| //go:build ignore |
| |
| // doc generates HTML files from the comments in header files. |
| // |
| // doc expects to be given the path to a JSON file via the --config option. |
| // From that JSON (which is defined by the Config struct) it reads a list of |
| // header file locations and generates HTML files for each in the current |
| // directory. |
| package main |
| |
| import ( |
| "bufio" |
| "encoding/json" |
| "errors" |
| "flag" |
| "fmt" |
| "html/template" |
| "os" |
| "path/filepath" |
| "regexp" |
| "strconv" |
| "strings" |
| "unicode" |
| ) |
| |
| // Config describes the structure of the config JSON file. |
| type Config struct { |
| // BaseDirectory is a path to which other paths in the file are |
| // relative. |
| BaseDirectory string |
| Sections []ConfigSection |
| } |
| |
| type ConfigSection struct { |
| Name string |
| // Headers is a list of paths to header files. |
| Headers []string |
| } |
| |
| // HeaderFile is the internal representation of a header file. |
| type HeaderFile struct { |
| // Name is the basename of the header file (e.g. "ex_data.html"). |
| Name string |
| // Preamble contains a comment for the file as a whole. Each string |
| // is a separate paragraph. |
| Preamble []CommentBlock |
| Sections []HeaderSection |
| // AllDecls maps all decls to their URL fragments. |
| AllDecls map[string]string |
| } |
| |
| type HeaderSection struct { |
| // Preamble contains a comment for a group of functions. |
| Preamble []CommentBlock |
| Decls []HeaderDecl |
| // Anchor, if non-empty, is the URL fragment to use in anchor tags. |
| Anchor string |
| // IsPrivate is true if the section contains private functions (as |
| // indicated by its name). |
| IsPrivate bool |
| } |
| |
| type HeaderDecl struct { |
| // Comment contains a comment for a specific function. Each string is a |
| // paragraph. Some paragraph may contain \n runes to indicate that they |
| // are preformatted. |
| Comment []CommentBlock |
| // Name contains the name of the function, if it could be extracted. |
| Name string |
| // Decl contains the preformatted C declaration itself. |
| Decl string |
| // Anchor, if non-empty, is the URL fragment to use in anchor tags. |
| Anchor string |
| } |
| |
| type CommentBlockType int |
| |
| const ( |
| CommentParagraph CommentBlockType = iota |
| CommentOrderedListItem |
| CommentBulletListItem |
| CommentCode |
| ) |
| |
| type CommentBlock struct { |
| Type CommentBlockType |
| Paragraph string |
| } |
| |
| const ( |
| cppGuard = "#if defined(__cplusplus)" |
| commentStart = "/* " |
| commentEnd = " */" |
| lineComment = "// " |
| ) |
| |
| func isComment(line string) bool { |
| return strings.HasPrefix(line, commentStart) || strings.HasPrefix(line, lineComment) |
| } |
| |
| func commentSubject(line string) string { |
| if strings.HasPrefix(line, "A ") { |
| line = line[len("A "):] |
| } else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "An ") { |
| line = line[len("An "):] |
| } |
| idx := strings.IndexAny(line, " ,") |
| if idx < 0 { |
| return line |
| } |
| return line[:idx] |
| } |
| |
| func extractCommentLines(lines []string, lineNo int) (comment []string, rest []string, restLineNo int, err error) { |
| if len(lines) == 0 { |
| return nil, lines, lineNo, nil |
| } |
| |
| restLineNo = lineNo |
| rest = lines |
| |
| var isBlock bool |
| if strings.HasPrefix(rest[0], commentStart) { |
| isBlock = true |
| } else if !strings.HasPrefix(rest[0], lineComment) { |
| panic("extractComment called on non-comment") |
| } |
| comment = []string{rest[0][len(commentStart):]} |
| rest = rest[1:] |
| restLineNo++ |
| |
| for len(rest) > 0 { |
| if isBlock { |
| last := &comment[len(comment)-1] |
| if i := strings.Index(*last, commentEnd); i >= 0 { |
| if i != len(*last)-len(commentEnd) { |
| err = fmt.Errorf("garbage after comment end on line %d", restLineNo) |
| return |
| } |
| *last = (*last)[:i] |
| return |
| } |
| } |
| |
| line := rest[0] |
| if isBlock { |
| if !strings.HasPrefix(line, " *") { |
| err = fmt.Errorf("comment doesn't start with block prefix on line %d: %s", restLineNo, line) |
| return |
| } |
| } else if !strings.HasPrefix(line, "//") { |
| return |
| } |
| comment = append(comment, line[2:]) |
| rest = rest[1:] |
| restLineNo++ |
| } |
| |
| err = errors.New("hit EOF in comment") |
| return |
| } |
| |
| func removeBulletListMarker(line string) (string, bool) { |
| orig := line |
| line = strings.TrimSpace(line) |
| if !strings.HasPrefix(line, "+ ") && !strings.HasPrefix(line, "- ") && !strings.HasPrefix(line, "* ") { |
| return orig, false |
| } |
| return line[2:], true |
| } |
| |
| func removeOrderedListMarker(line string) (rest string, num int, ok bool) { |
| orig := line |
| line = strings.TrimSpace(line) |
| if len(line) == 0 || !unicode.IsDigit(rune(line[0])) { |
| return orig, -1, false |
| } |
| |
| l := 0 |
| for l < len(line) && unicode.IsDigit(rune(line[l])) { |
| l++ |
| } |
| num, err := strconv.Atoi(line[:l]) |
| if err != nil { |
| return orig, -1, false |
| } |
| |
| line = line[l:] |
| if line, ok := strings.CutPrefix(line, ". "); ok { |
| return line, num, true |
| } |
| if line, ok := strings.CutPrefix(line, ") "); ok { |
| return line, num, true |
| } |
| |
| return orig, -1, false |
| } |
| |
| func removeCodeIndent(line string) (string, bool) { |
| return strings.CutPrefix(line, " ") |
| } |
| |
| func extractComment(lines []string, lineNo int) (comment []CommentBlock, rest []string, restLineNo int, err error) { |
| commentLines, rest, restLineNo, err := extractCommentLines(lines, lineNo) |
| if err != nil { |
| return |
| } |
| |
| // This syntax and parsing algorithm is loosely inspired by CommonMark, |
| // but reduced to a small subset with no nesting. Blocks being open vs. |
| // closed can be tracked implicitly. We're also much slopplier about how |
| // indentation. Additionally, rather than grouping list items into |
| // lists, our parser just emits a list items, which are grouped later at |
| // rendering time. |
| // |
| // If we later need more features, such as nested lists, this can evolve |
| // into a more complex implementation. |
| var numBlankLines int |
| for _, line := range commentLines { |
| // Defer blank lines until we know the next element. |
| if len(strings.TrimSpace(line)) == 0 { |
| numBlankLines++ |
| continue |
| } |
| |
| blankLinesSkipped := numBlankLines |
| numBlankLines = 0 |
| |
| // Attempt to continue the previous block. |
| if len(comment) > 0 { |
| last := &comment[len(comment)-1] |
| if last.Type == CommentCode { |
| l, ok := removeCodeIndent(line) |
| if ok { |
| for i := 0; i < blankLinesSkipped; i++ { |
| last.Paragraph += "\n" |
| } |
| last.Paragraph += l + "\n" |
| continue |
| } |
| } else if blankLinesSkipped == 0 { |
| _, isBulletList := removeBulletListMarker(line) |
| _, num, isOrderedList := removeOrderedListMarker(line) |
| if isOrderedList && last.Type == CommentParagraph && num != 1 { |
| // A list item can only interrupt a paragraph if the number is one. |
| // See the discussion in https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#lists. |
| // This avoids wrapping like "(See RFC\n5280)" turning into a list. |
| isOrderedList = false |
| } |
| if !isBulletList && !isOrderedList { |
| // This is a continuation line of the previous paragraph. |
| last.Paragraph += " " + strings.TrimSpace(line) |
| continue |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Make a new block. |
| if line, ok := removeBulletListMarker(line); ok { |
| comment = append(comment, CommentBlock{ |
| Type: CommentBulletListItem, |
| Paragraph: strings.TrimSpace(line), |
| }) |
| } else if line, _, ok := removeOrderedListMarker(line); ok { |
| comment = append(comment, CommentBlock{ |
| Type: CommentOrderedListItem, |
| Paragraph: strings.TrimSpace(line), |
| }) |
| } else if line, ok := removeCodeIndent(line); ok { |
| comment = append(comment, CommentBlock{ |
| Type: CommentCode, |
| Paragraph: line + "\n", |
| }) |
| } else { |
| comment = append(comment, CommentBlock{ |
| Type: CommentParagraph, |
| Paragraph: strings.TrimSpace(line), |
| }) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return |
| } |
| |
| func extractDecl(lines []string, lineNo int) (decl string, rest []string, restLineNo int, err error) { |
| if len(lines) == 0 || len(lines[0]) == 0 { |
| return "", lines, lineNo, nil |
| } |
| |
| rest = lines |
| restLineNo = lineNo |
| |
| var stack []rune |
| for len(rest) > 0 { |
| line := rest[0] |
| for _, c := range line { |
| switch c { |
| case '(', '{', '[': |
| stack = append(stack, c) |
| case ')', '}', ']': |
| if len(stack) == 0 { |
| err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected %c on line %d", c, restLineNo) |
| return |
| } |
| var expected rune |
| switch c { |
| case ')': |
| expected = '(' |
| case '}': |
| expected = '{' |
| case ']': |
| expected = '[' |
| default: |
| panic("internal error") |
| } |
| if last := stack[len(stack)-1]; last != expected { |
| err = fmt.Errorf("found %c when expecting %c on line %d", c, last, restLineNo) |
| return |
| } |
| stack = stack[:len(stack)-1] |
| } |
| } |
| if len(decl) > 0 { |
| decl += "\n" |
| } |
| decl += line |
| rest = rest[1:] |
| restLineNo++ |
| |
| if len(stack) == 0 && (len(decl) == 0 || decl[len(decl)-1] != '\\') { |
| break |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return |
| } |
| |
| func skipLine(s string) string { |
| i := strings.Index(s, "\n") |
| if i > 0 { |
| return s[i:] |
| } |
| return "" |
| } |
| |
| var stackOfRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`STACK_OF\(([^)]*)\)`) |
| var lhashOfRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`LHASH_OF\(([^)]*)\)`) |
| |
| func getNameFromDecl(decl string) (string, bool) { |
| for strings.HasPrefix(decl, "#if") || strings.HasPrefix(decl, "#elif") { |
| decl = skipLine(decl) |
| } |
| |
| if strings.HasPrefix(decl, "typedef ") { |
| return "", false |
| } |
| |
| for _, prefix := range []string{"struct ", "enum ", "#define "} { |
| if !strings.HasPrefix(decl, prefix) { |
| continue |
| } |
| |
| decl = strings.TrimPrefix(decl, prefix) |
| |
| for len(decl) > 0 && decl[0] == ' ' { |
| decl = decl[1:] |
| } |
| |
| // struct and enum types can be the return type of a |
| // function. |
| if prefix[0] != '#' && strings.Index(decl, "{") == -1 { |
| break |
| } |
| |
| i := strings.IndexAny(decl, "( ") |
| if i < 0 { |
| return "", false |
| } |
| return decl[:i], true |
| } |
| decl = strings.TrimPrefix(decl, "OPENSSL_EXPORT ") |
| decl = strings.TrimPrefix(decl, "const ") |
| decl = stackOfRegexp.ReplaceAllString(decl, "STACK_OF_$1") |
| decl = lhashOfRegexp.ReplaceAllString(decl, "LHASH_OF_$1") |
| i := strings.Index(decl, "(") |
| if i < 0 { |
| return "", false |
| } |
| j := strings.LastIndex(decl[:i], " ") |
| if j < 0 { |
| return "", false |
| } |
| for j+1 < len(decl) && decl[j+1] == '*' { |
| j++ |
| } |
| return decl[j+1 : i], true |
| } |
| |
| func sanitizeAnchor(name string) string { |
| return strings.Replace(name, " ", "-", -1) |
| } |
| |
| func isPrivateSection(name string) bool { |
| return strings.HasPrefix(name, "Private functions") || strings.HasPrefix(name, "Private structures") || strings.Contains(name, "(hidden)") |
| } |
| |
| func isCollectiveComment(line string) bool { |
| return strings.HasPrefix(line, "The ") || strings.HasPrefix(line, "These ") |
| } |
| |
| func (config *Config) parseHeader(path string) (*HeaderFile, error) { |
| headerPath := filepath.Join(config.BaseDirectory, path) |
| |
| headerFile, err := os.Open(headerPath) |
| if err != nil { |
| return nil, err |
| } |
| defer headerFile.Close() |
| |
| scanner := bufio.NewScanner(headerFile) |
| var lines, oldLines []string |
| for scanner.Scan() { |
| lines = append(lines, scanner.Text()) |
| } |
| if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { |
| return nil, err |
| } |
| |
| lineNo := 1 |
| found := false |
| for i, line := range lines { |
| if line == cppGuard { |
| lines = lines[i+1:] |
| lineNo += i + 1 |
| found = true |
| break |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if !found { |
| return nil, errors.New("no C++ guard found") |
| } |
| |
| if len(lines) == 0 || lines[0] != "extern \"C\" {" { |
| return nil, errors.New("no extern \"C\" found after C++ guard") |
| } |
| lineNo += 2 |
| lines = lines[2:] |
| |
| header := &HeaderFile{ |
| Name: filepath.Base(path), |
| AllDecls: make(map[string]string), |
| } |
| |
| for i, line := range lines { |
| if len(line) > 0 { |
| lines = lines[i:] |
| lineNo += i |
| break |
| } |
| } |
| |
| oldLines = lines |
| if len(lines) > 0 && isComment(lines[0]) { |
| comment, rest, restLineNo, err := extractComment(lines, lineNo) |
| if err != nil { |
| return nil, err |
| } |
| |
| if len(rest) > 0 && len(rest[0]) == 0 { |
| if len(rest) < 2 || len(rest[1]) != 0 { |
| return nil, errors.New("preamble comment should be followed by two blank lines") |
| } |
| header.Preamble = comment |
| lineNo = restLineNo + 2 |
| lines = rest[2:] |
| } else { |
| lines = oldLines |
| } |
| } |
| |
| allAnchors := make(map[string]struct{}) |
| |
| for { |
| // Start of a section. |
| if len(lines) == 0 { |
| return nil, errors.New("unexpected end of file") |
| } |
| line := lines[0] |
| if line == cppGuard { |
| break |
| } |
| |
| if len(line) == 0 { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("blank line at start of section on line %d", lineNo) |
| } |
| |
| var section HeaderSection |
| |
| if isComment(line) { |
| comment, rest, restLineNo, err := extractComment(lines, lineNo) |
| if err != nil { |
| return nil, err |
| } |
| if len(rest) > 0 && len(rest[0]) == 0 { |
| heading := firstSentence(comment) |
| anchor := sanitizeAnchor(heading) |
| if len(anchor) > 0 { |
| if _, ok := allAnchors[anchor]; ok { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate anchor: %s", anchor) |
| } |
| allAnchors[anchor] = struct{}{} |
| } |
| |
| section.Preamble = comment |
| section.IsPrivate = isPrivateSection(heading) |
| section.Anchor = anchor |
| lines = rest[1:] |
| lineNo = restLineNo + 1 |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for len(lines) > 0 { |
| line := lines[0] |
| if len(line) == 0 { |
| lines = lines[1:] |
| lineNo++ |
| break |
| } |
| if line == cppGuard { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("hit ending C++ guard while in section on line %d (possibly missing two empty lines ahead of guard?)", lineNo) |
| } |
| |
| var comment []CommentBlock |
| var decl string |
| if isComment(line) { |
| comment, lines, lineNo, err = extractComment(lines, lineNo) |
| if err != nil { |
| return nil, err |
| } |
| } |
| if len(lines) == 0 { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected decl at EOF on line %d", lineNo) |
| } |
| declLineNo := lineNo |
| decl, lines, lineNo, err = extractDecl(lines, lineNo) |
| if err != nil { |
| return nil, err |
| } |
| name, ok := getNameFromDecl(decl) |
| if !ok { |
| name = "" |
| } |
| if last := len(section.Decls) - 1; len(name) == 0 && len(comment) == 0 && last >= 0 { |
| section.Decls[last].Decl += "\n" + decl |
| } else { |
| // As a matter of style, comments should start |
| // with the name of the thing that they are |
| // commenting on. We make an exception here for |
| // collective comments. |
| sentence := firstSentence(comment) |
| if len(comment) > 0 && |
| len(name) > 0 && |
| !isCollectiveComment(sentence) { |
| subject := commentSubject(sentence) |
| ok := subject == name |
| if l := len(subject); l > 0 && subject[l-1] == '*' { |
| // Groups of names, notably #defines, are often |
| // denoted with a wildcard. |
| ok = strings.HasPrefix(name, subject[:l-1]) |
| } |
| if !ok { |
| return nil, fmt.Errorf("comment for %q doesn't seem to match line %s:%d\n", name, path, declLineNo) |
| } |
| } |
| anchor := sanitizeAnchor(name) |
| // TODO(davidben): Enforce uniqueness. This is |
| // skipped because #ifdefs currently result in |
| // duplicate table-of-contents entries. |
| allAnchors[anchor] = struct{}{} |
| |
| header.AllDecls[name] = anchor |
| |
| section.Decls = append(section.Decls, HeaderDecl{ |
| Comment: comment, |
| Name: name, |
| Decl: decl, |
| Anchor: anchor, |
| }) |
| } |
| |
| if len(lines) > 0 && len(lines[0]) == 0 { |
| lines = lines[1:] |
| lineNo++ |
| } |
| } |
| |
| header.Sections = append(header.Sections, section) |
| } |
| |
| return header, nil |
| } |
| |
| func firstSentence(comment []CommentBlock) string { |
| if len(comment) == 0 { |
| return "" |
| } |
| s := comment[0].Paragraph |
| i := strings.Index(s, ". ") |
| if i >= 0 { |
| return s[:i] |
| } |
| if lastIndex := len(s) - 1; s[lastIndex] == '.' { |
| return s[:lastIndex] |
| } |
| return s |
| } |
| |
| func markupComment(allDecls map[string]string, comment []CommentBlock) template.HTML { |
| var b strings.Builder |
| lastType := CommentParagraph |
| closeList := func() { |
| if lastType == CommentOrderedListItem { |
| b.WriteString("</ol>") |
| } else if lastType == CommentBulletListItem { |
| b.WriteString("</ul>") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for _, block := range comment { |
| // Group consecutive list items of the same type into a list. |
| if block.Type != lastType { |
| closeList() |
| if block.Type == CommentOrderedListItem { |
| b.WriteString("<ol>") |
| } else if block.Type == CommentBulletListItem { |
| b.WriteString("<ul>") |
| } |
| } |
| lastType = block.Type |
| |
| switch block.Type { |
| case CommentParagraph: |
| b.WriteString("<p>") |
| b.WriteString(string(markupParagraph(allDecls, block.Paragraph))) |
| b.WriteString("</p>") |
| case CommentOrderedListItem, CommentBulletListItem: |
| b.WriteString("<li>") |
| b.WriteString(string(markupParagraph(allDecls, block.Paragraph))) |
| b.WriteString("</li>") |
| case CommentCode: |
| b.WriteString("<pre>") |
| b.WriteString(block.Paragraph) |
| b.WriteString("</pre>") |
| default: |
| panic(block.Type) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| closeList() |
| return template.HTML(b.String()) |
| } |
| |
| func markupParagraph(allDecls map[string]string, s string) template.HTML { |
| // TODO(davidben): Ideally the inline transforms would be unified into |
| // one pass, so that the HTML output of one pass does not interfere with |
| // the next. |
| ret := markupPipeWords(allDecls, s, true /* linkDecls */) |
| ret = markupFirstWord(ret) |
| ret = markupRFC(ret) |
| return ret |
| } |
| |
| // markupPipeWords converts |s| into an HTML string, safe to be included outside |
| // a tag, while also marking up words surrounded by |. |
| func markupPipeWords(allDecls map[string]string, s string, linkDecls bool) template.HTML { |
| // It is safe to look for '|' in the HTML-escaped version of |s| |
| // below. The escaped version cannot include '|' instead tags because |
| // there are no tags by construction. |
| s = template.HTMLEscapeString(s) |
| ret := "" |
| |
| for { |
| i := strings.Index(s, "|") |
| if i == -1 { |
| ret += s |
| break |
| } |
| ret += s[:i] |
| s = s[i+1:] |
| |
| i = strings.Index(s, "|") |
| j := strings.Index(s, " ") |
| if i > 0 && (j == -1 || j > i) { |
| ret += "<tt>" |
| anchor, isLink := allDecls[s[:i]] |
| if linkDecls && isLink { |
| ret += fmt.Sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", template.HTMLEscapeString(anchor), s[:i]) |
| } else { |
| ret += s[:i] |
| } |
| ret += "</tt>" |
| s = s[i+1:] |
| } else { |
| ret += "|" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return template.HTML(ret) |
| } |
| |
| func markupFirstWord(s template.HTML) template.HTML { |
| if isCollectiveComment(string(s)) { |
| return s |
| } |
| start := 0 |
| again: |
| end := strings.Index(string(s[start:]), " ") |
| if end > 0 { |
| end += start |
| w := strings.ToLower(string(s[start:end])) |
| // The first word was already marked up as an HTML tag. Don't |
| // mark it up further. |
| if strings.ContainsRune(w, '<') { |
| return s |
| } |
| if w == "a" || w == "an" { |
| start = end + 1 |
| goto again |
| } |
| return s[:start] + "<span class=\"first-word\">" + s[start:end] + "</span>" + s[end:] |
| } |
| return s |
| } |
| |
| var rfcRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("RFC ([0-9]+)") |
| |
| func markupRFC(html template.HTML) template.HTML { |
| s := string(html) |
| matches := rfcRegexp.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(s, -1) |
| if len(matches) == 0 { |
| return html |
| } |
| |
| var b strings.Builder |
| var idx int |
| for _, match := range matches { |
| start, end := match[0], match[1] |
| number := s[match[2]:match[3]] |
| b.WriteString(s[idx:start]) |
| fmt.Fprintf(&b, "<a href=\"https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc%s.html\">%s</a>", number, s[start:end]) |
| idx = end |
| } |
| b.WriteString(s[idx:]) |
| return template.HTML(b.String()) |
| } |
| |
| func generate(outPath string, config *Config) (map[string]string, error) { |
| allDecls := make(map[string]string) |
| |
| headerTmpl := template.New("headerTmpl") |
| headerTmpl.Funcs(template.FuncMap{ |
| "firstSentence": firstSentence, |
| "markupPipeWordsNoLink": func(s string) template.HTML { return markupPipeWords(allDecls, s, false /* linkDecls */) }, |
| "markupComment": func(c []CommentBlock) template.HTML { return markupComment(allDecls, c) }, |
| }) |
| headerTmpl, err := headerTmpl.Parse(`<!DOCTYPE html> |
| <html> |
| <head> |
| <title>BoringSSL - {{.Name}}</title> |
| <meta charset="utf-8"> |
| <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="doc.css"> |
| </head> |
| |
| <body> |
| <div id="main"> |
| <div class="title"> |
| <h2>{{.Name}}</h2> |
| <a href="headers.html">All headers</a> |
| </div> |
| |
| {{if .Preamble}}<div class="comment">{{.Preamble | markupComment}}</div>{{end}} |
| |
| <ol class="toc"> |
| {{range .Sections}} |
| {{if not .IsPrivate}} |
| {{if .Anchor}}<li class="header"><a href="#{{.Anchor}}">{{.Preamble | firstSentence | markupPipeWordsNoLink}}</a></li>{{end}} |
| {{range .Decls}} |
| {{if .Anchor}}<li><a href="#{{.Anchor}}"><tt>{{.Name}}</tt></a></li>{{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| </ol> |
| |
| {{range .Sections}} |
| {{if not .IsPrivate}} |
| <div class="section" {{if .Anchor}}id="{{.Anchor}}"{{end}}> |
| {{if .Preamble}}<div class="sectionpreamble comment">{{.Preamble | markupComment}}</div>{{end}} |
| |
| {{range .Decls}} |
| <div class="decl" {{if .Anchor}}id="{{.Anchor}}"{{end}}> |
| {{if .Comment}}<div class="comment">{{.Comment | markupComment}}</div>{{end}} |
| {{if .Decl}}<pre class="code">{{.Decl}}</pre>{{end}} |
| </div> |
| {{end}} |
| </div> |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| </div> |
| </body> |
| </html>`) |
| if err != nil { |
| return nil, err |
| } |
| |
| headerDescriptions := make(map[string]string) |
| var headers []*HeaderFile |
| |
| for _, section := range config.Sections { |
| for _, headerPath := range section.Headers { |
| header, err := config.parseHeader(headerPath) |
| if err != nil { |
| return nil, errors.New("while parsing " + headerPath + ": " + err.Error()) |
| } |
| headerDescriptions[header.Name] = firstSentence(header.Preamble) |
| headers = append(headers, header) |
| |
| for name, anchor := range header.AllDecls { |
| allDecls[name] = fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s", header.Name+".html", anchor) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for _, header := range headers { |
| filename := filepath.Join(outPath, header.Name+".html") |
| file, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0666) |
| if err != nil { |
| panic(err) |
| } |
| defer file.Close() |
| if err := headerTmpl.Execute(file, header); err != nil { |
| return nil, err |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return headerDescriptions, nil |
| } |
| |
| func generateIndex(outPath string, config *Config, headerDescriptions map[string]string) error { |
| indexTmpl := template.New("indexTmpl") |
| indexTmpl.Funcs(template.FuncMap{ |
| "baseName": filepath.Base, |
| "headerDescription": func(header string) string { |
| return headerDescriptions[header] |
| }, |
| }) |
| indexTmpl, err := indexTmpl.Parse(`<!DOCTYPE html5> |
| |
| <head> |
| <title>BoringSSL - Headers</title> |
| <meta charset="utf-8"> |
| <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="doc.css"> |
| </head> |
| |
| <body> |
| <div id="main"> |
| <div class="title"> |
| <h2>BoringSSL Headers</h2> |
| </div> |
| <table> |
| {{range .Sections}} |
| <tr class="header"><td colspan="2">{{.Name}}</td></tr> |
| {{range .Headers}} |
| <tr><td><a href="{{. | baseName}}.html">{{. | baseName}}</a></td><td>{{. | baseName | headerDescription}}</td></tr> |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| </table> |
| </div> |
| </body> |
| </html>`) |
| |
| if err != nil { |
| return err |
| } |
| |
| file, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(outPath, "headers.html"), os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0666) |
| if err != nil { |
| panic(err) |
| } |
| defer file.Close() |
| |
| if err := indexTmpl.Execute(file, config); err != nil { |
| return err |
| } |
| |
| return nil |
| } |
| |
| func copyFile(outPath string, inFilePath string) error { |
| bytes, err := os.ReadFile(inFilePath) |
| if err != nil { |
| return err |
| } |
| return os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(outPath, filepath.Base(inFilePath)), bytes, 0666) |
| } |
| |
| func main() { |
| var ( |
| configFlag *string = flag.String("config", "doc.config", "Location of config file") |
| outputDir *string = flag.String("out", ".", "Path to the directory where the output will be written") |
| config Config |
| ) |
| |
| flag.Parse() |
| |
| if len(*configFlag) == 0 { |
| fmt.Printf("No config file given by --config\n") |
| os.Exit(1) |
| } |
| |
| if len(*outputDir) == 0 { |
| fmt.Printf("No output directory given by --out\n") |
| os.Exit(1) |
| } |
| |
| configBytes, err := os.ReadFile(*configFlag) |
| if err != nil { |
| fmt.Printf("Failed to open config file: %s\n", err) |
| os.Exit(1) |
| } |
| |
| if err := json.Unmarshal(configBytes, &config); err != nil { |
| fmt.Printf("Failed to parse config file: %s\n", err) |
| os.Exit(1) |
| } |
| |
| headerDescriptions, err := generate(*outputDir, &config) |
| if err != nil { |
| fmt.Printf("Failed to generate output: %s\n", err) |
| os.Exit(1) |
| } |
| |
| if err := generateIndex(*outputDir, &config, headerDescriptions); err != nil { |
| fmt.Printf("Failed to generate index: %s\n", err) |
| os.Exit(1) |
| } |
| |
| if err := copyFile(*outputDir, "doc.css"); err != nil { |
| fmt.Printf("Failed to copy static file: %s\n", err) |
| os.Exit(1) |
| } |
| } |