The asm files bn/asm/x86* weren't actually used.

(This appears to be the case with upstream too, it's not that BoringSSL
is missing optimisations from what I can see.)

Change-Id: I0e54762ef0d09e60994ec82c5cca1ff0b3b23ea4
Reviewed-by: David Benjamin <>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <>
diff --git a/crypto/bn/CMakeLists.txt b/crypto/bn/CMakeLists.txt
index 5d2dfcc..90e3b44 100644
--- a/crypto/bn/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/crypto/bn/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
-		x86.${ASM_EXT}
@@ -62,14 +61,12 @@
 perlasm(x86_64-mont.${ASM_EXT} asm/
 perlasm(x86_64-mont5.${ASM_EXT} asm/
-perlasm(x86_64-gf2m.${ASM_EXT} asm/
 perlasm(modexp512-x86_64.${ASM_EXT} asm/
 perlasm(rsaz-x86_64.${ASM_EXT} asm/
 perlasm(rsaz-avx2.${ASM_EXT} asm/
 perlasm(bn-586.${ASM_EXT} asm/
 perlasm(co-586.${ASM_EXT} asm/
 perlasm(x86-mont.${ASM_EXT} asm/
-perlasm(x86.${ASM_EXT} asm/
 perlasm(armv4-mont.${ASM_EXT} asm/
diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/ b/crypto/bn/asm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 783f8dd..0000000
--- a/crypto/bn/asm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
-require "";
diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/ b/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b5cf58..0000000
--- a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# x86 assember
-sub bn_add_words
-	{
-	local($name)=@_;
-	&function_begin($name,"");
-	&comment("");
-	$a="esi";
-	$b="edi";
-	$c="eax";
-	$r="ebx";
-	$tmp1="ecx";
-	$tmp2="edx";
-	$num="ebp";
-	&mov($r,&wparam(0));	# get r
-	 &mov($a,&wparam(1));	# get a
-	&mov($b,&wparam(2));	# get b
-	 &mov($num,&wparam(3));	# get num
-	&xor($c,$c);		# clear carry
-	 &and($num,0xfffffff8);	# num / 8
-	&jz(&label("aw_finish"));
-	&set_label("aw_loop",0);
-	for ($i=0; $i<8; $i++)
-		{
-		&comment("Round $i");
-		&mov($tmp1,&DWP($i*4,$a,"",0)); 	# *a
-		 &mov($tmp2,&DWP($i*4,$b,"",0)); 	# *b
-		&add($tmp1,$c);
-		 &mov($c,0);
-		&adc($c,$c);
-		 &add($tmp1,$tmp2);
-		&adc($c,0);
-		 &mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),$tmp1); 	# *r
-		}
-	&comment("");
-	&add($a,32);
-	 &add($b,32);
-	&add($r,32);
-	 &sub($num,8);
-	&jnz(&label("aw_loop"));
-	&set_label("aw_finish",0);
-	&mov($num,&wparam(3));	# get num
-	&and($num,7);
-	 &jz(&label("aw_end"));
-	for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)
-		{
-		&comment("Tail Round $i");
-		&mov($tmp1,&DWP($i*4,$a,"",0));	# *a
-		 &mov($tmp2,&DWP($i*4,$b,"",0));# *b
-		&add($tmp1,$c);
-		 &mov($c,0);
-		&adc($c,$c);
-		 &add($tmp1,$tmp2);
-		&adc($c,0);
-		 &dec($num) if ($i != 6);
-		&mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),$tmp1);	# *a
-		 &jz(&label("aw_end")) if ($i != 6);
-		}
-	&set_label("aw_end",0);
-#	&mov("eax",$c);		# $c is "eax"
-	&function_end($name);
-	}
diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/ b/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2291253..0000000
--- a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-# x86 assember
-sub mul_add_c
-	{
-	local($a,$ai,$b,$bi,$c0,$c1,$c2,$pos,$i,$na,$nb)=@_;
-	# pos == -1 if eax and edx are pre-loaded, 0 to load from next
-	# words, and 1 if load return value
-	&comment("mul a[$ai]*b[$bi]");
-	# "eax" and "edx" will always be pre-loaded.
-	# &mov("eax",&DWP($ai*4,$a,"",0)) ;
-	# &mov("edx",&DWP($bi*4,$b,"",0));
-	&mul("edx");
-	&add($c0,"eax");
-	 &mov("eax",&DWP(($na)*4,$a,"",0)) if $pos == 0;	# laod next a
-	 &mov("eax",&wparam(0)) if $pos > 0;			# load r[]
-	 ###
-	&adc($c1,"edx");
-	 &mov("edx",&DWP(($nb)*4,$b,"",0)) if $pos == 0;	# laod next b
-	 &mov("edx",&DWP(($nb)*4,$b,"",0)) if $pos == 1;	# laod next b
-	 ###
-	&adc($c2,0);
-	 # is pos > 1, it means it is the last loop 
-	 &mov(&DWP($i*4,"eax","",0),$c0) if $pos > 0;		# save r[];
-	&mov("eax",&DWP(($na)*4,$a,"",0)) if $pos == 1;		# laod next a
-	}
-sub sqr_add_c
-	{
-	local($r,$a,$ai,$bi,$c0,$c1,$c2,$pos,$i,$na,$nb)=@_;
-	# pos == -1 if eax and edx are pre-loaded, 0 to load from next
-	# words, and 1 if load return value
-	&comment("sqr a[$ai]*a[$bi]");
-	# "eax" and "edx" will always be pre-loaded.
-	# &mov("eax",&DWP($ai*4,$a,"",0)) ;
-	# &mov("edx",&DWP($bi*4,$b,"",0));
-	if ($ai == $bi)
-		{ &mul("eax");}
-	else
-		{ &mul("edx");}
-	&add($c0,"eax");
-	 &mov("eax",&DWP(($na)*4,$a,"",0)) if $pos == 0;	# load next a
-	 ###
-	&adc($c1,"edx");
-	 &mov("edx",&DWP(($nb)*4,$a,"",0)) if ($pos == 1) && ($na != $nb);
-	 ###
-	&adc($c2,0);
-	 # is pos > 1, it means it is the last loop 
-	 &mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),$c0) if $pos > 0;		# save r[];
-	&mov("eax",&DWP(($na)*4,$a,"",0)) if $pos == 1;		# load next b
-	}
-sub sqr_add_c2
-	{
-	local($r,$a,$ai,$bi,$c0,$c1,$c2,$pos,$i,$na,$nb)=@_;
-	# pos == -1 if eax and edx are pre-loaded, 0 to load from next
-	# words, and 1 if load return value
-	&comment("sqr a[$ai]*a[$bi]");
-	# "eax" and "edx" will always be pre-loaded.
-	# &mov("eax",&DWP($ai*4,$a,"",0)) ;
-	# &mov("edx",&DWP($bi*4,$a,"",0));
-	if ($ai == $bi)
-		{ &mul("eax");}
-	else
-		{ &mul("edx");}
-	&add("eax","eax");
-	 ###
-	&adc("edx","edx");
-	 ###
-	&adc($c2,0);
-	 &add($c0,"eax");
-	&adc($c1,"edx");
-	 &mov("eax",&DWP(($na)*4,$a,"",0)) if $pos == 0;	# load next a
-	 &mov("eax",&DWP(($na)*4,$a,"",0)) if $pos == 1;	# load next b
-	&adc($c2,0);
-	&mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),$c0) if $pos > 0;		# save r[];
-	 &mov("edx",&DWP(($nb)*4,$a,"",0)) if ($pos <= 1) && ($na != $nb);
-	 ###
-	}
-sub bn_mul_comba
-	{
-	local($name,$num)=@_;
-	local($a,$b,$c0,$c1,$c2);
-	local($i,$as,$ae,$bs,$be,$ai,$bi);
-	local($tot,$end);
-	&function_begin_B($name,"");
-	$c0="ebx";
-	$c1="ecx";
-	$c2="ebp";
-	$a="esi";
-	$b="edi";
-	$as=0;
-	$ae=0;
-	$bs=0;
-	$be=0;
-	$tot=$num+$num-1;
-	&push("esi");
-	 &mov($a,&wparam(1));
-	&push("edi");
-	 &mov($b,&wparam(2));
-	&push("ebp");
-	 &push("ebx");
-	&xor($c0,$c0);
-	 &mov("eax",&DWP(0,$a,"",0));	# load the first word 
-	&xor($c1,$c1);
-	 &mov("edx",&DWP(0,$b,"",0));	# load the first second 
-	for ($i=0; $i<$tot; $i++)
-		{
-		$ai=$as;
-		$bi=$bs;
-		$end=$be+1;
-		&comment("################## Calculate word $i"); 
-		for ($j=$bs; $j<$end; $j++)
-			{
-			&xor($c2,$c2) if ($j == $bs);
-			if (($j+1) == $end)
-				{
-				$v=1;
-				$v=2 if (($i+1) == $tot);
-				}
-			else
-				{ $v=0; }
-			if (($j+1) != $end)
-				{
-				$na=($ai-1);
-				$nb=($bi+1);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				$na=$as+($i < ($num-1));
-				$nb=$bs+($i >= ($num-1));
-				}
-#printf STDERR "[$ai,$bi] -> [$na,$nb]\n";
-			&mul_add_c($a,$ai,$b,$bi,$c0,$c1,$c2,$v,$i,$na,$nb);
-			if ($v)
-				{
-				&comment("saved r[$i]");
-				# &mov("eax",&wparam(0));
-				# &mov(&DWP($i*4,"eax","",0),$c0);
-				($c0,$c1,$c2)=($c1,$c2,$c0);
-				}
-			$ai--;
-			$bi++;
-			}
-		$as++ if ($i < ($num-1));
-		$ae++ if ($i >= ($num-1));
-		$bs++ if ($i >= ($num-1));
-		$be++ if ($i < ($num-1));
-		}
-	&comment("save r[$i]");
-	# &mov("eax",&wparam(0));
-	&mov(&DWP($i*4,"eax","",0),$c0);
-	&pop("ebx");
-	&pop("ebp");
-	&pop("edi");
-	&pop("esi");
-	&ret();
-	&function_end_B($name);
-	}
-sub bn_sqr_comba
-	{
-	local($name,$num)=@_;
-	local($r,$a,$c0,$c1,$c2)=@_;
-	local($i,$as,$ae,$bs,$be,$ai,$bi);
-	local($b,$tot,$end,$half);
-	&function_begin_B($name,"");
-	$c0="ebx";
-	$c1="ecx";
-	$c2="ebp";
-	$a="esi";
-	$r="edi";
-	&push("esi");
-	 &push("edi");
-	&push("ebp");
-	 &push("ebx");
-	&mov($r,&wparam(0));
-	 &mov($a,&wparam(1));
-	&xor($c0,$c0);
-	 &xor($c1,$c1);
-	&mov("eax",&DWP(0,$a,"",0)); # load the first word
-	$as=0;
-	$ae=0;
-	$bs=0;
-	$be=0;
-	$tot=$num+$num-1;
-	for ($i=0; $i<$tot; $i++)
-		{
-		$ai=$as;
-		$bi=$bs;
-		$end=$be+1;
-		&comment("############### Calculate word $i");
-		for ($j=$bs; $j<$end; $j++)
-			{
-			&xor($c2,$c2) if ($j == $bs);
-			if (($ai-1) < ($bi+1))
-				{
-				$v=1;
-				$v=2 if ($i+1) == $tot;
-				}
-			else
-				{ $v=0; }
-			if (!$v)
-				{
-				$na=$ai-1;
-				$nb=$bi+1;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				$na=$as+($i < ($num-1));
-				$nb=$bs+($i >= ($num-1));
-				}
-			if ($ai == $bi)
-				{
-				&sqr_add_c($r,$a,$ai,$bi,
-					$c0,$c1,$c2,$v,$i,$na,$nb);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				&sqr_add_c2($r,$a,$ai,$bi,
-					$c0,$c1,$c2,$v,$i,$na,$nb);
-				}
-			if ($v)
-				{
-				&comment("saved r[$i]");
-				#&mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),$c0);
-				($c0,$c1,$c2)=($c1,$c2,$c0);
-				last;
-				}
-			$ai--;
-			$bi++;
-			}
-		$as++ if ($i < ($num-1));
-		$ae++ if ($i >= ($num-1));
-		$bs++ if ($i >= ($num-1));
-		$be++ if ($i < ($num-1));
-		}
-	&mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),$c0);
-	&pop("ebx");
-	&pop("ebp");
-	&pop("edi");
-	&pop("esi");
-	&ret();
-	&function_end_B($name);
-	}
diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/ b/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e90152..0000000
--- a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# x86 assember
-sub bn_div_words
-	{
-	local($name)=@_;
-	&function_begin($name,"");
-	&mov("edx",&wparam(0));	#
-	&mov("eax",&wparam(1));	#
-	&mov("ebx",&wparam(2));	#
-	&div("ebx");
-	&function_end($name);
-	}
diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/ b/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
deleted file mode 100644
index 674cb9b..0000000
--- a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# x86 assember
-sub bn_mul_words
-	{
-	local($name)=@_;
-	&function_begin($name,"");
-	&comment("");
-	$Low="eax";
-	$High="edx";
-	$a="ebx";
-	$w="ecx";
-	$r="edi";
-	$c="esi";
-	$num="ebp";
-	&xor($c,$c);		# clear carry
-	&mov($r,&wparam(0));	#
-	&mov($a,&wparam(1));	#
-	&mov($num,&wparam(2));	#
-	&mov($w,&wparam(3));	#
-	&and($num,0xfffffff8);	# num / 8
-	&jz(&label("mw_finish"));
-	&set_label("mw_loop",0);
-	for ($i=0; $i<32; $i+=4)
-		{
-		&comment("Round $i");
-		 &mov("eax",&DWP($i,$a,"",0)); 	# *a
-		&mul($w);			# *a * w
-		&add("eax",$c);			# L(t)+=c
-		 # XXX
-		&adc("edx",0);			# H(t)+=carry
-		 &mov(&DWP($i,$r,"",0),"eax");	# *r= L(t);
-		&mov($c,"edx");			# c=  H(t);
-		}
-	&comment("");
-	&add($a,32);
-	&add($r,32);
-	&sub($num,8);
-	&jz(&label("mw_finish"));
-	&jmp(&label("mw_loop"));
-	&set_label("mw_finish",0);
-	&mov($num,&wparam(2));	# get num
-	&and($num,7);
-	&jnz(&label("mw_finish2"));
-	&jmp(&label("mw_end"));
-	&set_label("mw_finish2",1);
-	for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)
-		{
-		&comment("Tail Round $i");
-		 &mov("eax",&DWP($i*4,$a,"",0));# *a
-		&mul($w);			# *a * w
-		&add("eax",$c);			# L(t)+=c
-		 # XXX
-		&adc("edx",0);			# H(t)+=carry
-		 &mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),"eax");# *r= L(t);
-		&mov($c,"edx");			# c=  H(t);
-		 &dec($num) if ($i != 7-1);
-		&jz(&label("mw_end")) if ($i != 7-1);
-		}
-	&set_label("mw_end",0);
-	&mov("eax",$c);
-	&function_end($name);
-	}
diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/ b/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
deleted file mode 100644
index 61830d3..0000000
--- a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# x86 assember
-sub bn_mul_add_words
-	{
-	local($name)=@_;
-	&function_begin($name,"");
-	&comment("");
-	$Low="eax";
-	$High="edx";
-	$a="ebx";
-	$w="ebp";
-	$r="edi";
-	$c="esi";
-	&xor($c,$c);		# clear carry
-	&mov($r,&wparam(0));	#
-	&mov("ecx",&wparam(2));	#
-	&mov($a,&wparam(1));	#
-	&and("ecx",0xfffffff8);	# num / 8
-	&mov($w,&wparam(3));	#
-	&push("ecx");		# Up the stack for a tmp variable
-	&jz(&label("maw_finish"));
-	&set_label("maw_loop",0);
-	&mov(&swtmp(0),"ecx");	#
-	for ($i=0; $i<32; $i+=4)
-		{
-		&comment("Round $i");
-		 &mov("eax",&DWP($i,$a,"",0)); 	# *a
-		&mul($w);			# *a * w
-		&add("eax",$c);		# L(t)+= *r
-		 &mov($c,&DWP($i,$r,"",0));	# L(t)+= *r
-		&adc("edx",0);			# H(t)+=carry
-		 &add("eax",$c);		# L(t)+=c
-		&adc("edx",0);			# H(t)+=carry
-		 &mov(&DWP($i,$r,"",0),"eax");	# *r= L(t);
-		&mov($c,"edx");			# c=  H(t);
-		}
-	&comment("");
-	&mov("ecx",&swtmp(0));	#
-	&add($a,32);
-	&add($r,32);
-	&sub("ecx",8);
-	&jnz(&label("maw_loop"));
-	&set_label("maw_finish",0);
-	&mov("ecx",&wparam(2));	# get num
-	&and("ecx",7);
-	&jnz(&label("maw_finish2"));	# helps branch prediction
-	&jmp(&label("maw_end"));
-	&set_label("maw_finish2",1);
-	for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)
-		{
-		&comment("Tail Round $i");
-		 &mov("eax",&DWP($i*4,$a,"",0));# *a
-		&mul($w);			# *a * w
-		&add("eax",$c);			# L(t)+=c
-		 &mov($c,&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0));	# L(t)+= *r
-		&adc("edx",0);			# H(t)+=carry
-		 &add("eax",$c);
-		&adc("edx",0);			# H(t)+=carry
-		 &dec("ecx") if ($i != 7-1);
-		&mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),"eax");	# *r= L(t);
-		 &mov($c,"edx");			# c=  H(t);
-		&jz(&label("maw_end")) if ($i != 7-1);
-		}
-	&set_label("maw_end",0);
-	&mov("eax",$c);
-	&pop("ecx");	# clear variable from
-	&function_end($name);
-	}
diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/ b/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f90993..0000000
--- a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# x86 assember
-sub bn_sqr_words
-	{
-	local($name)=@_;
-	&function_begin($name,"");
-	&comment("");
-	$r="esi";
-	$a="edi";
-	$num="ebx";
-	&mov($r,&wparam(0));	#
-	&mov($a,&wparam(1));	#
-	&mov($num,&wparam(2));	#
-	&and($num,0xfffffff8);	# num / 8
-	&jz(&label("sw_finish"));
-	&set_label("sw_loop",0);
-	for ($i=0; $i<32; $i+=4)
-		{
-		&comment("Round $i");
-		&mov("eax",&DWP($i,$a,"",0)); 	# *a
-		 # XXX
-		&mul("eax");			# *a * *a
-		&mov(&DWP($i*2,$r,"",0),"eax");	#
-		 &mov(&DWP($i*2+4,$r,"",0),"edx");#
-		}
-	&comment("");
-	&add($a,32);
-	&add($r,64);
-	&sub($num,8);
-	&jnz(&label("sw_loop"));
-	&set_label("sw_finish",0);
-	&mov($num,&wparam(2));	# get num
-	&and($num,7);
-	&jz(&label("sw_end"));
-	for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)
-		{
-		&comment("Tail Round $i");
-		&mov("eax",&DWP($i*4,$a,"",0));	# *a
-		 # XXX
-		&mul("eax");			# *a * *a
-		&mov(&DWP($i*8,$r,"",0),"eax");	#
-		 &dec($num) if ($i != 7-1);
-		&mov(&DWP($i*8+4,$r,"",0),"edx");
-		 &jz(&label("sw_end")) if ($i != 7-1);
-		}
-	&set_label("sw_end",0);
-	&function_end($name);
-	}
diff --git a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/ b/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
deleted file mode 100644
index 837b0e1..0000000
--- a/crypto/bn/asm/x86/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# x86 assember
-sub bn_sub_words
-	{
-	local($name)=@_;
-	&function_begin($name,"");
-	&comment("");
-	$a="esi";
-	$b="edi";
-	$c="eax";
-	$r="ebx";
-	$tmp1="ecx";
-	$tmp2="edx";
-	$num="ebp";
-	&mov($r,&wparam(0));	# get r
-	 &mov($a,&wparam(1));	# get a
-	&mov($b,&wparam(2));	# get b
-	 &mov($num,&wparam(3));	# get num
-	&xor($c,$c);		# clear carry
-	 &and($num,0xfffffff8);	# num / 8
-	&jz(&label("aw_finish"));
-	&set_label("aw_loop",0);
-	for ($i=0; $i<8; $i++)
-		{
-		&comment("Round $i");
-		&mov($tmp1,&DWP($i*4,$a,"",0)); 	# *a
-		 &mov($tmp2,&DWP($i*4,$b,"",0)); 	# *b
-		&sub($tmp1,$c);
-		 &mov($c,0);
-		&adc($c,$c);
-		 &sub($tmp1,$tmp2);
-		&adc($c,0);
-		 &mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),$tmp1); 	# *r
-		}
-	&comment("");
-	&add($a,32);
-	 &add($b,32);
-	&add($r,32);
-	 &sub($num,8);
-	&jnz(&label("aw_loop"));
-	&set_label("aw_finish",0);
-	&mov($num,&wparam(3));	# get num
-	&and($num,7);
-	 &jz(&label("aw_end"));
-	for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)
-		{
-		&comment("Tail Round $i");
-		&mov($tmp1,&DWP($i*4,$a,"",0));	# *a
-		 &mov($tmp2,&DWP($i*4,$b,"",0));# *b
-		&sub($tmp1,$c);
-		 &mov($c,0);
-		&adc($c,$c);
-		 &sub($tmp1,$tmp2);
-		&adc($c,0);
-		 &dec($num) if ($i != 6);
-		&mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),$tmp1);	# *a
-		 &jz(&label("aw_end")) if ($i != 6);
-		}
-	&set_label("aw_end",0);
-#	&mov("eax",$c);		# $c is "eax"
-	&function_end($name);
-	}