blob: 325477b0053ca1456422067a324c838aa8d942c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <openssl/base.h>
#include "cert_errors.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "parse_values.h"
#include "parsed_certificate.h"
#include "trust_store.h"
#include "verify_certificate_chain.h"
namespace bssl {
namespace der {
struct GeneralizedTime;
class CertPathBuilder;
class CertPathIter;
class CertIssuerSource;
// Base class for custom data that CertPathBuilderDelegate can attach to paths.
class OPENSSL_EXPORT CertPathBuilderDelegateData {
virtual ~CertPathBuilderDelegateData() = default;
// Represents a single candidate path that was built or is being processed.
// This is used both to represent valid paths, as well as invalid/partial ones.
// Consumers must use |IsValid()| to test whether the
// CertPathBuilderResultPath is the result of a successful certificate
// verification.
struct OPENSSL_EXPORT CertPathBuilderResultPath {
// Returns true if the candidate path is valid. A "valid" path is one which
// chains to a trusted root, and did not have any high severity errors added
// to it during certificate verification.
bool IsValid() const;
// Returns the chain's root certificate or nullptr if the chain doesn't
// chain to a trust anchor.
const ParsedCertificate *GetTrustedCert() const;
// Path in the forward direction:
// certs[0] is the target certificate
// certs[i] was issued by certs[i+1]
// certs.back() is the root certificate (which may or may not be trusted).
ParsedCertificateList certs;
// Describes the trustedness of the final certificate in the chain,
// |certs.back()|
// For result paths where |IsValid()|, the final certificate is trusted.
// However for failed or partially constructed paths the final certificate may
// not be a trust anchor.
CertificateTrust last_cert_trust;
// The set of policies that the certificate is valid for (of the
// subset of policies user requested during verification).
std::set<der::Input> user_constrained_policy_set;
// Slot for per-path data that may set by CertPathBuilderDelegate. The
// specific type is chosen by the delegate. Can be nullptr when unused.
std::unique_ptr<CertPathBuilderDelegateData> delegate_data;
// The set of errors and warnings associated with this path (bucketed
// per-certificate). Note that consumers should always use |IsValid()| to
// determine validity of the CertPathBuilderResultPath, and not just inspect
// |errors|.
CertPathErrors errors;
// CertPathBuilderDelegate controls policies for certificate verification and
// path building.
class OPENSSL_EXPORT CertPathBuilderDelegate
: public VerifyCertificateChainDelegate {
// This is called during path building on candidate paths. These are either
// paths which have already been run through RFC 5280 verification, or
// partial paths that the path builder cannot continue either due to not
// finding a matching issuer or reaching a configured pathbuilding limit.
// |path| may already have errors and warnings set on it. Delegates can
// "reject" a candidate path from path building by adding high severity
// errors.
virtual void CheckPathAfterVerification(const CertPathBuilder &path_builder,
CertPathBuilderResultPath *path) = 0;
// This is called during path building in between attempts to build candidate
// paths. Delegates can cause path building to stop and return indicating
// the deadline was exceeded by returning true from this function.
virtual bool IsDeadlineExpired() = 0;
// This is called during path building to decide if debug logs will be
// sent to the delegate rom the path builder. No calls to DebugLog (below)
// will be made unless this returns true.
virtual bool IsDebugLogEnabled() = 0;
// This is called to send a debug log string |msg| to the delegate. These are
// only called if IsDebugLogEnabled (above) returns true.
virtual void DebugLog(std::string_view msg) = 0;
// Checks whether a certificate is trusted by building candidate paths to trust
// anchors and verifying those paths according to RFC 5280. Each instance of
// CertPathBuilder is used for a single verification.
// WARNING: This implementation is currently experimental. Consult an OWNER
// before using it.
class OPENSSL_EXPORT CertPathBuilder {
// Provides the overall result of path building. This includes the paths that
// were attempted.
struct OPENSSL_EXPORT Result {
Result(Result &&);
Result(const Result &) = delete;
Result &operator=(const Result &) = delete;
Result &operator=(Result &&);
// Returns true if there was a valid path.
bool HasValidPath() const;
// Returns true if any of the attempted paths contain |error_id|.
bool AnyPathContainsError(CertErrorId error_id) const;
// Returns the CertPathBuilderResultPath for the best valid path, or nullptr
// if there was none.
const CertPathBuilderResultPath *GetBestValidPath() const;
// Returns the best CertPathBuilderResultPath or nullptr if there was none.
const CertPathBuilderResultPath *GetBestPathPossiblyInvalid() const;
// List of paths that were attempted and the result for each.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CertPathBuilderResultPath>> paths;
// Index into |paths|. Before use, |paths.empty()| must be checked.
// NOTE: currently the definition of "best" is fairly limited. Valid is
// better than invalid, but otherwise nothing is guaranteed.
size_t best_result_index = 0;
// The iteration count reached by path building.
uint32_t iteration_count = 0;
// The max depth seen while path building.
uint32_t max_depth_seen = 0;
// True if the search stopped because it exceeded the iteration limit
// configured with |SetIterationLimit|.
bool exceeded_iteration_limit = false;
// True if the search stopped because delegate->IsDeadlineExpired() returned
// true.
bool exceeded_deadline = false;
// Creates a CertPathBuilder that attempts to find a path from |cert| to a
// trust anchor in |trust_store| and is valid at |time|.
// The caller must keep |trust_store| and |delegate| valid for the lifetime
// of the CertPathBuilder.
// See VerifyCertificateChain() for a more detailed explanation of the
// same-named parameters not defined below.
// * |delegate|: Must be non-null. The delegate is called at various points in
// path building to verify specific parts of certificates or the
// final chain. See CertPathBuilderDelegate and
// VerifyCertificateChainDelegate for more information.
CertPathBuilder(std::shared_ptr<const ParsedCertificate> cert,
TrustStore *trust_store, CertPathBuilderDelegate *delegate,
const der::GeneralizedTime &time, KeyPurpose key_purpose,
InitialExplicitPolicy initial_explicit_policy,
const std::set<der::Input> &user_initial_policy_set,
InitialPolicyMappingInhibit initial_policy_mapping_inhibit,
InitialAnyPolicyInhibit initial_any_policy_inhibit);
CertPathBuilder(const CertPathBuilder &) = delete;
CertPathBuilder &operator=(const CertPathBuilder &) = delete;
// Adds a CertIssuerSource to provide intermediates for use in path building.
// Multiple sources may be added. Must not be called after Run is called.
// The |*cert_issuer_source| must remain valid for the lifetime of the
// CertPathBuilder.
// (If no issuer sources are added, the target certificate will only verify if
// it is a trust anchor or is directly signed by a trust anchor.)
void AddCertIssuerSource(CertIssuerSource *cert_issuer_source);
// Sets a limit to the number of times to repeat the process of considering a
// new intermediate over all potential paths. Setting |limit| to 0 disables
// the iteration limit, which is the default.
void SetIterationLimit(uint32_t limit);
// Sets a limit to the number of certificates to be added in a path from leaf
// to root. Setting |limit| to 0 disables this limit, which is the default.
void SetDepthLimit(uint32_t limit);
// If |explore_all_paths| is false (the default), path building will stop as
// soon as a valid path is found. If |explore_all_paths| is true, path
// building will continue until all possible paths have been exhausted (or
// iteration limit / deadline is exceeded).
void SetExploreAllPaths(bool explore_all_paths);
// Executes verification of the target certificate.
// Run must not be called more than once on each CertPathBuilder instance.
Result Run();
void AddResultPath(std::unique_ptr<CertPathBuilderResultPath> result_path);
// |out_result_| may be referenced by other members, so should be initialized
// first.
Result out_result_;
std::unique_ptr<CertPathIter> cert_path_iter_;
CertPathBuilderDelegate *delegate_;
const der::GeneralizedTime time_;
const KeyPurpose key_purpose_;
const InitialExplicitPolicy initial_explicit_policy_;
const std::set<der::Input> user_initial_policy_set_;
const InitialPolicyMappingInhibit initial_policy_mapping_inhibit_;
const InitialAnyPolicyInhibit initial_any_policy_inhibit_;
uint32_t max_iteration_count_ = 0;
uint32_t max_path_building_depth_ = 0;
bool explore_all_paths_ = false;
} // namespace bssl