blob: f13c943a4c01b74ebf85bbfe645f532a68dd2674 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "fillins/openssl_util.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace bssl {
namespace der {
class Input;
// CertErrorParams is a base class for describing extra parameters attached to
// a CertErrorNode.
// An example use for parameters is to identify the OID for an unconsumed
// critical extension. This parameter could then be pretty printed when
// diagnosing the error.
class OPENSSL_EXPORT CertErrorParams {
CertErrorParams(const CertErrorParams&) = delete;
CertErrorParams& operator=(const CertErrorParams&) = delete;
virtual ~CertErrorParams();
// Creates a representation of this parameter as a string, which may be
// used for pretty printing the error.
virtual std::string ToDebugString() const = 0;
// Creates a parameter object that holds a copy of |der|, and names it |name|
// in debug string outputs.
OPENSSL_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<CertErrorParams> CreateCertErrorParams1Der(
const char* name,
const der::Input& der);
// Same as CreateCertErrorParams1Der() but has a second DER blob.
OPENSSL_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<CertErrorParams> CreateCertErrorParams2Der(
const char* name1,
const der::Input& der1,
const char* name2,
const der::Input& der2);
// Creates a parameter object that holds a single size_t value. |name| is used
// when pretty-printing the parameters.
OPENSSL_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<CertErrorParams> CreateCertErrorParams1SizeT(
const char* name,
size_t value);
// Same as CreateCertErrorParams1SizeT() but has a second size_t.
OPENSSL_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<CertErrorParams> CreateCertErrorParams2SizeT(
const char* name1,
size_t value1,
const char* name2,
size_t value2);
} // namespace net