Switch to the new, simpler WHATWG URL formulation.

In light of
the WHATWG URL parser is now more restrictive about which strings are
valid DNS names. The final component may not be numeric. Align the
ECHConfig validator with this.

Bug: 275
Change-Id: Iea2a3d9a7fee5bffc683da99274c54d60379be9e
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/49225
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
diff --git a/ssl/encrypted_client_hello.cc b/ssl/encrypted_client_hello.cc
index 5192cc6..64fee3d 100644
--- a/ssl/encrypted_client_hello.cc
+++ b/ssl/encrypted_client_hello.cc
@@ -310,103 +310,53 @@
   return true;
-static bool parse_ipv4_number(Span<const uint8_t> in, uint32_t *out) {
-  // See https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#ipv4-number-parser.
-  uint32_t base = 10;
-  if (in.size() >= 2 && in[0] == '0' && (in[1] == 'x' || in[1] == 'X')) {
-    in = in.subspan(2);
-    base = 16;
-  } else if (in.size() >= 1 && in[0] == '0') {
-    in = in.subspan(1);
-    base = 8;
+static bool is_hex_component(Span<const uint8_t> in) {
+  if (in.size() < 2 || in[0] != '0' || (in[1] != 'x' && in[1] != 'X')) {
+    return false;
-  *out = 0;
-  for (uint8_t c : in) {
-    uint32_t d;
-    if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
-      d = c - '0';
-    } else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') {
-      d = c - 'a' + 10;
-    } else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') {
-      d = c - 'A' + 10;
-    } else {
+  for (uint8_t b : in.subspan(2)) {
+    if (!('0' <= b && b <= '9') && !('a' <= b && b <= 'f') &&
+        !('A' <= b && b <= 'F')) {
       return false;
-    if (d >= base ||
-        *out > UINT32_MAX / base) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    *out *= base;
-    if (*out > UINT32_MAX - d) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    *out += d;
   return true;
-static bool is_ipv4_address(Span<const uint8_t> in) {
-  // See https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-ipv4-parser
-  //
-  // TODO(https://crbug.com/boringssl/275): Revise this, and maybe the spec, per
-  // https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/7QN5nxjwIfM/m/q9dw9MxoAwAJ
-  uint32_t numbers[4];
-  size_t num_numbers = 0;
-  while (!in.empty()) {
-    if (num_numbers == 4) {
-      // Too many components.
-      return false;
-    }
-    // Find the next dot-separated component.
-    auto dot = std::find(in.begin(), in.end(), '.');
-    if (dot == in.begin()) {
-      // Empty components are not allowed.
-      return false;
-    }
-    Span<const uint8_t> component;
-    if (dot == in.end()) {
-      component = in;
-      in = Span<const uint8_t>();
-    } else {
-      component = in.subspan(0, dot - in.begin());
-      in = in.subspan(dot - in.begin() + 1);  // Skip the dot.
-    }
-    if (!parse_ipv4_number(component, &numbers[num_numbers])) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    num_numbers++;
-  }
-  if (num_numbers == 0) {
+static bool is_decimal_component(Span<const uint8_t> in) {
+  if (in.empty()) {
     return false;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_numbers - 1; i++) {
-    if (numbers[i] > 255) {
+  for (uint8_t b : in) {
+    if (!('0' <= b && b <= '9')) {
       return false;
-  return num_numbers == 1 ||
-         numbers[num_numbers - 1] < 1u << (8 * (5 - num_numbers));
+  return true;
 bool ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(Span<const uint8_t> public_name) {
   // See draft-ietf-tls-esni-13, Section 4 and RFC 5890, Section 2.3.1. The
   // public name must be a dot-separated sequence of LDH labels and not begin or
   // end with a dot.
-  auto copy = public_name;
-  if (copy.empty()) {
+  auto remaining = public_name;
+  if (remaining.empty()) {
     return false;
-  while (!copy.empty()) {
+  Span<const uint8_t> last;
+  while (!remaining.empty()) {
     // Find the next dot-separated component.
-    auto dot = std::find(copy.begin(), copy.end(), '.');
+    auto dot = std::find(remaining.begin(), remaining.end(), '.');
     Span<const uint8_t> component;
-    if (dot == copy.end()) {
-      component = copy;
-      copy = Span<const uint8_t>();
+    if (dot == remaining.end()) {
+      component = remaining;
+      last = component;
+      remaining = Span<const uint8_t>();
     } else {
-      component = copy.subspan(0, dot - copy.begin());
-      copy = copy.subspan(dot - copy.begin() + 1);  // Skip the dot.
-      if (copy.empty()) {
+      component = remaining.subspan(0, dot - remaining.begin());
+      // Skip the dot.
+      remaining = remaining.subspan(dot - remaining.begin() + 1);
+      if (remaining.empty()) {
         // Trailing dots are not allowed.
         return false;
@@ -425,7 +375,15 @@
-  return !is_ipv4_address(public_name);
+  // The WHATWG URL parser additionally does not allow any DNS names that end in
+  // a numeric component. See:
+  // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-host-parser
+  // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#ends-in-a-number-checker
+  //
+  // The WHATWG parser is formulated in terms of parsing decimal, octal, and
+  // hex, along with a separate ASCII digits check. The ASCII digits check
+  // subsumes the decimal and octal check, so we only need to check two cases.
+  return !is_hex_component(last) && !is_decimal_component(last);
 static bool parse_ech_config(CBS *cbs, ECHConfig *out, bool *out_supported,
diff --git a/ssl/ssl_test.cc b/ssl/ssl_test.cc
index 60d820b..7ab5054 100644
--- a/ssl/ssl_test.cc
+++ b/ssl/ssl_test.cc
@@ -2119,44 +2119,39 @@
-  // Inputs that parse as IPv4 addresses are rejected.
+  // Inputs with trailing numeric components are rejected.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0177.0.0.01")));
-      ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0x7f.0x.0x.0x00000001")));
-      ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0XAB.0XCD.0XEF.0X01")));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("")));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("")));
-  // Out-of-bounds or overflowing components are not IP addresses.
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("")));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("255.0x100.255.255")));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("example.1")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("example.01")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("example.0x01")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("example.0X01")));
+  // Leading zeros and values that overflow |uint32_t| are still rejected.
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(
+      str_to_span("example.123456789000000000000000")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(
+      str_to_span("example.012345678900000000000000")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(
+      str_to_span("example.0x123456789abcdefABCDEF0")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(
+      str_to_span("example.0x0123456789abcdefABCDEF")));
+  // Adding a non-digit or non-hex character makes it a valid DNS name again.
+  // Single-component numbers are rejected.
-      str_to_span("")));
-  // Invalid characters for the base are not IP addresses.
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("12a.0.0.1")));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0xg.0.0.1")));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("")));
-  // Trailing components can be merged into a single component.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("127.0.1")));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("127.1")));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("2130706433")));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0x7f000001")));
-  // Merged components must respect their limits.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("")));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0.0.0xffff")));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0.0xffffff")));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0xffffffff")));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("")));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0.0.0x10000")));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0.0x1000000")));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0x100000000")));
-  // Correctly handle overflow in decimal and octal.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("037777777777")));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("040000000000")));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("4294967295")));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("4294967296")));
+      str_to_span("example.1234567890a")));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(
+      str_to_span("example.01234567890a")));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(
+      str_to_span("example.0x123456789abcdefg")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("1")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("01")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0x01")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0X01")));
+  // Numbers with trailing dots are rejected. (They are already rejected by the
+  // LDH label rules, but the WHATWG URL parser additionally rejects them.)
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("1.")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("01.")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0x01.")));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(ssl_is_valid_ech_public_name(str_to_span("0X01.")));
 // When using the built-in verifier, test that |SSL_get0_ech_name_override| is