Split EC_METHOD.mul into two operations.

See I9c20b660ce4b58dc633588cfd5b2e97a40203ec3. Aside for p224-64.c, we'd
already split mul_public into a dedicated function, at which point it's
simpler to just have three functions.

This makes it clearer when we do and don't care about the doubling case
coming up and avoids a bunch of NULL checks.

Change-Id: I7c5dafa7f12f4f53937d912ba22c90cb5a786f04
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/36225
Commit-Queue: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec.c b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec.c
index 705d45f..158d66c 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec.c
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec.c
@@ -944,8 +944,7 @@
 int ec_point_mul_scalar_public(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
                                const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar, const EC_RAW_POINT *p,
                                const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar) {
-  if ((g_scalar == NULL && p_scalar == NULL) ||
-      (p == NULL) != (p_scalar == NULL)) {
+  if (g_scalar == NULL || p_scalar == NULL || p == NULL) {
     return 0;
@@ -961,7 +960,7 @@
     return 0;
-  group->meth->mul(group, r, NULL, p, scalar);
+  group->meth->mul(group, r, p, scalar);
   return 1;
@@ -972,7 +971,7 @@
     return 0;
-  group->meth->mul(group, r, scalar, NULL, NULL);
+  group->meth->mul_base(group, r, scalar);
   return 1;
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec_montgomery.c b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec_montgomery.c
index caa1966..6fb32c4 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec_montgomery.c
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/ec_montgomery.c
@@ -470,6 +470,7 @@
   out->add = ec_GFp_mont_add;
   out->dbl = ec_GFp_mont_dbl;
   out->mul = ec_GFp_mont_mul;
+  out->mul_base = ec_GFp_mont_mul_base;
   out->mul_public = ec_GFp_mont_mul_public;
   out->felem_mul = ec_GFp_mont_felem_mul;
   out->felem_sqr = ec_GFp_mont_felem_sqr;
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/internal.h b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/internal.h
index a29468f..7934c3a 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/internal.h
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/internal.h
@@ -140,16 +140,15 @@
   // dbl sets |r| to |a| + |a|.
   void (*dbl)(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r, const EC_RAW_POINT *a);
-  // Computes |r = g_scalar*generator + p_scalar*p| if |g_scalar| and |p_scalar|
-  // are both non-null. Computes |r = g_scalar*generator| if |p_scalar| is null.
-  // Computes |r = p_scalar*p| if g_scalar is null. At least one of |g_scalar|
-  // and |p_scalar| must be non-null, and |p| must be non-null if |p_scalar| is
-  // non-null.
-  void (*mul)(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r, const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar,
-              const EC_RAW_POINT *p, const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar);
-  // mul_public performs the same computation as mul. It further assumes that
-  // the inputs are public so there is no concern about leaking their values
-  // through timing.
+  // mul sets |r| to |scalar|*|p|.
+  void (*mul)(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r, const EC_RAW_POINT *p,
+              const EC_SCALAR *scalar);
+  // mul_base sets |r| to |scalar|*generator.
+  void (*mul_base)(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
+                   const EC_SCALAR *scalar);
+  // mul_public sets |r| to |g_scalar|*generator + |p_scalar|*|p|. It assumes
+  // that the inputs are public so there is no concern about leaking their
+  // values through timing.
   void (*mul_public)(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
                      const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar, const EC_RAW_POINT *p,
                      const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar);
@@ -372,8 +371,9 @@
 int ec_field_element_to_scalar(const EC_GROUP *group, BIGNUM *r);
 void ec_GFp_mont_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
-                     const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar, const EC_RAW_POINT *p,
-                     const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar);
+                     const EC_RAW_POINT *p, const EC_SCALAR *scalar);
+void ec_GFp_mont_mul_base(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
+                          const EC_SCALAR *scalar);
 // ec_compute_wNAF writes the modified width-(w+1) Non-Adjacent Form (wNAF) of
 // |scalar| to |out|. |out| must have room for |bits| + 1 elements, each of
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p224-64.c b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p224-64.c
index 2749686..7ae7c59 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p224-64.c
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p224-64.c
@@ -1031,6 +1031,11 @@
                                        const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar,
                                        const EC_RAW_POINT *p,
                                        const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar) {
+  // Note this function must act in constant-time when exactly one of |g_scalar|
+  // and |p_scalar| is non-NULL. If both are non-NULL, this is not necessary and
+  // we'll hit the variable-time doubling case in |p224_point_add|.
+  //
+  // TODO(davidben): Split this like the other curves to ease analysis.
   p224_felem p_pre_comp[17][3];
   p224_felem x_out, y_out, z_out;
@@ -1072,6 +1077,19 @@
   p224_felem_to_generic(&r->Z, z_out);
+static void ec_GFp_nistp224_point_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
+                                      const EC_RAW_POINT *p,
+                                      const EC_SCALAR *scalar) {
+  ec_GFp_nistp224_points_mul(group, r, NULL /* g_scalar */, p, scalar);
+static void ec_GFp_nistp224_point_mul_base(const EC_GROUP *group,
+                                           EC_RAW_POINT *r,
+                                           const EC_SCALAR *scalar) {
+  ec_GFp_nistp224_points_mul(group, r, scalar, NULL /* p */,
+                             NULL /* p_scalar */);
 static void ec_GFp_nistp224_felem_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_FELEM *r,
                                       const EC_FELEM *a, const EC_FELEM *b) {
   p224_felem felem1, felem2;
@@ -1111,7 +1129,8 @@
   out->add = ec_GFp_nistp224_add;
   out->dbl = ec_GFp_nistp224_dbl;
-  out->mul = ec_GFp_nistp224_points_mul;
+  out->mul = ec_GFp_nistp224_point_mul;
+  out->mul_base = ec_GFp_nistp224_point_mul_base;
   out->mul_public = ec_GFp_nistp224_points_mul;
   out->felem_mul = ec_GFp_nistp224_felem_mul;
   out->felem_sqr = ec_GFp_nistp224_felem_sqr;
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p256-x86_64.c b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p256-x86_64.c
index dd8108d..d63e998 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p256-x86_64.c
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/p256-x86_64.c
@@ -316,74 +316,57 @@
   return booth_recode_w7(wvalue);
-static void mul_p_add_and_store(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
-                                const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar,
-                                const EC_RAW_POINT *p_,
-                                const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar,
-                                p256_point_union_t *t, p256_point_union_t *p) {
-  const int p_is_infinity = g_scalar == NULL;
-  if (p_scalar != NULL) {
-    P256_POINT *out = &t->p;
-    if (p_is_infinity) {
-      out = &p->p;
-    }
+static void ecp_nistz256_point_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
+                                   const EC_RAW_POINT *p,
+                                   const EC_SCALAR *scalar) {
+  alignas(32) P256_POINT out;
+  ecp_nistz256_windowed_mul(group, &out, p, scalar);
-    ecp_nistz256_windowed_mul(group, out, p_, p_scalar);
-    if (!p_is_infinity) {
-      ecp_nistz256_point_add(&p->p, &p->p, out);
-    }
+  assert(group->field.width == P256_LIMBS);
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->X.words, out.X, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->Y.words, out.Y, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->Z.words, out.Z, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
+static void ecp_nistz256_point_mul_base(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
+                                        const EC_SCALAR *scalar) {
+  alignas(32) p256_point_union_t t, p;
+  uint8_t p_str[33];
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(p_str, scalar->bytes, 32);
+  p_str[32] = 0;
+  // First window
+  unsigned index = 0;
+  unsigned wvalue = calc_first_wvalue(&index, p_str);
+  ecp_nistz256_select_w7(&p.a, ecp_nistz256_precomputed[0], wvalue >> 1);
+  ecp_nistz256_neg(p.p.Z, p.p.Y);
+  copy_conditional(p.p.Y, p.p.Z, wvalue & 1);
+  // Convert |p| from affine to Jacobian coordinates. We set Z to zero if |p|
+  // is infinity and |ONE| otherwise. |p| was computed from the table, so it
+  // is infinity iff |wvalue >> 1| is zero.
+  OPENSSL_memset(p.p.Z, 0, sizeof(p.p.Z));
+  copy_conditional(p.p.Z, ONE, is_not_zero(wvalue >> 1));
+  for (int i = 1; i < 37; i++) {
+    wvalue = calc_wvalue(&index, p_str);
+    ecp_nistz256_select_w7(&t.a, ecp_nistz256_precomputed[i], wvalue >> 1);
+    ecp_nistz256_neg(t.p.Z, t.a.Y);
+    copy_conditional(t.a.Y, t.p.Z, wvalue & 1);
+    // Note |ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine| does not work if |p.p| and |t.a|
+    // are the same non-infinity point.
+    ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine(&p.p, &p.p, &t.a);
   assert(group->field.width == P256_LIMBS);
-  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->X.words, p->p.X, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
-  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->Y.words, p->p.Y, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
-  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->Z.words, p->p.Z, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
-static void ecp_nistz256_points_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
-                                    const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar,
-                                    const EC_RAW_POINT *p_,
-                                    const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar) {
-  assert((p_ != NULL) == (p_scalar != NULL));
-  alignas(32) p256_point_union_t t, p;
-  if (g_scalar != NULL) {
-    uint8_t p_str[33];
-    OPENSSL_memcpy(p_str, g_scalar->bytes, 32);
-    p_str[32] = 0;
-    // First window
-    unsigned index = 0;
-    unsigned wvalue = calc_first_wvalue(&index, p_str);
-    ecp_nistz256_select_w7(&p.a, ecp_nistz256_precomputed[0], wvalue >> 1);
-    ecp_nistz256_neg(p.p.Z, p.p.Y);
-    copy_conditional(p.p.Y, p.p.Z, wvalue & 1);
-    // Convert |p| from affine to Jacobian coordinates. We set Z to zero if |p|
-    // is infinity and |ONE| otherwise. |p| was computed from the table, so it
-    // is infinity iff |wvalue >> 1| is zero.
-    OPENSSL_memset(p.p.Z, 0, sizeof(p.p.Z));
-    copy_conditional(p.p.Z, ONE, is_not_zero(wvalue >> 1));
-    for (int i = 1; i < 37; i++) {
-      wvalue = calc_wvalue(&index, p_str);
-      ecp_nistz256_select_w7(&t.a, ecp_nistz256_precomputed[i], wvalue >> 1);
-      ecp_nistz256_neg(t.p.Z, t.a.Y);
-      copy_conditional(t.a.Y, t.p.Z, wvalue & 1);
-      // Note |ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine| does not work if |p.p| and |t.a|
-      // are the same non-infinity point, so it is important that we compute the
-      // |g_scalar| term before the |p_scalar| term.
-      ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine(&p.p, &p.p, &t.a);
-    }
-  }
-  mul_p_add_and_store(group, r, g_scalar, p_, p_scalar, &t, &p);
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->X.words, p.p.X, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->Y.words, p.p.Y, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->Z.words, p.p.Z, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
 static void ecp_nistz256_points_mul_public(const EC_GROUP *group,
@@ -438,7 +421,13 @@
     ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine(&p.p, &p.p, &t.a);
-  mul_p_add_and_store(group, r, g_scalar, p_, p_scalar, &t, &p);
+  ecp_nistz256_windowed_mul(group, &t.p, p_, p_scalar);
+  ecp_nistz256_point_add(&p.p, &p.p, &t.p);
+  assert(group->field.width == P256_LIMBS);
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->X.words, p.p.X, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->Y.words, p.p.Y, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
+  OPENSSL_memcpy(r->Z.words, p.p.Z, P256_LIMBS * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
 static int ecp_nistz256_get_affine(const EC_GROUP *group,
@@ -645,7 +634,8 @@
   out->point_get_affine_coordinates = ecp_nistz256_get_affine;
   out->add = ecp_nistz256_add;
   out->dbl = ecp_nistz256_dbl;
-  out->mul = ecp_nistz256_points_mul;
+  out->mul = ecp_nistz256_point_mul;
+  out->mul_base = ecp_nistz256_point_mul_base;
   out->mul_public = ecp_nistz256_points_mul_public;
   out->felem_mul = ec_GFp_mont_felem_mul;
   out->felem_sqr = ec_GFp_mont_felem_sqr;
diff --git a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/simple_mul.c b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/simple_mul.c
index e05f491..4ed6c48 100644
--- a/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/simple_mul.c
+++ b/crypto/fipsmodule/ec/simple_mul.c
@@ -21,9 +21,8 @@
 #include "../../internal.h"
-static void ec_GFp_mont_mul_single(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
-                                   const EC_RAW_POINT *p,
-                                   const EC_SCALAR *scalar) {
+void ec_GFp_mont_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
+                     const EC_RAW_POINT *p, const EC_SCALAR *scalar) {
   // This is a generic implementation for uncommon curves that not do not
   // warrant a tuned one. It uses unsigned digits so that the doubling case in
   // |ec_GFp_mont_add| is always unreachable, erring on safety and simplicity.
@@ -79,21 +78,7 @@
-void ec_GFp_mont_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
-                     const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar, const EC_RAW_POINT *p,
-                     const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar) {
-  assert(g_scalar != NULL || p_scalar != NULL);
-  if (p_scalar == NULL) {
-    ec_GFp_mont_mul_single(group, r, &group->generator->raw, g_scalar);
-  } else if (g_scalar == NULL) {
-    ec_GFp_mont_mul_single(group, r, p, p_scalar);
-  } else {
-    // Support constant-time two-point multiplication for compatibility.  This
-    // does not actually come up in keygen, ECDH, or ECDSA, so we implement it
-    // the naive way.
-    ec_GFp_mont_mul_single(group, r, &group->generator->raw, g_scalar);
-    EC_RAW_POINT tmp;
-    ec_GFp_mont_mul_single(group, &tmp, p, p_scalar);
-    ec_GFp_mont_add(group, r, r, &tmp);
-  }
+void ec_GFp_mont_mul_base(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
+                          const EC_SCALAR *scalar) {
+  ec_GFp_mont_mul(group, r, &group->generator->raw, scalar);
diff --git a/third_party/fiat/p256.c b/third_party/fiat/p256.c
index ebc5de6..8426beb 100644
--- a/third_party/fiat/p256.c
+++ b/third_party/fiat/p256.c
@@ -731,98 +731,6 @@
   return (in[i >> 3] >> (i & 7)) & 1;
-// Interleaved point multiplication using precomputed point multiples: The
-// small point multiples 0*P, 1*P, ..., 17*P are in p_pre_comp, the scalar
-// in p_scalar, if non-NULL. If g_scalar is non-NULL, we also add this multiple
-// of the generator, using certain (large) precomputed multiples in g_pre_comp.
-// Output point (X, Y, Z) is stored in x_out, y_out, z_out.
-static void batch_mul(fe x_out, fe y_out, fe z_out,
-                      const uint8_t *p_scalar, const uint8_t *g_scalar,
-                      const fe p_pre_comp[17][3]) {
-  // set nq to the point at infinity
-  fe nq[3] = {{0},{0},{0}}, ftmp, tmp[3];
-  uint64_t bits;
-  uint8_t sign, digit;
-  // Loop over both scalars msb-to-lsb, interleaving additions of multiples
-  // of the generator (two in each of the last 32 rounds) and additions of p
-  // (every 5th round).
-  int skip = 1;  // save two point operations in the first round
-  size_t i = p_scalar != NULL ? 255 : 31;
-  for (;;) {
-    // double
-    if (!skip) {
-      point_double(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2]);
-    }
-    // add multiples of the generator
-    if (g_scalar != NULL && i <= 31) {
-      // first, look 32 bits upwards
-      bits = get_bit(g_scalar, i + 224) << 3;
-      bits |= get_bit(g_scalar, i + 160) << 2;
-      bits |= get_bit(g_scalar, i + 96) << 1;
-      bits |= get_bit(g_scalar, i + 32);
-      // select the point to add, in constant time
-      select_point(bits, 16, g_pre_comp[1], tmp);
-      if (!skip) {
-        point_add(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], 1 /* mixed */,
-                  tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-      } else {
-        fe_copy(nq[0], tmp[0]);
-        fe_copy(nq[1], tmp[1]);
-        fe_copy(nq[2], tmp[2]);
-        skip = 0;
-      }
-      // second, look at the current position
-      bits = get_bit(g_scalar, i + 192) << 3;
-      bits |= get_bit(g_scalar, i + 128) << 2;
-      bits |= get_bit(g_scalar, i + 64) << 1;
-      bits |= get_bit(g_scalar, i);
-      // select the point to add, in constant time
-      select_point(bits, 16, g_pre_comp[0], tmp);
-      point_add(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], 1 /* mixed */, tmp[0],
-                tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-    }
-    // do other additions every 5 doublings
-    if (p_scalar != NULL && i % 5 == 0) {
-      bits = get_bit(p_scalar, i + 4) << 5;
-      bits |= get_bit(p_scalar, i + 3) << 4;
-      bits |= get_bit(p_scalar, i + 2) << 3;
-      bits |= get_bit(p_scalar, i + 1) << 2;
-      bits |= get_bit(p_scalar, i) << 1;
-      bits |= get_bit(p_scalar, i - 1);
-      ec_GFp_nistp_recode_scalar_bits(&sign, &digit, bits);
-      // select the point to add or subtract, in constant time.
-      select_point(digit, 17, p_pre_comp, tmp);
-      fe_opp(ftmp, tmp[1]);  // (X, -Y, Z) is the negative point.
-      fe_cmovznz(tmp[1], sign, tmp[1], ftmp);
-      if (!skip) {
-        point_add(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], 0 /* mixed */,
-                  tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
-      } else {
-        fe_copy(nq[0], tmp[0]);
-        fe_copy(nq[1], tmp[1]);
-        fe_copy(nq[2], tmp[2]);
-        skip = 0;
-      }
-    }
-    if (i == 0) {
-      break;
-    }
-    --i;
-  }
-  fe_copy(x_out, nq[0]);
-  fe_copy(y_out, nq[1]);
-  fe_copy(z_out, nq[2]);
 // Takes the Jacobian coordinates (X, Y, Z) of a point and returns (X', Y') =
@@ -890,45 +798,116 @@
   fe_to_generic(&r->Z, z);
-static void ec_GFp_nistp256_points_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
-                                       const EC_SCALAR *g_scalar,
-                                       const EC_RAW_POINT *p,
-                                       const EC_SCALAR *p_scalar) {
+static void ec_GFp_nistp256_point_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_RAW_POINT *r,
+                                      const EC_RAW_POINT *p,
+                                      const EC_SCALAR *scalar) {
   fe p_pre_comp[17][3];
-  fe x_out, y_out, z_out;
+  OPENSSL_memset(&p_pre_comp, 0, sizeof(p_pre_comp));
+  // Precompute multiples.
+  fe_from_generic(p_pre_comp[1][0], &p->X);
+  fe_from_generic(p_pre_comp[1][1], &p->Y);
+  fe_from_generic(p_pre_comp[1][2], &p->Z);
+  for (size_t j = 2; j <= 16; ++j) {
+    if (j & 1) {
+      point_add(p_pre_comp[j][0], p_pre_comp[j][1], p_pre_comp[j][2],
+                p_pre_comp[1][0], p_pre_comp[1][1], p_pre_comp[1][2], 0,
+                p_pre_comp[j - 1][0], p_pre_comp[j - 1][1],
+                p_pre_comp[j - 1][2]);
+    } else {
+      point_double(p_pre_comp[j][0], p_pre_comp[j][1], p_pre_comp[j][2],
+                   p_pre_comp[j / 2][0], p_pre_comp[j / 2][1],
+                   p_pre_comp[j / 2][2]);
+    }
+  }
-  if (p != NULL && p_scalar != NULL) {
-    // We treat NULL scalars as 0, and NULL points as points at infinity, i.e.,
-    // they contribute nothing to the linear combination.
-    OPENSSL_memset(&p_pre_comp, 0, sizeof(p_pre_comp));
-    // Precompute multiples.
-    fe_from_generic(p_pre_comp[1][0], &p->X);
-    fe_from_generic(p_pre_comp[1][1], &p->Y);
-    fe_from_generic(p_pre_comp[1][2], &p->Z);
-    for (size_t j = 2; j <= 16; ++j) {
-      if (j & 1) {
-        point_add(p_pre_comp[j][0], p_pre_comp[j][1],
-                  p_pre_comp[j][2], p_pre_comp[1][0],
-                  p_pre_comp[1][1], p_pre_comp[1][2],
-                  0,
-                  p_pre_comp[j - 1][0], p_pre_comp[j - 1][1],
-                  p_pre_comp[j - 1][2]);
+  // Set nq to the point at infinity.
+  fe nq[3] = {{0}, {0}, {0}}, ftmp, tmp[3];
+  // Loop over |scalar| msb-to-lsb, incorporating |p_pre_comp| every 5th round.
+  int skip = 1;  // Save two point operations in the first round.
+  for (size_t i = 255; i < 256; i--) {
+    // double
+    if (!skip) {
+      point_double(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2]);
+    }
+    // do other additions every 5 doublings
+    if (i % 5 == 0) {
+      uint64_t bits = get_bit(scalar->bytes, i + 4) << 5;
+      bits |= get_bit(scalar->bytes, i + 3) << 4;
+      bits |= get_bit(scalar->bytes, i + 2) << 3;
+      bits |= get_bit(scalar->bytes, i + 1) << 2;
+      bits |= get_bit(scalar->bytes, i) << 1;
+      bits |= get_bit(scalar->bytes, i - 1);
+      uint8_t sign, digit;
+      ec_GFp_nistp_recode_scalar_bits(&sign, &digit, bits);
+      // select the point to add or subtract, in constant time.
+      select_point(digit, 17, (const fe(*)[3])p_pre_comp, tmp);
+      fe_opp(ftmp, tmp[1]);  // (X, -Y, Z) is the negative point.
+      fe_cmovznz(tmp[1], sign, tmp[1], ftmp);
+      if (!skip) {
+        point_add(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], 0 /* mixed */,
+                  tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
       } else {
-        point_double(p_pre_comp[j][0], p_pre_comp[j][1],
-                     p_pre_comp[j][2], p_pre_comp[j / 2][0],
-                     p_pre_comp[j / 2][1], p_pre_comp[j / 2][2]);
+        fe_copy(nq[0], tmp[0]);
+        fe_copy(nq[1], tmp[1]);
+        fe_copy(nq[2], tmp[2]);
+        skip = 0;
-  batch_mul(x_out, y_out, z_out,
-            (p != NULL && p_scalar != NULL) ? p_scalar->bytes : NULL,
-            g_scalar != NULL ? g_scalar->bytes : NULL,
-            (const fe (*) [3])p_pre_comp);
+  fe_to_generic(&r->X, nq[0]);
+  fe_to_generic(&r->Y, nq[1]);
+  fe_to_generic(&r->Z, nq[2]);
-  fe_to_generic(&r->X, x_out);
-  fe_to_generic(&r->Y, y_out);
-  fe_to_generic(&r->Z, z_out);
+static void ec_GFp_nistp256_point_mul_base(const EC_GROUP *group,
+                                           EC_RAW_POINT *r,
+                                           const EC_SCALAR *scalar) {
+  // Set nq to the point at infinity.
+  fe nq[3] = {{0}, {0}, {0}}, tmp[3];
+  int skip = 1;  // Save two point operations in the first round.
+  for (size_t i = 31; i < 32; i--) {
+    if (!skip) {
+      point_double(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2]);
+    }
+    // First, look 32 bits upwards.
+    uint64_t bits = get_bit(scalar->bytes, i + 224) << 3;
+    bits |= get_bit(scalar->bytes, i + 160) << 2;
+    bits |= get_bit(scalar->bytes, i + 96) << 1;
+    bits |= get_bit(scalar->bytes, i + 32);
+    // Select the point to add, in constant time.
+    select_point(bits, 16, g_pre_comp[1], tmp);
+    if (!skip) {
+      point_add(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], 1 /* mixed */, tmp[0],
+                tmp[1], tmp[2]);
+    } else {
+      fe_copy(nq[0], tmp[0]);
+      fe_copy(nq[1], tmp[1]);
+      fe_copy(nq[2], tmp[2]);
+      skip = 0;
+    }
+    // Second, look at the current position.
+    bits = get_bit(scalar->bytes, i + 192) << 3;
+    bits |= get_bit(scalar->bytes, i + 128) << 2;
+    bits |= get_bit(scalar->bytes, i + 64) << 1;
+    bits |= get_bit(scalar->bytes, i);
+    // Select the point to add, in constant time.
+    select_point(bits, 16, g_pre_comp[0], tmp);
+    point_add(nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], nq[0], nq[1], nq[2], 1 /* mixed */, tmp[0],
+              tmp[1], tmp[2]);
+  }
+  fe_to_generic(&r->X, nq[0]);
+  fe_to_generic(&r->Y, nq[1]);
+  fe_to_generic(&r->Z, nq[2]);
 static void ec_GFp_nistp256_point_mul_public(const EC_GROUP *group,
@@ -1066,7 +1045,8 @@
   out->add = ec_GFp_nistp256_add;
   out->dbl = ec_GFp_nistp256_dbl;
-  out->mul = ec_GFp_nistp256_points_mul;
+  out->mul = ec_GFp_nistp256_point_mul;
+  out->mul_base = ec_GFp_nistp256_point_mul_base;
   out->mul_public = ec_GFp_nistp256_point_mul_public;
   out->felem_mul = ec_GFp_mont_felem_mul;
   out->felem_sqr = ec_GFp_mont_felem_sqr;