func (t *timeoutConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
if err := t.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(t.timeout)); err != nil {
return 0, err
return t.Conn.Write(b)
func doExchange(test *testCase, config *Config, conn net.Conn, isResume bool, transcriptPrefix string, num int) error {
if !test.noSessionCache {
if config.ClientSessionCache == nil {
config.ClientSessionCache = NewLRUClientSessionCache(1)
if config.ServerSessionCache == nil {
config.ServerSessionCache = NewLRUServerSessionCache(1)
if test.testType == clientTest {
if len(config.Certificates) == 0 {
config.Certificates = []Certificate{rsaCertificate}
} else {
// Supply a ServerName to ensure a constant session cache key,
// rather than falling back to net.Conn.RemoteAddr.
if len(config.ServerName) == 0 {
config.ServerName = "test"
if *fuzzer {
config.Bugs.NullAllCiphers = true
if *deterministic {
config.Time = func() time.Time { return time.Unix(1234, 1234) }
if test.tls13Variant != 0 {
config.TLS13Variant = test.tls13Variant
conn = &timeoutConn{conn, *idleTimeout}
if test.protocol == dtls {
config.Bugs.PacketAdaptor = newPacketAdaptor(conn)
conn = config.Bugs.PacketAdaptor
if *flagDebug || len(*transcriptDir) != 0 {
local, peer := "client", "server"
if test.testType == clientTest {
local, peer = peer, local
connDebug := &recordingConn{
Conn: conn,
isDatagram: test.protocol == dtls,
local: local,
peer: peer,
conn = connDebug
if *flagDebug {
defer connDebug.WriteTo(os.Stdout)
if len(transcriptPrefix) != 0 {
defer func() {
path := transcriptPrefix + strconv.Itoa(num)
writeTranscript(test, path, connDebug.Transcript())
if config.Bugs.PacketAdaptor != nil {
config.Bugs.PacketAdaptor.debug = connDebug
if test.replayWrites {
conn = newReplayAdaptor(conn)
var connDamage *damageAdaptor
if test.damageFirstWrite {
connDamage = newDamageAdaptor(conn)
conn = connDamage
if test.sendPrefix != "" {
if _, err := conn.Write([]byte(test.sendPrefix)); err != nil {
return err
var tlsConn *Conn
if test.testType == clientTest {
if test.protocol == dtls {
tlsConn = DTLSServer(conn, config)
} else {
tlsConn = Server(conn, config)
} else {
config.InsecureSkipVerify = true
if test.protocol == dtls {
tlsConn = DTLSClient(conn, config)
} else {
tlsConn = Client(conn, config)
defer tlsConn.Close()
if err := tlsConn.Handshake(); err != nil {
return err
// TODO(davidben): move all per-connection expectations into a dedicated
// expectations struct that can be specified separately for the two
// legs.
expectedVersion := test.expectedVersion
if isResume && test.expectedResumeVersion != 0 {
expectedVersion = test.expectedResumeVersion
connState := tlsConn.ConnectionState()
if vers := connState.Version; expectedVersion != 0 && vers != expectedVersion {
return fmt.Errorf("got version %x, expected %x", vers, expectedVersion)
if cipher := connState.CipherSuite; test.expectedCipher != 0 && cipher != test.expectedCipher {
return fmt.Errorf("got cipher %x, expected %x", cipher, test.expectedCipher)
if didResume := connState.DidResume; isResume && didResume == test.expectResumeRejected {
return fmt.Errorf("didResume is %t, but we expected the opposite", didResume)
if test.expectChannelID {
channelID := connState.ChannelID
if channelID == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no channel ID negotiated")
if channelID.Curve != channelIDKey.Curve ||
channelIDKey.X.Cmp(channelIDKey.X) != 0 ||
channelIDKey.Y.Cmp(channelIDKey.Y) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("incorrect channel ID")
} else if connState.ChannelID != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("channel ID unexpectedly negotiated")
if expected := test.expectedNextProto; expected != "" {
if actual := connState.NegotiatedProtocol; actual != expected {
return fmt.Errorf("next proto mismatch: got %s, wanted %s", actual, expected)
if test.expectNoNextProto {
if actual := connState.NegotiatedProtocol; actual != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("got unexpected next proto %s", actual)
if test.expectedNextProtoType != 0 {
if (test.expectedNextProtoType == alpn) != connState.NegotiatedProtocolFromALPN {
return fmt.Errorf("next proto type mismatch")
if p := connState.SRTPProtectionProfile; p != test.expectedSRTPProtectionProfile {
return fmt.Errorf("SRTP profile mismatch: got %d, wanted %d", p, test.expectedSRTPProtectionProfile)
if test.expectedOCSPResponse != nil && !bytes.Equal(test.expectedOCSPResponse, tlsConn.OCSPResponse()) {
return fmt.Errorf("OCSP Response mismatch: got %x, wanted %x", tlsConn.OCSPResponse(), test.expectedOCSPResponse)
if test.expectedSCTList != nil && !bytes.Equal(test.expectedSCTList, connState.SCTList) {
return fmt.Errorf("SCT list mismatch")
if expected := test.expectedPeerSignatureAlgorithm; expected != 0 && expected != connState.PeerSignatureAlgorithm {
return fmt.Errorf("expected peer to use signature algorithm %04x, but got %04x", expected, connState.PeerSignatureAlgorithm)
if expected := test.expectedCurveID; expected != 0 && expected != connState.CurveID {
return fmt.Errorf("expected peer to use curve %04x, but got %04x", expected, connState.CurveID)
if test.expectPeerCertificate != nil {
if len(connState.PeerCertificates) != len(test.expectPeerCertificate.Certificate) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected peer to send %d certificates, but got %d", len(connState.PeerCertificates), len(test.expectPeerCertificate.Certificate))
for i, cert := range connState.PeerCertificates {
if !bytes.Equal(cert.Raw, test.expectPeerCertificate.Certificate[i]) {
return fmt.Errorf("peer certificate %d did not match", i+1)
if test.exportKeyingMaterial > 0 {
actual := make([]byte, test.exportKeyingMaterial)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, actual); err != nil {
return err
expected, err := tlsConn.ExportKeyingMaterial(test.exportKeyingMaterial, []byte(test.exportLabel), []byte(test.exportContext), test.useExportContext)
if err != nil {
return err
if !bytes.Equal(actual, expected) {
return fmt.Errorf("keying material mismatch")
if test.testTLSUnique {
var peersValue [12]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, peersValue[:]); err != nil {
return err
expected := tlsConn.ConnectionState().TLSUnique
if !bytes.Equal(peersValue[:], expected) {
return fmt.Errorf("tls-unique mismatch: peer sent %x, but %x was expected", peersValue[:], expected)
if test.sendHalfHelloRequest {
shimPrefix := test.shimPrefix
if isResume {
shimPrefix = test.resumeShimPrefix
if test.shimWritesFirst || test.readWithUnfinishedWrite {
shimPrefix = "hello"
if test.renegotiate > 0 {
// If readWithUnfinishedWrite is set, the shim prefix will be
// available later.
if shimPrefix != "" && !test.readWithUnfinishedWrite {
var buf = make([]byte, len(shimPrefix))
_, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, buf)
if err != nil {
return err
if string(buf) != shimPrefix {
return fmt.Errorf("bad initial message %v vs %v", string(buf), shimPrefix)
shimPrefix = ""
if test.renegotiateCiphers != nil {
config.CipherSuites = test.renegotiateCiphers
for i := 0; i < test.renegotiate; i++ {
if err := tlsConn.Renegotiate(); err != nil {
return err
} else if test.renegotiateCiphers != nil {
panic("renegotiateCiphers without renegotiate")
if test.damageFirstWrite {
tlsConn.Write([]byte("DAMAGED WRITE"))
messageLen := test.messageLen
if messageLen < 0 {
if test.protocol == dtls {
return fmt.Errorf("messageLen < 0 not supported for DTLS tests")
// Read until EOF.
_, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, tlsConn)
return err
if messageLen == 0 {
messageLen = 32
messageCount := test.messageCount
if messageCount == 0 {
messageCount = 1
for j := 0; j < messageCount; j++ {
for i := 0; i < test.sendKeyUpdates; i++ {
for i := 0; i < test.sendEmptyRecords; i++ {
for i := 0; i < test.sendWarningAlerts; i++ {
tlsConn.SendAlert(alertLevelWarning, alertUnexpectedMessage)
if test.sendBogusAlertType {
tlsConn.SendAlert(0x42, alertUnexpectedMessage)
testMessage := make([]byte, messageLen)
for i := range testMessage {
testMessage[i] = 0x42 ^ byte(j)
// Consume the shim prefix if needed.
if shimPrefix != "" {
var buf = make([]byte, len(shimPrefix))
_, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, buf)
if err != nil {
return err
if string(buf) != shimPrefix {
return fmt.Errorf("bad initial message %v vs %v", string(buf), shimPrefix)
shimPrefix = ""
if test.shimShutsDown || test.expectMessageDropped {
// The shim will not respond.
// Process the KeyUpdate ACK. However many KeyUpdates the runner
// sends, the shim should respond only once.
if test.sendKeyUpdates > 0 && test.keyUpdateRequest == keyUpdateRequested {
if err := tlsConn.ReadKeyUpdateACK(); err != nil {
return err
buf := make([]byte, len(testMessage))
if test.protocol == dtls {
bufTmp := make([]byte, len(buf)+1)
n, err := tlsConn.Read(bufTmp)
if err != nil {
return err
if n != len(buf) {
return fmt.Errorf("bad reply; length mismatch (%d vs %d)", n, len(buf))
copy(buf, bufTmp)
} else {
_, err := io.ReadFull(tlsConn, buf)
if err != nil {
return err
for i, v := range buf {
if v != testMessage[i]^0xff {
return fmt.Errorf("bad reply contents at byte %d", i)
return nil
func valgrindOf(dbAttach bool, path string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
valgrindArgs := []string{"--error-exitcode=99", "--track-origins=yes", "--leak-check=full", "--quiet"}
if dbAttach {
valgrindArgs = append(valgrindArgs, "--db-attach=yes", "--db-command=xterm -e gdb -nw %f %p")
valgrindArgs = append(valgrindArgs, path)
valgrindArgs = append(valgrindArgs, args...)
return exec.Command("valgrind", valgrindArgs...)
func gdbOf(path string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
xtermArgs := []string{"-e", "gdb", "--args"}
xtermArgs = append(xtermArgs, path)
xtermArgs = append(xtermArgs, args...)
return exec.Command("xterm", xtermArgs...)
func lldbOf(path string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
xtermArgs := []string{"-e", "lldb", "--"}
xtermArgs = append(xtermArgs, path)
xtermArgs = append(xtermArgs, args...)
return exec.Command("xterm", xtermArgs...)
var (
errMoreMallocs = errors.New("child process did not exhaust all allocation calls")
errUnimplemented = errors.New("child process does not implement needed flags")
// accept accepts a connection from listener, unless waitChan signals a process
// exit first.
func acceptOrWait(listener *net.TCPListener, waitChan chan error) (net.Conn, error) {
type connOrError struct {
conn net.Conn
err error
startTime, endTime time.Time
connChan := make(chan connOrError, 1)
go func() {
startTime := time.Now()
conn, err := listener.Accept()
endTime := time.Now()
connChan <- connOrError{conn, err, startTime, endTime}
select {
case result := <-connChan:
if result.err != nil {
// TODO(davidben): Remove this logging when
// is resolved.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "acceptOrWait failed, startTime=%v, endTime=%v\n", result.startTime, result.endTime)
return result.conn, result.err
case childErr := <-waitChan:
waitChan <- childErr
return nil, fmt.Errorf("child exited early: %s", childErr)
func translateExpectedError(errorStr string) string {
if translated, ok := shimConfig.ErrorMap[errorStr]; ok {
return translated
if *looseErrors {
return ""
return errorStr
func runTest(test *testCase, shimPath string, mallocNumToFail int64) error {
// Help debugging panics on the Go side.
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Test '%s' panicked.\n",
if !test.shouldFail && (len(test.expectedError) > 0 || len(test.expectedLocalError) > 0) {
panic("Error expected without shouldFail in " +
if test.expectResumeRejected && !test.resumeSession {
panic("expectResumeRejected without resumeSession in " +
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
if !strings.Contains("-""-", "-""-") {
if test.config.MaxVersion == 0 && test.config.MinVersion == 0 && test.expectedVersion == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("The name of test %q suggests that it's version specific, but min/max version in the Config is %x/%x. One of them should probably be %x",, test.config.MinVersion, test.config.MaxVersion, ver.version))
if ver.tls13Variant != 0 {
var foundFlag bool
for _, flag := range test.flags {
if flag == "-tls13-variant" {
foundFlag = true
if !foundFlag && test.config.TLS13Variant != ver.tls13Variant && test.tls13Variant != ver.tls13Variant {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("The name of test %q suggests that uses an experimental TLS 1.3 variant, but neither the shim nor the runner configures it",
listener, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IPv6loopback})
if err != nil {
listener, err = net.ListenTCP("tcp4", &net.TCPAddr{IP: net.IP{127, 0, 0, 1}})
if err != nil {
defer func() {
if listener != nil {
flags := []string{"-port", strconv.Itoa(listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port)}
if test.testType == serverTest {
flags = append(flags, "-server")
flags = append(flags, "-key-file")
if test.keyFile == "" {
flags = append(flags, path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile))
} else {
flags = append(flags, path.Join(*resourceDir, test.keyFile))
flags = append(flags, "-cert-file")
if test.certFile == "" {
flags = append(flags, path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile))
} else {
flags = append(flags, path.Join(*resourceDir, test.certFile))
if test.protocol == dtls {
flags = append(flags, "-dtls")
var resumeCount int
if test.resumeSession {
if test.resumeRenewedSession {
if resumeCount > 0 {
flags = append(flags, "-resume-count", strconv.Itoa(resumeCount))
if test.shimWritesFirst {
flags = append(flags, "-shim-writes-first")
if test.readWithUnfinishedWrite {
flags = append(flags, "-read-with-unfinished-write")
if test.shimShutsDown {
flags = append(flags, "-shim-shuts-down")
if test.exportKeyingMaterial > 0 {
flags = append(flags, "-export-keying-material", strconv.Itoa(test.exportKeyingMaterial))
flags = append(flags, "-export-label", test.exportLabel)
flags = append(flags, "-export-context", test.exportContext)
if test.useExportContext {
flags = append(flags, "-use-export-context")
if test.expectResumeRejected {
flags = append(flags, "-expect-session-miss")
if test.testTLSUnique {
flags = append(flags, "-tls-unique")
if test.tls13Variant != 0 {
flags = append(flags, "-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(test.tls13Variant))
var transcriptPrefix string
if len(*transcriptDir) != 0 {
protocol := "tls"
if test.protocol == dtls {
protocol = "dtls"
side := "client"
if test.testType == serverTest {
side = "server"
dir := filepath.Join(*transcriptDir, protocol, side)
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755); err != nil {
return err
transcriptPrefix = filepath.Join(dir,"-")
flags = append(flags, "-write-settings", transcriptPrefix)
flags = append(flags, test.flags...)
var shim *exec.Cmd
if *useValgrind {
shim = valgrindOf(false, shimPath, flags...)
} else if *useGDB {
shim = gdbOf(shimPath, flags...)
} else if *useLLDB {
shim = lldbOf(shimPath, flags...)
} else {
shim = exec.Command(shimPath, flags...)
shim.Stdin = os.Stdin
var stdoutBuf, stderrBuf bytes.Buffer
shim.Stdout = &stdoutBuf
shim.Stderr = &stderrBuf
if mallocNumToFail >= 0 {
shim.Env = os.Environ()
shim.Env = append(shim.Env, "MALLOC_NUMBER_TO_FAIL="+strconv.FormatInt(mallocNumToFail, 10))
if *mallocTestDebug {
shim.Env = append(shim.Env, "MALLOC_BREAK_ON_FAIL=1")
shim.Env = append(shim.Env, "_MALLOC_CHECK=1")
if err := shim.Start(); err != nil {
waitChan := make(chan error, 1)
go func() { waitChan <- shim.Wait() }()
config := test.config
if *deterministic {
config.Rand = &deterministicRand{}
conn, err := acceptOrWait(listener, waitChan)
if err == nil {
err = doExchange(test, &config, conn, false /* not a resumption */, transcriptPrefix, 0)
for i := 0; err == nil && i < resumeCount; i++ {
var resumeConfig Config
if test.resumeConfig != nil {
resumeConfig = *test.resumeConfig
if !test.newSessionsOnResume {
resumeConfig.SessionTicketKey = config.SessionTicketKey
resumeConfig.ClientSessionCache = config.ClientSessionCache
resumeConfig.ServerSessionCache = config.ServerSessionCache
resumeConfig.Rand = config.Rand
} else {
resumeConfig = config
var connResume net.Conn
connResume, err = acceptOrWait(listener, waitChan)
if err == nil {
err = doExchange(test, &resumeConfig, connResume, true /* resumption */, transcriptPrefix, i+1)
// Close the listener now. This is to avoid hangs should the shim try to
// open more connections than expected.
listener = nil
var shimKilledLock sync.Mutex
var shimKilled bool
waitTimeout := time.AfterFunc(*idleTimeout, func() {
shimKilled = true
childErr := <-waitChan
if shimKilled && err == nil {
err = errors.New("timeout waiting for the shim to exit.")
var isValgrindError bool
if exitError, ok := childErr.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
switch exitError.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus).ExitStatus() {
case 88:
return errMoreMallocs
case 89:
return errUnimplemented
case 99:
isValgrindError = true
// Account for Windows line endings.
stdout := strings.Replace(string(stdoutBuf.Bytes()), "\r\n", "\n", -1)
stderr := strings.Replace(string(stderrBuf.Bytes()), "\r\n", "\n", -1)
// Separate the errors from the shim and those from tools like
// AddressSanitizer.
var extraStderr string
if stderrParts := strings.SplitN(stderr, "--- DONE ---\n", 2); len(stderrParts) == 2 {
stderr = stderrParts[0]
extraStderr = stderrParts[1]
failed := err != nil || childErr != nil
expectedError := translateExpectedError(test.expectedError)
correctFailure := len(expectedError) == 0 || strings.Contains(stderr, expectedError)
localError := "none"
if err != nil {
localError = err.Error()
if len(test.expectedLocalError) != 0 {
correctFailure = correctFailure && strings.Contains(localError, test.expectedLocalError)
if failed != test.shouldFail || failed && !correctFailure {
childError := "none"
if childErr != nil {
childError = childErr.Error()
var msg string
switch {
case failed && !test.shouldFail:
msg = "unexpected failure"
case !failed && test.shouldFail:
msg = "unexpected success"
case failed && !correctFailure:
msg = "bad error (wanted '" + expectedError + "' / '" + test.expectedLocalError + "')"
panic("internal error")
return fmt.Errorf("%s: local error '%s', child error '%s', stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s\n%s", msg, localError, childError, stdout, stderr, extraStderr)
if len(extraStderr) > 0 || (!failed && len(stderr) > 0) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected error output:\n%s\n%s", stderr, extraStderr)
if *useValgrind && isValgrindError {
return fmt.Errorf("valgrind error:\n%s\n%s", stderr, extraStderr)
return nil
type tlsVersion struct {
name string
// version is the protocol version.
version uint16
// excludeFlag is the legacy shim flag to disable the version.
excludeFlag string
hasDTLS bool
// versionDTLS, if non-zero, is the DTLS-specific representation of the version.
versionDTLS uint16
// versionWire, if non-zero, is the wire representation of the
// version. Otherwise the wire version is the protocol version or
// versionDTLS.
versionWire uint16
tls13Variant int
func (vers tlsVersion) shimFlag(protocol protocol) string {
// The shim uses the protocol version in its public API, but uses the
// DTLS-specific version if it exists.
if protocol == dtls && vers.versionDTLS != 0 {
return strconv.Itoa(int(vers.versionDTLS))
return strconv.Itoa(int(vers.version))
func (vers tlsVersion) wire(protocol protocol) uint16 {
if protocol == dtls && vers.versionDTLS != 0 {
return vers.versionDTLS
if vers.versionWire != 0 {
return vers.versionWire
return vers.version
var tlsVersions = []tlsVersion{
name: "SSL3",
version: VersionSSL30,
excludeFlag: "-no-ssl3",
name: "TLS1",
version: VersionTLS10,
excludeFlag: "-no-tls1",
hasDTLS: true,
versionDTLS: VersionDTLS10,
name: "TLS11",
version: VersionTLS11,
excludeFlag: "-no-tls11",
name: "TLS12",
version: VersionTLS12,
excludeFlag: "-no-tls12",
hasDTLS: true,
versionDTLS: VersionDTLS12,
name: "TLS13",
version: VersionTLS13,
excludeFlag: "-no-tls13",
versionWire: tls13DraftVersion,
tls13Variant: TLS13Default,
name: "TLS13Experiment",
version: VersionTLS13,
excludeFlag: "-no-tls13",
versionWire: tls13ExperimentVersion,
tls13Variant: TLS13Experiment,
name: "TLS13RecordTypeExperiment",
version: VersionTLS13,
excludeFlag: "-no-tls13",
versionWire: tls13RecordTypeExperimentVersion,
tls13Variant: TLS13RecordTypeExperiment,
func allVersions(protocol protocol) []tlsVersion {
if protocol == tls {
return tlsVersions
var ret []tlsVersion
for _, vers := range tlsVersions {
if vers.hasDTLS {
ret = append(ret, vers)
return ret
type testCipherSuite struct {
name string
id uint16
var testCipherSuites = []testCipherSuite{
{"AES128-SHA256", TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256},
{"AES256-SHA256", TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256},
{"AEAD-AES128-GCM-SHA256", TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
{"AEAD-AES256-GCM-SHA384", TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384},
func hasComponent(suiteName, component string) bool {
return strings.Contains("-"+suiteName+"-", "-"+component+"-")
func isTLS12Only(suiteName string) bool {
return hasComponent(suiteName, "GCM") ||
hasComponent(suiteName, "SHA256") ||
hasComponent(suiteName, "SHA384") ||
hasComponent(suiteName, "POLY1305")
func isTLS13Suite(suiteName string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(suiteName, "AEAD-")
func isDTLSCipher(suiteName string) bool {
return !hasComponent(suiteName, "RC4") && !hasComponent(suiteName, "NULL")
func bigFromHex(hex string) *big.Int {
ret, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(hex, 16)
if !ok {
panic("failed to parse hex number 0x" + hex)
return ret
func addBasicTests() {
basicTests := []testCase{
name: "NoFallbackSCSV",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FailIfNotFallbackSCSV: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "no fallback SCSV found",
name: "SendFallbackSCSV",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FailIfNotFallbackSCSV: true,
flags: []string{"-fallback-scsv"},
name: "ClientCertificateTypes",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
ClientCertificateTypes: []byte{
flags: []string{
name: "UnauthenticatedECDH",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
UnauthenticatedECDH: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
name: "SkipCertificateStatus",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipCertificateStatus: true,
flags: []string{
name: "SkipServerKeyExchange",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipServerKeyExchange: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "Alert",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "Alert-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
testType: serverTest,
name: "FragmentAlert",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FragmentAlert: true,
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_ALERT:",
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "FragmentAlert-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FragmentAlert: true,
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_ALERT:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "DoubleAlert",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
DoubleAlert: true,
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_ALERT:",
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "DoubleAlert-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
DoubleAlert: true,
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_ALERT:",
name: "SkipNewSessionTicket",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipNewSessionTicket: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "FallbackSCSV",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS11,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFallbackSCSV: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: inappropriate fallback",
testType: serverTest,
name: "FallbackSCSV-VersionMatch-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFallbackSCSV: true,
testType: serverTest,
name: "FallbackSCSV-VersionMatch-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFallbackSCSV: true,
flags: []string{"-max-version", strconv.Itoa(VersionTLS12)},
testType: serverTest,
name: "FragmentedClientVersion",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxHandshakeRecordLength: 1,
FragmentClientVersion: true,
expectedVersion: VersionTLS13,
testType: serverTest,
name: "HttpGET",
sendPrefix: "GET / HTTP/1.0\n",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":HTTP_REQUEST:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "HttpPOST",
sendPrefix: "POST / HTTP/1.0\n",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":HTTP_REQUEST:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "HttpHEAD",
sendPrefix: "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":HTTP_REQUEST:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "HttpPUT",
sendPrefix: "PUT / HTTP/1.0\n",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":HTTP_REQUEST:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "HttpCONNECT",
sendPrefix: "CONNECT HTTP/1.0\n",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":HTTPS_PROXY_REQUEST:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "Garbage",
sendPrefix: "blah",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:",
name: "RSAEphemeralKey",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RSAEphemeralKey: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
name: "DisableEverything",
flags: []string{"-no-tls13", "-no-tls12", "-no-tls11", "-no-tls1", "-no-ssl3"},
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DisableEverything-DTLS",
flags: []string{"-no-tls12", "-no-tls1"},
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "MTU",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxPacketLength: 256,
flags: []string{"-mtu", "256"},
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "MTUExceeded",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxPacketLength: 255,
flags: []string{"-mtu", "256"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "dtls: exceeded maximum packet length",
name: "EmptyCertificateList",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EmptyCertificateList: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
name: "EmptyCertificateList-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EmptyCertificateList: true,
shouldFail: true,
name: "TLSFatalBadPackets",
damageFirstWrite: true,
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLSIgnoreBadPackets",
damageFirstWrite: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLSIgnoreBadPackets-Async",
damageFirstWrite: true,
flags: []string{"-async"},
name: "AppDataBeforeHandshake",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataBeforeHandshake: []byte("TEST MESSAGE"),
shouldFail: true,
name: "AppDataBeforeHandshake-Empty",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataBeforeHandshake: []byte{},
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "AppDataBeforeHandshake-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataBeforeHandshake: []byte("TEST MESSAGE"),
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "AppDataBeforeHandshake-DTLS-Empty",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataBeforeHandshake: []byte{},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
name: "AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec: []byte("TEST MESSAGE"),
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
name: "AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec-Empty",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec: []byte{},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec-DTLS",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec: []byte("TEST MESSAGE"),
// BoringSSL's DTLS implementation will drop the out-of-order
// application data.
protocol: dtls,
name: "AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec-DTLS-Empty",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AppDataAfterChangeCipherSpec: []byte{},
// BoringSSL's DTLS implementation will drop the out-of-order
// application data.
name: "AlertAfterChangeCipherSpec",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlertAfterChangeCipherSpec: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "AlertAfterChangeCipherSpec-DTLS",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlertAfterChangeCipherSpec: alertRecordOverflow,
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "ReorderHandshakeFragments-Small-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ReorderHandshakeFragments: true,
// Small enough that every handshake message is
// fragmented.
MaxHandshakeRecordLength: 2,
protocol: dtls,
name: "ReorderHandshakeFragments-Large-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ReorderHandshakeFragments: true,
// Large enough that no handshake message is
// fragmented.
MaxHandshakeRecordLength: 2048,
protocol: dtls,
name: "MixCompleteMessageWithFragments-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ReorderHandshakeFragments: true,
MixCompleteMessageWithFragments: true,
MaxHandshakeRecordLength: 2,
name: "SendInvalidRecordType",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendInvalidRecordType: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendInvalidRecordType-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendInvalidRecordType: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
name: "FalseStart-SkipServerSecondLeg",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipNewSessionTicket: true,
SkipChangeCipherSpec: true,
SkipFinished: true,
ExpectFalseStart: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
"-expect-alpn", "foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
name: "FalseStart-SkipServerSecondLeg-Implicit",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipNewSessionTicket: true,
SkipChangeCipherSpec: true,
SkipFinished: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
shouldFail: true,
testType: serverTest,
name: "FailEarlyCallback",
flags: []string{"-fail-early-callback"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CONNECTION_REJECTED:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: handshake failure",
name: "FailCertCallback-Client-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
flags: []string{"-fail-cert-callback"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CERT_CB_ERROR:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: internal error",
testType: serverTest,
name: "FailCertCallback-Server-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
flags: []string{"-fail-cert-callback"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CERT_CB_ERROR:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: internal error",
name: "FailCertCallback-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
flags: []string{"-fail-cert-callback"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CERT_CB_ERROR:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: internal error",
testType: serverTest,
name: "FailCertCallback-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
flags: []string{"-fail-cert-callback"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CERT_CB_ERROR:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: internal error",
protocol: dtls,
name: "FragmentMessageTypeMismatch-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxHandshakeRecordLength: 2,
FragmentMessageTypeMismatch: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":FRAGMENT_MISMATCH:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "FragmentMessageLengthMismatch-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxHandshakeRecordLength: 2,
FragmentMessageLengthMismatch: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":FRAGMENT_MISMATCH:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SplitFragments-Header-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SplitFragments: 2,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_HANDSHAKE_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SplitFragments-Boundary-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SplitFragments: dtlsRecordHeaderLen,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_HANDSHAKE_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SplitFragments-Body-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SplitFragments: dtlsRecordHeaderLen + 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_HANDSHAKE_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendEmptyFragments-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEmptyFragments: true,
name: "BadFinished-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:",
name: "BadFinished-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "BadFinished-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "BadFinished-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:",
name: "FalseStart-BadFinished",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadFinished: true,
ExpectFalseStart: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
"-expect-alpn", "foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:",
name: "NoFalseStart-NoALPN",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectFalseStart: true,
AlertBeforeFalseStartTest: alertAccessDenied,
flags: []string{
shimWritesFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TLSV1_ALERT_ACCESS_DENIED:",
expectedLocalError: "tls: peer did not false start: EOF",
name: "NoFalseStart-NoAEAD",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectFalseStart: true,
AlertBeforeFalseStartTest: alertAccessDenied,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TLSV1_ALERT_ACCESS_DENIED:",
expectedLocalError: "tls: peer did not false start: EOF",
name: "NoFalseStart-RSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectFalseStart: true,
AlertBeforeFalseStartTest: alertAccessDenied,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TLSV1_ALERT_ACCESS_DENIED:",
expectedLocalError: "tls: peer did not false start: EOF",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendSplitAlert-Sync",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSplitAlert: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendSplitAlert-Async",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSplitAlert: true,
flags: []string{"-async"},
protocol: dtls,
name: "PackDTLSHandshake",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxHandshakeRecordLength: 2,
PackHandshakeFragments: 20,
PackHandshakeRecords: 200,
name: "SendEmptyRecords-Pass",
sendEmptyRecords: 32,
name: "SendEmptyRecords",
sendEmptyRecords: 33,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TOO_MANY_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS:",
name: "SendEmptyRecords-Async",
sendEmptyRecords: 33,
flags: []string{"-async"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TOO_MANY_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS:",
name: "SendWarningAlerts-Pass",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
sendWarningAlerts: 4,
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendWarningAlerts-DTLS-Pass",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
sendWarningAlerts: 4,
name: "SendWarningAlerts-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
sendWarningAlerts: 4,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_ALERT:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: error decoding message",
name: "SendWarningAlerts",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
sendWarningAlerts: 5,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TOO_MANY_WARNING_ALERTS:",
name: "SendWarningAlerts-Async",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
sendWarningAlerts: 5,
flags: []string{"-async"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TOO_MANY_WARNING_ALERTS:",
name: "SendBogusAlertType",
sendBogusAlertType: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNKNOWN_ALERT_TYPE:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
protocol: dtls,
name: "SendBogusAlertType-DTLS",
sendBogusAlertType: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNKNOWN_ALERT_TYPE:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
name: "TooManyKeyUpdates",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
sendKeyUpdates: 33,
keyUpdateRequest: keyUpdateNotRequested,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TOO_MANY_KEY_UPDATES:",
name: "EmptySessionID",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
noSessionCache: true,
flags: []string{"-expect-no-session"},
name: "Unclean-Shutdown",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoCloseNotify: true,
ExpectCloseNotify: true,
shimShutsDown: true,
flags: []string{"-check-close-notify"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: "Unexpected SSL_shutdown result: -1 != 1",
name: "Unclean-Shutdown-Ignored",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoCloseNotify: true,
shimShutsDown: true,
name: "Unclean-Shutdown-Alert",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendAlertOnShutdown: alertDecompressionFailure,
ExpectCloseNotify: true,
shimShutsDown: true,
flags: []string{"-check-close-notify"},
shouldFail: true,
name: "LargePlaintext",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendLargeRecords: true,
messageLen: maxPlaintext + 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "LargePlaintext-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendLargeRecords: true,
messageLen: maxPlaintext + 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DATA_LENGTH_TOO_LONG:",
name: "LargeCiphertext",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendLargeRecords: true,
messageLen: maxPlaintext * 2,
shouldFail: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "LargeCiphertext-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendLargeRecords: true,
messageLen: maxPlaintext * 2,
// Unlike the other four cases, DTLS drops records which
// are invalid before authentication, so the connection
// does not fail.
expectMessageDropped: true,
name: "BadHelloRequest-1",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadHelloRequest: []byte{typeHelloRequest, 0, 0, 1, 1},
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":EXCESSIVE_MESSAGE_SIZE:",
name: "BadHelloRequest-2",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadHelloRequest: []byte{typeServerKeyExchange, 0, 0, 0},
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_HELLO_REQUEST:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "SupportTicketsWithSessionID",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
resumeSession: true,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS-SendExtraFinished",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendExtraFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS-SendExtraFinished-Reordered",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxHandshakeRecordLength: 2,
ReorderHandshakeFragments: true,
SendExtraFinished: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "V2ClientHello-EmptyRecordPrefix",
config: Config{
// Choose a cipher suite that does not involve
// elliptic curves, so no extensions are
// involved.
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendV2ClientHello: true,
sendPrefix: string([]byte{
3, 1, // version
0, 0, // length
// A no-op empty record may not be sent before V2ClientHello.
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:",
testType: serverTest,
name: "V2ClientHello-WarningAlertPrefix",
config: Config{
// Choose a cipher suite that does not involve
// elliptic curves, so no extensions are
// involved.
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendV2ClientHello: true,
sendPrefix: string([]byte{
3, 1, // version
0, 2, // length
alertLevelWarning, byte(alertDecompressionFailure),
// A no-op warning alert may not be sent before V2ClientHello.
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:",
name: "KeyUpdate-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
sendKeyUpdates: 1,
keyUpdateRequest: keyUpdateNotRequested,
testType: serverTest,
name: "KeyUpdate-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
sendKeyUpdates: 1,
keyUpdateRequest: keyUpdateNotRequested,
name: "KeyUpdate-InvalidRequestMode",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
sendKeyUpdates: 1,
keyUpdateRequest: 42,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
// Test that KeyUpdates are acknowledged properly.
name: "KeyUpdate-RequestACK",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RejectUnsolicitedKeyUpdate: true,
// Test the shim receiving many KeyUpdates in a row.
sendKeyUpdates: 5,
messageCount: 5,
keyUpdateRequest: keyUpdateRequested,
// Test that KeyUpdates are acknowledged properly if the
// peer's KeyUpdate is discovered while a write is
// pending.
name: "KeyUpdate-RequestACK-UnfinishedWrite",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RejectUnsolicitedKeyUpdate: true,
// Test the shim receiving many KeyUpdates in a row.
sendKeyUpdates: 5,
messageCount: 5,
keyUpdateRequest: keyUpdateRequested,
readWithUnfinishedWrite: true,
flags: []string{"-async"},
name: "SendSNIWarningAlert",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSNIWarningAlert: true,
testType: serverTest,
name: "ExtraCompressionMethods-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCompressionMethods: []byte{1, 2, 3, compressionNone, 4, 5, 6},
testType: serverTest,
name: "ExtraCompressionMethods-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCompressionMethods: []byte{1, 2, 3, compressionNone, 4, 5, 6},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoNullCompression-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCompressionMethods: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoNullCompression-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCompressionMethods: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
// Test that the client rejects invalid compression methods
// from the server.
testType: clientTest,
name: "InvalidCompressionMethod",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCompressionMethod: 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
name: "GREASE-Client-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectGREASE: true,
flags: []string{"-enable-grease"},
name: "GREASE-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectGREASE: true,
flags: []string{"-enable-grease"},
testType: serverTest,
name: "GREASE-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// TLS 1.3 servers are expected to
// always enable GREASE. TLS 1.3 is new,
// so there is no existing ecosystem to
// worry about.
ExpectGREASE: true,
// Test the server so there is a large certificate as
// well as application data.
testType: serverTest,
name: "MaxSendFragment",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxReceivePlaintext: 512,
messageLen: 1024,
flags: []string{
"-max-send-fragment", "512",
"-read-size", "1024",
// Test the server so there is a large certificate as
// well as application data.
testType: serverTest,
name: "MaxSendFragment-TooLarge",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Ensure that some of the records are
// 512.
MaxReceivePlaintext: 511,
messageLen: 1024,
flags: []string{
"-max-send-fragment", "512",
"-read-size", "1024",
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "local error: record overflow",
testCases = append(testCases, basicTests...)
// Test that very large messages can be received.
cert := rsaCertificate
for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
cert.Certificate = append(cert.Certificate, cert.Certificate[0])
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "LargeMessage",
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{cert},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "LargeMessage-DTLS",
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{cert},
// They are rejected if the maximum certificate chain length is capped.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "LargeMessage-Reject",
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{cert},
flags: []string{"-max-cert-list", "16384"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":EXCESSIVE_MESSAGE_SIZE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "LargeMessage-Reject-DTLS",
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{cert},
flags: []string{"-max-cert-list", "16384"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":EXCESSIVE_MESSAGE_SIZE:",
func addTestForCipherSuite(suite testCipherSuite, ver tlsVersion, protocol protocol) {
const psk = "12345"
const pskIdentity = "luggage combo"
var prefix string
if protocol == dtls {
if !ver.hasDTLS {
prefix = "D"
var cert Certificate
var certFile string
var keyFile string
if hasComponent(, "ECDSA") {
cert = ecdsaP256Certificate
certFile = ecdsaP256CertificateFile
keyFile = ecdsaP256KeyFile
} else {
cert = rsaCertificate
certFile = rsaCertificateFile
keyFile = rsaKeyFile
var flags []string
if hasComponent(, "PSK") {
flags = append(flags,
"-psk", psk,
"-psk-identity", pskIdentity)
if hasComponent(, "NULL") {
// NULL ciphers must be explicitly enabled.
flags = append(flags, "-cipher", "DEFAULT:NULL-SHA")
var shouldServerFail, shouldClientFail bool
if hasComponent(, "ECDHE") && ver.version == VersionSSL30 {
// BoringSSL clients accept ECDHE on SSLv3, but
// a BoringSSL server will never select it
// because the extension is missing.
shouldServerFail = true
if isTLS12Only( && ver.version < VersionTLS12 {
shouldClientFail = true
shouldServerFail = true
if !isTLS13Suite( && ver.version >= VersionTLS13 {
shouldClientFail = true
shouldServerFail = true
if isTLS13Suite( && ver.version < VersionTLS13 {
shouldClientFail = true
shouldServerFail = true
if !isDTLSCipher( && protocol == dtls {
shouldClientFail = true
shouldServerFail = true
var sendCipherSuite uint16
var expectedServerError, expectedClientError string
serverCipherSuites := []uint16{}
if shouldServerFail {
expectedServerError = ":NO_SHARED_CIPHER:"
if shouldClientFail {
expectedClientError = ":WRONG_CIPHER_RETURNED:"
// Configure the server to select ciphers as normal but
// select an incompatible cipher in ServerHello.
serverCipherSuites = nil
sendCipherSuite =
// For cipher suites and versions where exporters are defined, verify
// that they interoperate.
var exportKeyingMaterial int
if ver.version > VersionSSL30 {
exportKeyingMaterial = 1024
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
protocol: protocol,
name: prefix + + "-" + + "-server",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
CipherSuites: []uint16{},
Certificates: []Certificate{cert},
PreSharedKey: []byte(psk),
PreSharedKeyIdentity: pskIdentity,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AdvertiseAllConfiguredCiphers: true,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
certFile: certFile,
keyFile: keyFile,
flags: flags,
resumeSession: true,
shouldFail: shouldServerFail,
expectedError: expectedServerError,
exportKeyingMaterial: exportKeyingMaterial,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
protocol: protocol,
name: prefix + + "-" + + "-client",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
CipherSuites: serverCipherSuites,
Certificates: []Certificate{cert},
PreSharedKey: []byte(psk),
PreSharedKeyIdentity: pskIdentity,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
IgnorePeerCipherPreferences: shouldClientFail,
SendCipherSuite: sendCipherSuite,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: flags,
resumeSession: true,
shouldFail: shouldClientFail,
expectedError: expectedClientError,
exportKeyingMaterial: exportKeyingMaterial,
if shouldClientFail {
// Ensure the maximum record size is accepted.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: prefix + + "-" + + "-LargeRecord",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
CipherSuites: []uint16{},
Certificates: []Certificate{cert},
PreSharedKey: []byte(psk),
PreSharedKeyIdentity: pskIdentity,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: flags,
messageLen: maxPlaintext,
// Test bad records for all ciphers. Bad records are fatal in TLS
// and ignored in DTLS.
var shouldFail bool
var expectedError string
if protocol == tls {
shouldFail = true
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: prefix + + "-" + + "-BadRecord",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
CipherSuites: []uint16{},
Certificates: []Certificate{cert},
PreSharedKey: []byte(psk),
PreSharedKeyIdentity: pskIdentity,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: flags,
damageFirstWrite: true,
messageLen: maxPlaintext,
shouldFail: shouldFail,
expectedError: expectedError,
func addCipherSuiteTests() {
const bogusCipher = 0xfe00
for _, suite := range testCipherSuites {
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
for _, protocol := range []protocol{tls, dtls} {
addTestForCipherSuite(suite, ver, protocol)
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "NoSharedCipher",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{},
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "NoSharedCipher-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{},
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "UnsupportedCipherSuite",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
IgnorePeerCipherPreferences: true,
flags: []string{"-cipher", "DEFAULT:!AES"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CIPHER_RETURNED:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ServerHelloBogusCipher",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCipherSuite: bogusCipher,
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ServerHelloBogusCipher-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCipherSuite: bogusCipher,
shouldFail: true,
// The server must be tolerant to bogus ciphers.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "UnknownCipher",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{bogusCipher, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AdvertiseAllConfiguredCiphers: true,
// The server must be tolerant to bogus ciphers.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "UnknownCipher-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{bogusCipher, TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AdvertiseAllConfiguredCiphers: true,
// Test empty ECDHE_PSK identity hints work as expected.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "EmptyECDHEPSKHint",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
PreSharedKey: []byte("secret"),
flags: []string{"-psk", "secret"},
// Test empty PSK identity hints work as expected, even if an explicit
// ServerKeyExchange is sent.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ExplicitEmptyPSKHint",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
PreSharedKey: []byte("secret"),
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlwaysSendPreSharedKeyIdentityHint: true,
flags: []string{"-psk", "secret"},
// Test that clients enforce that the server-sent certificate and cipher
// suite match in TLS 1.2.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "CertificateCipherMismatch-RSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CERTIFICATE_TYPE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "CertificateCipherMismatch-ECDSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Certificates: []Certificate{ecdsaP256Certificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCipherSuite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CERTIFICATE_TYPE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "CertificateCipherMismatch-Ed25519",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Certificates: []Certificate{ed25519Certificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCipherSuite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CERTIFICATE_TYPE:",
// Test that servers decline to select a cipher suite which is
// inconsistent with their configured certificate.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ServerCipherFilter-RSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":NO_SHARED_CIPHER:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ServerCipherFilter-ECDSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256KeyFile),
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":NO_SHARED_CIPHER:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ServerCipherFilter-Ed25519",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ed25519CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ed25519KeyFile),
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":NO_SHARED_CIPHER:",
// Test cipher suite negotiation works as expected. Configure a
// complicated cipher suite configuration.
const negotiationTestCiphers = "" +
negotiationTests := []struct {
ciphers []uint16
expected uint16
// Server preferences are honored, including when
// equipreference groups are involved.
// Equipreference groups use the client preference.
// If there are two equipreference groups, the preferred one
// takes precedence.
for i, t := range negotiationTests {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "CipherNegotiation-" + strconv.Itoa(i),
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: t.ciphers,
flags: []string{"-cipher", negotiationTestCiphers},
expectedCipher: t.expected,
func addBadECDSASignatureTests() {
for badR := BadValue(1); badR < NumBadValues; badR++ {
for badS := BadValue(1); badS < NumBadValues; badS++ {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: fmt.Sprintf("BadECDSA-%d-%d", badR, badS),
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Certificates: []Certificate{ecdsaP256Certificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadECDSAR: badR,
BadECDSAS: badS,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_SIGNATURE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: fmt.Sprintf("BadECDSA-%d-%d-TLS13", badR, badS),
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Certificates: []Certificate{ecdsaP256Certificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadECDSAR: badR,
BadECDSAS: badS,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_SIGNATURE:",
func addCBCPaddingTests() {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "MaxCBCPadding",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxPadding: true,
messageLen: 12, // 20 bytes of SHA-1 + 12 == 0 % block size
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "BadCBCPadding",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
PaddingFirstByteBad: true,
shouldFail: true,
// OpenSSL previously had an issue where the first byte of padding in
// 255 bytes of padding wasn't checked.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "BadCBCPadding255",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MaxPadding: true,
PaddingFirstByteBadIf255: true,
messageLen: 12, // 20 bytes of SHA-1 + 12 == 0 % block size
shouldFail: true,
func addCBCSplittingTests() {
var cbcCiphers = []struct {
name string
cipher uint16
for _, t := range cbcCiphers {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "CBCRecordSplitting-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS10,
MinVersion: VersionTLS10,
CipherSuites: []uint16{t.cipher},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectRecordSplitting: true,
messageLen: -1, // read until EOF
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "CBCRecordSplittingPartialWrite-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS10,
MinVersion: VersionTLS10,
CipherSuites: []uint16{t.cipher},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectRecordSplitting: true,
messageLen: -1, // read until EOF
flags: []string{
func addClientAuthTests() {
// Add a dummy cert pool to stress certificate authority parsing.
certPool := x509.NewCertPool()
for _, cert := range []Certificate{rsaCertificate, rsa1024Certificate} {
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(cert.Certificate[0])
if err != nil {
caNames := certPool.Subjects()
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: + "-Client-ClientAuth-RSA",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
ClientCAs: certPool,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: + "-Server-ClientAuth-RSA",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{"-require-any-client-certificate"},
if ver.version != VersionSSL30 {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: + "-Server-ClientAuth-ECDSA",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{ecdsaP256Certificate},
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{"-require-any-client-certificate"},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: + "-Client-ClientAuth-ECDSA",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
ClientCAs: certPool,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256KeyFile),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "NoClientCertificate-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "client didn't provide a certificate",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
// Even if not configured to expect a certificate, OpenSSL will
// return X509_V_OK as the verify_result.
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoClientCertificateRequested-Server-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
// If a client certificate is not provided, OpenSSL will still
// return X509_V_OK as the verify_result.
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoClientCertificate-Server-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
certificateRequired := "remote error: certificate required"
if ver.version < VersionTLS13 {
// Prior to TLS 1.3, the generic handshake_failure alert
// was used.
certificateRequired = "remote error: handshake failure"
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "RequireAnyClientCertificate-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
flags: []string{"-require-any-client-certificate"},
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: certificateRequired,
if ver.version != VersionSSL30 {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipClientCertificate-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipClientCertificate: true,
// Setting SSL_VERIFY_PEER allows anonymous clients.
flags: []string{"-verify-peer"},
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "VerifyPeerIfNoOBC-NoChannelID-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
flags: []string{
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: certificateRequired,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "VerifyPeerIfNoOBC-ChannelID-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
ChannelID: channelIDKey,
expectChannelID: true,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: + "-Server-CertReq-CA-List",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectCertificateReqNames: caNames,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
"-use-client-ca-list", encodeDERValues(caNames),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: + "-Client-CertReq-CA-List",
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
ClientCAs: certPool,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
"-expect-client-ca-list", encodeDERValues(caNames),
// Client auth is only legal in certificate-based ciphers.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-PSK",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
PreSharedKey: []byte("secret"),
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
"-psk", "secret",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-ECDHE_PSK",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
PreSharedKey: []byte("secret"),
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
"-psk", "secret",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
// Regression test for a bug where the client CA list, if explicitly
// set to NULL, was mis-encoded.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Null-Client-CA-List",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectCertificateReqNames: [][]byte{},
flags: []string{
"-use-client-ca-list", "<NULL>",
func addExtendedMasterSecretTests() {
const expectEMSFlag = "-expect-extended-master-secret"
for _, with := range []bool{false, true} {
prefix := "No"
if with {
prefix = ""
for _, isClient := range []bool{false, true} {
suffix := "-Server"
testType := serverTest
if isClient {
suffix = "-Client"
testType = clientTest
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
// In TLS 1.3, the extension is irrelevant and
// always reports as enabled.
var flags []string
if with || ver.version >= VersionTLS13 {
flags = []string{expectEMSFlag}
test := testCase{
testType: testType,
name: prefix + "ExtendedMasterSecret-" + + suffix,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoExtendedMasterSecret: !with,
RequireExtendedMasterSecret: with,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: flags,
shouldFail: ver.version == VersionSSL30 && with,
if test.shouldFail {
test.expectedLocalError = "extended master secret required but not supported by peer"
testCases = append(testCases, test)
for _, isClient := range []bool{false, true} {
for _, supportedInFirstConnection := range []bool{false, true} {
for _, supportedInResumeConnection := range []bool{false, true} {
boolToWord := func(b bool) string {
if b {
return "Yes"
return "No"
suffix := boolToWord(supportedInFirstConnection) + "To" + boolToWord(supportedInResumeConnection) + "-"
if isClient {
suffix += "Client"
} else {
suffix += "Server"
supportedConfig := Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RequireExtendedMasterSecret: true,
noSupportConfig := Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoExtendedMasterSecret: true,
test := testCase{
name: "ExtendedMasterSecret-" + suffix,
resumeSession: true,
if !isClient {
test.testType = serverTest
if supportedInFirstConnection {
test.config = supportedConfig
} else {
test.config = noSupportConfig
if supportedInResumeConnection {
test.resumeConfig = &supportedConfig
} else {
test.resumeConfig = &noSupportConfig
switch suffix {
case "YesToYes-Client", "YesToYes-Server":
// When a session is resumed, it should
// still be aware that its master
// secret was generated via EMS and
// thus it's safe to use tls-unique.
test.flags = []string{expectEMSFlag}
case "NoToYes-Server":
// If an original connection did not
// contain EMS, but a resumption
// handshake does, then a server should
// not resume the session.
test.expectResumeRejected = true
case "YesToNo-Server":
// Resuming an EMS session without the
// EMS extension should cause the
// server to abort the connection.
test.shouldFail = true
case "NoToYes-Client":
// A client should abort a connection
// where the server resumed a non-EMS
// session but echoed the EMS
// extension.
test.shouldFail = true
case "YesToNo-Client":
// A client should abort a connection
// where the server didn't echo EMS
// when the session used it.
test.shouldFail = true
testCases = append(testCases, test)
// Switching EMS on renegotiation is forbidden.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ExtendedMasterSecret-Renego-NoEMS",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoExtendedMasterSecret: true,
NoExtendedMasterSecretOnRenegotiation: true,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ExtendedMasterSecret-Renego-Upgrade",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoExtendedMasterSecret: true,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ExtendedMasterSecret-Renego-Downgrade",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoExtendedMasterSecretOnRenegotiation: true,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
shouldFail: true,
type stateMachineTestConfig struct {
protocol protocol
async bool
splitHandshake bool
packHandshakeFlight bool
implicitHandshake bool
// Adds tests that try to cover the range of the handshake state machine, under
// various conditions. Some of these are redundant with other tests, but they
// only cover the synchronous case.
func addAllStateMachineCoverageTests() {
for _, async := range []bool{false, true} {
for _, protocol := range []protocol{tls, dtls} {
protocol: protocol,
async: async,
protocol: protocol,
async: async,
implicitHandshake: true,
protocol: protocol,
async: async,
splitHandshake: true,
if protocol == tls {
protocol: protocol,
async: async,
packHandshakeFlight: true,
func addStateMachineCoverageTests(config stateMachineTestConfig) {
var tests []testCase
// Basic handshake, with resumption. Client and server,
// session ID and session ticket.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "Basic-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
resumeSession: true,
// Ensure session tickets are used, not session IDs.
noSessionCache: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "Basic-Client-RenewTicket",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RenewTicketOnResume: true,
flags: []string{"-expect-ticket-renewal"},
resumeSession: true,
resumeRenewedSession: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "Basic-Client-NoTicket",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
resumeSession: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Basic-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RequireSessionTickets: true,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{"-expect-no-session-id"},
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Basic-Server-NoTickets",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{"-expect-session-id"},
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Basic-Server-EarlyCallback",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
flags: []string{"-use-early-callback"},
resumeSession: true,
// TLS 1.3 basic handshake shapes.
if config.protocol == tls {
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "TLS13-1RTT-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
resumeSession: true,
resumeRenewedSession: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-1RTT-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
resumeSession: true,
resumeRenewedSession: true,
// TLS 1.3 uses tickets, so the session should not be
// cached statefully.
flags: []string{"-expect-no-session-id"},
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "TLS13-HelloRetryRequest-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
// P-384 requires a HelloRetryRequest against BoringSSL's default
// configuration. Assert this with ExpectMissingKeyShare.
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP384},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectMissingKeyShare: true,
// Cover HelloRetryRequest during an ECDHE-PSK resumption.
resumeSession: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-HelloRetryRequest-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
// Require a HelloRetryRequest for every curve.
DefaultCurves: []CurveID{},
// Cover HelloRetryRequest during an ECDHE-PSK resumption.
resumeSession: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectEarlyData: [][]byte{{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}},
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13Experiment-EarlyData-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectEarlyData: [][]byte{{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}},
tls13Variant: TLS13Experiment,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13RecordTypeExperiment-EarlyData-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
TLS13Variant: TLS13RecordTypeExperiment,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
TLS13Variant: TLS13RecordTypeExperiment,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectEarlyData: [][]byte{{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}},
tls13Variant: TLS13RecordTypeExperiment,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-TooMuchData-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 2,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 2,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectEarlyData: [][]byte{{'h', 'e'}},
resumeShimPrefix: "llo",
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
// Unfinished writes can only be tested when operations are async. EarlyData
// can't be tested as part of an ImplicitHandshake in this case since
// otherwise the early data will be sent as normal data.
if config.async && !config.implicitHandshake {
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-UnfinishedWrite-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectLateEarlyData: [][]byte{{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}},
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
// Rejected unfinished writes are discarded (from the
// perspective of the calling application) on 0-RTT
// reject.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-RejectUnfinishedWrite-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlwaysRejectEarlyData: true,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}},
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: true,
ExpectHalfRTTData: [][]byte{{254, 253, 252, 251}},
messageCount: 2,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13Experiment-EarlyData-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
TLS13Variant: TLS13Experiment,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}},
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: true,
ExpectHalfRTTData: [][]byte{{254, 253, 252, 251}},
messageCount: 2,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-tls13-variant", "1",
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13RecordTypeExperiment-EarlyData-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
TLS13Variant: TLS13RecordTypeExperiment,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}},
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: true,
ExpectHalfRTTData: [][]byte{{254, 253, 252, 251}},
messageCount: 2,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-tls13-variant", "2",
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-MaxEarlyData-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, 14336+1)},
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: true,
messageCount: 2,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TOO_MUCH_READ_EARLY_DATA:",
// TLS client auth.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-NoCertificate-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ClientAuth-NoCertificate-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
// Setting SSL_VERIFY_PEER allows anonymous clients.
flags: []string{"-verify-peer"},
if config.protocol == tls {
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-NoCertificate-Client-SSL3",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionSSL30,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ClientAuth-NoCertificate-Server-SSL3",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionSSL30,
// Setting SSL_VERIFY_PEER allows anonymous clients.
flags: []string{"-verify-peer"},
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-NoCertificate-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ClientAuth-NoCertificate-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
// Setting SSL_VERIFY_PEER allows anonymous clients.
flags: []string{"-verify-peer"},
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-RSA-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-RSA-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-ECDSA-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256KeyFile),
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-ECDSA-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256KeyFile),
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-NoCertificate-OldCallback",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
flags: []string{"-use-old-client-cert-callback"},
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-NoCertificate-OldCallback-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ClientAuth: RequestClientCert,
flags: []string{"-use-old-client-cert-callback"},
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-OldCallback",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientAuth-OldCallback-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ClientAuth-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
flags: []string{"-require-any-client-certificate"},
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ClientAuth-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
flags: []string{"-require-any-client-certificate"},
// Test each key exchange on the server side for async keys.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Basic-Server-RSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Basic-Server-ECDHE-RSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Basic-Server-ECDHE-ECDSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256KeyFile),
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Basic-Server-Ed25519",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ed25519CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ed25519KeyFile),
// No session ticket support; server doesn't send NewSessionTicket.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "SessionTicketsDisabled-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SessionTicketsDisabled-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
// Skip ServerKeyExchange in PSK key exchange if there's no
// identity hint.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "EmptyPSKHint-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
PreSharedKey: []byte("secret"),
flags: []string{"-psk", "secret"},
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "EmptyPSKHint-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
PreSharedKey: []byte("secret"),
flags: []string{"-psk", "secret"},
// OCSP stapling tests.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "OCSPStapling-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "OCSPStapling-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
expectedOCSPResponse: testOCSPResponse,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "OCSPStapling-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "OCSPStapling-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
expectedOCSPResponse: testOCSPResponse,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
// Certificate verification tests.
for _, vers := range tlsVersions {
if config.protocol == dtls && !vers.hasDTLS {
for _, useCustomCallback := range []bool{false, true} {
for _, testType := range []testType{clientTest, serverTest} {
suffix := "-Client"
if testType == serverTest {
suffix = "-Server"
suffix += "-" +
if useCustomCallback {
suffix += "-CustomCallback"
flags := []string{"-verify-peer"}
if testType == serverTest {
flags = append(flags, "-require-any-client-certificate")
if useCustomCallback {
flags = append(flags, "-use-custom-verify-callback")
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: testType,
name: "CertificateVerificationSucceed" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: vers.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
tls13Variant: vers.tls13Variant,
flags: append([]string{"-expect-verify-result"}, flags...),
resumeSession: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: testType,
name: "CertificateVerificationFail" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: vers.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
tls13Variant: vers.tls13Variant,
flags: append([]string{"-verify-fail"}, flags...),
shouldFail: true,
// By default, the client is in a soft fail mode where the peer
// certificate is verified but failures are non-fatal.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "CertificateVerificationSoftFail-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: vers.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
tls13Variant: vers.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "ShimSendAlert",
flags: []string{"-send-alert"},
shimWritesFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: decompression failure",
if config.protocol == tls {
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "SendHalfHelloRequest",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
PackHelloRequestWithFinished: config.packHandshakeFlight,
sendHalfHelloRequest: true,
flags: []string{"-renegotiate-ignore"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
// NPN on client and server; results in post-handshake message.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "NPN-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
flags: []string{"-select-next-proto", "foo"},
resumeSession: true,
expectedNextProto: "foo",
expectedNextProtoType: npn,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "NPN-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
NextProtos: []string{"bar"},
flags: []string{
"-advertise-npn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz",
"-expect-next-proto", "bar",
resumeSession: true,
expectedNextProto: "bar",
expectedNextProtoType: npn,
// TODO(davidben): Add tests for when False Start doesn't trigger.
// Client does False Start and negotiates NPN.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "FalseStart",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectFalseStart: true,
flags: []string{
"-select-next-proto", "foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
resumeSession: true,
// Client does False Start and negotiates ALPN.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "FalseStart-ALPN",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectFalseStart: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
"-expect-alpn", "foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
resumeSession: true,
// False Start without session tickets.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "FalseStart-SessionTicketsDisabled",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectFalseStart: true,
flags: []string{
"-select-next-proto", "foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
// Server parses a V2ClientHello.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SendV2ClientHello",
config: Config{
// Choose a cipher suite that does not involve
// elliptic curves, so no extensions are
// involved.
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendV2ClientHello: true,
// Test Channel ID
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
if ver.version < VersionTLS10 {
// Client sends a Channel ID.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "ChannelID-Client-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
RequestChannelID: true,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{"-send-channel-id", path.Join(*resourceDir, channelIDKeyFile)},
resumeSession: true,
expectChannelID: true,
// Server accepts a Channel ID.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ChannelID-Server-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
ChannelID: channelIDKey,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
expectChannelID: true,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "InvalidChannelIDSignature-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
ChannelID: channelIDKey,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
InvalidChannelIDSignature: true,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{"-enable-channel-id"},
shouldFail: true,
if ver.version < VersionTLS13 {
// Channel ID requires ECDHE ciphers.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ChannelID-NoECDHE-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
ChannelID: channelIDKey,
expectChannelID: false,
flags: []string{"-enable-channel-id"},
// Sanity-check setting expectChannelID false works.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ChannelID-ECDHE-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
ChannelID: channelIDKey,
expectChannelID: false,
flags: []string{"-enable-channel-id"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "channel ID unexpectedly negotiated",
// Channel ID and NPN at the same time, to ensure their relative
// ordering is correct.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "ChannelID-NPN-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
RequestChannelID: true,
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
flags: []string{
"-send-channel-id", path.Join(*resourceDir, channelIDKeyFile),
"-select-next-proto", "foo",
resumeSession: true,
expectChannelID: true,
expectedNextProto: "foo",
expectedNextProtoType: npn,
tests = append(tests, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ChannelID-NPN-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ChannelID: channelIDKey,
NextProtos: []string{"bar"},
flags: []string{
"-advertise-npn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz",
"-expect-next-proto", "bar",
resumeSession: true,
expectChannelID: true,
expectedNextProto: "bar",
expectedNextProtoType: npn,
// Bidirectional shutdown with the runner initiating.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "Shutdown-Runner",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectCloseNotify: true,
flags: []string{"-check-close-notify"},
if !config.implicitHandshake {
// Bidirectional shutdown with the shim initiating. The runner,
// in the meantime, sends garbage before the close_notify which
// the shim must ignore. This test is disabled under implicit
// handshake tests because the shim never reads or writes.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "Shutdown-Shim",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectCloseNotify: true,
shimShutsDown: true,
sendEmptyRecords: 1,
sendWarningAlerts: 1,
flags: []string{"-check-close-notify"},
} else {
// TODO(davidben): DTLS 1.3 will want a similar thing for
// HelloRetryRequest.
tests = append(tests, testCase{
name: "SkipHelloVerifyRequest",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipHelloVerifyRequest: true,
for _, test := range tests {
test.protocol = config.protocol
if config.protocol == dtls { += "-DTLS"
if config.async { += "-Async"
test.flags = append(test.flags, "-async")
} else { += "-Sync"
if config.splitHandshake { += "-SplitHandshakeRecords"
test.config.Bugs.MaxHandshakeRecordLength = 1
if config.protocol == dtls {
test.config.Bugs.MaxPacketLength = 256
test.flags = append(test.flags, "-mtu", "256")
if config.packHandshakeFlight { += "-PackHandshakeFlight"
test.config.Bugs.PackHandshakeFlight = true
if config.implicitHandshake { += "-ImplicitHandshake"
test.flags = append(test.flags, "-implicit-handshake")
testCases = append(testCases, test)
func addDDoSCallbackTests() {
// DDoS callback.
for _, resume := range []bool{false, true} {
suffix := "Resume"
if resume {
suffix = "No" + suffix
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Server-DDoS-OK-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
flags: []string{"-install-ddos-callback"},
resumeSession: resume,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Server-DDoS-OK-" + suffix + "-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
flags: []string{"-install-ddos-callback"},
resumeSession: resume,
failFlag := "-fail-ddos-callback"
if resume {
failFlag = "-fail-second-ddos-callback"
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Server-DDoS-Reject-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
flags: []string{"-install-ddos-callback", failFlag},
resumeSession: resume,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CONNECTION_REJECTED:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: internal error",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Server-DDoS-Reject-" + suffix + "-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
flags: []string{"-install-ddos-callback", failFlag},
resumeSession: resume,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CONNECTION_REJECTED:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: internal error",
func addVersionNegotiationTests() {
for _, protocol := range []protocol{tls, dtls} {
for _, shimVers := range allVersions(protocol) {
// Assemble flags to disable all newer versions on the shim.
var flags []string
for _, vers := range allVersions(protocol) {
if vers.version > shimVers.version {
flags = append(flags, vers.excludeFlag)
flags2 := []string{"-max-version", shimVers.shimFlag(protocol)}
if shimVers.tls13Variant != 0 {
flags = append(flags, "-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(shimVers.tls13Variant))
flags2 = append(flags2, "-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(shimVers.tls13Variant))
// Test configuring the runner's maximum version.
for _, runnerVers := range allVersions(protocol) {
expectedVersion := shimVers.version
if runnerVers.version < shimVers.version {
expectedVersion = runnerVers.version
// When running and shim have different TLS 1.3 variants enabled,
// shim clients are expected to fall back to TLS 1.2, while shim
// servers support both variants when enabled when the experiment is
// enabled.
expectedServerVersion := expectedVersion
expectedClientVersion := expectedVersion
if expectedVersion == VersionTLS13 && runnerVers.tls13Variant != shimVers.tls13Variant {
expectedClientVersion = VersionTLS12
expectedServerVersion = VersionTLS12
if shimVers.tls13Variant != TLS13Default {
expectedServerVersion = VersionTLS13
suffix := + "-" +
if protocol == dtls {
suffix += "-DTLS"
// Determine the expected initial record-layer versions.
clientVers := shimVers.version
if clientVers > VersionTLS10 {
clientVers = VersionTLS10
clientVers = recordVersionToWire(clientVers, protocol)
serverVers := expectedServerVersion
if expectedServerVersion >= VersionTLS13 {
serverVers = VersionTLS10
serverVers = recordVersionToWire(serverVers, protocol)
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
testType: clientTest,
name: "VersionNegotiation-Client-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: runnerVers.version,
TLS13Variant: runnerVers.tls13Variant,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectInitialRecordVersion: clientVers,
flags: flags,
expectedVersion: expectedClientVersion,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
testType: clientTest,
name: "VersionNegotiation-Client2-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: runnerVers.version,
TLS13Variant: runnerVers.tls13Variant,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectInitialRecordVersion: clientVers,
flags: flags2,
expectedVersion: expectedClientVersion,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
testType: serverTest,
name: "VersionNegotiation-Server-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: runnerVers.version,
TLS13Variant: runnerVers.tls13Variant,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectInitialRecordVersion: serverVers,
flags: flags,
expectedVersion: expectedServerVersion,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
testType: serverTest,
name: "VersionNegotiation-Server2-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: runnerVers.version,
TLS13Variant: runnerVers.tls13Variant,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectInitialRecordVersion: serverVers,
flags: flags2,
expectedVersion: expectedServerVersion,
// Test the version extension at all versions.
for _, vers := range tlsVersions {
protocols := []protocol{tls}
if vers.hasDTLS {
protocols = append(protocols, dtls)
for _, protocol := range protocols {
suffix :=
if protocol == dtls {
suffix += "-DTLS"
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
testType: serverTest,
name: "VersionNegotiationExtension-" + suffix,
config: Config{
TLS13Variant: vers.tls13Variant,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedVersions: []uint16{0x1111, vers.wire(protocol), 0x2222},
expectedVersion: vers.version,
flags: []string{"-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(vers.tls13Variant)},
// If all versions are unknown, negotiation fails.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoSupportedVersions",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedVersions: []uint16{0x1111},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoSupportedVersions-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedVersions: []uint16{0x1111},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ClientHelloVersionTooHigh",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientVersion: 0x0304,
OmitSupportedVersions: true,
expectedVersion: VersionTLS12,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ConflictingVersionNegotiation",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientVersion: VersionTLS12,
SendSupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS11},
// The extension takes precedence over the ClientHello version.
expectedVersion: VersionTLS11,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ConflictingVersionNegotiation-2",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientVersion: VersionTLS11,
SendSupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12},
// The extension takes precedence over the ClientHello version.
expectedVersion: VersionTLS12,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "RejectFinalTLS13",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS13, VersionTLS12},
// We currently implement a draft TLS 1.3 version. Ensure that
// the true TLS 1.3 value is ignored for now.
expectedVersion: VersionTLS12,
// Test that TLS 1.2 isn't negotiated by the supported_versions extension in
// the ServerHello.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "SupportedVersionSelection-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendServerSupportedExtensionVersion: VersionTLS12,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
// Test that the non-experimental TLS 1.3 isn't negotiated by the
// supported_versions extension in the ServerHello.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "SupportedVersionSelection-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendServerSupportedExtensionVersion: tls13DraftVersion,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
// Test that the maximum version is selected regardless of the
// client-sent order.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "IgnoreClientVersionOrder",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12, tls13DraftVersion},
expectedVersion: VersionTLS13,
// Test for version tolerance.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "MinorVersionTolerance",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientVersion: 0x03ff,
OmitSupportedVersions: true,
expectedVersion: VersionTLS12,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "MajorVersionTolerance",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientVersion: 0x0400,
OmitSupportedVersions: true,
// TLS 1.3 must be negotiated with the supported_versions
// extension, not ClientHello.version.
expectedVersion: VersionTLS12,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "VersionTolerance-TLS13",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Although TLS 1.3 does not use
// ClientHello.version, it still tolerates high
// values there.
SendClientVersion: 0x0400,
expectedVersion: VersionTLS13,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "MinorVersionTolerance-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientVersion: 0xfe00,
OmitSupportedVersions: true,
expectedVersion: VersionTLS12,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "MajorVersionTolerance-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientVersion: 0xfdff,
OmitSupportedVersions: true,
expectedVersion: VersionTLS12,
// Test that versions below 3.0 are rejected.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "VersionTooLow",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientVersion: 0x0200,
OmitSupportedVersions: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "VersionTooLow-DTLS",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientVersion: 0xffff,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ServerBogusVersion",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendServerHelloVersion: 0x1234,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL:",
// Test TLS 1.3's downgrade signal.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Downgrade-TLS12-Client",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NegotiateVersion: VersionTLS12,
expectedVersion: VersionTLS12,
// TODO(davidben): This test should fail once TLS 1.3 is final
// and the fallback signal restored.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Downgrade-TLS12-Server",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedVersions: []uint16{VersionTLS12},
expectedVersion: VersionTLS12,
// TODO(davidben): This test should fail once TLS 1.3 is final
// and the fallback signal restored.
func addMinimumVersionTests() {
for _, protocol := range []protocol{tls, dtls} {
for _, shimVers := range allVersions(protocol) {
// Assemble flags to disable all older versions on the shim.
var flags []string
for _, vers := range allVersions(protocol) {
if vers.version < shimVers.version {
flags = append(flags, vers.excludeFlag)
flags2 := []string{"-min-version", shimVers.shimFlag(protocol)}
if shimVers.tls13Variant != 0 {
flags = append(flags, "-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(shimVers.tls13Variant))
flags2 = append(flags2, "-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(shimVers.tls13Variant))
for _, runnerVers := range allVersions(protocol) {
// Different TLS 1.3 variants are incompatible with each other and don't
// produce consistent minimum versions.
// TODO(davidben): Fold these tests (the main value is in the
// NegotiateVersion bug) into addVersionNegotiationTests and test based
// on intended shim behavior, not the shim + runner combination.
if shimVers.tls13Variant != runnerVers.tls13Variant {
suffix := + "-" +
if protocol == dtls {
suffix += "-DTLS"
var expectedVersion uint16
var shouldFail bool
var expectedError, expectedLocalError string
if runnerVers.version >= shimVers.version {
expectedVersion = runnerVers.version
} else {
shouldFail = true
expectedError = ":UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL:"
expectedLocalError = "remote error: protocol version not supported"
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
testType: clientTest,
name: "MinimumVersion-Client-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: runnerVers.version,
TLS13Variant: runnerVers.tls13Variant,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Ensure the server does not decline to
// select a version (versions extension) or
// cipher (some ciphers depend on versions).
NegotiateVersion: runnerVers.wire(protocol),
IgnorePeerCipherPreferences: shouldFail,
flags: flags,
expectedVersion: expectedVersion,
shouldFail: shouldFail,
expectedError: expectedError,
expectedLocalError: expectedLocalError,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
testType: clientTest,
name: "MinimumVersion-Client2-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: runnerVers.version,
TLS13Variant: runnerVers.tls13Variant,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Ensure the server does not decline to
// select a version (versions extension) or
// cipher (some ciphers depend on versions).
NegotiateVersion: runnerVers.wire(protocol),
IgnorePeerCipherPreferences: shouldFail,
flags: flags2,
expectedVersion: expectedVersion,
shouldFail: shouldFail,
expectedError: expectedError,
expectedLocalError: expectedLocalError,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
testType: serverTest,
name: "MinimumVersion-Server-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: runnerVers.version,
TLS13Variant: runnerVers.tls13Variant,
flags: flags,
expectedVersion: expectedVersion,
shouldFail: shouldFail,
expectedError: expectedError,
expectedLocalError: expectedLocalError,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
testType: serverTest,
name: "MinimumVersion-Server2-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: runnerVers.version,
TLS13Variant: runnerVers.tls13Variant,
flags: flags2,
expectedVersion: expectedVersion,
shouldFail: shouldFail,
expectedError: expectedError,
expectedLocalError: expectedLocalError,
func addExtensionTests() {
// TODO(davidben): Extensions, where applicable, all move their server
// halves to EncryptedExtensions in TLS 1.3. Duplicate each of these
// tests for both. Also test interaction with 0-RTT when implemented.
// Repeat extensions tests all versions except SSL 3.0.
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
if ver.version == VersionSSL30 {
// Test that duplicate extensions are rejected.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "DuplicateExtensionClient-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
DuplicateExtension: true,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: error decoding message",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "DuplicateExtensionServer-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
DuplicateExtension: true,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: error decoding message",
// Test SNI.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ServerNameExtensionClient-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectServerName: "",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{"-host-name", ""},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ServerNameExtensionClientMismatch-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectServerName: "",
flags: []string{"-host-name", ""},
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "tls: unexpected server name",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ServerNameExtensionClientMissing-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectServerName: "",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "tls: unexpected server name",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TolerateServerNameAck-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendServerNameAck: true,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{"-host-name", ""},
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "UnsolicitedServerNameAck-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendServerNameAck: true,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unsupported extension",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ServerNameExtensionServer-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
ServerName: "",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{"-expect-server-name", ""},
resumeSession: true,
// Test ALPN.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ALPNClient-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz",
"-expect-alpn", "foo",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
expectedNextProto: "foo",
expectedNextProtoType: alpn,
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ALPNClient-RejectUnknown-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendALPN: "baz",
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":INVALID_ALPN_PROTOCOL:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ALPNClient-AllowUnknown-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendALPN: "baz",
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar",
"-expect-alpn", "baz",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ALPNServer-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
NextProtos: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
flags: []string{
"-expect-advertised-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz",
"-select-alpn", "foo",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
expectedNextProto: "foo",
expectedNextProtoType: alpn,
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ALPNServer-Decline-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
NextProtos: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
flags: []string{"-decline-alpn"},
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
expectNoNextProto: true,
resumeSession: true,
// Test ALPN in async mode as well to ensure that extensions callbacks are only
// called once.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ALPNServer-Async-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
NextProtos: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
// Prior to TLS 1.3, exercise the asynchronous session callback.
SessionTicketsDisabled: ver.version < VersionTLS13,
flags: []string{
"-expect-advertised-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz",
"-select-alpn", "foo",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
expectedNextProto: "foo",
expectedNextProtoType: alpn,
resumeSession: true,
var emptyString string
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ALPNClient-EmptyProtocolName-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
NextProtos: []string{""},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// A server returning an empty ALPN protocol
// should be rejected.
ALPNProtocol: &emptyString,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":PARSE_TLSEXT:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ALPNServer-EmptyProtocolName-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
// A ClientHello containing an empty ALPN protocol
// should be rejected.
NextProtos: []string{"foo", "", "baz"},
flags: []string{
"-select-alpn", "foo",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":PARSE_TLSEXT:",
// Test NPN and the interaction with ALPN.
if ver.version < VersionTLS13 {
// Test that the server prefers ALPN over NPN.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ALPNServer-Preferred-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
NextProtos: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
flags: []string{
"-expect-advertised-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz",
"-select-alpn", "foo",
"-advertise-npn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
expectedNextProto: "foo",
expectedNextProtoType: alpn,
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ALPNServer-Preferred-Swapped-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
NextProtos: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SwapNPNAndALPN: true,
flags: []string{
"-expect-advertised-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz",
"-select-alpn", "foo",
"-advertise-npn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
expectedNextProto: "foo",
expectedNextProtoType: alpn,
resumeSession: true,
// Test that negotiating both NPN and ALPN is forbidden.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "NegotiateALPNAndNPN-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
NextProtos: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NegotiateALPNAndNPN: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
"-select-next-proto", "foo",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "NegotiateALPNAndNPN-Swapped-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
NextProtos: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NegotiateALPNAndNPN: true,
SwapNPNAndALPN: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
"-select-next-proto", "foo",
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
// Test ticket behavior.
// Resume with a corrupt ticket.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "CorruptTicket-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FilterTicket: func(in []byte) ([]byte, error) {
in[len(in)-1] ^= 1
return in, nil
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
resumeSession: true,
expectResumeRejected: true,
// Test the ticket callback, with and without renewal.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TicketCallback-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{"-use-ticket-callback"},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TicketCallback-Renew-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectNewTicket: true,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{"-use-ticket-callback", "-renew-ticket"},
resumeSession: true,
// Test that the ticket callback is only called once when everything before
// it in the ClientHello is asynchronous. This corrupts the ticket so
// certificate selection callbacks run.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TicketCallback-SingleCall-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FilterTicket: func(in []byte) ([]byte, error) {
in[len(in)-1] ^= 1
return in, nil
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
resumeSession: true,
expectResumeRejected: true,
flags: []string{
// Resume with various lengths of ticket session id.
if ver.version < VersionTLS13 {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TicketSessionIDLength-0-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EmptyTicketSessionID: true,
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TicketSessionIDLength-16-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
TicketSessionIDLength: 16,
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TicketSessionIDLength-32-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
TicketSessionIDLength: 32,
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TicketSessionIDLength-33-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
TicketSessionIDLength: 33,
resumeSession: true,
shouldFail: true,
// The maximum session ID length is 32.
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
// Basic DTLS-SRTP tests. Include fake profiles to ensure they
// are ignored.
if ver.hasDTLS {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "SRTP-Client-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
SRTPProtectionProfiles: []uint16{40, SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80, 42},
flags: []string{
expectedSRTPProtectionProfile: SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "SRTP-Server-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
SRTPProtectionProfiles: []uint16{40, SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80, 42},
flags: []string{
expectedSRTPProtectionProfile: SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80,
// Test that the MKI is ignored.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "SRTP-Server-IgnoreMKI-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
SRTPProtectionProfiles: []uint16{SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SRTPMasterKeyIdentifer: "bogus",
flags: []string{
expectedSRTPProtectionProfile: SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80,
// Test that SRTP isn't negotiated on the server if there were
// no matching profiles.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "SRTP-Server-NoMatch-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
SRTPProtectionProfiles: []uint16{100, 101, 102},
flags: []string{
expectedSRTPProtectionProfile: 0,
// Test that the server returning an invalid SRTP profile is
// flagged as an error by the client.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "SRTP-Client-NoMatch-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSRTPProtectionProfile: SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_32,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
// Test SCT list.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SignedCertificateTimestampList-Client-" +,
testType: clientTest,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
flags: []string{
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
resumeSession: true,
var differentSCTList []byte
differentSCTList = append(differentSCTList, testSCTList...)
differentSCTList[len(differentSCTList)-1] ^= 1
// The SCT extension did not specify that it must only be sent on resumption as it
// should have, so test that we tolerate but ignore it.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SendSCTListOnResume-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSCTListOnResume: differentSCTList,
flags: []string{
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SignedCertificateTimestampList-Server-" +,
testType: serverTest,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
flags: []string{
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
expectedSCTList: testSCTList,
resumeSession: true,
emptySCTListCert := *testCerts[0].cert
emptySCTListCert.SignedCertificateTimestampList = []byte{0, 0}
// Test empty SCT list.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SignedCertificateTimestampListEmpty-Client-" +,
testType: clientTest,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{emptySCTListCert},
flags: []string{
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
emptySCTCert := *testCerts[0].cert
emptySCTCert.SignedCertificateTimestampList = []byte{0, 6, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0}
// Test empty SCT in non-empty list.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SignedCertificateTimestampListEmptySCT-Client-" +,
testType: clientTest,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{emptySCTCert},
flags: []string{
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
// Test that certificate-related extensions are not sent unsolicited.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "UnsolicitedCertificateExtensions-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoOCSPStapling: true,
NoSignedCertificateTimestamps: true,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ClientHelloPadding",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RequireClientHelloSize: 512,
// This hostname just needs to be long enough to push the
// ClientHello into F5's danger zone between 256 and 511 bytes
// long.
flags: []string{"-host-name", ""},
// Extensions should not function in SSL 3.0.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SSLv3Extensions-NoALPN",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionSSL30,
NextProtos: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
flags: []string{
"-select-alpn", "foo",
expectNoNextProto: true,
// Test session tickets separately as they follow a different codepath.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SSLv3Extensions-NoTickets",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionSSL30,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Historically, session tickets in SSL 3.0
// failed in different ways depending on whether
// the client supported renegotiation_info.
NoRenegotiationInfo: true,
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SSLv3Extensions-NoTickets2",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionSSL30,
resumeSession: true,
// But SSL 3.0 does send and process renegotiation_info.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SSLv3Extensions-RenegotiationInfo",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionSSL30,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RequireRenegotiationInfo: true,
flags: []string{"-expect-secure-renegotiation"},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SSLv3Extensions-RenegotiationInfo-SCSV",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionSSL30,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoRenegotiationInfo: true,
SendRenegotiationSCSV: true,
RequireRenegotiationInfo: true,
flags: []string{"-expect-secure-renegotiation"},
// Test that illegal extensions in TLS 1.3 are rejected by the client if
// in ServerHello.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "NPN-Forbidden-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NegotiateNPNAtAllVersions: true,
flags: []string{"-select-next-proto", "foo"},
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "EMS-Forbidden-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NegotiateEMSAtAllVersions: true,
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "RenegotiationInfo-Forbidden-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NegotiateRenegotiationInfoAtAllVersions: true,
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Ticket-Forbidden-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AdvertiseTicketExtension: true,
resumeSession: true,
shouldFail: true,
// Test that illegal extensions in TLS 1.3 are declined by the server if
// offered in ClientHello. The runner's server will fail if this occurs,
// so we exercise the offering path. (EMS and Renegotiation Info are
// implicit in every test.)
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "NPN-Declined-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
NextProtos: []string{"bar"},
flags: []string{"-advertise-npn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz"},
// OpenSSL sends the status_request extension on resumption in TLS 1.2. Test that this is
// tolerated.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SendOCSPResponseOnResume-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendOCSPResponseOnResume: []byte("bogus"),
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SendUnsolicitedOCSPOnCertificate-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendExtensionOnCertificate: testOCSPExtension,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SendUnsolicitedSCTOnCertificate-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendExtensionOnCertificate: testSCTExtension,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
// Test that extensions on client certificates are never accepted.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SendExtensionOnClientCertificate-TLS13",
testType: serverTest,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendExtensionOnCertificate: testOCSPExtension,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SendUnknownExtensionOnCertificate-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendExtensionOnCertificate: []byte{0x00, 0x7f, 0, 0},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
var differentSCTList []byte
differentSCTList = append(differentSCTList, testSCTList...)
differentSCTList[len(differentSCTList)-1] ^= 1
// Test that extensions on intermediates are allowed but ignored.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "IgnoreExtensionsOnIntermediates-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaChainCertificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Send different values on the intermediate. This tests
// the intermediate's extensions do not override the
// leaf's.
SendOCSPOnIntermediates: []byte{1, 3, 3, 7},
SendSCTOnIntermediates: differentSCTList,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
// Test that extensions are not sent on intermediates when configured
// only for a leaf.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SendNoExtensionsOnIntermediate-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectNoExtensionsOnIntermediate: true,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaChainCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaChainKeyFile),
// Test that extensions are not sent on client certificates.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SendNoClientCertificateExtensions-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SendDuplicateExtensionsOnCerts-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendDuplicateCertExtensions: true,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DUPLICATE_EXTENSION:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SignedCertificateTimestampListInvalid-Server",
testType: serverTest,
flags: []string{
base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte{0, 0}),
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":INVALID_SCT_LIST:",
func addResumptionVersionTests() {
for _, sessionVers := range tlsVersions {
for _, resumeVers := range tlsVersions {
// SSL 3.0 does not have tickets and TLS 1.3 does not
// have session IDs, so skip their cross-resumption
// tests.
if (sessionVers.version >= VersionTLS13 && resumeVers.version == VersionSSL30) ||
(resumeVers.version >= VersionTLS13 && sessionVers.version == VersionSSL30) {
protocols := []protocol{tls}
if sessionVers.hasDTLS && resumeVers.hasDTLS {
protocols = append(protocols, dtls)
for _, protocol := range protocols {
suffix := "-" + + "-" +
if protocol == dtls {
suffix += "-DTLS"
// We can't resume across TLS 1.3 variants and error out earlier in the
// session resumption.
if sessionVers.tls13Variant != resumeVers.tls13Variant {
if sessionVers.version == resumeVers.version {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: "Resume-Client" + suffix,
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: sessionVers.version,
TLS13Variant: sessionVers.tls13Variant,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectNoTLS12Session: sessionVers.version >= VersionTLS13,
ExpectNoTLS13PSK: sessionVers.version < VersionTLS13,
expectedVersion: sessionVers.version,
expectedResumeVersion: resumeVers.version,
flags: []string{
"-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(sessionVers.tls13Variant),
} else {
// Offering a TLS 1.3 session sends an empty session ID, so
// there is no way to convince a non-lookahead client the
// session was resumed. It will appear to the client that a
// stray ChangeCipherSpec was sent.
if resumeVers.version < VersionTLS13 && sessionVers.version >= VersionTLS13 {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: "Resume-Client-Mismatch" + suffix,
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: sessionVers.version,
TLS13Variant: sessionVers.tls13Variant,
expectedVersion: sessionVers.version,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: resumeVers.version,
TLS13Variant: resumeVers.tls13Variant,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AcceptAnySession: true,
expectedResumeVersion: resumeVers.version,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: error,
flags: []string{
"-on-initial-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(sessionVers.tls13Variant),
"-on-resume-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(resumeVers.tls13Variant),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: "Resume-Client-NoResume" + suffix,
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: sessionVers.version,
TLS13Variant: sessionVers.tls13Variant,
expectedVersion: sessionVers.version,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: resumeVers.version,
TLS13Variant: resumeVers.tls13Variant,
newSessionsOnResume: true,
expectResumeRejected: true,
expectedResumeVersion: resumeVers.version,
flags: []string{
"-on-initial-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(sessionVers.tls13Variant),
"-on-resume-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(resumeVers.tls13Variant),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: protocol,
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server" + suffix,
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: sessionVers.version,
TLS13Variant: sessionVers.tls13Variant,
expectedVersion: sessionVers.version,
expectResumeRejected: sessionVers != resumeVers,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: resumeVers.version,
TLS13Variant: resumeVers.tls13Variant,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendBothTickets: true,
expectedResumeVersion: resumeVers.version,
flags: []string{
"-on-initial-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(sessionVers.tls13Variant),
"-on-resume-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(resumeVers.tls13Variant),
// Make sure shim ticket mutations are functional.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ShimTicketRewritable",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FilterTicket: func(in []byte) ([]byte, error) {
in, err := SetShimTicketVersion(in, VersionTLS12)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return SetShimTicketCipherSuite(in, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
flags: []string{
// Resumptions are declined if the version does not match.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-DeclineCrossVersion",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectNewTicket: true,
FilterTicket: func(in []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return SetShimTicketVersion(in, VersionTLS13)
flags: []string{
expectResumeRejected: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-DeclineCrossVersion-TLS13",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FilterTicket: func(in []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return SetShimTicketVersion(in, VersionTLS12)
flags: []string{
expectResumeRejected: true,
// Resumptions are declined if the cipher is invalid or disabled.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-DeclineBadCipher",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectNewTicket: true,
FilterTicket: func(in []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return SetShimTicketCipherSuite(in, TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
flags: []string{
expectResumeRejected: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-DeclineBadCipher-2",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectNewTicket: true,
FilterTicket: func(in []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return SetShimTicketCipherSuite(in, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384)
flags: []string{
"-cipher", "AES128",
expectResumeRejected: true,
// Sessions are not resumed if they do not use the preferred cipher.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-CipherNotPreferred",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectNewTicket: true,
FilterTicket: func(in []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return SetShimTicketCipherSuite(in, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA)
flags: []string{
shouldFail: false,
expectResumeRejected: true,
// TLS 1.3 allows sessions to be resumed at a different cipher if their
// PRF hashes match, but BoringSSL will always decline such resumptions.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-CipherNotPreferred-TLS13",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256, TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FilterTicket: func(in []byte) ([]byte, error) {
// If the client (runner) offers ChaCha20-Poly1305 first, the
// server (shim) always prefers it. Switch it to AES-GCM.
return SetShimTicketCipherSuite(in, TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
flags: []string{
shouldFail: false,
expectResumeRejected: true,
// Sessions may not be resumed if they contain another version's cipher.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-DeclineBadCipher-TLS13",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FilterTicket: func(in []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return SetShimTicketCipherSuite(in, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
flags: []string{
expectResumeRejected: true,
// If the client does not offer the cipher from the session, decline to
// resume. Clients are forbidden from doing this, but BoringSSL selects
// the cipher first, so we only decline.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-UnofferedCipher",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256},
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
expectResumeRejected: true,
// In TLS 1.3, clients may advertise a cipher list which does not
// include the selected cipher. Test that we tolerate this. Servers may
// resume at another cipher if the PRF matches and are not doing 0-RTT, but
// BoringSSL will always decline.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-UnofferedCipher-TLS13",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256},
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
expectResumeRejected: true,
// Sessions may not be resumed at a different cipher.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Resume-Client-CipherMismatch",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCipherSuite: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA,
shouldFail: true,
// Session resumption in TLS 1.3 may change the cipher suite if the PRF
// matches.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Resume-Client-CipherMismatch-TLS13",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256},
// Session resumption in TLS 1.3 is forbidden if the PRF does not match.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Resume-Client-PRFMismatch-TLS13",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCipherSuite: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-BinderWrongLength",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendShortPSKBinder: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: error decrypting message",
expectedError: ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-NoPSKBinder",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendNoPSKBinder: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: error decoding message",
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-ExtraPSKBinder",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendExtraPSKBinder: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-ExtraIdentityNoBinder",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExtraPSKIdentity: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-InvalidPSKBinder",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendInvalidPSKBinder: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: error decrypting message",
expectedError: ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Resume-Server-PSKBinderFirstExtension",
resumeSession: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
PSKBinderFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
expectedError: ":PRE_SHARED_KEY_MUST_BE_LAST:",
func addRenegotiationTests() {
// Servers cannot renegotiate.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Renegotiate-Server-Forbidden",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
renegotiate: 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":NO_RENEGOTIATION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: no renegotiation",
// The server shouldn't echo the renegotiation extension unless
// requested by the client.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Renegotiate-Server-NoExt",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoRenegotiationInfo: true,
RequireRenegotiationInfo: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "renegotiation extension missing",
// The renegotiation SCSV should be sufficient for the server to echo
// the extension.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Renegotiate-Server-NoExt-SCSV",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoRenegotiationInfo: true,
SendRenegotiationSCSV: true,
RequireRenegotiationInfo: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FailIfResumeOnRenego: true,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-EmptyExt",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EmptyRenegotiationInfo: true,
flags: []string{"-renegotiate-freely"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "handshake failure",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-BadExt",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadRenegotiationInfo: true,
flags: []string{"-renegotiate-freely"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "handshake failure",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-BadExt2",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadRenegotiationInfoEnd: true,
flags: []string{"-renegotiate-freely"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "handshake failure",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-Downgrade",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoRenegotiationInfoAfterInitial: true,
flags: []string{"-renegotiate-freely"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "handshake failure",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-Upgrade",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoRenegotiationInfoInInitial: true,
flags: []string{"-renegotiate-freely"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "handshake failure",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-NoExt-Allowed",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoRenegotiationInfo: true,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
// Test that the server may switch ciphers on renegotiation without
// problems.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-SwitchCiphers",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA},
renegotiateCiphers: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-SwitchCiphers2",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
renegotiateCiphers: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA},
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
// Test that the server may not switch versions on renegotiation.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-SwitchVersion",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
// Pick a cipher which exists at both versions.
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NegotiateVersionOnRenego: VersionTLS11,
// Avoid failing early at the record layer.
SendRecordVersion: VersionTLS12,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_SSL_VERSION:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-SameClientVersion",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS10,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RequireSameRenegoClientVersion: true,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-FalseStart",
renegotiate: 1,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
flags: []string{
"-select-next-proto", "foo",
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
shimWritesFirst: true,
// Client-side renegotiation controls.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-Forbidden-1",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
renegotiate: 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":NO_RENEGOTIATION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: no renegotiation",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-Once-1",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-Freely-1",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-Once-2",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
renegotiate: 2,
flags: []string{"-renegotiate-once"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":NO_RENEGOTIATION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: no renegotiation",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-Freely-2",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
renegotiate: 2,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "2",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-NoIgnore",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRequestBeforeEveryAppDataRecord: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":NO_RENEGOTIATION:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-Ignore",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRequestBeforeEveryAppDataRecord: true,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "0",
// Renegotiation is not allowed at SSL 3.0.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-SSL3",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionSSL30,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":NO_RENEGOTIATION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: no renegotiation",
// Renegotiation is not allowed when there is an unfinished write.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-UnfinishedWrite",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
renegotiate: 1,
readWithUnfinishedWrite: true,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":NO_RENEGOTIATION:",
// We do not successfully send the no_renegotiation alert in
// this case.
// We reject stray HelloRequests during the handshake in TLS 1.2.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "StrayHelloRequest",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRequestBeforeEveryHandshakeMessage: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "StrayHelloRequest-Packed",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
PackHandshakeFlight: true,
SendHelloRequestBeforeEveryHandshakeMessage: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
// Test renegotiation works if HelloRequest and server Finished come in
// the same record.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-Packed",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
PackHandshakeFlight: true,
PackHelloRequestWithFinished: true,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
// Renegotiation is forbidden in TLS 1.3.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiate-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRequestBeforeEveryAppDataRecord: true,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
// Stray HelloRequests during the handshake are forbidden in TLS 1.3.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "StrayHelloRequest-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRequestBeforeEveryHandshakeMessage: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
// The renegotiation_info extension is not sent in TLS 1.3, but TLS 1.3
// always reads as supporting it, regardless of whether it was
// negotiated.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "AlwaysReportRenegotiationInfo-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoRenegotiationInfo: true,
flags: []string{
// Certificates may not change on renegotiation.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiation-CertificateChange",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RenegotiationCertificate: &rsaChainCertificate,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{"-renegotiate-freely"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":SERVER_CERT_CHANGED:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Renegotiation-CertificateChange-2",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RenegotiationCertificate: &rsa1024Certificate,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{"-renegotiate-freely"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":SERVER_CERT_CHANGED:",
// We do not negotiate ALPN after the initial handshake. This is
// error-prone and only risks bugs in consumers.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "Renegotiation-ForbidALPN",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Forcibly negotiate ALPN on both initial and
// renegotiation handshakes. The test stack will
// internally check the client does not offer
// it.
SendALPN: "foo",
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz",
"-expect-alpn", "foo",
renegotiate: 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
func addDTLSReplayTests() {
// Test that sequence number replays are detected.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS-Replay",
messageCount: 200,
replayWrites: true,
// Test the incoming sequence number skipping by values larger
// than the retransmit window.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS-Replay-LargeGaps",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SequenceNumberMapping: func(in uint64) uint64 {
return in * 127
messageCount: 200,
replayWrites: true,
// Test the incoming sequence number changing non-monotonically.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS-Replay-NonMonotonic",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SequenceNumberMapping: func(in uint64) uint64 {
return in ^ 31
messageCount: 200,
replayWrites: true,
var testSignatureAlgorithms = []struct {
name string
id signatureAlgorithm
cert testCert
{"RSA-PKCS1-SHA1", signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA1, testCertRSA},
{"RSA-PKCS1-SHA256", signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA256, testCertRSA},
{"RSA-PKCS1-SHA384", signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA384, testCertRSA},
{"RSA-PKCS1-SHA512", signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA512, testCertRSA},
{"ECDSA-SHA1", signatureECDSAWithSHA1, testCertECDSAP256},
// The “P256” in the following line is not a mistake. In TLS 1.2 the
// hash function doesn't have to match the curve and so the same
// signature algorithm works with P-224.
{"ECDSA-P224-SHA256", signatureECDSAWithP256AndSHA256, testCertECDSAP224},
{"ECDSA-P256-SHA256", signatureECDSAWithP256AndSHA256, testCertECDSAP256},
{"ECDSA-P384-SHA384", signatureECDSAWithP384AndSHA384, testCertECDSAP384},
{"ECDSA-P521-SHA512", signatureECDSAWithP521AndSHA512, testCertECDSAP521},
{"RSA-PSS-SHA256", signatureRSAPSSWithSHA256, testCertRSA},
{"RSA-PSS-SHA384", signatureRSAPSSWithSHA384, testCertRSA},
{"RSA-PSS-SHA512", signatureRSAPSSWithSHA512, testCertRSA},
{"Ed25519", signatureEd25519, testCertEd25519},
// Tests for key types prior to TLS 1.2.
{"RSA", 0, testCertRSA},
{"ECDSA", 0, testCertECDSAP256},
const fakeSigAlg1 signatureAlgorithm = 0x2a01
const fakeSigAlg2 signatureAlgorithm = 0xff01
func addSignatureAlgorithmTests() {
// Not all ciphers involve a signature. Advertise a list which gives all
// versions a signing cipher.
signingCiphers := []uint16{
var allAlgorithms []signatureAlgorithm
for _, alg := range testSignatureAlgorithms {
if != 0 {
allAlgorithms = append(allAlgorithms,
// Make sure each signature algorithm works. Include some fake values in
// the list and ensure they're ignored.
for _, alg := range testSignatureAlgorithms {
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
if (ver.version < VersionTLS12) != ( == 0) {
// TODO(davidben): Support ECDSA in SSL 3.0 in Go for testing
// or remove it in C.
if ver.version == VersionSSL30 && alg.cert != testCertRSA {
var shouldSignFail, shouldVerifyFail bool
// ecdsa_sha1 does not exist in TLS 1.3.
if ver.version >= VersionTLS13 && == signatureECDSAWithSHA1 {
shouldSignFail = true
shouldVerifyFail = true
// RSA-PKCS1 does not exist in TLS 1.3.
if ver.version >= VersionTLS13 && hasComponent(, "PKCS1") {
shouldSignFail = true
shouldVerifyFail = true
// SHA-224 has been removed from TLS 1.3 and, in 1.3,
// the curve has to match the hash size.
if ver.version >= VersionTLS13 && alg.cert == testCertECDSAP224 {
shouldSignFail = true
shouldVerifyFail = true
// BoringSSL will sign SHA-1 and SHA-512 with ECDSA but not accept them.
if == signatureECDSAWithSHA1 || == signatureECDSAWithP521AndSHA512 {
shouldVerifyFail = true
var signError, verifyError string
if shouldSignFail {
if shouldVerifyFail {
verifyError = ":WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE:"
suffix := "-" + + "-" +
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ClientAuth-Sign" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, getShimCertificate(alg.cert)),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, getShimKey(alg.cert)),
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: shouldSignFail,
expectedError: signError,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ClientAuth-Verify" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{getRunnerCertificate(alg.cert)},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipECDSACurveCheck: shouldVerifyFail,
IgnoreSignatureVersionChecks: shouldVerifyFail,
// Some signature algorithms may not be advertised.
IgnorePeerSignatureAlgorithmPreferences: shouldVerifyFail,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
"-expect-peer-signature-algorithm", strconv.Itoa(int(,
// Resume the session to assert the peer signature
// algorithm is reported on both handshakes.
resumeSession: !shouldVerifyFail,
shouldFail: shouldVerifyFail,
expectedError: verifyError,
// No signing cipher for SSL 3.0.
if ver.version > VersionSSL30 {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ServerAuth-Sign" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
CipherSuites: signingCiphers,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, getShimCertificate(alg.cert)),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, getShimKey(alg.cert)),
shouldFail: shouldSignFail,
expectedError: signError,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ServerAuth-Verify" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{getRunnerCertificate(alg.cert)},
CipherSuites: signingCiphers,
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipECDSACurveCheck: shouldVerifyFail,
IgnoreSignatureVersionChecks: shouldVerifyFail,
// Some signature algorithms may not be advertised.
IgnorePeerSignatureAlgorithmPreferences: shouldVerifyFail,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
"-expect-peer-signature-algorithm", strconv.Itoa(int(,
// Resume the session to assert the peer signature
// algorithm is reported on both handshakes.
resumeSession: !shouldVerifyFail,
shouldFail: shouldVerifyFail,
expectedError: verifyError,
if !shouldVerifyFail {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ClientAuth-InvalidSignature" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{getRunnerCertificate(alg.cert)},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
InvalidSignature: true,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_SIGNATURE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ServerAuth-InvalidSignature" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{getRunnerCertificate(alg.cert)},
CipherSuites: signingCiphers,
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
InvalidSignature: true,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_SIGNATURE:",
if ver.version >= VersionTLS12 && !shouldSignFail {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ClientAuth-Sign-Negotiate" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: allAlgorithms,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, getShimCertificate(alg.cert)),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, getShimKey(alg.cert)),
"-signing-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ServerAuth-Sign-Negotiate" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: ver.version,
CipherSuites: signingCiphers,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: allAlgorithms,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, getShimCertificate(alg.cert)),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, getShimKey(alg.cert)),
"-signing-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(,
// Test that algorithm selection takes the key type into account.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ClientAuth-SignatureType",
config: Config{
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
expectedPeerSignatureAlgorithm: signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA384,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ClientAuth-SignatureType-TLS13",
config: Config{
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
expectedPeerSignatureAlgorithm: signatureRSAPSSWithSHA384,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ServerAuth-SignatureType",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
expectedPeerSignatureAlgorithm: signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA384,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ServerAuth-SignatureType-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
expectedPeerSignatureAlgorithm: signatureRSAPSSWithSHA384,
// Test that signature verification takes the key type into account.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Verify-ClientAuth-SignatureType",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSignatureAlgorithm: signatureECDSAWithP256AndSHA256,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "Verify-ClientAuth-SignatureType-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSignatureAlgorithm: signatureECDSAWithP256AndSHA256,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Verify-ServerAuth-SignatureType",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSignatureAlgorithm: signatureECDSAWithP256AndSHA256,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Verify-ServerAuth-SignatureType-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSignatureAlgorithm: signatureECDSAWithP256AndSHA256,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE:",
// Test that, if the list is missing, the peer falls back to SHA-1 in
// TLS 1.2, but not TLS 1.3.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ClientAuth-SHA1-Fallback-RSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoSignatureAlgorithms: true,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ServerAuth-SHA1-Fallback-RSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoSignatureAlgorithms: true,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ClientAuth-SHA1-Fallback-ECDSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoSignatureAlgorithms: true,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256KeyFile),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ServerAuth-SHA1-Fallback-ECDSA",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoSignatureAlgorithms: true,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256KeyFile),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ClientAuth-NoFallback-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoSignatureAlgorithms: true,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
shouldFail: true,
// An empty CertificateRequest signature algorithm list is a
// syntax error in TLS 1.3.
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: error decoding message",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ServerAuth-NoFallback-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoSignatureAlgorithms: true,
shouldFail: true,
// Test that hash preferences are enforced. BoringSSL does not implement
// MD5 signatures.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ClientAuth-Enforced",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
IgnorePeerSignatureAlgorithmPreferences: true,
flags: []string{"-require-any-client-certificate"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ServerAuth-Enforced",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
IgnorePeerSignatureAlgorithmPreferences: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ClientAuth-Enforced-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
IgnorePeerSignatureAlgorithmPreferences: true,
IgnoreSignatureVersionChecks: true,
flags: []string{"-require-any-client-certificate"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ServerAuth-Enforced-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
IgnorePeerSignatureAlgorithmPreferences: true,
IgnoreSignatureVersionChecks: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE:",
// Test that the agreed upon digest respects the client preferences and
// the server digests.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "NoCommonAlgorithms-Digests",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
"-digest-prefs", "SHA256",
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "NoCommonAlgorithms",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
"-signing-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA256)),
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "NoCommonAlgorithms-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
"-signing-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(signatureRSAPSSWithSHA256)),
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Agree-Digest-SHA256",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
"-digest-prefs", "SHA256,SHA1",
expectedPeerSignatureAlgorithm: signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA256,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Agree-Digest-SHA1",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
"-digest-prefs", "SHA512,SHA256,SHA1",
expectedPeerSignatureAlgorithm: signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA1,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Agree-Digest-Default",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
expectedPeerSignatureAlgorithm: signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA256,
// Test that the signing preference list may include extra algorithms
// without negotiation problems.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "FilterExtraAlgorithms",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
"-signing-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(fakeSigAlg1)),
"-signing-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(signatureECDSAWithP256AndSHA256)),
"-signing-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA256)),
"-signing-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(fakeSigAlg2)),
expectedPeerSignatureAlgorithm: signatureRSAPKCS1WithSHA256,
// In TLS 1.2 and below, ECDSA uses the curve list rather than the
// signature algorithms.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "CheckLeafCurve",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Certificates: []Certificate{ecdsaP256Certificate},
flags: []string{"-p384-only"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_ECC_CERT:",
// In TLS 1.3, ECDSA does not use the ECDHE curve list.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "CheckLeafCurve-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Certificates: []Certificate{ecdsaP256Certificate},
flags: []string{"-p384-only"},
// In TLS 1.2, the ECDSA curve is not in the signature algorithm.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ECDSACurveMismatch-Verify-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Certificates: []Certificate{ecdsaP256Certificate},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
// In TLS 1.3, the ECDSA curve comes from the signature algorithm.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ECDSACurveMismatch-Verify-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Certificates: []Certificate{ecdsaP256Certificate},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipECDSACurveCheck: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE:",
// Signature algorithm selection in TLS 1.3 should take the curve into
// account.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ECDSACurveMismatch-Sign-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256KeyFile),
expectedPeerSignatureAlgorithm: signatureECDSAWithP256AndSHA256,
// RSASSA-PSS with SHA-512 is too large for 1024-bit RSA. Test that the
// server does not attempt to sign in that case.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "RSA-PSS-Large",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsa1024CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsa1024KeyFile),
shouldFail: true,
// Test that RSA-PSS is enabled by default for TLS 1.2.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "RSA-PSS-Default-Verify",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{"-max-version", strconv.Itoa(VersionTLS12)},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "RSA-PSS-Default-Sign",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
VerifySignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{"-max-version", strconv.Itoa(VersionTLS12)},
// TLS 1.1 and below has no way to advertise support for or negotiate
// Ed25519's signature algorithm.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "NoEd25519-TLS11-ServerAuth-Verify",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS11,
Certificates: []Certificate{ed25519Certificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Sign with Ed25519 even though it is TLS 1.1.
UseLegacySigningAlgorithm: signatureEd25519,
flags: []string{"-enable-ed25519"},
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoEd25519-TLS11-ServerAuth-Sign",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS11,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ed25519CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ed25519KeyFile),
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoEd25519-TLS11-ClientAuth-Verify",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS11,
Certificates: []Certificate{ed25519Certificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Sign with Ed25519 even though it is TLS 1.1.
UseLegacySigningAlgorithm: signatureEd25519,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "NoEd25519-TLS11-ClientAuth-Sign",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS11,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ed25519CertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ed25519KeyFile),
shouldFail: true,
// Test Ed25519 is not advertised by default.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "Ed25519DefaultDisable-NoAdvertise",
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{ed25519Certificate},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "tls: no common signature algorithms",
// Test Ed25519, when disabled, is not accepted if the peer ignores our
// preferences.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "Ed25519DefaultDisable-NoAccept",
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{ed25519Certificate},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
IgnorePeerSignatureAlgorithmPreferences: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
expectedError: ":WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE:",
// Test that configuring verify preferences changes what the client
// advertises.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "VerifyPreferences-Advertised",
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-verify-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(signatureRSAPSSWithSHA384)),
"-expect-peer-signature-algorithm", strconv.Itoa(int(signatureRSAPSSWithSHA384)),
// Test that the client advertises a set which the runner can find
// nothing in common with.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "VerifyPreferences-NoCommonAlgorithms",
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
flags: []string{
"-verify-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(signatureRSAPSSWithSHA384)),
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "tls: no common signature algorithms",
// Test that the client enforces its preferences when configured.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "VerifyPreferences-Enforced",
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
SignSignatureAlgorithms: []signatureAlgorithm{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
IgnorePeerSignatureAlgorithmPreferences: true,
flags: []string{
"-verify-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(signatureRSAPSSWithSHA384)),
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
expectedError: ":WRONG_SIGNATURE_TYPE:",
// Test that explicitly configuring Ed25519 is as good as changing the
// boolean toggle.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "VerifyPreferences-Ed25519",
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{ed25519Certificate},
flags: []string{
"-verify-prefs", strconv.Itoa(int(signatureEd25519)),
// timeouts is the retransmit schedule for BoringSSL. It doubles and
// caps at 60 seconds. On the 13th timeout, it gives up.
var timeouts = []time.Duration{
1 * time.Second,
2 * time.Second,
4 * time.Second,
8 * time.Second,
16 * time.Second,
32 * time.Second,
60 * time.Second,
60 * time.Second,
60 * time.Second,
60 * time.Second,
60 * time.Second,
60 * time.Second,
60 * time.Second,
// shortTimeouts is an alternate set of timeouts which would occur if the
// initial timeout duration was set to 250ms.
var shortTimeouts = []time.Duration{
250 * time.Millisecond,
500 * time.Millisecond,
1 * time.Second,
2 * time.Second,
4 * time.Second,
8 * time.Second,
16 * time.Second,
32 * time.Second,
60 * time.Second,
60 * time.Second,
60 * time.Second,
60 * time.Second,
60 * time.Second,
func addDTLSRetransmitTests() {
// These tests work by coordinating some behavior on both the shim and
// the runner.
// TimeoutSchedule configures the runner to send a series of timeout
// opcodes to the shim (see packetAdaptor) immediately before reading
// each peer handshake flight N. The timeout opcode both simulates a
// timeout in the shim and acts as a synchronization point to help the
// runner bracket each handshake flight.
// We assume the shim does not read from the channel eagerly. It must
// first wait until it has sent flight N and is ready to receive
// handshake flight N+1. At this point, it will process the timeout
// opcode. It must then immediately respond with a timeout ACK and act
// as if the shim was idle for the specified amount of time.
// The runner then drops all packets received before the ACK and
// continues waiting for flight N. This ordering results in one attempt
// at sending flight N to be dropped. For the test to complete, the
// shim must send flight N again, testing that the shim implements DTLS
// retransmit on a timeout.
// TODO(davidben): Add DTLS 1.3 versions of these tests. There will
// likely be more epochs to cross and the final message's retransmit may
// be more complex.
// Test that this is indeed the timeout schedule. Stress all
// four patterns of handshake.
for i := 1; i < len(timeouts); i++ {
number := strconv.Itoa(i)
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS-Retransmit-Client-" + number,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
TimeoutSchedule: timeouts[:i],
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{"-async"},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "DTLS-Retransmit-Server-" + number,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
TimeoutSchedule: timeouts[:i],
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{"-async"},
// Test that exceeding the timeout schedule hits a read
// timeout.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS-Retransmit-Timeout",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
TimeoutSchedule: timeouts,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{"-async"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":READ_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED:",
// Test that timeout handling has a fudge factor, due to API
// problems.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS-Retransmit-Fudge",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
TimeoutSchedule: []time.Duration{
timeouts[0] - 10*time.Millisecond,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{"-async"},
// Test that the final Finished retransmitting isn't
// duplicated if the peer badly fragments everything.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS-Retransmit-Fragmented",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
TimeoutSchedule: []time.Duration{timeouts[0]},
MaxHandshakeRecordLength: 2,
flags: []string{"-async"},
// Test the timeout schedule when a shorter initial timeout duration is set.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "DTLS-Retransmit-Short-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
TimeoutSchedule: shortTimeouts[:len(shortTimeouts)-1],
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-initial-timeout-duration-ms", "250",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "DTLS-Retransmit-Short-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
TimeoutSchedule: shortTimeouts[:len(shortTimeouts)-1],
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-initial-timeout-duration-ms", "250",
func addExportKeyingMaterialTests() {
for _, vers := range tlsVersions {
if vers.version == VersionSSL30 {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ExportKeyingMaterial-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: vers.version,
tls13Variant: vers.tls13Variant,
exportKeyingMaterial: 1024,
exportLabel: "label",
exportContext: "context",
useExportContext: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ExportKeyingMaterial-NoContext-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: vers.version,
tls13Variant: vers.tls13Variant,
exportKeyingMaterial: 1024,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ExportKeyingMaterial-EmptyContext-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: vers.version,
tls13Variant: vers.tls13Variant,
exportKeyingMaterial: 1024,
useExportContext: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ExportKeyingMaterial-Small-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: vers.version,
tls13Variant: vers.tls13Variant,
exportKeyingMaterial: 1,
exportLabel: "label",
exportContext: "context",
useExportContext: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ExportKeyingMaterial-SSL3",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionSSL30,
exportKeyingMaterial: 1024,
exportLabel: "label",
exportContext: "context",
useExportContext: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: "failed to export keying material",
// Exporters work during a False Start.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ExportKeyingMaterial-FalseStart",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectFalseStart: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
"-expect-alpn", "foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
exportKeyingMaterial: 1024,
exportLabel: "label",
exportContext: "context",
useExportContext: true,
// Exporters do not work in the middle of a renegotiation. Test this by
// triggering the exporter after every SSL_read call and configuring the
// shim to run asynchronously.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "ExportKeyingMaterial-Renegotiate",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: "failed to export keying material",
func addTLSUniqueTests() {
for _, isClient := range []bool{false, true} {
for _, isResumption := range []bool{false, true} {
for _, hasEMS := range []bool{false, true} {
var suffix string
if isResumption {
suffix = "Resume-"
} else {
suffix = "Full-"
if hasEMS {
suffix += "EMS-"
} else {
suffix += "NoEMS-"
if isClient {
suffix += "Client"
} else {
suffix += "Server"
test := testCase{
name: "TLSUnique-" + suffix,
testTLSUnique: true,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoExtendedMasterSecret: !hasEMS,
if isResumption {
test.resumeSession = true
test.resumeConfig = &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoExtendedMasterSecret: !hasEMS,
if isResumption && !hasEMS {
test.shouldFail = true
test.expectedError = "failed to get tls-unique"
testCases = append(testCases, test)
func addCustomExtensionTests() {
expectedContents := "custom extension"
emptyString := ""
for _, isClient := range []bool{false, true} {
suffix := "Server"
flag := "-enable-server-custom-extension"
testType := serverTest
if isClient {
suffix = "Client"
flag = "-enable-client-custom-extension"
testType = clientTest
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: testType,
name: "CustomExtensions-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomExtension: expectedContents,
ExpectedCustomExtension: &expectedContents,
flags: []string{flag},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: testType,
name: "CustomExtensions-" + suffix + "-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomExtension: expectedContents,
ExpectedCustomExtension: &expectedContents,
flags: []string{flag},
// 0-RTT is not currently supported with Custom Extensions.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: testType,
name: "CustomExtensions-" + suffix + "-EarlyData",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomExtension: expectedContents,
ExpectedCustomExtension: &expectedContents,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CUSTOM_EXTENSION_ERROR:",
flags: []string{flag, "-enable-early-data"},
// If the parse callback fails, the handshake should also fail.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: testType,
name: "CustomExtensions-ParseError-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomExtension: expectedContents + "foo",
ExpectedCustomExtension: &expectedContents,
flags: []string{flag},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CUSTOM_EXTENSION_ERROR:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: testType,
name: "CustomExtensions-ParseError-" + suffix + "-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomExtension: expectedContents + "foo",
ExpectedCustomExtension: &expectedContents,
flags: []string{flag},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CUSTOM_EXTENSION_ERROR:",
// If the add callback fails, the handshake should also fail.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: testType,
name: "CustomExtensions-FailAdd-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomExtension: expectedContents,
ExpectedCustomExtension: &expectedContents,
flags: []string{flag, "-custom-extension-fail-add"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CUSTOM_EXTENSION_ERROR:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: testType,
name: "CustomExtensions-FailAdd-" + suffix + "-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomExtension: expectedContents,
ExpectedCustomExtension: &expectedContents,
flags: []string{flag, "-custom-extension-fail-add"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CUSTOM_EXTENSION_ERROR:",
// If the add callback returns zero, no extension should be
// added.
skipCustomExtension := expectedContents
if isClient {
// For the case where the client skips sending the
// custom extension, the server must not “echo” it.
skipCustomExtension = ""
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: testType,
name: "CustomExtensions-Skip-" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomExtension: skipCustomExtension,
ExpectedCustomExtension: &emptyString,
flags: []string{flag, "-custom-extension-skip"},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: testType,
name: "CustomExtensions-Skip-" + suffix + "-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomExtension: skipCustomExtension,
ExpectedCustomExtension: &emptyString,
flags: []string{flag, "-custom-extension-skip"},
// The custom extension add callback should not be called if the client
// doesn't send the extension.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "CustomExtensions-NotCalled-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectedCustomExtension: &emptyString,
flags: []string{"-enable-server-custom-extension", "-custom-extension-fail-add"},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "CustomExtensions-NotCalled-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectedCustomExtension: &emptyString,
flags: []string{"-enable-server-custom-extension", "-custom-extension-fail-add"},
// Test an unknown extension from the server.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "UnknownExtension-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomExtension: expectedContents,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unsupported extension",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "UnknownExtension-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomExtension: expectedContents,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unsupported extension",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "UnknownUnencryptedExtension-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomUnencryptedExtension: expectedContents,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
// The shim must send an alert, but alerts at this point do not
// get successfully decrypted by the runner.
expectedLocalError: "local error: bad record MAC",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "UnexpectedUnencryptedExtension-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendUnencryptedALPN: "foo",
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
// The shim must send an alert, but alerts at this point do not
// get successfully decrypted by the runner.
expectedLocalError: "local error: bad record MAC",
// Test a known but unoffered extension from the server.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "UnofferedExtension-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendALPN: "alpn",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unsupported extension",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "UnofferedExtension-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendALPN: "alpn",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unsupported extension",
func addRSAClientKeyExchangeTests() {
for bad := RSABadValue(1); bad < NumRSABadValues; bad++ {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: fmt.Sprintf("BadRSAClientKeyExchange-%d", bad),
config: Config{
// Ensure the ClientHello version and final
// version are different, to detect if the
// server uses the wrong one.
MaxVersion: VersionTLS11,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadRSAClientKeyExchange: bad,
shouldFail: true,
// The server must compare whatever was in ClientHello.version for the
// RSA premaster.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SendClientVersion-RSA",
config: Config{
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientVersion: 0x1234,
flags: []string{"-max-version", strconv.Itoa(VersionTLS12)},
var testCurves = []struct {
name string
id CurveID
{"P-224", CurveP224},
{"P-256", CurveP256},
{"P-384", CurveP384},
{"P-521", CurveP521},
{"X25519", CurveX25519},
const bogusCurve = 0x1234
func addCurveTests() {
for _, curve := range testCurves {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "CurveTest-Client-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{},
flags: []string{
"-expect-curve-id", strconv.Itoa(int(,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "CurveTest-Client-" + + "-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{},
flags: []string{
"-expect-curve-id", strconv.Itoa(int(,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "CurveTest-Server-" +,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{},
flags: []string{
"-expect-curve-id", strconv.Itoa(int(,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "CurveTest-Server-" + + "-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{},
flags: []string{
"-expect-curve-id", strconv.Itoa(int(,
// The server must be tolerant to bogus curves.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "UnknownCurve",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{bogusCurve, CurveP256},
// The server must be tolerant to bogus curves.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "UnknownCurve-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{bogusCurve, CurveP256},
// The server must not consider ECDHE ciphers when there are no
// supported curves.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoSupportedCurves",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoSupportedCurves: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":NO_SHARED_CIPHER:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoSupportedCurves-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NoSupportedCurves: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":NO_SHARED_GROUP:",
// The server must fall back to another cipher when there are no
// supported curves.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "NoCommonCurves",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP224},
expectedCipher: TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,
// The client must reject bogus curves and disabled curves.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "BadECDHECurve",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCurve: bogusCurve,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CURVE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "BadECDHECurve-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCurve: bogusCurve,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CURVE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "UnsupportedCurve",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
IgnorePeerCurvePreferences: true,
flags: []string{"-p384-only"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CURVE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
// TODO(davidben): Add a TLS 1.3 version where
// HelloRetryRequest requests an unsupported curve.
name: "UnsupportedCurve-ServerHello-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP384},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendCurve: CurveP256,
flags: []string{"-p384-only"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CURVE:",
// Test invalid curve points.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "InvalidECDHPoint-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
InvalidECDHPoint: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":INVALID_ENCODING:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "InvalidECDHPoint-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
InvalidECDHPoint: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":INVALID_ENCODING:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "InvalidECDHPoint-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
InvalidECDHPoint: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":INVALID_ENCODING:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "InvalidECDHPoint-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
InvalidECDHPoint: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":INVALID_ENCODING:",
// The previous curve ID should be reported on TLS 1.2 resumption.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "CurveID-Resume-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveX25519},
flags: []string{"-expect-curve-id", strconv.Itoa(int(CurveX25519))},
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "CurveID-Resume-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveX25519},
flags: []string{"-expect-curve-id", strconv.Itoa(int(CurveX25519))},
resumeSession: true,
// TLS 1.3 allows resuming at a differet curve. If this happens, the new
// one should be reported.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "CurveID-Resume-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveX25519},
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP256},
flags: []string{
"-on-initial-expect-curve-id", strconv.Itoa(int(CurveX25519)),
"-on-resume-expect-curve-id", strconv.Itoa(int(CurveP256)),
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "CurveID-Resume-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveX25519},
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP256},
flags: []string{
"-on-initial-expect-curve-id", strconv.Itoa(int(CurveX25519)),
"-on-resume-expect-curve-id", strconv.Itoa(int(CurveP256)),
resumeSession: true,
// Server-sent point formats are legal in TLS 1.2, but not in TLS 1.3.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "PointFormat-ServerHello-TLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedPointFormats: []byte{pointFormatUncompressed},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "PointFormat-EncryptedExtensions-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedPointFormats: []byte{pointFormatUncompressed},
shouldFail: true,
// Test that we tolerate unknown point formats, as long as
// pointFormatUncompressed is present. Limit ciphers to ECDHE ciphers to
// check they are still functional.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "PointFormat-Client-Tolerance",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedPointFormats: []byte{42, pointFormatUncompressed, 99, pointFormatCompressedPrime},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "PointFormat-Server-Tolerance",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedPointFormats: []byte{42, pointFormatUncompressed, 99, pointFormatCompressedPrime},
// Test TLS 1.2 does not require the point format extension to be
// present.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "PointFormat-Client-Missing",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedPointFormats: []byte{},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "PointFormat-Server-Missing",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedPointFormats: []byte{},
// If the point format extension is present, uncompressed points must be
// offered. BoringSSL requires this whether or not ECDHE is used.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "PointFormat-Client-MissingUncompressed",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedPointFormats: []byte{pointFormatCompressedPrime},
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "PointFormat-Server-MissingUncompressed",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSupportedPointFormats: []byte{pointFormatCompressedPrime},
shouldFail: true,
func addTLS13RecordTests() {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "TLS13-RecordPadding",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
RecordPadding: 10,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "TLS13-EmptyRecords",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
OmitRecordContents: true,
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "TLS13-OnlyPadding",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
OmitRecordContents: true,
RecordPadding: 10,
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "TLS13-WrongOuterRecord",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
OuterRecordType: recordTypeHandshake,
shouldFail: true,
func addSessionTicketTests() {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
// In TLS 1.2 and below, empty NewSessionTicket messages
// mean the server changed its mind on sending a ticket.
name: "SendEmptySessionTicket",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEmptySessionTicket: true,
flags: []string{"-expect-no-session"},
// Test that the server ignores unknown PSK modes.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-SendUnknownModeSessionTicket-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendPSKKeyExchangeModes: []byte{0x1a, pskDHEKEMode, 0x2a},
resumeSession: true,
expectedResumeVersion: VersionTLS13,
// Test that the server does not send session tickets with no matching key exchange mode.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-ExpectNoSessionTicketOnBadKEMode-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendPSKKeyExchangeModes: []byte{0x1a},
ExpectNoNewSessionTicket: true,
// Test that the server does not accept a session with no matching key exchange mode.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-SendBadKEModeSessionTicket-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendPSKKeyExchangeModes: []byte{0x1a},
resumeSession: true,
expectResumeRejected: true,
// Test that the client ticket age is sent correctly.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-TestValidTicketAge-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectTicketAge: 10 * time.Second,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-resumption-delay", "10",
// Test that the client ticket age is enforced.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-TestBadTicketAge-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectTicketAge: 1000 * time.Second,
resumeSession: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "tls: invalid ticket age",
// Test that the server's ticket age skew reporting works.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-TicketAgeSkew-Forward",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendTicketAge: 15 * time.Second,
resumeSession: true,
resumeRenewedSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-resumption-delay", "10",
"-expect-ticket-age-skew", "5",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-TicketAgeSkew-Backward",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendTicketAge: 5 * time.Second,
resumeSession: true,
resumeRenewedSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-resumption-delay", "10",
"-expect-ticket-age-skew", "-5",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-SendTicketEarlyDataInfo",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
flags: []string{
// Test that 0-RTT tickets are ignored in clients unless opted in.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-SendTicketEarlyDataInfo-Disabled",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-DuplicateTicketEarlyDataInfo",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
DuplicateTicketEarlyDataInfo: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DUPLICATE_EXTENSION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-ExpectTicketEarlyDataInfo",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectTicketEarlyDataInfo: true,
flags: []string{
// Test that, in TLS 1.3, the server-offered NewSessionTicket lifetime
// is honored.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-HonorServerSessionTicketLifetime",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendTicketLifetime: 20 * time.Second,
flags: []string{
"-resumption-delay", "19",
resumeSession: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-HonorServerSessionTicketLifetime-2",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendTicketLifetime: 20 * time.Second,
// The client should not offer the expired session.
ExpectNoTLS13PSK: true,
flags: []string{
"-resumption-delay", "21",
resumeSession: true,
expectResumeRejected: true,
func addChangeCipherSpecTests() {
// Test missing ChangeCipherSpecs.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SkipChangeCipherSpec-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipChangeCipherSpec: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipChangeCipherSpec-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipChangeCipherSpec: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipChangeCipherSpec-Server-NPN",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
NextProtos: []string{"bar"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipChangeCipherSpec: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-npn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
// Test synchronization between the handshake and ChangeCipherSpec.
// Partial post-CCS handshake messages before ChangeCipherSpec should be
// rejected. Test both with and without handshake packing to handle both
// when the partial post-CCS message is in its own record and when it is
// attached to the pre-CCS message.
for _, packed := range []bool{false, true} {
var suffix string
if packed {
suffix = "-Packed"
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "FragmentAcrossChangeCipherSpec-Client" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FragmentAcrossChangeCipherSpec: true,
PackHandshakeFlight: packed,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "FragmentAcrossChangeCipherSpec-Client-Resume" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
resumeSession: true,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FragmentAcrossChangeCipherSpec: true,
PackHandshakeFlight: packed,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "FragmentAcrossChangeCipherSpec-Server" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FragmentAcrossChangeCipherSpec: true,
PackHandshakeFlight: packed,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "FragmentAcrossChangeCipherSpec-Server-Resume" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
resumeSession: true,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FragmentAcrossChangeCipherSpec: true,
PackHandshakeFlight: packed,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "FragmentAcrossChangeCipherSpec-Server-NPN" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
NextProtos: []string{"bar"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
FragmentAcrossChangeCipherSpec: true,
PackHandshakeFlight: packed,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-npn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
// Test that, in DTLS, ChangeCipherSpec is not allowed when there are
// messages in the handshake queue. Do this by testing the server
// reading the client Finished, reversing the flight so Finished comes
// first.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
testType: serverTest,
name: "SendUnencryptedFinished-DTLS",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendUnencryptedFinished: true,
ReverseHandshakeFragments: true,
shouldFail: true,
// Test synchronization between encryption changes and the handshake in
// TLS 1.3, where ChangeCipherSpec is implicit.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "PartialEncryptedExtensionsWithServerHello",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
PartialEncryptedExtensionsWithServerHello: true,
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "PartialClientFinishedWithClientHello",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
PartialClientFinishedWithClientHello: true,
shouldFail: true,
// Test that early ChangeCipherSpecs are handled correctly.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "EarlyChangeCipherSpec-server-1",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EarlyChangeCipherSpec: 1,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "EarlyChangeCipherSpec-server-2",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EarlyChangeCipherSpec: 2,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "StrayChangeCipherSpec",
config: Config{
// TODO(davidben): Once DTLS 1.3 exists, test
// that stray ChangeCipherSpec messages are
// rejected.
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
StrayChangeCipherSpec: true,
// Test that the contents of ChangeCipherSpec are checked.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "BadChangeCipherSpec-1",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadChangeCipherSpec: []byte{2},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "BadChangeCipherSpec-2",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadChangeCipherSpec: []byte{1, 1},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "BadChangeCipherSpec-DTLS-1",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadChangeCipherSpec: []byte{2},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
protocol: dtls,
name: "BadChangeCipherSpec-DTLS-2",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
BadChangeCipherSpec: []byte{1, 1},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":BAD_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC:",
type perMessageTest struct {
messageType uint8
test testCase
// makePerMessageTests returns a series of test templates which cover each
// message in the TLS handshake. These may be used with bugs like
// WrongMessageType to fully test a per-message bug.
func makePerMessageTests() []perMessageTest {
var ret []perMessageTest
for _, protocol := range []protocol{tls, dtls} {
var suffix string
if protocol == dtls {
suffix = "-DTLS"
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeClientHello,
test: testCase{
protocol: protocol,
testType: serverTest,
name: "ClientHello" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
if protocol == dtls {
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeHelloVerifyRequest,
test: testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: "HelloVerifyRequest" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeServerHello,
test: testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: "ServerHello" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeCertificate,
test: testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: "ServerCertificate" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeCertificateStatus,
test: testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: "CertificateStatus" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
flags: []string{"-enable-ocsp-stapling"},
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeServerKeyExchange,
test: testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: "ServerKeyExchange" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeCertificateRequest,
test: testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: "CertificateRequest" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeServerHelloDone,
test: testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: "ServerHelloDone" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeCertificate,
test: testCase{
testType: serverTest,
protocol: protocol,
name: "ClientCertificate" + suffix,
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
flags: []string{"-require-any-client-certificate"},
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeCertificateVerify,
test: testCase{
testType: serverTest,
protocol: protocol,
name: "CertificateVerify" + suffix,
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
flags: []string{"-require-any-client-certificate"},
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeClientKeyExchange,
test: testCase{
testType: serverTest,
protocol: protocol,
name: "ClientKeyExchange" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
if protocol != dtls {
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeNextProtocol,
test: testCase{
testType: serverTest,
protocol: protocol,
name: "NextProtocol" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
NextProtos: []string{"bar"},
flags: []string{"-advertise-npn", "\x03foo\x03bar\x03baz"},
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeChannelID,
test: testCase{
testType: serverTest,
protocol: protocol,
name: "ChannelID" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ChannelID: channelIDKey,
flags: []string{
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeFinished,
test: testCase{
testType: serverTest,
protocol: protocol,
name: "ClientFinished" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeNewSessionTicket,
test: testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: "NewSessionTicket" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeFinished,
test: testCase{
protocol: protocol,
name: "ServerFinished" + suffix,
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeClientHello,
test: testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-ClientHello",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeServerHello,
test: testCase{
name: "TLS13-ServerHello",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeEncryptedExtensions,
test: testCase{
name: "TLS13-EncryptedExtensions",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeCertificateRequest,
test: testCase{
name: "TLS13-CertificateRequest",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeCertificate,
test: testCase{
name: "TLS13-ServerCertificate",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeCertificateVerify,
test: testCase{
name: "TLS13-ServerCertificateVerify",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeFinished,
test: testCase{
name: "TLS13-ServerFinished",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeCertificate,
test: testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-ClientCertificate",
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
flags: []string{"-require-any-client-certificate"},
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeCertificateVerify,
test: testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-ClientCertificateVerify",
config: Config{
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
flags: []string{"-require-any-client-certificate"},
ret = append(ret, perMessageTest{
messageType: typeFinished,
test: testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-ClientFinished",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
return ret
func addWrongMessageTypeTests() {
for _, t := range makePerMessageTests() { = "WrongMessageType-" +
t.test.config.Bugs.SendWrongMessageType = t.messageType
t.test.shouldFail = true
t.test.expectedError = ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:"
t.test.expectedLocalError = "remote error: unexpected message"
if t.test.config.MaxVersion >= VersionTLS13 && t.messageType == typeServerHello {
// In TLS 1.3, a bad ServerHello means the client sends
// an unencrypted alert while the server expects
// encryption, so the alert is not readable by runner.
t.test.expectedLocalError = "local error: bad record MAC"
testCases = append(testCases, t.test)
// The processing order for TLS 1.3 version negotiation is such that one
// may accidentally accept a HelloRetryRequest in lieu of ServerHello in
// TLS 1.2. Test that we do not do this.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SendServerHelloAsHelloRetryRequest",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendServerHelloAsHelloRetryRequest: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
func addTrailingMessageDataTests() {
for _, t := range makePerMessageTests() { = "TrailingMessageData-" +
t.test.config.Bugs.SendTrailingMessageData = t.messageType
t.test.shouldFail = true
t.test.expectedError = ":DECODE_ERROR:"
t.test.expectedLocalError = "remote error: error decoding message"
if t.test.config.MaxVersion >= VersionTLS13 && t.messageType == typeServerHello {
// In TLS 1.3, a bad ServerHello means the client sends
// an unencrypted alert while the server expects
// encryption, so the alert is not readable by runner.
t.test.expectedLocalError = "local error: bad record MAC"
if t.messageType == typeFinished {
// Bad Finished messages read as the verify data having
// the wrong length.
t.test.expectedError = ":DIGEST_CHECK_FAILED:"
t.test.expectedLocalError = "remote error: error decrypting message"
testCases = append(testCases, t.test)
func addTLS13HandshakeTests() {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "NegotiatePSKResumption-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
NegotiatePSKResumption: true,
resumeSession: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":MISSING_KEY_SHARE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "MissingKeyShare-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MissingKeyShare: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":MISSING_KEY_SHARE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "MissingKeyShare-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MissingKeyShare: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":MISSING_KEY_SHARE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "DuplicateKeyShares",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
DuplicateKeyShares: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DUPLICATE_KEY_SHARE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipEarlyData",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFakeEarlyDataLength: 4,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipEarlyData-TLS13Experiment",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
TLS13Variant: TLS13Experiment,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFakeEarlyDataLength: 4,
flags: []string{"-tls13-variant", "1"},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipEarlyData-TLS13RecordTypeExperiment",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
TLS13Variant: TLS13RecordTypeExperiment,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFakeEarlyDataLength: 4,
flags: []string{"-tls13-variant", "2"},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipEarlyData-OmitEarlyDataExtension",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFakeEarlyDataLength: 4,
OmitEarlyDataExtension: true,
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipEarlyData-TooMuchData",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFakeEarlyDataLength: 16384 + 1,
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipEarlyData-Interleaved",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFakeEarlyDataLength: 4,
InterleaveEarlyData: true,
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipEarlyData-EarlyDataInTLS12",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFakeEarlyDataLength: 4,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
flags: []string{"-max-version", strconv.Itoa(VersionTLS12)},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipEarlyData-HRR",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFakeEarlyDataLength: 4,
DefaultCurves: []CurveID{},
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipEarlyData-HRR-Interleaved",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFakeEarlyDataLength: 4,
InterleaveEarlyData: true,
DefaultCurves: []CurveID{},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipEarlyData-HRR-TooMuchData",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendFakeEarlyDataLength: 16384 + 1,
DefaultCurves: []CurveID{},
shouldFail: true,
// Test that skipping early data looking for cleartext correctly
// processes an alert record.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipEarlyData-HRR-FatalAlert",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyAlert: true,
SendFakeEarlyDataLength: 4,
DefaultCurves: []CurveID{},
shouldFail: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SkipEarlyData-SecondClientHelloEarlyData",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyDataOnSecondClientHello: true,
DefaultCurves: []CurveID{},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: bad record MAC",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "EmptyEncryptedExtensions",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EmptyEncryptedExtensions: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: error decoding message",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "EncryptedExtensionsWithKeyShare",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EncryptedExtensionsWithKeyShare: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unsupported extension",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SendHelloRetryRequest",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
// Require a HelloRetryRequest for every curve.
DefaultCurves: []CurveID{},
expectedCurveID: CurveX25519,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SendHelloRetryRequest-2",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
DefaultCurves: []CurveID{CurveP384},
// Although the ClientHello did not predict our preferred curve,
// we always select it whether it is predicted or not.
expectedCurveID: CurveX25519,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "UnknownCurve-HelloRetryRequest",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
// P-384 requires HelloRetryRequest in BoringSSL.
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP384},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRetryRequestCurve: bogusCurve,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CURVE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "DisabledCurve-HelloRetryRequest",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP256},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
IgnorePeerCurvePreferences: true,
flags: []string{"-p384-only"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CURVE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "UnnecessaryHelloRetryRequest",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveX25519},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRetryRequestCurve: CurveX25519,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CURVE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SecondHelloRetryRequest",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
// P-384 requires HelloRetryRequest in BoringSSL.
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP384},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SecondHelloRetryRequest: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "HelloRetryRequest-Empty",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlwaysSendHelloRetryRequest: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "HelloRetryRequest-DuplicateCurve",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
// P-384 requires a HelloRetryRequest against BoringSSL's default
// configuration. Assert this ExpectMissingKeyShare.
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP384},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectMissingKeyShare: true,
DuplicateHelloRetryRequestExtensions: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DUPLICATE_EXTENSION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "HelloRetryRequest-Cookie",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRetryRequestCookie: []byte("cookie"),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "HelloRetryRequest-DuplicateCookie",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRetryRequestCookie: []byte("cookie"),
DuplicateHelloRetryRequestExtensions: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DUPLICATE_EXTENSION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: illegal parameter",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "HelloRetryRequest-EmptyCookie",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRetryRequestCookie: []byte{},
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "HelloRetryRequest-Cookie-Curve",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
// P-384 requires HelloRetryRequest in BoringSSL.
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP384},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRetryRequestCookie: []byte("cookie"),
ExpectMissingKeyShare: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "HelloRetryRequest-Unknown",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomHelloRetryRequestExtension: "extension",
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unsupported extension",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SecondClientHelloMissingKeyShare",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
DefaultCurves: []CurveID{},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SecondClientHelloMissingKeyShare: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":MISSING_KEY_SHARE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SecondClientHelloWrongCurve",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
DefaultCurves: []CurveID{},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
MisinterpretHelloRetryRequestCurve: CurveP521,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CURVE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "HelloRetryRequestVersionMismatch",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
// P-384 requires HelloRetryRequest in BoringSSL.
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP384},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendServerHelloVersion: 0x0305,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "HelloRetryRequestCurveMismatch",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
// P-384 requires HelloRetryRequest in BoringSSL.
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP384},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
// Send P-384 (correct) in the HelloRetryRequest.
SendHelloRetryRequestCurve: CurveP384,
// But send P-256 in the ServerHello.
SendCurve: CurveP256,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CURVE:",
// Test the server selecting a curve that requires a HelloRetryRequest
// without sending it.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "SkipHelloRetryRequest",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
// P-384 requires HelloRetryRequest in BoringSSL.
CurvePreferences: []CurveID{CurveP384},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SkipHelloRetryRequest: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_CURVE:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "TLS13-RequestContextInHandshake",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendRequestContext: []byte("request context"),
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaKeyFile),
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-TrailingKeyShareData",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
TrailingKeyShareData: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":DECODE_ERROR:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "TLS13-AlwaysSelectPSKIdentity",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlwaysSelectPSKIdentity: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "TLS13-InvalidPSKIdentity",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SelectPSKIdentityOnResume: 1,
resumeSession: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":PSK_IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-ExtraPSKIdentity",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExtraPSKIdentity: true,
SendExtraPSKBinder: true,
resumeSession: true,
// Test that unknown NewSessionTicket extensions are tolerated.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "TLS13-CustomTicketExtension",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
CustomTicketExtension: "1234",
for _, noSessionID := range []bool{false, true} {
prefix := "TLS13Experiment"
variant := TLS13Experiment
if noSessionID {
prefix = "TLS13NoSessionIDExperiment"
variant = TLS13NoSessionIDExperiment
// Test that enabling a TLS 1.3 variant does not interfere with
// TLS 1.2 session ID resumption.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: prefix + "-ResumeTLS12SessionID",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{"-tls13-variant", strconv.Itoa(variant)},
// Test that the server correctly echoes back session IDs of
// various lengths.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: prefix + "-EmptySessionID",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientHelloSessionID: []byte{},
tls13Variant: variant,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: prefix + "-ShortSessionID",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientHelloSessionID: make([]byte, 16),
tls13Variant: variant,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: prefix + "-FullSessionID",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendClientHelloSessionID: make([]byte, 32),
tls13Variant: variant,
// Test that the client sends a fake session ID in TLS13Experiment.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13Experiment-RequireSessionID",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectClientHelloSessionID: true,
tls13Variant: TLS13Experiment,
// Test that the client does not send a fake session ID in
// TLS13NoSessionIDExperiment.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13NoSessionIDExperiment-RequireEmptySessionID",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectEmptyClientHelloSessionID: true,
tls13Variant: TLS13NoSessionIDExperiment,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-Reject-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlwaysRejectEarlyData: true,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13Experiment-EarlyData-Reject-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlwaysRejectEarlyData: true,
tls13Variant: TLS13Experiment,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13RecordTypeExperiment-EarlyData-Reject-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlwaysRejectEarlyData: true,
tls13Variant: TLS13RecordTypeExperiment,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-RejectTicket-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Certificates: []Certificate{ecdsaP256Certificate},
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
resumeSession: true,
expectResumeRejected: true,
flags: []string{
"-on-initial-expect-peer-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-on-resume-expect-peer-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaCertificateFile),
"-on-retry-expect-peer-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, ecdsaP256CertificateFile),
// Session tickets are disabled, so the runner will not send a ticket.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-HRR-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRetryRequestCookie: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4},
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
// The client must check the server does not send the early_data
// extension while rejecting the session.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyDataWithoutResume-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyDataExtension: true,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
// The client must fail with a dedicated error code if the server
// responds with TLS 1.2 when offering 0-RTT.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyDataVersionDowngrade-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
// Test that the client rejects an (unsolicited) early_data extension if
// the server sent an HRR.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-ServerAcceptsEarlyDataOnHRR-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendHelloRetryRequestCookie: []byte{1, 2, 3, 4},
SendEarlyDataExtension: true,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_EXTENSION:",
fooString := "foo"
barString := "bar"
// Test that the client reports the correct ALPN after a 0-RTT reject
// that changed it.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-ALPNMismatch-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ALPNProtocol: &fooString,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ALPNProtocol: &barString,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar",
"-on-initial-expect-alpn", "foo",
"-on-resume-expect-alpn", "foo",
"-on-retry-expect-alpn", "bar",
// Test that the client reports the correct ALPN after a 0-RTT reject if
// ALPN was omitted from the first connection.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-ALPNOmitted1-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar",
"-on-initial-expect-alpn", "",
"-on-resume-expect-alpn", "",
"-on-retry-expect-alpn", "foo",
// Test that the client reports the correct ALPN after a 0-RTT reject if
// ALPN was omitted from the second connection.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-ALPNOmitted2-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar",
"-on-initial-expect-alpn", "foo",
"-on-resume-expect-alpn", "foo",
"-on-retry-expect-alpn", "",
// Test that the client enforces ALPN match on 0-RTT accept.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-BadALPNMismatch-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ALPNProtocol: &fooString,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlwaysAcceptEarlyData: true,
ALPNProtocol: &barString,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo\x03bar",
"-on-initial-expect-alpn", "foo",
"-on-resume-expect-alpn", "foo",
"-on-retry-expect-alpn", "bar",
shouldFail: true,
// Test that the server correctly rejects 0-RTT when the previous
// session did not allow early data on resumption.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-NonZeroRTTSession-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}},
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: false,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
// Test that we reject early data where ALPN is omitted from the first
// connection.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-ALPNOmitted1-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
NextProtos: []string{},
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}},
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: false,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-on-initial-select-alpn", "",
"-on-resume-select-alpn", "foo",
// Test that we reject early data where ALPN is omitted from the second
// connection.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-ALPNOmitted2-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
NextProtos: []string{},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}},
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: false,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-on-initial-select-alpn", "foo",
"-on-resume-select-alpn", "",
// Test that we reject early data with mismatched ALPN.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-ALPNMismatch-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
NextProtos: []string{"bar"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}},
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: false,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-on-initial-select-alpn", "foo",
"-on-resume-select-alpn", "bar",
// Test that the client offering 0-RTT and Channel ID forbids the server
// from accepting both.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyDataChannelID-AcceptBoth-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
RequestChannelID: true,
resumeSession: true,
expectChannelID: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":CHANNEL_ID_ON_EARLY_DATA:",
flags: []string{
"-send-channel-id", path.Join(*resourceDir, channelIDKeyFile),
// Test that the client offering Channel ID and 0-RTT allows the server
// to decline 0-RTT.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyDataChannelID-AcceptChannelID-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
RequestChannelID: true,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
AlwaysRejectEarlyData: true,
resumeSession: true,
expectChannelID: true,
flags: []string{
"-send-channel-id", path.Join(*resourceDir, channelIDKeyFile),
// Test that the client offering Channel ID and 0-RTT allows the server
// to decline Channel ID.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyDataChannelID-AcceptEarlyData-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-send-channel-id", path.Join(*resourceDir, channelIDKeyFile),
// Test that the server supporting Channel ID and 0-RTT declines 0-RTT
// if it would negotiate Channel ID.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyDataChannelID-OfferBoth-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
ChannelID: channelIDKey,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}},
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: false,
resumeSession: true,
expectChannelID: true,
flags: []string{
// Test that the server supporting Channel ID and 0-RTT accepts 0-RTT
// if not offered Channel ID.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyDataChannelID-OfferEarlyData-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}},
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: true,
ExpectHalfRTTData: [][]byte{{254, 253, 252, 251}},
resumeSession: true,
expectChannelID: false,
flags: []string{
// Test that the server rejects 0-RTT streams without end_of_early_data.
// The subsequent records should fail to decrypt.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-SkipEndOfEarlyData",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}},
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: true,
SkipEndOfEarlyData: true,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{"-enable-early-data"},
shouldFail: true,
expectedLocalError: "remote error: bad record MAC",
expectedError: ":BAD_DECRYPT:",
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-UnexpectedHandshake-Server",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
resumeConfig: &Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}},
SendStrayEarlyHandshake: true,
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: true},
resumeSession: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":UNEXPECTED_RECORD:",
expectedLocalError: "remote error: unexpected message",
flags: []string{
// Test that the client reports TLS 1.3 as the version while sending
// early data.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "TLS13-EarlyData-Client-VersionAPI",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxEarlyDataSize: 16384,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
"-expect-version", strconv.Itoa(VersionTLS13),
func addTLS13CipherPreferenceTests() {
// Test that client preference is honored if the shim has AES hardware
// and ChaCha20-Poly1305 is preferred otherwise.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-CipherPreference-Server-ChaCha20-AES",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{
flags: []string{
"-expect-cipher-aes", strconv.Itoa(int(TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256)),
"-expect-cipher-no-aes", strconv.Itoa(int(TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256)),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "TLS13-CipherPreference-Server-AES-ChaCha20",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
CipherSuites: []uint16{
flags: []string{
"-expect-cipher-aes", strconv.Itoa(int(TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)),
"-expect-cipher-no-aes", strconv.Itoa(int(TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256)),
// Test that the client orders ChaCha20-Poly1305 and AES-GCM based on
// whether it has AES hardware.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "TLS13-CipherPreference-Client",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
// Use the client cipher order. (This is the default but
// is listed to be explicit.)
PreferServerCipherSuites: false,
flags: []string{
"-expect-cipher-aes", strconv.Itoa(int(TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)),
"-expect-cipher-no-aes", strconv.Itoa(int(TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256)),
func addPeekTests() {
// Test SSL_peek works, including on empty records.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Peek-Basic",
sendEmptyRecords: 1,
flags: []string{"-peek-then-read"},
// Test SSL_peek can drive the initial handshake.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Peek-ImplicitHandshake",
flags: []string{
// Test SSL_peek can discover and drive a renegotiation.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Peek-Renegotiate",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
renegotiate: 1,
flags: []string{
"-expect-total-renegotiations", "1",
// Test SSL_peek can discover a close_notify.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Peek-Shutdown",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectCloseNotify: true,
flags: []string{
// Test SSL_peek can discover an alert.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Peek-Alert",
config: Config{
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendSpuriousAlert: alertRecordOverflow,
flags: []string{"-peek-then-read"},
shouldFail: true,
// Test SSL_peek can handle KeyUpdate.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "Peek-KeyUpdate",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
sendKeyUpdates: 1,
keyUpdateRequest: keyUpdateNotRequested,
flags: []string{"-peek-then-read"},
func addRecordVersionTests() {
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
// Test that the record version is enforced.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
name: "CheckRecordVersion-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendRecordVersion: 0x03ff,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:",
// Test that the ClientHello may use any record version, for
// compatibility reasons.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "LooseInitialRecordVersion-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendInitialRecordVersion: 0x03ff,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
// Test that garbage ClientHello record versions are rejected.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "GarbageInitialRecordVersion-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendInitialRecordVersion: 0xffff,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:",
func addCertificateTests() {
// Test that a certificate chain with intermediate may be sent and
// received as both client and server.
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "SendReceiveIntermediate-Client-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaChainCertificate},
ClientAuth: RequireAnyClientCert,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
expectPeerCertificate: &rsaChainCertificate,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaChainCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaChainKeyFile),
"-expect-peer-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaChainCertificateFile),
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "SendReceiveIntermediate-Server-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaChainCertificate},
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
expectPeerCertificate: &rsaChainCertificate,
flags: []string{
"-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaChainCertificateFile),
"-key-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaChainKeyFile),
"-expect-peer-cert-file", path.Join(*resourceDir, rsaChainCertificateFile),
func addRetainOnlySHA256ClientCertTests() {
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
// Test that enabling
// SSL_CTX_set_retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs without
// actually requesting a client certificate is a no-op.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "RetainOnlySHA256-NoCert-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
// Test that when retaining only a SHA-256 certificate is
// enabled, the hash appears as expected.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "RetainOnlySHA256-Cert-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
// Test that when the config changes from on to off, a
// resumption is rejected because the server now wants the full
// certificate chain.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "RetainOnlySHA256-OnOff-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
expectResumeRejected: true,
// Test that when the config changes from off to on, a
// resumption is rejected because the server now wants just the
// hash.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "RetainOnlySHA256-OffOn-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{rsaCertificate},
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
flags: []string{
resumeSession: true,
expectResumeRejected: true,
func addECDSAKeyUsageTests() {
p256 := elliptic.P256()
priv, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(p256, rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
serialNumberLimit := new(big.Int).Lsh(big.NewInt(1), 128)
serialNumber, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, serialNumberLimit)
if err != nil {
template := x509.Certificate{
SerialNumber: serialNumber,
Subject: pkix.Name{
Organization: []string{"Acme Co"},
NotBefore: time.Now(),
NotAfter: time.Now(),
// An ECC certificate with only the keyAgreement key usgae may
// be used with ECDH, but not ECDSA.
KeyUsage: x509.KeyUsageKeyAgreement,
ExtKeyUsage: []x509.ExtKeyUsage{x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth},
BasicConstraintsValid: true,
derBytes, err := x509.CreateCertificate(rand.Reader, &template, &template, &priv.PublicKey, priv)
if err != nil {
cert := Certificate{
Certificate: [][]byte{derBytes},
PrivateKey: priv,
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
if ver.version < VersionTLS12 {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ECDSAKeyUsage-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
Certificates: []Certificate{cert},
tls13Variant: ver.tls13Variant,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":ECC_CERT_NOT_FOR_SIGNING:",
func addExtraHandshakeTests() {
// An extra SSL_do_handshake is normally a no-op. These tests use -async
// to ensure there is no transport I/O.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ExtraHandshake-Client-TLS12",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS12,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
flags: []string{
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ExtraHandshake-Server-TLS12",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS12,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
flags: []string{
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ExtraHandshake-Client-TLS13",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
flags: []string{
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ExtraHandshake-Server-TLS13",
config: Config{
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
flags: []string{
// An extra SSL_do_handshake is a no-op in server 0-RTT.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "ExtraHandshake-Server-EarlyData-TLS13",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS13,
MinVersion: VersionTLS13,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
SendEarlyData: [][]byte{{1, 2, 3, 4}},
ExpectEarlyDataAccepted: true,
ExpectHalfRTTData: [][]byte{{254, 253, 252, 251}},
messageCount: 2,
resumeSession: true,
flags: []string{
// An extra SSL_do_handshake drives the handshake to completion in False
// Start. We test this by handshaking twice and asserting the False
// Start does not appear to happen. See AlertBeforeFalseStartTest for
// how the test works.
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "ExtraHandshake-FalseStart",
config: Config{
MaxVersion: VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
NextProtos: []string{"foo"},
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
ExpectFalseStart: true,
AlertBeforeFalseStartTest: alertAccessDenied,
flags: []string{
"-advertise-alpn", "\x03foo",
"-expect-alpn", "foo",
shimWritesFirst: true,
shouldFail: true,
expectedError: ":TLSV1_ALERT_ACCESS_DENIED:",
expectedLocalError: "tls: peer did not false start: EOF",
// Test that omitted and empty extensions blocks are tolerated.
func addOmitExtensionsTests() {
for _, ver := range tlsVersions {
if ver.version > VersionTLS12 {
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "OmitExtensions-ClientHello-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
OmitExtensions: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: serverTest,
name: "EmptyExtensions-ClientHello-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EmptyExtensions: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "OmitExtensions-ServerHello-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
OmitExtensions: true,
// Disable all ServerHello extensions so
// OmitExtensions works.
NoExtendedMasterSecret: true,
NoRenegotiationInfo: true,
testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
testType: clientTest,
name: "EmptyExtensions-ServerHello-" +,
config: Config{
MinVersion: ver.version,
MaxVersion: ver.version,
SessionTicketsDisabled: true,
Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
EmptyExtensions: true,
// Disable all ServerHello extensions so
// EmptyExtensions works.
NoExtendedMasterSecret: true,
NoRenegotiationInfo: true,
func worker(statusChan chan statusMsg, c chan *testCase, shimPath string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for test := range c {
var err error
if *mallocTest >= 0 {
for mallocNumToFail := int64(*mallocTest); ; mallocNumToFail++ {
statusChan <- statusMsg{test: test, started: true}
if err = runTest(test, shimPath, mallocNumToFail); err != errMoreMallocs {
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\n\nmalloc test failed at %d: %s\n", mallocNumToFail, err)
} else if *repeatUntilFailure {
for err == nil {
statusChan <- statusMsg{test: test, started: true}
err = runTest(test, shimPath, -1)
} else {
statusChan <- statusMsg{test: test, started: true}
err = runTest(test, shimPath, -1)
statusChan <- statusMsg{test: test, err: err}
type statusMsg struct {
test *testCase
started bool
err error
func statusPrinter(doneChan chan *testOutput, statusChan chan statusMsg, total int) {
var started, done, failed, unimplemented, lineLen int
testOutput := newTestOutput()
for msg := range statusChan {
if !*pipe {
// Erase the previous status line.
var erase string
for i := 0; i < lineLen; i++ {
erase += "\b \b"
if msg.started {
} else {
if msg.err != nil {
if msg.err == errUnimplemented {
if *pipe {
// Print each test instead of a status line.
fmt.Printf("UNIMPLEMENTED (%s)\n",
testOutput.addResult(, "UNIMPLEMENTED")
} else {
fmt.Printf("FAILED (%s)\n%s\n",, msg.err)
testOutput.addResult(, "FAIL")
} else {
if *pipe {
// Print each test instead of a status line.
fmt.Printf("PASSED (%s)\n",
testOutput.addResult(, "PASS")
if !*pipe {
// Print a new status line.
line := fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d/%d/%d/%d", failed, unimplemented, done, started, total)
lineLen = len(line)
doneChan <- testOutput
func main() {
*resourceDir = path.Clean(*resourceDir)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
statusChan := make(chan statusMsg, *numWorkers)
testChan := make(chan *testCase, *numWorkers)
doneChan := make(chan *testOutput)
if len(*shimConfigFile) != 0 {
encoded, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*shimConfigFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Couldn't read config file %q: %s\n", *shimConfigFile, err)
if err := json.Unmarshal(encoded, &shimConfig); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Couldn't decode config file %q: %s\n", *shimConfigFile, err)
go statusPrinter(doneChan, statusChan, len(testCases))
for i := 0; i < *numWorkers; i++ {
go worker(statusChan, testChan, *shimPath, &wg)
var foundTest bool
for i := range testCases {
matched := true
if len(*testToRun) != 0 {
var err error
matched, err = filepath.Match(*testToRun, testCases[i].name)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error matching pattern: %s\n", err)
if !*includeDisabled {
for pattern := range shimConfig.DisabledTests {
isDisabled, err := filepath.Match(pattern, testCases[i].name)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error matching pattern %q from config file: %s\n", pattern, err)
if isDisabled {
matched = false
if matched {
foundTest = true
testChan <- &testCases[i]
// Only run one test if repeating until failure.
if *repeatUntilFailure {
if !foundTest {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "No tests run\n")
testOutput := <-doneChan
if *jsonOutput != "" {
if err := testOutput.writeTo(*jsonOutput); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: %s\n", err)
if !*allowUnimplemented && testOutput.NumFailuresByType["UNIMPLEMENTED"] > 0 {
if !testOutput.noneFailed {