runner: enable split handshake tests for TLS 1.3.

Although the new tests are enabled by default, there is a flag to
(continue to) skip them.  This is to allow for inter-version
compatibility testing to be performed without a monstrous number of
failures from old versions that don't yet have TLS 1.3 support.

Change-Id: I9f5e201a21f775442859e127c906b5f77ad8755b
Commit-Queue: Matt Braithwaite <>
Reviewed-by: David Benjamin <>
diff --git a/ssl/test/runner/fuzzer_mode.json b/ssl/test/runner/fuzzer_mode.json
index 0a50722..0bdee88 100644
--- a/ssl/test/runner/fuzzer_mode.json
+++ b/ssl/test/runner/fuzzer_mode.json
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     "*-EarlyData-RejectUnfinishedWrite-Client-*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
     "EarlyData-Reject*-Client-*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
     "CustomExtensions-Server-EarlyDataOffered": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
-    "*-TicketAgeSkew-*-Reject": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
+    "*-TicketAgeSkew-*-Reject*": "Trial decryption does not work with the NULL cipher.",
     "Renegotiate-Client-BadExt*": "Fuzzer mode does not check renegotiation_info.",
diff --git a/ssl/test/runner/runner.go b/ssl/test/runner/runner.go
index 20866d7..a642bcd 100644
--- a/ssl/test/runner/runner.go
+++ b/ssl/test/runner/runner.go
@@ -50,28 +50,29 @@
 var (
-	useValgrind        = flag.Bool("valgrind", false, "If true, run code under valgrind")
-	useGDB             = flag.Bool("gdb", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under gdb")
-	useLLDB            = flag.Bool("lldb", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under lldb")
-	flagDebug          = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Hexdump the contents of the connection")
-	mallocTest         = flag.Int64("malloc-test", -1, "If non-negative, run each test with each malloc in turn failing from the given number onwards.")
-	mallocTestDebug    = flag.Bool("malloc-test-debug", false, "If true, ask bssl_shim to abort rather than fail a malloc. This can be used with a specific value for --malloc-test to identity the malloc failing that is causing problems.")
-	jsonOutput         = flag.String("json-output", "", "The file to output JSON results to.")
-	pipe               = flag.Bool("pipe", false, "If true, print status output suitable for piping into another program.")
-	testToRun          = flag.String("test", "", "The pattern to filter tests to run, or empty to run all tests")
-	numWorkers         = flag.Int("num-workers", runtime.NumCPU(), "The number of workers to run in parallel.")
-	shimPath           = flag.String("shim-path", "../../../build/ssl/test/bssl_shim", "The location of the shim binary.")
-	handshakerPath     = flag.String("handshaker-path", "../../../build/ssl/test/handshaker", "The location of the handshaker binary.")
-	resourceDir        = flag.String("resource-dir", ".", "The directory in which to find certificate and key files.")
-	fuzzer             = flag.Bool("fuzzer", false, "If true, tests against a BoringSSL built in fuzzer mode.")
-	transcriptDir      = flag.String("transcript-dir", "", "The directory in which to write transcripts.")
-	idleTimeout        = flag.Duration("idle-timeout", 15*time.Second, "The number of seconds to wait for a read or write to bssl_shim.")
-	deterministic      = flag.Bool("deterministic", false, "If true, uses a deterministic PRNG in the runner.")
-	allowUnimplemented = flag.Bool("allow-unimplemented", false, "If true, report pass even if some tests are unimplemented.")
-	looseErrors        = flag.Bool("loose-errors", false, "If true, allow shims to report an untranslated error code.")
-	shimConfigFile     = flag.String("shim-config", "", "A config file to use to configure the tests for this shim.")
-	includeDisabled    = flag.Bool("include-disabled", false, "If true, also runs disabled tests.")
-	repeatUntilFailure = flag.Bool("repeat-until-failure", false, "If true, the first selected test will be run repeatedly until failure.")
+	useValgrind              = flag.Bool("valgrind", false, "If true, run code under valgrind")
+	useGDB                   = flag.Bool("gdb", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under gdb")
+	useLLDB                  = flag.Bool("lldb", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under lldb")
+	flagDebug                = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Hexdump the contents of the connection")
+	mallocTest               = flag.Int64("malloc-test", -1, "If non-negative, run each test with each malloc in turn failing from the given number onwards.")
+	mallocTestDebug          = flag.Bool("malloc-test-debug", false, "If true, ask bssl_shim to abort rather than fail a malloc. This can be used with a specific value for --malloc-test to identity the malloc failing that is causing problems.")
+	jsonOutput               = flag.String("json-output", "", "The file to output JSON results to.")
+	pipe                     = flag.Bool("pipe", false, "If true, print status output suitable for piping into another program.")
+	testToRun                = flag.String("test", "", "The pattern to filter tests to run, or empty to run all tests")
+	numWorkers               = flag.Int("num-workers", runtime.NumCPU(), "The number of workers to run in parallel.")
+	shimPath                 = flag.String("shim-path", "../../../build/ssl/test/bssl_shim", "The location of the shim binary.")
+	handshakerPath           = flag.String("handshaker-path", "../../../build/ssl/test/handshaker", "The location of the handshaker binary.")
+	resourceDir              = flag.String("resource-dir", ".", "The directory in which to find certificate and key files.")
+	fuzzer                   = flag.Bool("fuzzer", false, "If true, tests against a BoringSSL built in fuzzer mode.")
+	transcriptDir            = flag.String("transcript-dir", "", "The directory in which to write transcripts.")
+	idleTimeout              = flag.Duration("idle-timeout", 15*time.Second, "The number of seconds to wait for a read or write to bssl_shim.")
+	deterministic            = flag.Bool("deterministic", false, "If true, uses a deterministic PRNG in the runner.")
+	allowUnimplemented       = flag.Bool("allow-unimplemented", false, "If true, report pass even if some tests are unimplemented.")
+	looseErrors              = flag.Bool("loose-errors", false, "If true, allow shims to report an untranslated error code.")
+	shimConfigFile           = flag.String("shim-config", "", "A config file to use to configure the tests for this shim.")
+	includeDisabled          = flag.Bool("include-disabled", false, "If true, also runs disabled tests.")
+	repeatUntilFailure       = flag.Bool("repeat-until-failure", false, "If true, the first selected test will be run repeatedly until failure.")
+	tls13SplitHandshakeTests = flag.Bool("tls13-split-handshake-tests", true, "If true, TLS 1.3 tests that use the handshaker will be performed")
 // ShimConfigurations is used with the “json” package and represents a shim
@@ -1653,12 +1654,21 @@
 	for _, test := range tests {
 		if test.protocol != tls ||
 			test.testType != serverTest ||
-			test.config.MaxVersion >= VersionTLS13 ||
-			test.config.MaxVersion < VersionTLS10 ||
-			(test.resumeConfig != nil && (test.resumeConfig.MaxVersion < VersionTLS10 || test.resumeConfig.MaxVersion >= VersionTLS13)) ||
+			strings.Contains(, "DelegatedCredentials") ||
+			strings.Contains(, "QUICTransportParams") ||
 			strings.HasPrefix(, "VersionNegotiation-") {
+		// TODO(mab): Remove this when it's no longer needed.
+		//
+		// This flag exists to allow TLS 1.3 support to propagate to old
+		// versions, before enabling cross-version compatibility tests.
+		if !*tls13SplitHandshakeTests &&
+			(test.config.MaxVersion >= VersionTLS13 ||
+				test.config.MaxVersion < VersionTLS10 ||
+				(test.resumeConfig != nil && (test.resumeConfig.MaxVersion < VersionTLS10 || test.resumeConfig.MaxVersion >= VersionTLS13))) {
+			continue
+		}
 		for _, flag := range test.flags {
 			if flag == "-implicit-handshake" {