blob: 25302131eeb4fad310d57ae64add58b8a4989234 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2013-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
# ====================================================================
# Written by Andy Polyakov <> for the OpenSSL
# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
# details see
# ====================================================================
# AES-NI-CTR+GHASH stitch.
# February 2013
# OpenSSL GCM implementation is organized in such way that its
# performance is rather close to the sum of its streamed components,
# in the context parallelized AES-NI CTR and modulo-scheduled
# PCLMULQDQ-enabled GHASH. Unfortunately, as no stitch implementation
# was observed to perform significantly better than the sum of the
# components on contemporary CPUs, the effort was deemed impossible to
# justify. This module is based on combination of Intel submissions,
# [1] and [2], with MOVBE twist suggested by Ilya Albrekht and Max
# Locktyukhin of Intel Corp. who verified that it reduces shuffles
# pressure with notable relative improvement, achieving 1.0 cycle per
# byte processed with 128-bit key on Haswell processor, 0.74 - on
# Broadwell, 0.63 - on Skylake... [Mentioned results are raw profiled
# measurements for favourable packet size, one divisible by 96.
# Applications using the EVP interface will observe a few percent
# worse performance.]
# Knights Landing processes 1 byte in 1.25 cycles (measured with EVP).
# [1]
# [2]
$flavour = shift;
$output = shift;
if ($flavour =~ /\./) { $output = $flavour; undef $flavour; }
$win64=0; $win64=1 if ($flavour =~ /[nm]asm|mingw64/ || $output =~ /\.asm$/);
$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
( $xlate="${dir}" and -f $xlate ) or
( $xlate="${dir}../../../perlasm/" and -f $xlate) or
die "can't locate";
# |$avx| in must be set to at least 1; otherwise tags will
# be computed incorrectly.
# In upstream, this is controlled by shelling out to the compiler to check
# versions, but BoringSSL is intended to be used with pre-generated perlasm
# output, so this isn't useful anyway.
# The upstream code uses the condition |$avx>1| even though no AVX2
# instructions are used, because it assumes MOVBE is supported by the assembler
# if and only if AVX2 is also supported by the assembler; see
$avx = 2;
open OUT,"| \"$^X\" \"$xlate\" $flavour \"$output\"";
# See the comment above regarding why the condition is ($avx>1) when there are
# no AVX2 instructions being used.
if ($avx>1) {{{
# On Windows, only four parameters are passed in registers. The last two
# parameters will be manually loaded into %rdi and %rsi.
my ($inp, $out, $len, $key, $ivp, $Htable) =
$win64 ? ("%rcx", "%rdx", "%r8", "%r9", "%rdi", "%rsi") :
("%rdi", "%rsi", "%rdx", "%rcx", "%r8", "%r9");
# The offset from %rbp to the Xip parameter. On Windows, all parameters have
# corresponding stack positions, not just ones passed on the stack.
# (0x40 = 6*8 + 0x10)
# Xip only needs to be accessed at the beginning and end of the function, and
# this function is short on registers, so we make it the last parameter for
# convenience.
my $Xip_offset = $win64 ? 0x40 : 0x10;
$Z0,$Z1,$Z2,$Z3,$Xi) = map("%xmm$_",(0..8));
($inout0,$inout1,$inout2,$inout3,$inout4,$inout5,$rndkey) = map("%xmm$_",(9..15));
.type _aesni_ctr32_ghash_6x,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 32
vmovdqu 0x20($const),$T2 # borrow $T2, .Lone_msb
sub \$6,$len
vpxor $Z0,$Z0,$Z0 # $Z0 = 0
vmovdqu 0x00-0x80($key),$rndkey
vpaddb $T2,$T1,$inout1
vpaddb $T2,$inout1,$inout2
vpaddb $T2,$inout2,$inout3
vpaddb $T2,$inout3,$inout4
vpaddb $T2,$inout4,$inout5
vpxor $rndkey,$T1,$inout0
vmovdqu $Z0,16+8(%rsp) # "$Z3" = 0
jmp .Loop6x
.align 32
add \$`6<<24`,$counter
jc .Lhandle_ctr32 # discard $inout[1-5]?
vmovdqu 0x00-0x20($Htable),$Hkey # $Hkey^1
vpaddb $T2,$inout5,$T1 # next counter value
vpxor $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
vpxor $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
vmovdqu $T1,($ivp) # save next counter value
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$Hkey,$Z3,$Z1
vpxor $rndkey,$inout3,$inout3
vmovups 0x10-0x80($key),$T2 # borrow $T2 for $rndkey
vpclmulqdq \$0x01,$Hkey,$Z3,$Z2
# At this point, the current block of 96 (0x60) bytes has already been
# loaded into registers. Concurrently with processing it, we want to
# load the next 96 bytes of input for the next round. Obviously, we can
# only do this if there are at least 96 more bytes of input beyond the
# input we're currently processing, or else we'd read past the end of
# the input buffer. Here, we set |%r12| to 96 if there are at least 96
# bytes of input beyond the 96 bytes we're already processing, and we
# set |%r12| to 0 otherwise. In the case where we set |%r12| to 96,
# we'll read in the next block so that it is in registers for the next
# loop iteration. In the case where we set |%r12| to 0, we'll re-read
# the current block and then ignore what we re-read.
# At this point, |$in0| points to the current (already read into
# registers) block, and |$end0| points to 2*96 bytes before the end of
# the input. Thus, |$in0| > |$end0| means that we do not have the next
# 96-byte block to read in, and |$in0| <= |$end0| means we do.
xor %r12,%r12
cmp $in0,$end0
vaesenc $T2,$inout0,$inout0
vmovdqu 0x30+8(%rsp),$Ii # I[4]
vpxor $rndkey,$inout4,$inout4
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Hkey,$Z3,$T1
vaesenc $T2,$inout1,$inout1
vpxor $rndkey,$inout5,$inout5
setnc %r12b
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Hkey,$Z3,$Z3
vaesenc $T2,$inout2,$inout2
vmovdqu 0x10-0x20($Htable),$Hkey # $Hkey^2
neg %r12
vaesenc $T2,$inout3,$inout3
vpxor $Z1,$Z2,$Z2
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Hkey,$Ii,$Z1
vpxor $Z0,$Xi,$Xi # modulo-scheduled
vaesenc $T2,$inout4,$inout4
vpxor $Z1,$T1,$Z0
and \$0x60,%r12
vmovups 0x20-0x80($key),$rndkey
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$Hkey,$Ii,$T1
vaesenc $T2,$inout5,$inout5
vpclmulqdq \$0x01,$Hkey,$Ii,$T2
lea ($in0,%r12),$in0
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout0,$inout0
vpxor 16+8(%rsp),$Xi,$Xi # modulo-scheduled [vpxor $Z3,$Xi,$Xi]
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Hkey,$Ii,$Hkey
vmovdqu 0x40+8(%rsp),$Ii # I[3]
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
movbe 0x58($in0),%r13
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
movbe 0x50($in0),%r12
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout3,$inout3
mov %r13,0x20+8(%rsp)
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout4,$inout4
mov %r12,0x28+8(%rsp)
vmovdqu 0x30-0x20($Htable),$Z1 # borrow $Z1 for $Hkey^3
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout5,$inout5
vmovups 0x30-0x80($key),$rndkey
vpxor $T1,$Z2,$Z2
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Z1,$Ii,$T1
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout0,$inout0
vpxor $T2,$Z2,$Z2
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$Z1,$Ii,$T2
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
vpxor $Hkey,$Z3,$Z3
vpclmulqdq \$0x01,$Z1,$Ii,$Hkey
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Z1,$Ii,$Z1
vmovdqu 0x50+8(%rsp),$Ii # I[2]
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout3,$inout3
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout4,$inout4
vpxor $T1,$Z0,$Z0
vmovdqu 0x40-0x20($Htable),$T1 # borrow $T1 for $Hkey^4
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout5,$inout5
vmovups 0x40-0x80($key),$rndkey
vpxor $T2,$Z2,$Z2
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$T1,$Ii,$T2
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout0,$inout0
vpxor $Hkey,$Z2,$Z2
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$T1,$Ii,$Hkey
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
movbe 0x48($in0),%r13
vpxor $Z1,$Z3,$Z3
vpclmulqdq \$0x01,$T1,$Ii,$Z1
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
movbe 0x40($in0),%r12
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$T1,$Ii,$T1
vmovdqu 0x60+8(%rsp),$Ii # I[1]
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout3,$inout3
mov %r13,0x30+8(%rsp)
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout4,$inout4
mov %r12,0x38+8(%rsp)
vpxor $T2,$Z0,$Z0
vmovdqu 0x60-0x20($Htable),$T2 # borrow $T2 for $Hkey^5
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout5,$inout5
vmovups 0x50-0x80($key),$rndkey
vpxor $Hkey,$Z2,$Z2
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$T2,$Ii,$Hkey
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout0,$inout0
vpxor $Z1,$Z2,$Z2
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$T2,$Ii,$Z1
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
movbe 0x38($in0),%r13
vpxor $T1,$Z3,$Z3
vpclmulqdq \$0x01,$T2,$Ii,$T1
vpxor 0x70+8(%rsp),$Xi,$Xi # accumulate I[0]
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
movbe 0x30($in0),%r12
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$T2,$Ii,$T2
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout3,$inout3
mov %r13,0x40+8(%rsp)
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout4,$inout4
mov %r12,0x48+8(%rsp)
vpxor $Hkey,$Z0,$Z0
vmovdqu 0x70-0x20($Htable),$Hkey # $Hkey^6
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout5,$inout5
vmovups 0x60-0x80($key),$rndkey
vpxor $Z1,$Z2,$Z2
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$Hkey,$Xi,$Z1
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout0,$inout0
vpxor $T1,$Z2,$Z2
vpclmulqdq \$0x01,$Hkey,$Xi,$T1
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
movbe 0x28($in0),%r13
vpxor $T2,$Z3,$Z3
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Hkey,$Xi,$T2
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
movbe 0x20($in0),%r12
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Hkey,$Xi,$Xi
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout3,$inout3
mov %r13,0x50+8(%rsp)
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout4,$inout4
mov %r12,0x58+8(%rsp)
vpxor $Z1,$Z2,$Z2
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout5,$inout5
vpxor $T1,$Z2,$Z2
vmovups 0x70-0x80($key),$rndkey
vpslldq \$8,$Z2,$Z1
vpxor $T2,$Z0,$Z0
vmovdqu 0x10($const),$Hkey # .Lpoly
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout0,$inout0
vpxor $Xi,$Z3,$Z3
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
vpxor $Z1,$Z0,$Z0
movbe 0x18($in0),%r13
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
movbe 0x10($in0),%r12
vpalignr \$8,$Z0,$Z0,$Ii # 1st phase
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$Hkey,$Z0,$Z0
mov %r13,0x60+8(%rsp)
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout3,$inout3
mov %r12,0x68+8(%rsp)
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout4,$inout4
vmovups 0x80-0x80($key),$T1 # borrow $T1 for $rndkey
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout5,$inout5
vaesenc $T1,$inout0,$inout0
vmovups 0x90-0x80($key),$rndkey
vaesenc $T1,$inout1,$inout1
vpsrldq \$8,$Z2,$Z2
vaesenc $T1,$inout2,$inout2
vpxor $Z2,$Z3,$Z3
vaesenc $T1,$inout3,$inout3
vpxor $Ii,$Z0,$Z0
movbe 0x08($in0),%r13
vaesenc $T1,$inout4,$inout4
movbe 0x00($in0),%r12
vaesenc $T1,$inout5,$inout5
vmovups 0xa0-0x80($key),$T1
cmp \$11,$rounds
jb .Lenc_tail # 128-bit key
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout0,$inout0
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout3,$inout3
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout4,$inout4
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout5,$inout5
vaesenc $T1,$inout0,$inout0
vaesenc $T1,$inout1,$inout1
vaesenc $T1,$inout2,$inout2
vaesenc $T1,$inout3,$inout3
vaesenc $T1,$inout4,$inout4
vmovups 0xb0-0x80($key),$rndkey
vaesenc $T1,$inout5,$inout5
vmovups 0xc0-0x80($key),$T1
je .Lenc_tail # 192-bit key
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout0,$inout0
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout3,$inout3
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout4,$inout4
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout5,$inout5
vaesenc $T1,$inout0,$inout0
vaesenc $T1,$inout1,$inout1
vaesenc $T1,$inout2,$inout2
vaesenc $T1,$inout3,$inout3
vaesenc $T1,$inout4,$inout4
vmovups 0xd0-0x80($key),$rndkey
vaesenc $T1,$inout5,$inout5
vmovups 0xe0-0x80($key),$T1
jmp .Lenc_tail # 256-bit key
.align 32
vmovdqu ($const),$Ii # borrow $Ii for .Lbswap_mask
vpshufb $Ii,$T1,$Z2 # byte-swap counter
vmovdqu 0x30($const),$Z1 # borrow $Z1, .Ltwo_lsb
vpaddd 0x40($const),$Z2,$inout1 # .Lone_lsb
vpaddd $Z1,$Z2,$inout2
vmovdqu 0x00-0x20($Htable),$Hkey # $Hkey^1
vpaddd $Z1,$inout1,$inout3
vpshufb $Ii,$inout1,$inout1
vpaddd $Z1,$inout2,$inout4
vpshufb $Ii,$inout2,$inout2
vpxor $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
vpaddd $Z1,$inout3,$inout5
vpshufb $Ii,$inout3,$inout3
vpxor $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
vpaddd $Z1,$inout4,$T1 # byte-swapped next counter value
vpshufb $Ii,$inout4,$inout4
vpshufb $Ii,$inout5,$inout5
vpshufb $Ii,$T1,$T1 # next counter value
jmp .Lresume_ctr32
.align 32
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout0,$inout0
vmovdqu $Z3,16+8(%rsp) # postpone vpxor $Z3,$Xi,$Xi
vpalignr \$8,$Z0,$Z0,$Xi # 2nd phase
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$Hkey,$Z0,$Z0
vpxor 0x00($inp),$T1,$T2
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
vpxor 0x10($inp),$T1,$Ii
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout3,$inout3
vpxor 0x20($inp),$T1,$Z1
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout4,$inout4
vpxor 0x30($inp),$T1,$Z2
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout5,$inout5
vpxor 0x40($inp),$T1,$Z3
vpxor 0x50($inp),$T1,$Hkey
vmovdqu ($ivp),$T1 # load next counter value
vaesenclast $T2,$inout0,$inout0
vmovdqu 0x20($const),$T2 # borrow $T2, .Lone_msb
vaesenclast $Ii,$inout1,$inout1
vpaddb $T2,$T1,$Ii
mov %r13,0x70+8(%rsp)
lea 0x60($inp),$inp
# These two prefetches were added in BoringSSL. See change that added them.
prefetcht0 512($inp) # We use 96-byte block so prefetch 2 lines (128 bytes)
prefetcht0 576($inp)
vaesenclast $Z1,$inout2,$inout2
vpaddb $T2,$Ii,$Z1
mov %r12,0x78+8(%rsp)
lea 0x60($out),$out
vmovdqu 0x00-0x80($key),$rndkey
vaesenclast $Z2,$inout3,$inout3
vpaddb $T2,$Z1,$Z2
vaesenclast $Z3, $inout4,$inout4
vpaddb $T2,$Z2,$Z3
vaesenclast $Hkey,$inout5,$inout5
vpaddb $T2,$Z3,$Hkey
add \$0x60,%rax
sub \$0x6,$len
jc .L6x_done
vmovups $inout0,-0x60($out) # save output
vpxor $rndkey,$T1,$inout0
vmovups $inout1,-0x50($out)
vmovdqa $Ii,$inout1 # 0 latency
vmovups $inout2,-0x40($out)
vmovdqa $Z1,$inout2 # 0 latency
vmovups $inout3,-0x30($out)
vmovdqa $Z2,$inout3 # 0 latency
vmovups $inout4,-0x20($out)
vmovdqa $Z3,$inout4 # 0 latency
vmovups $inout5,-0x10($out)
vmovdqa $Hkey,$inout5 # 0 latency
vmovdqu 0x20+8(%rsp),$Z3 # I[5]
jmp .Loop6x
vpxor 16+8(%rsp),$Xi,$Xi # modulo-scheduled
vpxor $Z0,$Xi,$Xi # modulo-scheduled
.size _aesni_ctr32_ghash_6x,.-_aesni_ctr32_ghash_6x
# size_t aesni_gcm_[en|de]crypt(const void *inp, void *out, size_t len,
# const AES_KEY *key, unsigned char iv[16], const u128 *Htbl[9],
# u128 *Xip);
.globl aesni_gcm_decrypt
.type aesni_gcm_decrypt,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 32
xor %rax,%rax
# We call |_aesni_ctr32_ghash_6x|, which requires at least 96 (0x60)
# bytes of input.
cmp \$0x60,$len # minimal accepted length
jb .Lgcm_dec_abort
push %rbp
.cfi_push %rbp
.seh_pushreg %rbp
mov %rsp, %rbp # save stack pointer
.cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
push %rbx
.cfi_push %rbx
.seh_pushreg %rbx
push %r12
.cfi_push %r12
.seh_pushreg %r12
push %r13
.cfi_push %r13
.seh_pushreg %r13
push %r14
.cfi_push %r14
.seh_pushreg %r14
push %r15
.cfi_push %r15
.seh_pushreg %r15
if ($win64) {
lea -0xa8(%rsp),%rsp # 8 extra bytes to align the stack
.seh_allocstack 0xa8
.seh_setframe %rbp, 0xa8+5*8
# Load the last two parameters. These go into %rdi and %rsi, which are
# non-volatile on Windows, so stash them in the parameter stack area
# first.
mov %rdi, 0x10(%rbp)
.seh_savereg %rdi, 0xa8+5*8+0x10
mov %rsi, 0x18(%rbp)
.seh_savereg %rsi, 0xa8+5*8+0x18
mov 0x30(%rbp), $ivp
mov 0x38(%rbp), $Htable
# Save non-volatile XMM registers.
movaps %xmm6,-0xd0(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm6, 0xa8+5*8-0xd0
movaps %xmm7,-0xc0(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm7, 0xa8+5*8-0xc0
movaps %xmm8,-0xb0(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm8, 0xa8+5*8-0xb0
movaps %xmm9,-0xa0(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm9, 0xa8+5*8-0xa0
movaps %xmm10,-0x90(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm10, 0xa8+5*8-0x90
movaps %xmm11,-0x80(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm11, 0xa8+5*8-0x80
movaps %xmm12,-0x70(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm12, 0xa8+5*8-0x70
movaps %xmm13,-0x60(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm13, 0xa8+5*8-0x60
movaps %xmm14,-0x50(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm14, 0xa8+5*8-0x50
movaps %xmm15,-0x40(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm15, 0xa8+5*8-0x40
mov $Xip_offset(%rbp), %r12
vmovdqu ($ivp),$T1 # input counter value
add \$-128,%rsp
mov 12($ivp),$counter
lea .Lbswap_mask(%rip),$const
lea -0x80($key),$in0 # borrow $in0
mov \$0xf80,$end0 # borrow $end0
vmovdqu (%r12),$Xi # load Xi
and \$-128,%rsp # ensure stack alignment
vmovdqu ($const),$Ii # borrow $Ii for .Lbswap_mask
lea 0x80($key),$key # size optimization
lea 0x20($Htable),$Htable # size optimization
mov 0xf0-0x80($key),$rounds
vpshufb $Ii,$Xi,$Xi
and $end0,$in0
and %rsp,$end0
sub $in0,$end0
jc .Ldec_no_key_aliasing
cmp \$768,$end0
jnc .Ldec_no_key_aliasing
sub $end0,%rsp # avoid aliasing with key
vmovdqu 0x50($inp),$Z3 # I[5]
mov $inp,$in0
vmovdqu 0x40($inp),$Z0
# |_aesni_ctr32_ghash_6x| requires |$end0| to point to 2*96 (0xc0)
# bytes before the end of the input. Note, in particular, that this is
# correct even if |$len| is not an even multiple of 96 or 16. XXX: This
# seems to require that |$inp| + |$len| >= 2*96 (0xc0); i.e. |$inp| must
# not be near the very beginning of the address space when |$len| < 2*96
# (0xc0).
lea -0xc0($inp,$len),$end0
vmovdqu 0x30($inp),$Z1
shr \$4,$len
xor %rax,%rax
vmovdqu 0x20($inp),$Z2
vpshufb $Ii,$Z3,$Z3 # passed to _aesni_ctr32_ghash_6x
vmovdqu 0x10($inp),$T2
vpshufb $Ii,$Z0,$Z0
vmovdqu ($inp),$Hkey
vpshufb $Ii,$Z1,$Z1
vmovdqu $Z0,0x30(%rsp)
vpshufb $Ii,$Z2,$Z2
vmovdqu $Z1,0x40(%rsp)
vpshufb $Ii,$T2,$T2
vmovdqu $Z2,0x50(%rsp)
vpshufb $Ii,$Hkey,$Hkey
vmovdqu $T2,0x60(%rsp)
vmovdqu $Hkey,0x70(%rsp)
call _aesni_ctr32_ghash_6x
mov $Xip_offset(%rbp), %r12
vmovups $inout0,-0x60($out) # save output
vmovups $inout1,-0x50($out)
vmovups $inout2,-0x40($out)
vmovups $inout3,-0x30($out)
vmovups $inout4,-0x20($out)
vmovups $inout5,-0x10($out)
vpshufb ($const),$Xi,$Xi # .Lbswap_mask
vmovdqu $Xi,(%r12) # output Xi
$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
movaps -0xd0(%rbp),%xmm6
movaps -0xc0(%rbp),%xmm7
movaps -0xb0(%rbp),%xmm8
movaps -0xa0(%rbp),%xmm9
movaps -0x90(%rbp),%xmm10
movaps -0x80(%rbp),%xmm11
movaps -0x70(%rbp),%xmm12
movaps -0x60(%rbp),%xmm13
movaps -0x50(%rbp),%xmm14
movaps -0x40(%rbp),%xmm15
mov 0x10(%rbp),%rdi
mov 0x18(%rbp),%rsi
lea -0x28(%rbp), %rsp # restore %rsp to fixed allocation
.cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 0x38
pop %r15
.cfi_pop %r15
pop %r14
.cfi_pop %r14
pop %r13
.cfi_pop %r13
pop %r12
.cfi_pop %r12
pop %rbx
.cfi_pop %rbx
pop %rbp
.cfi_pop %rbp
.size aesni_gcm_decrypt,.-aesni_gcm_decrypt
.type _aesni_ctr32_6x,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 32
vmovdqu 0x00-0x80($key),$Z0 # borrow $Z0 for $rndkey
vmovdqu 0x20($const),$T2 # borrow $T2, .Lone_msb
lea -1($rounds),%r13
vmovups 0x10-0x80($key),$rndkey
lea 0x20-0x80($key),%r12
vpxor $Z0,$T1,$inout0
add \$`6<<24`,$counter
jc .Lhandle_ctr32_2
vpaddb $T2,$T1,$inout1
vpaddb $T2,$inout1,$inout2
vpxor $Z0,$inout1,$inout1
vpaddb $T2,$inout2,$inout3
vpxor $Z0,$inout2,$inout2
vpaddb $T2,$inout3,$inout4
vpxor $Z0,$inout3,$inout3
vpaddb $T2,$inout4,$inout5
vpxor $Z0,$inout4,$inout4
vpaddb $T2,$inout5,$T1
vpxor $Z0,$inout5,$inout5
jmp .Loop_ctr32
.align 16
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout0,$inout0
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout3,$inout3
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout4,$inout4
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout5,$inout5
vmovups (%r12),$rndkey
lea 0x10(%r12),%r12
dec %r13d
jnz .Loop_ctr32
vmovdqu (%r12),$Hkey # last round key
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout0,$inout0
vpxor 0x00($inp),$Hkey,$Z0
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout1,$inout1
vpxor 0x10($inp),$Hkey,$Z1
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout2,$inout2
vpxor 0x20($inp),$Hkey,$Z2
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout3,$inout3
vpxor 0x30($inp),$Hkey,$Xi
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout4,$inout4
vpxor 0x40($inp),$Hkey,$T2
vaesenc $rndkey,$inout5,$inout5
vpxor 0x50($inp),$Hkey,$Hkey
lea 0x60($inp),$inp
vaesenclast $Z0,$inout0,$inout0
vaesenclast $Z1,$inout1,$inout1
vaesenclast $Z2,$inout2,$inout2
vaesenclast $Xi,$inout3,$inout3
vaesenclast $T2,$inout4,$inout4
vaesenclast $Hkey,$inout5,$inout5
vmovups $inout0,0x00($out)
vmovups $inout1,0x10($out)
vmovups $inout2,0x20($out)
vmovups $inout3,0x30($out)
vmovups $inout4,0x40($out)
vmovups $inout5,0x50($out)
lea 0x60($out),$out
.align 32
vpshufb $Ii,$T1,$Z2 # byte-swap counter
vmovdqu 0x30($const),$Z1 # borrow $Z1, .Ltwo_lsb
vpaddd 0x40($const),$Z2,$inout1 # .Lone_lsb
vpaddd $Z1,$Z2,$inout2
vpaddd $Z1,$inout1,$inout3
vpshufb $Ii,$inout1,$inout1
vpaddd $Z1,$inout2,$inout4
vpshufb $Ii,$inout2,$inout2
vpxor $Z0,$inout1,$inout1
vpaddd $Z1,$inout3,$inout5
vpshufb $Ii,$inout3,$inout3
vpxor $Z0,$inout2,$inout2
vpaddd $Z1,$inout4,$T1 # byte-swapped next counter value
vpshufb $Ii,$inout4,$inout4
vpxor $Z0,$inout3,$inout3
vpshufb $Ii,$inout5,$inout5
vpxor $Z0,$inout4,$inout4
vpshufb $Ii,$T1,$T1 # next counter value
vpxor $Z0,$inout5,$inout5
jmp .Loop_ctr32
.size _aesni_ctr32_6x,.-_aesni_ctr32_6x
.globl aesni_gcm_encrypt
.type aesni_gcm_encrypt,\@abi-omnipotent
.align 32
.extern BORINGSSL_function_hit
movb \$1,BORINGSSL_function_hit+2(%rip)
xor %rax,%rax
# We call |_aesni_ctr32_6x| twice, each call consuming 96 bytes of
# input. Then we call |_aesni_ctr32_ghash_6x|, which requires at
# least 96 more bytes of input.
cmp \$0x60*3,$len # minimal accepted length
jb .Lgcm_enc_abort
push %rbp
.cfi_push %rbp
.seh_pushreg %rbp
mov %rsp, %rbp # save stack pointer
.cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp
push %rbx
.cfi_push %rbx
.seh_pushreg %rbx
push %r12
.cfi_push %r12
.seh_pushreg %r12
push %r13
.cfi_push %r13
.seh_pushreg %r13
push %r14
.cfi_push %r14
.seh_pushreg %r14
push %r15
.cfi_push %r15
.seh_pushreg %r15
if ($win64) {
lea -0xa8(%rsp),%rsp # 8 extra bytes to align the stack
.seh_allocstack 0xa8
.seh_setframe %rbp, 0xa8+5*8
# Load the last two parameters. These go into %rdi and %rsi, which are
# non-volatile on Windows, so stash them in the parameter stack area
# first.
mov %rdi, 0x10(%rbp)
.seh_savereg %rdi, 0xa8+5*8+0x10
mov %rsi, 0x18(%rbp)
.seh_savereg %rsi, 0xa8+5*8+0x18
mov 0x30(%rbp), $ivp
mov 0x38(%rbp), $Htable
# Save non-volatile XMM registers.
movaps %xmm6,-0xd0(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm6, 0xa8+5*8-0xd0
movaps %xmm7,-0xc0(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm7, 0xa8+5*8-0xc0
movaps %xmm8,-0xb0(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm8, 0xa8+5*8-0xb0
movaps %xmm9,-0xa0(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm9, 0xa8+5*8-0xa0
movaps %xmm10,-0x90(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm10, 0xa8+5*8-0x90
movaps %xmm11,-0x80(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm11, 0xa8+5*8-0x80
movaps %xmm12,-0x70(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm12, 0xa8+5*8-0x70
movaps %xmm13,-0x60(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm13, 0xa8+5*8-0x60
movaps %xmm14,-0x50(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm14, 0xa8+5*8-0x50
movaps %xmm15,-0x40(%rbp)
.seh_savexmm128 %xmm15, 0xa8+5*8-0x40
vmovdqu ($ivp),$T1 # input counter value
add \$-128,%rsp
mov 12($ivp),$counter
lea .Lbswap_mask(%rip),$const
lea -0x80($key),$in0 # borrow $in0
mov \$0xf80,$end0 # borrow $end0
lea 0x80($key),$key # size optimization
vmovdqu ($const),$Ii # borrow $Ii for .Lbswap_mask
and \$-128,%rsp # ensure stack alignment
mov 0xf0-0x80($key),$rounds
and $end0,$in0
and %rsp,$end0
sub $in0,$end0
jc .Lenc_no_key_aliasing
cmp \$768,$end0
jnc .Lenc_no_key_aliasing
sub $end0,%rsp # avoid aliasing with key
mov $out,$in0
# |_aesni_ctr32_ghash_6x| requires |$end0| to point to 2*96 (0xc0)
# bytes before the end of the input. Note, in particular, that this is
# correct even if |$len| is not an even multiple of 96 or 16. Unlike in
# the decryption case, there's no caveat that |$out| must not be near
# the very beginning of the address space, because we know that
# |$len| >= 3*96 from the check above, and so we know
# |$out| + |$len| >= 2*96 (0xc0).
lea -0xc0($out,$len),$end0
shr \$4,$len
call _aesni_ctr32_6x
vpshufb $Ii,$inout0,$Xi # save bswapped output on stack
vpshufb $Ii,$inout1,$T2
vmovdqu $Xi,0x70(%rsp)
vpshufb $Ii,$inout2,$Z0
vmovdqu $T2,0x60(%rsp)
vpshufb $Ii,$inout3,$Z1
vmovdqu $Z0,0x50(%rsp)
vpshufb $Ii,$inout4,$Z2
vmovdqu $Z1,0x40(%rsp)
vpshufb $Ii,$inout5,$Z3 # passed to _aesni_ctr32_ghash_6x
vmovdqu $Z2,0x30(%rsp)
call _aesni_ctr32_6x
mov $Xip_offset(%rbp), %r12
lea 0x20($Htable),$Htable # size optimization
vmovdqu (%r12),$Xi # load Xi
sub \$12,$len
mov \$0x60*2,%rax
vpshufb $Ii,$Xi,$Xi
call _aesni_ctr32_ghash_6x
vmovdqu 0x20(%rsp),$Z3 # I[5]
vmovdqu ($const),$Ii # borrow $Ii for .Lbswap_mask
vmovdqu 0x00-0x20($Htable),$Hkey # $Hkey^1
vpunpckhqdq $Z3,$Z3,$T1
vmovdqu 0x20-0x20($Htable),$rndkey # borrow $rndkey for $HK
vmovups $inout0,-0x60($out) # save output
vpshufb $Ii,$inout0,$inout0 # but keep bswapped copy
vpxor $Z3,$T1,$T1
vmovups $inout1,-0x50($out)
vpshufb $Ii,$inout1,$inout1
vmovups $inout2,-0x40($out)
vpshufb $Ii,$inout2,$inout2
vmovups $inout3,-0x30($out)
vpshufb $Ii,$inout3,$inout3
vmovups $inout4,-0x20($out)
vpshufb $Ii,$inout4,$inout4
vmovups $inout5,-0x10($out)
vpshufb $Ii,$inout5,$inout5
vmovdqu $inout0,0x10(%rsp) # free $inout0
{ my ($HK,$T3)=($rndkey,$inout0);
vmovdqu 0x30(%rsp),$Z2 # I[4]
vmovdqu 0x10-0x20($Htable),$Ii # borrow $Ii for $Hkey^2
vpunpckhqdq $Z2,$Z2,$T2
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Hkey,$Z3,$Z1
vpxor $Z2,$T2,$T2
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Hkey,$Z3,$Z3
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$HK,$T1,$T1
vmovdqu 0x40(%rsp),$T3 # I[3]
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Ii,$Z2,$Z0
vmovdqu 0x30-0x20($Htable),$Hkey # $Hkey^3
vpxor $Z1,$Z0,$Z0
vpunpckhqdq $T3,$T3,$Z1
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Ii,$Z2,$Z2
vpxor $T3,$Z1,$Z1
vpxor $Z3,$Z2,$Z2
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$HK,$T2,$T2
vmovdqu 0x50-0x20($Htable),$HK
vpxor $T1,$T2,$T2
vmovdqu 0x50(%rsp),$T1 # I[2]
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Hkey,$T3,$Z3
vmovdqu 0x40-0x20($Htable),$Ii # borrow $Ii for $Hkey^4
vpxor $Z0,$Z3,$Z3
vpunpckhqdq $T1,$T1,$Z0
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Hkey,$T3,$T3
vpxor $T1,$Z0,$Z0
vpxor $Z2,$T3,$T3
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$HK,$Z1,$Z1
vpxor $T2,$Z1,$Z1
vmovdqu 0x60(%rsp),$T2 # I[1]
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Ii,$T1,$Z2
vmovdqu 0x60-0x20($Htable),$Hkey # $Hkey^5
vpxor $Z3,$Z2,$Z2
vpunpckhqdq $T2,$T2,$Z3
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Ii,$T1,$T1
vpxor $T2,$Z3,$Z3
vpxor $T3,$T1,$T1
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$HK,$Z0,$Z0
vmovdqu 0x80-0x20($Htable),$HK
vpxor $Z1,$Z0,$Z0
vpxor 0x70(%rsp),$Xi,$Xi # accumulate I[0]
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Hkey,$T2,$Z1
vmovdqu 0x70-0x20($Htable),$Ii # borrow $Ii for $Hkey^6
vpunpckhqdq $Xi,$Xi,$T3
vpxor $Z2,$Z1,$Z1
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Hkey,$T2,$T2
vpxor $Xi,$T3,$T3
vpxor $T1,$T2,$T2
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$HK,$Z3,$Z3
vpxor $Z0,$Z3,$Z0
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Ii,$Xi,$Z2
vmovdqu 0x00-0x20($Htable),$Hkey # $Hkey^1
vpunpckhqdq $inout5,$inout5,$T1
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Ii,$Xi,$Xi
vpxor $inout5,$T1,$T1
vpxor $Z1,$Z2,$Z1
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$HK,$T3,$T3
vmovdqu 0x20-0x20($Htable),$HK
vpxor $T2,$Xi,$Z3
vpxor $Z0,$T3,$Z2
vmovdqu 0x10-0x20($Htable),$Ii # borrow $Ii for $Hkey^2
vpxor $Z1,$Z3,$T3 # aggregated Karatsuba post-processing
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Hkey,$inout5,$Z0
vpxor $T3,$Z2,$Z2
vpunpckhqdq $inout4,$inout4,$T2
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Hkey,$inout5,$inout5
vpxor $inout4,$T2,$T2
vpslldq \$8,$Z2,$T3
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$HK,$T1,$T1
vpxor $T3,$Z1,$Xi
vpsrldq \$8,$Z2,$Z2
vpxor $Z2,$Z3,$Z3
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Ii,$inout4,$Z1
vmovdqu 0x30-0x20($Htable),$Hkey # $Hkey^3
vpxor $Z0,$Z1,$Z1
vpunpckhqdq $inout3,$inout3,$T3
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Ii,$inout4,$inout4
vpxor $inout3,$T3,$T3
vpxor $inout5,$inout4,$inout4
vpalignr \$8,$Xi,$Xi,$inout5 # 1st phase
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$HK,$T2,$T2
vmovdqu 0x50-0x20($Htable),$HK
vpxor $T1,$T2,$T2
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Hkey,$inout3,$Z0
vmovdqu 0x40-0x20($Htable),$Ii # borrow $Ii for $Hkey^4
vpxor $Z1,$Z0,$Z0
vpunpckhqdq $inout2,$inout2,$T1
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Hkey,$inout3,$inout3
vpxor $inout2,$T1,$T1
vpxor $inout4,$inout3,$inout3
vxorps 0x10(%rsp),$Z3,$Z3 # accumulate $inout0
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$HK,$T3,$T3
vpxor $T2,$T3,$T3
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,0x10($const),$Xi,$Xi
vxorps $inout5,$Xi,$Xi
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Ii,$inout2,$Z1
vmovdqu 0x60-0x20($Htable),$Hkey # $Hkey^5
vpxor $Z0,$Z1,$Z1
vpunpckhqdq $inout1,$inout1,$T2
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Ii,$inout2,$inout2
vpxor $inout1,$T2,$T2
vpalignr \$8,$Xi,$Xi,$inout5 # 2nd phase
vpxor $inout3,$inout2,$inout2
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$HK,$T1,$T1
vmovdqu 0x80-0x20($Htable),$HK
vpxor $T3,$T1,$T1
vxorps $Z3,$inout5,$inout5
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,0x10($const),$Xi,$Xi
vxorps $inout5,$Xi,$Xi
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Hkey,$inout1,$Z0
vmovdqu 0x70-0x20($Htable),$Ii # borrow $Ii for $Hkey^6
vpxor $Z1,$Z0,$Z0
vpunpckhqdq $Xi,$Xi,$T3
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Hkey,$inout1,$inout1
vpxor $Xi,$T3,$T3
vpxor $inout2,$inout1,$inout1
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$HK,$T2,$T2
vpxor $T1,$T2,$T2
vpclmulqdq \$0x00,$Ii,$Xi,$Z1
vpclmulqdq \$0x11,$Ii,$Xi,$Z3
vpxor $Z0,$Z1,$Z1
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$HK,$T3,$Z2
vpxor $inout1,$Z3,$Z3
vpxor $T2,$Z2,$Z2
vpxor $Z1,$Z3,$Z0 # aggregated Karatsuba post-processing
vpxor $Z0,$Z2,$Z2
vpslldq \$8,$Z2,$T1
vmovdqu 0x10($const),$Hkey # .Lpoly
vpsrldq \$8,$Z2,$Z2
vpxor $T1,$Z1,$Xi
vpxor $Z2,$Z3,$Z3
vpalignr \$8,$Xi,$Xi,$T2 # 1st phase
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$Hkey,$Xi,$Xi
vpxor $T2,$Xi,$Xi
vpalignr \$8,$Xi,$Xi,$T2 # 2nd phase
vpclmulqdq \$0x10,$Hkey,$Xi,$Xi
vpxor $Z3,$T2,$T2
vpxor $T2,$Xi,$Xi
mov $Xip_offset(%rbp), %r12
vpshufb ($const),$Xi,$Xi # .Lbswap_mask
vmovdqu $Xi,(%r12) # output Xi
$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
movaps -0xd0(%rbp),%xmm6
movaps -0xc0(%rbp),%xmm7
movaps -0xb0(%rbp),%xmm8
movaps -0xa0(%rbp),%xmm9
movaps -0x90(%rbp),%xmm10
movaps -0x80(%rbp),%xmm11
movaps -0x70(%rbp),%xmm12
movaps -0x60(%rbp),%xmm13
movaps -0x50(%rbp),%xmm14
movaps -0x40(%rbp),%xmm15
mov 0x10(%rbp),%rdi
mov 0x18(%rbp),%rsi
lea -0x28(%rbp), %rsp # restore %rsp to fixed allocation
.cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 0x38
pop %r15
.cfi_pop %r15
pop %r14
.cfi_pop %r14
pop %r13
.cfi_pop %r13
pop %r12
.cfi_pop %r12
pop %rbx
.cfi_pop %rbx
pop %rbp
.cfi_pop %rbp
.size aesni_gcm_decrypt,.-aesni_gcm_decrypt
.section .rodata
.align 64
.byte 15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0xc2
.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
.byte 2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.byte 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.asciz "AES-NI GCM module for x86_64, CRYPTOGAMS by <appro\>"
.align 64
}}} else {{{
$code=<<___; # assembler is too old
.globl aesni_gcm_encrypt
.type aesni_gcm_encrypt,\@abi-omnipotent
xor %eax,%eax
.size aesni_gcm_encrypt,.-aesni_gcm_encrypt
.globl aesni_gcm_decrypt
.type aesni_gcm_decrypt,\@abi-omnipotent
xor %eax,%eax
.size aesni_gcm_decrypt,.-aesni_gcm_decrypt
$code =~ s/\`([^\`]*)\`/eval($1)/gem;
print $code;
close STDOUT or die "error closing STDOUT: $!";