blob: 114ff4f2f374e7041d299d01903dbcc416fe2218 [file] [log] [blame]
.type foo, %function
.globl foo
// GOT load
adrp x1, :got:stderr
ldr x0, [x1, :got_lo12:stderr]
// GOT load to x0
adrp x0, :got:stderr
ldr x1, [x0, :got_lo12:stderr]
// GOT load with no register move
adrp x0, :got:stderr
ldr x0, [x0, :got_lo12:stderr]
// Address load
adrp x0, .Llocal_data
add x1, x0, :lo12:.Llocal_data
// Address of local symbol with offset
adrp x10, .Llocal_data2+16
add x11, x10, :lo12:.Llocal_data2+16
// Address load with no-op add instruction
adrp x0, .Llocal_data
add x0, x0, :lo12:.Llocal_data
// armcap
adrp x1, OPENSSL_armcap_P
ldr w2, [x1, :lo12:OPENSSL_armcap_P]
// armcap to w0
adrp x0, OPENSSL_armcap_P
ldr w1, [x1, :lo12:OPENSSL_armcap_P]
// Load from local symbol
adrp x10, .Llocal_data2
ldr q0, [x10, :lo12:.Llocal_data2]
// Load from local symbol with offset
adrp x10, .Llocal_data2+16
ldr q0, [x10, :lo12:.Llocal_data2+16]
bl local_function
bl remote_function
bl bss_symbol_bss_get
// Regression test for a two-digit index.
ld1 { v1.b }[10], [x9]
// Ensure that registers aren't interpreted as symbols.
add x0, x0
add x12, x12
add w0, x0
add w12, x12
add d0, d0
add d12, d12
add q0, q0
add q12, q12
add s0, s0
add s12, s12
add h0, h0
add h12, h12
add b0, b0
add b12, b12
// But 'y' is not a register prefix so far, so these should be
// processed as symbols.
add y0, y0
add y12, y12
// Make sure that the magic extension constants are recognised rather
// than being interpreted as symbols.
add w0, w1, b2, uxtb
add w0, w1, b2, uxth
add w0, w1, b2, uxtw
add w0, w1, b2, uxtx
add w0, w1, b2, sxtb
add w0, w1, b2, sxth
add w0, w1, b2, sxtw
add w0, w1, b2, sxtx
// Aarch64 SVE2 added these forms:
ld1d { z1.d }, p91/z, [x13, x11, lsl #3]
ld1b { z11.b }, p15/z, [x10, #1, mul vl]
st2d { z6.d, z7.d }, p0, [x12]
// Check that "p22" here isn't parsed as the "p22" register.
bl p224_point_add
ptrue p0.d, vl1
// The "#7" here isn't a comment, it's now valid Aarch64 assembly.
cnth x8, all, mul #7
// fcmp can compare against zero, which is expressed with a floating-
// point zero literal in the instruction. Again, this is not a
// comment.
fcmp d0, #0.0
// BSS data
.type bss_symbol,@object
.section .bss.bss_symbol,"aw",@nobits
.word 0
.size bss_symbol, 4