Check in pre-generated perlasm and error data files

This adds a tool for managing pre-generated files, aligning our CMake
and non-CMake builds. The plan is roughly:

The source of truth for the file lists will (eventually) be build.json.
This describes the build in terms of the files that we directly edit.

However, we have a two-phase build. First a pregeneration step
transforms some of the less convenient inputs into checked in files.
Notably perlasm files get expanded. This produces an equivalent JSON
structure with fewer inputs. The same tool then outputs that structure
into whatever build systems we want.

This initial version pre-generates err_data.c and perlasm files. I've
not wired up the various build formats, except for CMake (for the CMake
build to consume) and JSON (for to parse).
build.json is also, for now, only a subset of the build. Later changes

The upshot of all this is we no longer have a Perl build dependency!
Perl is now only needed when working on BoringSSL. It nearly removes the
Go one, but Go is still needed to run and (for now) build the tests.

To keep the generated files up-to-date, once this lands, I'll update our
CI to run `go run ./util/pregenerate -check` which asserts that all
generated files are correct. From there we can land the later changes in
this patch series that uses this more extensively. My eventual goal is
to replace altogether and the
"master-with-bazel" branch. Instead we'll just have sources.bzl,
sources.gni, etc. all checked into the tree directly. And then the
normal branch will just have both a CMake and Bazel build in it.

Update-Note: no longer generates assembly files
or err_data.c. Those are now checked into the tree directly.

Bug: 542
Change-Id: I71f5ff7417be811f8b7888b345279474e6b38ee9
Reviewed-by: Bob Beck <>
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <>
diff --git a/gen/bcm/x86_64-mont5-win.asm b/gen/bcm/x86_64-mont5-win.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46aae51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gen/bcm/x86_64-mont5-win.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,3864 @@
+; This file is generated from a similarly-named Perl script in the BoringSSL
+; source tree. Do not edit by hand.
+%ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__, win64
+default	rel
+%define XMMWORD
+%define YMMWORD
+%define ZMMWORD
+%define _CET_ENDBR
+%include ""
+section	.text code align=64
+global	bn_mul_mont_gather5
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	mov	rcx,r9
+	mov	r8,QWORD[40+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[48+rsp]
+	mov	r9d,r9d
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	test	r9d,7
+	jnz	NEAR $L$mul_enter
+	lea	r11,[OPENSSL_ia32cap_P]
+	mov	r11d,DWORD[8+r11]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$mul4x_enter
+	movd	xmm5,DWORD[56+rsp]
+	push	rbx
+	push	rbp
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	push	r14
+	push	r15
+	neg	r9
+	mov	r11,rsp
+	lea	r10,[((-280))+r9*8+rsp]
+	neg	r9
+	and	r10,-1024
+	sub	r11,r10
+	and	r11,-4096
+	lea	rsp,[r11*1+r10]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[rsp]
+	cmp	rsp,r10
+	ja	NEAR $L$mul_page_walk
+	jmp	NEAR $L$mul_page_walk_done
+	lea	rsp,[((-4096))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[rsp]
+	cmp	rsp,r10
+	ja	NEAR $L$mul_page_walk
+	lea	r10,[$L$inc]
+	mov	QWORD[8+r9*8+rsp],rax
+	lea	r12,[128+rdx]
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[r10]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+r10]
+	lea	r10,[((24-112))+r9*8+rsp]
+	and	r10,-16
+	pshufd	xmm5,xmm5,0
+	movdqa	xmm4,xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm1
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	DB	0x67
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[112+r10],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[128+r10],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[144+r10],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[160+r10],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[176+r10],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[192+r10],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[208+r10],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[224+r10],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[240+r10],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[256+r10],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[272+r10],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[288+r10],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[304+r10],xmm0
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	DB	0x67
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[320+r10],xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[336+r10],xmm2
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[64+r12]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[80+r12]
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[96+r12]
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[352+r10],xmm3
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[112+r12]
+	por	xmm0,xmm2
+	por	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm4,XMMWORD[((-128))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm5,XMMWORD[((-112))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-96))+r12]
+	pand	xmm4,XMMWORD[112+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-80))+r12]
+	pand	xmm5,XMMWORD[128+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[144+r10]
+	por	xmm1,xmm5
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[160+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm2
+	por	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm4,XMMWORD[((-64))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm5,XMMWORD[((-48))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-32))+r12]
+	pand	xmm4,XMMWORD[176+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-16))+r12]
+	pand	xmm5,XMMWORD[192+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[208+r10]
+	por	xmm1,xmm5
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[224+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm2
+	por	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm4,XMMWORD[r12]
+	movdqa	xmm5,XMMWORD[16+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+r12]
+	pand	xmm4,XMMWORD[240+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+r12]
+	pand	xmm5,XMMWORD[256+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[272+r10]
+	por	xmm1,xmm5
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[288+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm2
+	por	xmm1,xmm3
+	por	xmm0,xmm1
+	pshufd	xmm1,xmm0,0x4e
+	por	xmm0,xmm1
+	lea	r12,[256+r12]
+DB	102,72,15,126,195
+	mov	r8,QWORD[r8]
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rsi]
+	xor	r14,r14
+	xor	r15,r15
+	mov	rbp,r8
+	mul	rbx
+	mov	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rcx]
+	imul	rbp,r10
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	lea	r15,[1+r15]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$1st_enter
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[r15*8+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r11
+	mov	r11,r10
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+r15*8+rsp],r13
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[r15*8+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	lea	r15,[1+r15]
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	cmp	r15,r9
+	jne	NEAR $L$1st
+	add	r13,rax
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r11
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+r9*8+rsp],r13
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	mov	r11,r10
+	xor	rdx,rdx
+	add	r13,r11
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+r9*8+rsp],r13
+	mov	QWORD[r9*8+rsp],rdx
+	lea	r14,[1+r14]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$outer
+	lea	rdx,[((24+128))+r9*8+rsp]
+	and	rdx,-16
+	pxor	xmm4,xmm4
+	pxor	xmm5,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-128))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-112))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-96))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-80))+r12]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-128))+rdx]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-112))+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-96))+rdx]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-80))+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-64))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-48))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-32))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-16))+r12]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-64))+rdx]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-48))+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-32))+rdx]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-16))+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[r12]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+r12]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[rdx]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+rdx]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[64+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[80+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[96+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[112+r12]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[64+rdx]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[80+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[96+rdx]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[112+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	por	xmm4,xmm5
+	pshufd	xmm0,xmm4,0x4e
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	lea	r12,[256+r12]
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rsi]
+DB	102,72,15,126,195
+	xor	r15,r15
+	mov	rbp,r8
+	mov	r10,QWORD[rsp]
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	imul	rbp,r10
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r10,QWORD[8+rsp]
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	lea	r15,[1+r15]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$inner_enter
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[r15*8+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r10
+	mov	r10,QWORD[r15*8+rsp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+r15*8+rsp],r13
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[r15*8+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r10,r11
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	adc	r11,0
+	lea	r15,[1+r15]
+	mul	rbp
+	cmp	r15,r9
+	jne	NEAR $L$inner
+	add	r13,rax
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r10
+	mov	r10,QWORD[r9*8+rsp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+r9*8+rsp],r13
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	xor	rdx,rdx
+	add	r13,r11
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r10
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+r9*8+rsp],r13
+	mov	QWORD[r9*8+rsp],rdx
+	lea	r14,[1+r14]
+	cmp	r14,r9
+	jb	NEAR $L$outer
+	xor	r14,r14
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[rsp]
+	mov	r15,r9
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sub
+$L$sub:	sbb	rax,QWORD[r14*8+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[r14*8+rdi],rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+r14*8+rsi]
+	lea	r14,[1+r14]
+	dec	r15
+	jnz	NEAR $L$sub
+	sbb	rax,0
+	mov	rbx,-1
+	xor	rbx,rax
+	xor	r14,r14
+	mov	r15,r9
+	mov	rcx,QWORD[r14*8+rdi]
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[r14*8+rsp]
+	and	rcx,rbx
+	and	rdx,rax
+	mov	QWORD[r14*8+rsp],r14
+	or	rdx,rcx
+	mov	QWORD[r14*8+rdi],rdx
+	lea	r14,[1+r14]
+	sub	r15,1
+	jnz	NEAR $L$copy
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[8+r9*8+rsp]
+	mov	rax,1
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi]
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi]
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
+	lea	rsp,[rsi]
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	ret
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	mov	rcx,r9
+	mov	r8,QWORD[40+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[48+rsp]
+	DB	0x67
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	and	r11d,0x80108
+	cmp	r11d,0x80108
+	je	NEAR $L$mulx4x_enter
+	push	rbx
+	push	rbp
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	push	r14
+	push	r15
+	DB	0x67
+	shl	r9d,3
+	lea	r10,[r9*2+r9]
+	neg	r9
+	lea	r11,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+	mov	rbp,rsp
+	sub	r11,rdi
+	and	r11,4095
+	cmp	r10,r11
+	jb	NEAR $L$mul4xsp_alt
+	sub	rbp,r11
+	lea	rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$mul4xsp_done
+	lea	r10,[((4096-320))+r9*2]
+	lea	rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
+	sub	r11,r10
+	mov	r10,0
+	cmovc	r11,r10
+	sub	rbp,r11
+	and	rbp,-64
+	mov	r11,rsp
+	sub	r11,rbp
+	and	r11,-4096
+	lea	rsp,[rbp*1+r11]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[rsp]
+	cmp	rsp,rbp
+	ja	NEAR $L$mul4x_page_walk
+	jmp	NEAR $L$mul4x_page_walk_done
+	lea	rsp,[((-4096))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[rsp]
+	cmp	rsp,rbp
+	ja	NEAR $L$mul4x_page_walk
+	neg	r9
+	mov	QWORD[40+rsp],rax
+	call	mul4x_internal
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[40+rsp]
+	mov	rax,1
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi]
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi]
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
+	lea	rsp,[rsi]
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	ret
+	shl	r9,5
+	movd	xmm5,DWORD[56+rax]
+	lea	rax,[$L$inc]
+	lea	r13,[128+r9*1+rdx]
+	shr	r9,5
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[rax]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+rax]
+	lea	r10,[((88-112))+r9*1+rsp]
+	lea	r12,[128+rdx]
+	pshufd	xmm5,xmm5,0
+	movdqa	xmm4,xmm1
+	DB	0x67,0x67
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm1
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	DB	0x67
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[112+r10],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[128+r10],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[144+r10],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[160+r10],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[176+r10],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[192+r10],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[208+r10],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[224+r10],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[240+r10],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[256+r10],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[272+r10],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[288+r10],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[304+r10],xmm0
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	DB	0x67
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[320+r10],xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[336+r10],xmm2
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[64+r12]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[80+r12]
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[96+r12]
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[352+r10],xmm3
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[112+r12]
+	por	xmm0,xmm2
+	por	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm4,XMMWORD[((-128))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm5,XMMWORD[((-112))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-96))+r12]
+	pand	xmm4,XMMWORD[112+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-80))+r12]
+	pand	xmm5,XMMWORD[128+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[144+r10]
+	por	xmm1,xmm5
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[160+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm2
+	por	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm4,XMMWORD[((-64))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm5,XMMWORD[((-48))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-32))+r12]
+	pand	xmm4,XMMWORD[176+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-16))+r12]
+	pand	xmm5,XMMWORD[192+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[208+r10]
+	por	xmm1,xmm5
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[224+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm2
+	por	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm4,XMMWORD[r12]
+	movdqa	xmm5,XMMWORD[16+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+r12]
+	pand	xmm4,XMMWORD[240+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+r12]
+	pand	xmm5,XMMWORD[256+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[272+r10]
+	por	xmm1,xmm5
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[288+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm2
+	por	xmm1,xmm3
+	por	xmm0,xmm1
+	pshufd	xmm1,xmm0,0x4e
+	por	xmm0,xmm1
+	lea	r12,[256+r12]
+DB	102,72,15,126,195
+	mov	QWORD[((16+8))+rsp],r13
+	mov	QWORD[((56+8))+rsp],rdi
+	mov	r8,QWORD[r8]
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rsi]
+	lea	rsi,[r9*1+rsi]
+	neg	r9
+	mov	rbp,r8
+	mul	rbx
+	mov	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rcx]
+	imul	rbp,r10
+	lea	r14,[((64+8))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+r9*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rdi,rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	rdi,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[16+r9*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	rdi,r11
+	lea	r15,[32+r9]
+	lea	rcx,[32+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[r14],rdi
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	jmp	NEAR $L$1st4x
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-16))+rcx]
+	lea	r14,[32+r14]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-8))+r15*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r10
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+r14],r13
+	mov	rdi,rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-8))+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	rdi,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[r15*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	rdi,r11
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+r14],rdi
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+r15*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r10
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+r14],r13
+	mov	rdi,rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	rdi,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[16+r15*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	rdi,r11
+	lea	rcx,[32+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[r14],rdi
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	add	r15,32
+	jnz	NEAR $L$1st4x
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-16))+rcx]
+	lea	r14,[32+r14]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r10
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+r14],r13
+	mov	rdi,rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-8))+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	rdi,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[r9*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	rdi,r11
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+r14],rdi
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	lea	rcx,[r9*1+rcx]
+	xor	rdi,rdi
+	add	r13,r10
+	adc	rdi,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+r14],r13
+	jmp	NEAR $L$outer4x
+	lea	rdx,[((16+128))+r14]
+	pxor	xmm4,xmm4
+	pxor	xmm5,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-128))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-112))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-96))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-80))+r12]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-128))+rdx]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-112))+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-96))+rdx]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-80))+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-64))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-48))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-32))+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-16))+r12]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-64))+rdx]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-48))+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-32))+rdx]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-16))+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[r12]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+r12]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[rdx]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+rdx]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[64+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[80+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[96+r12]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[112+r12]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[64+rdx]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[80+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[96+rdx]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[112+rdx]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	por	xmm4,xmm5
+	pshufd	xmm0,xmm4,0x4e
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	lea	r12,[256+r12]
+DB	102,72,15,126,195
+	mov	r10,QWORD[r9*1+r14]
+	mov	rbp,r8
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	imul	rbp,r10
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[r14],rdi
+	lea	r14,[r9*1+r14]
+	mul	rbp
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+r9*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rdi,rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r11,QWORD[8+r14]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	rdi,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[16+r9*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	rdi,r11
+	lea	r15,[32+r9]
+	lea	rcx,[32+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	jmp	NEAR $L$inner4x
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-16))+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r10,QWORD[16+r14]
+	lea	r14,[32+r14]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-8))+r15*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r10
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-32))+r14],rdi
+	mov	rdi,rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-8))+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r11,QWORD[((-8))+r14]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	rdi,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[r15*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	rdi,r11
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+r14],r13
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r10,QWORD[r14]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+r15*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r10
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+r14],rdi
+	mov	rdi,rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r11,QWORD[8+r14]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	rdi,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[16+r15*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	rdi,r11
+	lea	rcx,[32+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+r14],r13
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	add	r15,32
+	jnz	NEAR $L$inner4x
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-16))+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r10,QWORD[16+r14]
+	lea	r14,[32+r14]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r10
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-32))+r14],rdi
+	mov	rdi,rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[((-8))+rcx]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r11,QWORD[((-8))+r14]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	add	rdi,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[r9*1+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	rdi,r11
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+r14],r13
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+r14],rdi
+	lea	rcx,[r9*1+rcx]
+	xor	rdi,rdi
+	add	r13,r10
+	adc	rdi,0
+	add	r13,QWORD[r14]
+	adc	rdi,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+r14],r13
+	cmp	r12,QWORD[((16+8))+rsp]
+	jb	NEAR $L$outer4x
+	xor	rax,rax
+	sub	rbp,r13
+	adc	r15,r15
+	or	rdi,r15
+	sub	rax,rdi
+	lea	rbx,[r9*1+r14]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[rcx]
+	lea	rbp,[rcx]
+	mov	rcx,r9
+	sar	rcx,3+2
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[((56+8))+rsp]
+	dec	r12
+	xor	r10,r10
+	mov	r13,QWORD[8+rbp]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[16+rbp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[24+rbp]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqr4x_sub_entry
+global	bn_power5
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	mov	rcx,r9
+	mov	r8,QWORD[40+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[48+rsp]
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	lea	r11,[OPENSSL_ia32cap_P]
+	mov	r11d,DWORD[8+r11]
+	and	r11d,0x80108
+	cmp	r11d,0x80108
+	je	NEAR $L$powerx5_enter
+	push	rbx
+	push	rbp
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	push	r14
+	push	r15
+	shl	r9d,3
+	lea	r10d,[r9*2+r9]
+	neg	r9
+	mov	r8,QWORD[r8]
+	lea	r11,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+	mov	rbp,rsp
+	sub	r11,rdi
+	and	r11,4095
+	cmp	r10,r11
+	jb	NEAR $L$pwr_sp_alt
+	sub	rbp,r11
+	lea	rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$pwr_sp_done
+	lea	r10,[((4096-320))+r9*2]
+	lea	rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
+	sub	r11,r10
+	mov	r10,0
+	cmovc	r11,r10
+	sub	rbp,r11
+	and	rbp,-64
+	mov	r11,rsp
+	sub	r11,rbp
+	and	r11,-4096
+	lea	rsp,[rbp*1+r11]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[rsp]
+	cmp	rsp,rbp
+	ja	NEAR $L$pwr_page_walk
+	jmp	NEAR $L$pwr_page_walk_done
+	lea	rsp,[((-4096))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[rsp]
+	cmp	rsp,rbp
+	ja	NEAR $L$pwr_page_walk
+	mov	r10,r9
+	neg	r9
+	mov	QWORD[32+rsp],r8
+	mov	QWORD[40+rsp],rax
+DB	102,72,15,110,207
+DB	102,72,15,110,209
+DB	102,73,15,110,218
+DB	102,72,15,110,226
+	call	__bn_sqr8x_internal
+	call	__bn_post4x_internal
+	call	__bn_sqr8x_internal
+	call	__bn_post4x_internal
+	call	__bn_sqr8x_internal
+	call	__bn_post4x_internal
+	call	__bn_sqr8x_internal
+	call	__bn_post4x_internal
+	call	__bn_sqr8x_internal
+	call	__bn_post4x_internal
+DB	102,72,15,126,209
+DB	102,72,15,126,226
+	mov	rdi,rsi
+	mov	rax,QWORD[40+rsp]
+	lea	r8,[32+rsp]
+	call	mul4x_internal
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[40+rsp]
+	mov	rax,1
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi]
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi]
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
+	lea	rsp,[rsi]
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	ret
+global	bn_sqr8x_internal
+	lea	rbp,[32+r10]
+	lea	rsi,[r9*1+rsi]
+	mov	rcx,r9
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((-32))+rbp*1+rsi]
+	lea	rdi,[((48+8))+r9*2+rsp]
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-24))+rbp*1+rsi]
+	lea	rdi,[((-32))+rbp*1+rdi]
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((-16))+rbp*1+rsi]
+	mov	r15,rax
+	mul	r14
+	mov	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+rbp*1+rdi],r10
+	mul	r14
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+rbp*1+rdi],r11
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rbp*1+rsi]
+	mul	r15
+	mov	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	lea	rcx,[rbp]
+	mul	r14
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	adc	r11,0
+	add	r10,r12
+	adc	r11,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+rcx*1+rdi],r10
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqr4x_1st
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[rcx*1+rsi]
+	mul	r15
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	r12,rdx
+	adc	r12,0
+	mul	r14
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[8+rcx*1+rsi]
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	adc	r10,0
+	add	r11,r13
+	adc	r10,0
+	mul	r15
+	add	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	QWORD[rcx*1+rdi],r11
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	adc	r13,0
+	mul	r14
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[16+rcx*1+rsi]
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	adc	r11,0
+	add	r10,r12
+	adc	r11,0
+	mul	r15
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rcx*1+rdi],r10
+	mov	r12,rdx
+	adc	r12,0
+	mul	r14
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[24+rcx*1+rsi]
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	adc	r10,0
+	add	r11,r13
+	adc	r10,0
+	mul	r15
+	add	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	QWORD[16+rcx*1+rdi],r11
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	adc	r13,0
+	lea	rcx,[32+rcx]
+	mul	r14
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	adc	r11,0
+	add	r10,r12
+	adc	r11,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+rcx*1+rdi],r10
+	cmp	rcx,0
+	jne	NEAR $L$sqr4x_1st
+	mul	r15
+	add	r13,rax
+	lea	rbp,[16+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r11
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r13
+	mov	r12,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],rdx
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqr4x_outer
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((-32))+rbp*1+rsi]
+	lea	rdi,[((48+8))+r9*2+rsp]
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-24))+rbp*1+rsi]
+	lea	rdi,[((-32))+rbp*1+rdi]
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((-16))+rbp*1+rsi]
+	mov	r15,rax
+	mul	r14
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((-24))+rbp*1+rdi]
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+rbp*1+rdi],r10
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mul	r14
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r11,QWORD[((-16))+rbp*1+rdi]
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	adc	r10,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+rbp*1+rdi],r11
+	xor	r12,r12
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rbp*1+rsi]
+	mul	r15
+	add	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r12,QWORD[((-8))+rbp*1+rdi]
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	adc	r13,0
+	mul	r14
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r10,r12
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	adc	r11,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+rbp*1+rdi],r10
+	lea	rcx,[rbp]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqr4x_inner
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[rcx*1+rsi]
+	mul	r15
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	r12,rdx
+	adc	r12,0
+	add	r13,QWORD[rcx*1+rdi]
+	adc	r12,0
+	DB	0x67
+	mul	r14
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[8+rcx*1+rsi]
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	adc	r10,0
+	add	r11,r13
+	adc	r10,0
+	mul	r15
+	add	r12,rax
+	mov	QWORD[rcx*1+rdi],r11
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	adc	r13,0
+	add	r12,QWORD[8+rcx*1+rdi]
+	lea	rcx,[16+rcx]
+	adc	r13,0
+	mul	r14
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r10,r12
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	adc	r11,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+rcx*1+rdi],r10
+	cmp	rcx,0
+	jne	NEAR $L$sqr4x_inner
+	DB	0x67
+	mul	r15
+	add	r13,rax
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r11
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r13
+	mov	r12,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],rdx
+	add	rbp,16
+	jnz	NEAR $L$sqr4x_outer
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((-32))+rsi]
+	lea	rdi,[((48+8))+r9*2+rsp]
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-24))+rsi]
+	lea	rdi,[((-32))+rbp*1+rdi]
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((-16))+rsi]
+	mov	r15,rax
+	mul	r14
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	adc	r11,0
+	mul	r14
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+rdi],r10
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	adc	r10,0
+	add	r11,r13
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
+	adc	r10,0
+	mul	r15
+	add	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+rdi],r11
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	adc	r13,0
+	mul	r14
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,rbx
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	adc	r11,0
+	add	r10,r12
+	adc	r11,0
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+rdi],r10
+	mul	r15
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-16))+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r11
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r13
+	mov	r12,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],rdx
+	mul	rbx
+	add	rbp,16
+	xor	r14,r14
+	sub	rbp,r9
+	xor	r15,r15
+	add	rax,r12
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],rax
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],rdx
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r15
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-16))+rbp*1+rsi]
+	lea	rdi,[((48+8))+rsp]
+	xor	r10,r10
+	mov	r11,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	lea	r12,[r10*2+r14]
+	shr	r10,63
+	lea	r13,[r11*2+rcx]
+	shr	r11,63
+	or	r13,r10
+	mov	r10,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	mov	r14,r11
+	mul	rax
+	neg	r15
+	mov	r11,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	adc	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-8))+rbp*1+rsi]
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r12
+	adc	r13,rdx
+	lea	rbx,[r10*2+r14]
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r13
+	sbb	r15,r15
+	shr	r10,63
+	lea	r8,[r11*2+rcx]
+	shr	r11,63
+	or	r8,r10
+	mov	r10,QWORD[32+rdi]
+	mov	r14,r11
+	mul	rax
+	neg	r15
+	mov	r11,QWORD[40+rdi]
+	adc	rbx,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rbp*1+rsi]
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],rbx
+	adc	r8,rdx
+	lea	rbp,[16+rbp]
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r8
+	sbb	r15,r15
+	lea	rdi,[64+rdi]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqr4x_shift_n_add
+	lea	r12,[r10*2+r14]
+	shr	r10,63
+	lea	r13,[r11*2+rcx]
+	shr	r11,63
+	or	r13,r10
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((-16))+rdi]
+	mov	r14,r11
+	mul	rax
+	neg	r15
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((-8))+rdi]
+	adc	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-8))+rbp*1+rsi]
+	mov	QWORD[((-32))+rdi],r12
+	adc	r13,rdx
+	lea	rbx,[r10*2+r14]
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+rdi],r13
+	sbb	r15,r15
+	shr	r10,63
+	lea	r8,[r11*2+rcx]
+	shr	r11,63
+	or	r8,r10
+	mov	r10,QWORD[rdi]
+	mov	r14,r11
+	mul	rax
+	neg	r15
+	mov	r11,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	adc	rbx,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rbp*1+rsi]
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+rdi],rbx
+	adc	r8,rdx
+	lea	r12,[r10*2+r14]
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+rdi],r8
+	sbb	r15,r15
+	shr	r10,63
+	lea	r13,[r11*2+rcx]
+	shr	r11,63
+	or	r13,r10
+	mov	r10,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	mov	r14,r11
+	mul	rax
+	neg	r15
+	mov	r11,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	adc	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+rbp*1+rsi]
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r12
+	adc	r13,rdx
+	lea	rbx,[r10*2+r14]
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r13
+	sbb	r15,r15
+	shr	r10,63
+	lea	r8,[r11*2+rcx]
+	shr	r11,63
+	or	r8,r10
+	mov	r10,QWORD[32+rdi]
+	mov	r14,r11
+	mul	rax
+	neg	r15
+	mov	r11,QWORD[40+rdi]
+	adc	rbx,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[16+rbp*1+rsi]
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],rbx
+	adc	r8,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r8
+	sbb	r15,r15
+	lea	rdi,[64+rdi]
+	add	rbp,32
+	jnz	NEAR $L$sqr4x_shift_n_add
+	lea	r12,[r10*2+r14]
+	DB	0x67
+	shr	r10,63
+	lea	r13,[r11*2+rcx]
+	shr	r11,63
+	or	r13,r10
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((-16))+rdi]
+	mov	r14,r11
+	mul	rax
+	neg	r15
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((-8))+rdi]
+	adc	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
+	mov	QWORD[((-32))+rdi],r12
+	adc	r13,rdx
+	lea	rbx,[r10*2+r14]
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+rdi],r13
+	sbb	r15,r15
+	shr	r10,63
+	lea	r8,[r11*2+rcx]
+	shr	r11,63
+	or	r8,r10
+	mul	rax
+	neg	r15
+	adc	rbx,rax
+	adc	r8,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+rdi],rbx
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+rdi],r8
+DB	102,72,15,126,213
+	xor	rax,rax
+	lea	rcx,[rbp*1+r9]
+	lea	rdx,[((48+8))+r9*2+rsp]
+	mov	QWORD[((0+8))+rsp],rcx
+	lea	rdi,[((48+8))+r9*1+rsp]
+	mov	QWORD[((8+8))+rsp],rdx
+	neg	r9
+	jmp	NEAR $L$8x_reduction_loop
+	lea	rdi,[r9*1+rdi]
+	DB	0x66
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[rdi]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[32+rdi]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[40+rdi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[48+rdi]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[56+rdi]
+	mov	QWORD[rdx],rax
+	lea	rdi,[64+rdi]
+	DB	0x67
+	mov	r8,rbx
+	imul	rbx,QWORD[((32+8))+rsp]
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rbp]
+	mov	ecx,8
+	jmp	NEAR $L$8x_reduce
+	mul	rbx
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+rbp]
+	neg	r8
+	mov	r8,rdx
+	adc	r8,0
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r9,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[16+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r8,r9
+	mov	QWORD[((48-8+8))+rcx*8+rsp],rbx
+	mov	r9,rdx
+	adc	r9,0
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[24+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r9,r10
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[((32+8))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	adc	r10,0
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[32+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	imul	rsi,r8
+	add	r10,r11
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	adc	r11,0
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[40+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r11,r12
+	mov	r12,rdx
+	adc	r12,0
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[48+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r12,r13
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	adc	r13,0
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r14,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[56+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r14
+	mov	r14,rdx
+	adc	r14,0
+	mul	rbx
+	mov	rbx,rsi
+	add	r15,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r14,r15
+	mov	r15,rdx
+	adc	r15,0
+	dec	ecx
+	jnz	NEAR $L$8x_reduce
+	lea	rbp,[64+rbp]
+	xor	rax,rax
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[((8+8))+rsp]
+	cmp	rbp,QWORD[((0+8))+rsp]
+	jae	NEAR $L$8x_no_tail
+	DB	0x66
+	add	r8,QWORD[rdi]
+	adc	r9,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	adc	r10,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	adc	r11,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	adc	r12,QWORD[32+rdi]
+	adc	r13,QWORD[40+rdi]
+	adc	r14,QWORD[48+rdi]
+	adc	r15,QWORD[56+rdi]
+	sbb	rsi,rsi
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((48+56+8))+rsp]
+	mov	ecx,8
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rbp]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$8x_tail
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r8,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+rbp]
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r8
+	mov	r8,rdx
+	adc	r8,0
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r9,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[16+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r8,r9
+	lea	rdi,[8+rdi]
+	mov	r9,rdx
+	adc	r9,0
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[24+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r9,r10
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	adc	r10,0
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[32+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r10,r11
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	adc	r11,0
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[40+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r11,r12
+	mov	r12,rdx
+	adc	r12,0
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[48+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r12,r13
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	adc	r13,0
+	mul	rbx
+	add	r14,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[56+rbp]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,r14
+	mov	r14,rdx
+	adc	r14,0
+	mul	rbx
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((48-16+8))+rcx*8+rsp]
+	add	r15,rax
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r14,r15
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rbp]
+	mov	r15,rdx
+	adc	r15,0
+	dec	ecx
+	jnz	NEAR $L$8x_tail
+	lea	rbp,[64+rbp]
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[((8+8))+rsp]
+	cmp	rbp,QWORD[((0+8))+rsp]
+	jae	NEAR $L$8x_tail_done
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((48+56+8))+rsp]
+	neg	rsi
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rbp]
+	adc	r8,QWORD[rdi]
+	adc	r9,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	adc	r10,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	adc	r11,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	adc	r12,QWORD[32+rdi]
+	adc	r13,QWORD[40+rdi]
+	adc	r14,QWORD[48+rdi]
+	adc	r15,QWORD[56+rdi]
+	sbb	rsi,rsi
+	mov	ecx,8
+	jmp	NEAR $L$8x_tail
+	xor	rax,rax
+	add	r8,QWORD[rdx]
+	adc	r9,0
+	adc	r10,0
+	adc	r11,0
+	adc	r12,0
+	adc	r13,0
+	adc	r14,0
+	adc	r15,0
+	adc	rax,0
+	neg	rsi
+	adc	r8,QWORD[rdi]
+	adc	r9,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	adc	r10,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	adc	r11,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	adc	r12,QWORD[32+rdi]
+	adc	r13,QWORD[40+rdi]
+	adc	r14,QWORD[48+rdi]
+	adc	r15,QWORD[56+rdi]
+	adc	rax,0
+	mov	rcx,QWORD[((-8))+rbp]
+	xor	rsi,rsi
+DB	102,72,15,126,213
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r8
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r9
+DB	102,73,15,126,217
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r10
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r11
+	mov	QWORD[32+rdi],r12
+	mov	QWORD[40+rdi],r13
+	mov	QWORD[48+rdi],r14
+	mov	QWORD[56+rdi],r15
+	lea	rdi,[64+rdi]
+	cmp	rdi,rdx
+	jb	NEAR $L$8x_reduction_loop
+	ret
+	mov	r12,QWORD[rbp]
+	lea	rbx,[r9*1+rdi]
+	mov	rcx,r9
+DB	102,72,15,126,207
+	neg	rax
+DB	102,72,15,126,206
+	sar	rcx,3+2
+	dec	r12
+	xor	r10,r10
+	mov	r13,QWORD[8+rbp]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[16+rbp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[24+rbp]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqr4x_sub_entry
+	mov	r12,QWORD[rbp]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[8+rbp]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[16+rbp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[24+rbp]
+	lea	rbp,[32+rbp]
+	not	r12
+	not	r13
+	not	r14
+	not	r15
+	and	r12,rax
+	and	r13,rax
+	and	r14,rax
+	and	r15,rax
+	neg	r10
+	adc	r12,QWORD[rbx]
+	adc	r13,QWORD[8+rbx]
+	adc	r14,QWORD[16+rbx]
+	adc	r15,QWORD[24+rbx]
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r12
+	lea	rbx,[32+rbx]
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r13
+	sbb	r10,r10
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r14
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r15
+	lea	rdi,[32+rdi]
+	inc	rcx
+	jnz	NEAR $L$sqr4x_sub
+	mov	r10,r9
+	neg	r9
+	ret
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	mov	rcx,r9
+	mov	r8,QWORD[40+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[48+rsp]
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	push	rbx
+	push	rbp
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	push	r14
+	push	r15
+	shl	r9d,3
+	lea	r10,[r9*2+r9]
+	neg	r9
+	mov	r8,QWORD[r8]
+	lea	r11,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+	mov	rbp,rsp
+	sub	r11,rdi
+	and	r11,4095
+	cmp	r10,r11
+	jb	NEAR $L$mulx4xsp_alt
+	sub	rbp,r11
+	lea	rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$mulx4xsp_done
+	lea	r10,[((4096-320))+r9*2]
+	lea	rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
+	sub	r11,r10
+	mov	r10,0
+	cmovc	r11,r10
+	sub	rbp,r11
+	and	rbp,-64
+	mov	r11,rsp
+	sub	r11,rbp
+	and	r11,-4096
+	lea	rsp,[rbp*1+r11]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[rsp]
+	cmp	rsp,rbp
+	ja	NEAR $L$mulx4x_page_walk
+	jmp	NEAR $L$mulx4x_page_walk_done
+	lea	rsp,[((-4096))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[rsp]
+	cmp	rsp,rbp
+	ja	NEAR $L$mulx4x_page_walk
+	mov	QWORD[32+rsp],r8
+	mov	QWORD[40+rsp],rax
+	call	mulx4x_internal
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[40+rsp]
+	mov	rax,1
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi]
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi]
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
+	lea	rsp,[rsi]
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	ret
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],r9
+	mov	r10,r9
+	neg	r9
+	shl	r9,5
+	neg	r10
+	lea	r13,[128+r9*1+rdx]
+	shr	r9,5+5
+	movd	xmm5,DWORD[56+rax]
+	sub	r9,1
+	lea	rax,[$L$inc]
+	mov	QWORD[((16+8))+rsp],r13
+	mov	QWORD[((24+8))+rsp],r9
+	mov	QWORD[((56+8))+rsp],rdi
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[rax]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+rax]
+	lea	r10,[((88-112))+r10*1+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[128+rdx]
+	pshufd	xmm5,xmm5,0
+	movdqa	xmm4,xmm1
+	DB	0x67
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm1
+	DB	0x67
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[112+r10],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[128+r10],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[144+r10],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[160+r10],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[176+r10],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[192+r10],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[208+r10],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[224+r10],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[240+r10],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[256+r10],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[272+r10],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[288+r10],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	DB	0x67
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[304+r10],xmm0
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[320+r10],xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[336+r10],xmm2
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[64+rdi]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[80+rdi]
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[96+rdi]
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[352+r10],xmm3
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[112+rdi]
+	por	xmm0,xmm2
+	por	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm4,XMMWORD[((-128))+rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm5,XMMWORD[((-112))+rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-96))+rdi]
+	pand	xmm4,XMMWORD[112+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-80))+rdi]
+	pand	xmm5,XMMWORD[128+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[144+r10]
+	por	xmm1,xmm5
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[160+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm2
+	por	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm4,XMMWORD[((-64))+rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm5,XMMWORD[((-48))+rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-32))+rdi]
+	pand	xmm4,XMMWORD[176+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-16))+rdi]
+	pand	xmm5,XMMWORD[192+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[208+r10]
+	por	xmm1,xmm5
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[224+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm2
+	por	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm4,XMMWORD[rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm5,XMMWORD[16+rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+rdi]
+	pand	xmm4,XMMWORD[240+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+rdi]
+	pand	xmm5,XMMWORD[256+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[272+r10]
+	por	xmm1,xmm5
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[288+r10]
+	por	xmm0,xmm2
+	por	xmm1,xmm3
+	pxor	xmm0,xmm1
+	pshufd	xmm1,xmm0,0x4e
+	por	xmm0,xmm1
+	lea	rdi,[256+rdi]
+DB	102,72,15,126,194
+	lea	rbx,[((64+32+8))+rsp]
+	mov	r9,rdx
+	mulx	rax,r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	mulx	r12,r11,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	add	r11,rax
+	mulx	r13,rax,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	adc	r12,rax
+	adc	r13,0
+	mulx	r14,rax,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	mov	r15,r8
+	imul	r8,QWORD[((32+8))+rsp]
+	xor	rbp,rbp
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	mov	QWORD[((8+8))+rsp],rdi
+	lea	rsi,[32+rsi]
+	adcx	r13,rax
+	adcx	r14,rbp
+	mulx	r10,rax,QWORD[rcx]
+	adcx	r15,rax
+	adox	r10,r11
+	mulx	r11,rax,QWORD[8+rcx]
+	adcx	r10,rax
+	adox	r11,r12
+	mulx	r12,rax,QWORD[16+rcx]
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[((24+8))+rsp]
+	mov	QWORD[((-32))+rbx],r10
+	adcx	r11,rax
+	adox	r12,r13
+	mulx	r15,rax,QWORD[24+rcx]
+	mov	rdx,r9
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+rbx],r11
+	adcx	r12,rax
+	adox	r15,rbp
+	lea	rcx,[32+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+rbx],r12
+	jmp	NEAR $L$mulx4x_1st
+	adcx	r15,rbp
+	mulx	rax,r10,QWORD[rsi]
+	adcx	r10,r14
+	mulx	r14,r11,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	adcx	r11,rax
+	mulx	rax,r12,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	adcx	r12,r14
+	mulx	r14,r13,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	DB	0x67,0x67
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	adcx	r13,rax
+	adcx	r14,rbp
+	lea	rsi,[32+rsi]
+	lea	rbx,[32+rbx]
+	adox	r10,r15
+	mulx	r15,rax,QWORD[rcx]
+	adcx	r10,rax
+	adox	r11,r15
+	mulx	r15,rax,QWORD[8+rcx]
+	adcx	r11,rax
+	adox	r12,r15
+	mulx	r15,rax,QWORD[16+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[((-40))+rbx],r10
+	adcx	r12,rax
+	mov	QWORD[((-32))+rbx],r11
+	adox	r13,r15
+	mulx	r15,rax,QWORD[24+rcx]
+	mov	rdx,r9
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+rbx],r12
+	adcx	r13,rax
+	adox	r15,rbp
+	lea	rcx,[32+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+rbx],r13
+	dec	rdi
+	jnz	NEAR $L$mulx4x_1st
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+rsp]
+	adc	r15,rbp
+	lea	rsi,[rax*1+rsi]
+	add	r14,r15
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[((8+8))+rsp]
+	adc	rbp,rbp
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+rbx],r14
+	jmp	NEAR $L$mulx4x_outer
+	lea	r10,[((16-256))+rbx]
+	pxor	xmm4,xmm4
+	DB	0x67,0x67
+	pxor	xmm5,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-128))+rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-112))+rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-96))+rdi]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[256+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-80))+rdi]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[272+r10]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[288+r10]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[304+r10]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-64))+rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-48))+rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-32))+rdi]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[320+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-16))+rdi]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[336+r10]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[352+r10]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[368+r10]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+rdi]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[384+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+rdi]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[400+r10]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[416+r10]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[432+r10]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[64+rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[80+rdi]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[96+rdi]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[448+r10]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[112+rdi]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[464+r10]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[480+r10]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[496+r10]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	por	xmm4,xmm5
+	pshufd	xmm0,xmm4,0x4e
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	lea	rdi,[256+rdi]
+DB	102,72,15,126,194
+	mov	QWORD[rbx],rbp
+	lea	rbx,[32+rax*1+rbx]
+	mulx	r11,r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	xor	rbp,rbp
+	mov	r9,rdx
+	mulx	r12,r14,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	adox	r8,QWORD[((-32))+rbx]
+	adcx	r11,r14
+	mulx	r13,r15,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	adox	r11,QWORD[((-24))+rbx]
+	adcx	r12,r15
+	mulx	r14,rdx,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	adox	r12,QWORD[((-16))+rbx]
+	adcx	r13,rdx
+	lea	rcx,[rax*1+rcx]
+	lea	rsi,[32+rsi]
+	adox	r13,QWORD[((-8))+rbx]
+	adcx	r14,rbp
+	adox	r14,rbp
+	mov	r15,r8
+	imul	r8,QWORD[((32+8))+rsp]
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	xor	rbp,rbp
+	mov	QWORD[((8+8))+rsp],rdi
+	mulx	r10,rax,QWORD[rcx]
+	adcx	r15,rax
+	adox	r10,r11
+	mulx	r11,rax,QWORD[8+rcx]
+	adcx	r10,rax
+	adox	r11,r12
+	mulx	r12,rax,QWORD[16+rcx]
+	adcx	r11,rax
+	adox	r12,r13
+	mulx	r15,rax,QWORD[24+rcx]
+	mov	rdx,r9
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[((24+8))+rsp]
+	mov	QWORD[((-32))+rbx],r10
+	adcx	r12,rax
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+rbx],r11
+	adox	r15,rbp
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+rbx],r12
+	lea	rcx,[32+rcx]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$mulx4x_inner
+	mulx	rax,r10,QWORD[rsi]
+	adcx	r15,rbp
+	adox	r10,r14
+	mulx	r14,r11,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	adcx	r10,QWORD[rbx]
+	adox	r11,rax
+	mulx	rax,r12,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	adcx	r11,QWORD[8+rbx]
+	adox	r12,r14
+	mulx	r14,r13,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	adcx	r12,QWORD[16+rbx]
+	adox	r13,rax
+	adcx	r13,QWORD[24+rbx]
+	adox	r14,rbp
+	lea	rsi,[32+rsi]
+	lea	rbx,[32+rbx]
+	adcx	r14,rbp
+	adox	r10,r15
+	mulx	r15,rax,QWORD[rcx]
+	adcx	r10,rax
+	adox	r11,r15
+	mulx	r15,rax,QWORD[8+rcx]
+	adcx	r11,rax
+	adox	r12,r15
+	mulx	r15,rax,QWORD[16+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[((-40))+rbx],r10
+	adcx	r12,rax
+	adox	r13,r15
+	mov	QWORD[((-32))+rbx],r11
+	mulx	r15,rax,QWORD[24+rcx]
+	mov	rdx,r9
+	lea	rcx,[32+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[((-24))+rbx],r12
+	adcx	r13,rax
+	adox	r15,rbp
+	mov	QWORD[((-16))+rbx],r13
+	dec	rdi
+	jnz	NEAR $L$mulx4x_inner
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((0+8))+rsp]
+	adc	r15,rbp
+	sub	rdi,QWORD[rbx]
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[((8+8))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((16+8))+rsp]
+	adc	r14,r15
+	lea	rsi,[rax*1+rsi]
+	adc	rbp,rbp
+	mov	QWORD[((-8))+rbx],r14
+	cmp	rdi,r10
+	jb	NEAR $L$mulx4x_outer
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((-8))+rcx]
+	mov	r8,rbp
+	mov	r12,QWORD[rax*1+rcx]
+	lea	rbp,[rax*1+rcx]
+	mov	rcx,rax
+	lea	rdi,[rax*1+rbx]
+	xor	eax,eax
+	xor	r15,r15
+	sub	r10,r14
+	adc	r15,r15
+	or	r8,r15
+	sar	rcx,3+2
+	sub	rax,r8
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[((56+8))+rsp]
+	dec	r12
+	mov	r13,QWORD[8+rbp]
+	xor	r8,r8
+	mov	r14,QWORD[16+rbp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[24+rbp]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqrx4x_sub_entry
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	mov	rcx,r9
+	mov	r8,QWORD[40+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[48+rsp]
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	push	rbx
+	push	rbp
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	push	r14
+	push	r15
+	shl	r9d,3
+	lea	r10,[r9*2+r9]
+	neg	r9
+	mov	r8,QWORD[r8]
+	lea	r11,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+	mov	rbp,rsp
+	sub	r11,rdi
+	and	r11,4095
+	cmp	r10,r11
+	jb	NEAR $L$pwrx_sp_alt
+	sub	rbp,r11
+	lea	rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$pwrx_sp_done
+	lea	r10,[((4096-320))+r9*2]
+	lea	rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
+	sub	r11,r10
+	mov	r10,0
+	cmovc	r11,r10
+	sub	rbp,r11
+	and	rbp,-64
+	mov	r11,rsp
+	sub	r11,rbp
+	and	r11,-4096
+	lea	rsp,[rbp*1+r11]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[rsp]
+	cmp	rsp,rbp
+	ja	NEAR $L$pwrx_page_walk
+	jmp	NEAR $L$pwrx_page_walk_done
+	lea	rsp,[((-4096))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[rsp]
+	cmp	rsp,rbp
+	ja	NEAR $L$pwrx_page_walk
+	mov	r10,r9
+	neg	r9
+	pxor	xmm0,xmm0
+DB	102,72,15,110,207
+DB	102,72,15,110,209
+DB	102,73,15,110,218
+DB	102,72,15,110,226
+	mov	QWORD[32+rsp],r8
+	mov	QWORD[40+rsp],rax
+	call	__bn_sqrx8x_internal
+	call	__bn_postx4x_internal
+	call	__bn_sqrx8x_internal
+	call	__bn_postx4x_internal
+	call	__bn_sqrx8x_internal
+	call	__bn_postx4x_internal
+	call	__bn_sqrx8x_internal
+	call	__bn_postx4x_internal
+	call	__bn_sqrx8x_internal
+	call	__bn_postx4x_internal
+	mov	r9,r10
+	mov	rdi,rsi
+DB	102,72,15,126,209
+DB	102,72,15,126,226
+	mov	rax,QWORD[40+rsp]
+	call	mulx4x_internal
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[40+rsp]
+	mov	rax,1
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi]
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi]
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
+	lea	rsp,[rsi]
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	ret
+global	bn_sqrx8x_internal
+	lea	rdi,[((48+8))+rsp]
+	lea	rbp,[r9*1+rsi]
+	mov	QWORD[((0+8))+rsp],r9
+	mov	QWORD[((8+8))+rsp],rbp
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqr8x_zero_start
+	DB	0x66,0x66,0x66,0x2e,0x0f,0x1f,0x84,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	DB	0x3e
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[rdi],xmm0
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[16+rdi],xmm0
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[32+rdi],xmm0
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[48+rdi],xmm0
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[64+rdi],xmm0
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[80+rdi],xmm0
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[96+rdi],xmm0
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[112+rdi],xmm0
+	lea	rdi,[128+rdi]
+	sub	r9,64
+	jnz	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_zero
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[rsi]
+	xor	r10,r10
+	xor	r11,r11
+	xor	r12,r12
+	xor	r13,r13
+	xor	r14,r14
+	xor	r15,r15
+	lea	rdi,[((48+8))+rsp]
+	xor	rbp,rbp
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_outer_loop
+	mulx	rax,r8,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	adcx	r8,r9
+	adox	r10,rax
+	mulx	rax,r9,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	adcx	r9,r10
+	adox	r11,rax
+	DB	0xc4,0xe2,0xab,0xf6,0x86,0x18,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	adcx	r10,r11
+	adox	r12,rax
+	DB	0xc4,0xe2,0xa3,0xf6,0x86,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	adcx	r11,r12
+	adox	r13,rax
+	mulx	rax,r12,QWORD[40+rsi]
+	adcx	r12,r13
+	adox	r14,rax
+	mulx	rax,r13,QWORD[48+rsi]
+	adcx	r13,r14
+	adox	rax,r15
+	mulx	r15,r14,QWORD[56+rsi]
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	adcx	r14,rax
+	adox	r15,rbp
+	adc	r15,QWORD[64+rdi]
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r8
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r9
+	sbb	rcx,rcx
+	xor	rbp,rbp
+	mulx	rbx,r8,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mulx	rax,r9,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	adcx	r8,r10
+	adox	r9,rbx
+	mulx	rbx,r10,QWORD[32+rsi]
+	adcx	r9,r11
+	adox	r10,rax
+	DB	0xc4,0xe2,0xa3,0xf6,0x86,0x28,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	adcx	r10,r12
+	adox	r11,rbx
+	DB	0xc4,0xe2,0x9b,0xf6,0x9e,0x30,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	adcx	r11,r13
+	adox	r12,r14
+	DB	0xc4,0x62,0x93,0xf6,0xb6,0x38,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	adcx	r12,rax
+	adox	r13,rbx
+	adcx	r13,r15
+	adox	r14,rbp
+	adcx	r14,rbp
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r8
+	mov	QWORD[32+rdi],r9
+	mulx	rbx,r8,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	mulx	rax,r9,QWORD[32+rsi]
+	adcx	r8,r10
+	adox	r9,rbx
+	mulx	rbx,r10,QWORD[40+rsi]
+	adcx	r9,r11
+	adox	r10,rax
+	DB	0xc4,0xe2,0xa3,0xf6,0x86,0x30,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	adcx	r10,r12
+	adox	r11,r13
+	DB	0xc4,0x62,0x9b,0xf6,0xae,0x38,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	DB	0x3e
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	adcx	r11,rbx
+	adox	r12,rax
+	adcx	r12,r14
+	mov	QWORD[40+rdi],r8
+	mov	QWORD[48+rdi],r9
+	mulx	rax,r8,QWORD[32+rsi]
+	adox	r13,rbp
+	adcx	r13,rbp
+	mulx	rbx,r9,QWORD[40+rsi]
+	adcx	r8,r10
+	adox	r9,rax
+	mulx	rax,r10,QWORD[48+rsi]
+	adcx	r9,r11
+	adox	r10,r12
+	mulx	r12,r11,QWORD[56+rsi]
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[32+rsi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[40+rsi]
+	adcx	r10,rbx
+	adox	r11,rax
+	mov	r15,QWORD[48+rsi]
+	adcx	r11,r13
+	adox	r12,rbp
+	adcx	r12,rbp
+	mov	QWORD[56+rdi],r8
+	mov	QWORD[64+rdi],r9
+	mulx	rax,r9,r14
+	mov	r8,QWORD[56+rsi]
+	adcx	r9,r10
+	mulx	rbx,r10,r15
+	adox	r10,rax
+	adcx	r10,r11
+	mulx	rax,r11,r8
+	mov	rdx,r14
+	adox	r11,rbx
+	adcx	r11,r12
+	adcx	rax,rbp
+	mulx	rbx,r14,r15
+	mulx	r13,r12,r8
+	mov	rdx,r15
+	lea	rsi,[64+rsi]
+	adcx	r11,r14
+	adox	r12,rbx
+	adcx	r12,rax
+	adox	r13,rbp
+	DB	0x67,0x67
+	mulx	r14,r8,r8
+	adcx	r13,r8
+	adcx	r14,rbp
+	cmp	rsi,QWORD[((8+8))+rsp]
+	je	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_outer_break
+	neg	rcx
+	mov	rcx,-8
+	mov	r15,rbp
+	mov	r8,QWORD[64+rdi]
+	adcx	r9,QWORD[72+rdi]
+	adcx	r10,QWORD[80+rdi]
+	adcx	r11,QWORD[88+rdi]
+	adc	r12,QWORD[96+rdi]
+	adc	r13,QWORD[104+rdi]
+	adc	r14,QWORD[112+rdi]
+	adc	r15,QWORD[120+rdi]
+	lea	rbp,[rsi]
+	lea	rdi,[128+rdi]
+	sbb	rax,rax
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[((-64))+rsi]
+	mov	QWORD[((16+8))+rsp],rax
+	mov	QWORD[((24+8))+rsp],rdi
+	xor	eax,eax
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_loop
+	mov	rbx,r8
+	mulx	r8,rax,QWORD[rbp]
+	adcx	rbx,rax
+	adox	r8,r9
+	mulx	r9,rax,QWORD[8+rbp]
+	adcx	r8,rax
+	adox	r9,r10
+	mulx	r10,rax,QWORD[16+rbp]
+	adcx	r9,rax
+	adox	r10,r11
+	mulx	r11,rax,QWORD[24+rbp]
+	adcx	r10,rax
+	adox	r11,r12
+	DB	0xc4,0x62,0xfb,0xf6,0xa5,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	adcx	r11,rax
+	adox	r12,r13
+	mulx	r13,rax,QWORD[40+rbp]
+	adcx	r12,rax
+	adox	r13,r14
+	mulx	r14,rax,QWORD[48+rbp]
+	mov	QWORD[rcx*8+rdi],rbx
+	mov	ebx,0
+	adcx	r13,rax
+	adox	r14,r15
+	DB	0xc4,0x62,0xfb,0xf6,0xbd,0x38,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[8+rcx*8+rsi]
+	adcx	r14,rax
+	adox	r15,rbx
+	adcx	r15,rbx
+	DB	0x67
+	inc	rcx
+	jnz	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_loop
+	lea	rbp,[64+rbp]
+	mov	rcx,-8
+	cmp	rbp,QWORD[((8+8))+rsp]
+	je	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_break
+	sub	rbx,QWORD[((16+8))+rsp]
+	DB	0x66
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[((-64))+rsi]
+	adcx	r8,QWORD[rdi]
+	adcx	r9,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	adc	r10,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	adc	r11,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	adc	r12,QWORD[32+rdi]
+	adc	r13,QWORD[40+rdi]
+	adc	r14,QWORD[48+rdi]
+	adc	r15,QWORD[56+rdi]
+	lea	rdi,[64+rdi]
+	DB	0x67
+	sbb	rax,rax
+	xor	ebx,ebx
+	mov	QWORD[((16+8))+rsp],rax
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_loop
+	xor	rbp,rbp
+	sub	rbx,QWORD[((16+8))+rsp]
+	adcx	r8,rbp
+	mov	rcx,QWORD[((24+8))+rsp]
+	adcx	r9,rbp
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[rsi]
+	adc	r10,0
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r8
+	adc	r11,0
+	adc	r12,0
+	adc	r13,0
+	adc	r14,0
+	adc	r15,0
+	cmp	rdi,rcx
+	je	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_outer_loop
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r9
+	mov	r9,QWORD[8+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r10
+	mov	r10,QWORD[16+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r11
+	mov	r11,QWORD[24+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[32+rdi],r12
+	mov	r12,QWORD[32+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[40+rdi],r13
+	mov	r13,QWORD[40+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[48+rdi],r14
+	mov	r14,QWORD[48+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[56+rdi],r15
+	mov	r15,QWORD[56+rcx]
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_outer_loop
+	mov	QWORD[72+rdi],r9
+DB	102,72,15,126,217
+	mov	QWORD[80+rdi],r10
+	mov	QWORD[88+rdi],r11
+	mov	QWORD[96+rdi],r12
+	mov	QWORD[104+rdi],r13
+	mov	QWORD[112+rdi],r14
+	lea	rdi,[((48+8))+rsp]
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[rcx*1+rsi]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	xor	r10,r10
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+8))+rsp]
+	adox	r11,r11
+	mov	r12,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	mulx	rbx,rax,rdx
+	adox	r12,r12
+	adcx	rax,r10
+	DB	0x48,0x8b,0x94,0x0e,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	DB	0x4c,0x8b,0x97,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	adox	r13,r13
+	adcx	rbx,r11
+	mov	r11,QWORD[40+rdi]
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],rax
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],rbx
+	mulx	rbx,rax,rdx
+	adox	r10,r10
+	adcx	rax,r12
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[16+rcx*1+rsi]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[48+rdi]
+	adox	r11,r11
+	adcx	rbx,r13
+	mov	r13,QWORD[56+rdi]
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],rax
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],rbx
+	mulx	rbx,rax,rdx
+	adox	r12,r12
+	adcx	rax,r10
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[24+rcx*1+rsi]
+	lea	rcx,[32+rcx]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[64+rdi]
+	adox	r13,r13
+	adcx	rbx,r11
+	mov	r11,QWORD[72+rdi]
+	mov	QWORD[32+rdi],rax
+	mov	QWORD[40+rdi],rbx
+	mulx	rbx,rax,rdx
+	adox	r10,r10
+	adcx	rax,r12
+	jrcxz	$L$sqrx4x_shift_n_add_break
+	DB	0x48,0x8b,0x94,0x0e,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	adox	r11,r11
+	adcx	rbx,r13
+	mov	r12,QWORD[80+rdi]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[88+rdi]
+	mov	QWORD[48+rdi],rax
+	mov	QWORD[56+rdi],rbx
+	lea	rdi,[64+rdi]
+	nop
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqrx4x_shift_n_add
+	adcx	rbx,r13
+	mov	QWORD[48+rdi],rax
+	mov	QWORD[56+rdi],rbx
+	lea	rdi,[64+rdi]
+DB	102,72,15,126,213
+	xor	eax,eax
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((32+8))+rsp]
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[((48+8))+rsp]
+	lea	rcx,[((-64))+r9*1+rbp]
+	mov	QWORD[((0+8))+rsp],rcx
+	mov	QWORD[((8+8))+rsp],rdi
+	lea	rdi,[((48+8))+rsp]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_reduction_loop
+	mov	r9,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[32+rdi]
+	mov	r8,rdx
+	imul	rdx,rbx
+	mov	r13,QWORD[40+rdi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[48+rdi]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[56+rdi]
+	mov	QWORD[((24+8))+rsp],rax
+	lea	rdi,[64+rdi]
+	xor	rsi,rsi
+	mov	rcx,-8
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_reduce
+	mov	rbx,r8
+	mulx	r8,rax,QWORD[rbp]
+	adcx	rax,rbx
+	adox	r8,r9
+	mulx	r9,rbx,QWORD[8+rbp]
+	adcx	r8,rbx
+	adox	r9,r10
+	mulx	r10,rbx,QWORD[16+rbp]
+	adcx	r9,rbx
+	adox	r10,r11
+	mulx	r11,rbx,QWORD[24+rbp]
+	adcx	r10,rbx
+	adox	r11,r12
+	DB	0xc4,0x62,0xe3,0xf6,0xa5,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	mov	rax,rdx
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	adcx	r11,rbx
+	adox	r12,r13
+	mulx	rdx,rbx,QWORD[((32+8))+rsp]
+	mov	rdx,rax
+	mov	QWORD[((64+48+8))+rcx*8+rsp],rax
+	mulx	r13,rax,QWORD[40+rbp]
+	adcx	r12,rax
+	adox	r13,r14
+	mulx	r14,rax,QWORD[48+rbp]
+	adcx	r13,rax
+	adox	r14,r15
+	mulx	r15,rax,QWORD[56+rbp]
+	mov	rdx,rbx
+	adcx	r14,rax
+	adox	r15,rsi
+	adcx	r15,rsi
+	DB	0x67,0x67,0x67
+	inc	rcx
+	jnz	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_reduce
+	mov	rax,rsi
+	cmp	rbp,QWORD[((0+8))+rsp]
+	jae	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_no_tail
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[((48+8))+rsp]
+	add	r8,QWORD[rdi]
+	lea	rbp,[64+rbp]
+	mov	rcx,-8
+	adcx	r9,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	adcx	r10,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	adc	r11,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	adc	r12,QWORD[32+rdi]
+	adc	r13,QWORD[40+rdi]
+	adc	r14,QWORD[48+rdi]
+	adc	r15,QWORD[56+rdi]
+	lea	rdi,[64+rdi]
+	sbb	rax,rax
+	xor	rsi,rsi
+	mov	QWORD[((16+8))+rsp],rax
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_tail
+	mov	rbx,r8
+	mulx	r8,rax,QWORD[rbp]
+	adcx	rbx,rax
+	adox	r8,r9
+	mulx	r9,rax,QWORD[8+rbp]
+	adcx	r8,rax
+	adox	r9,r10
+	mulx	r10,rax,QWORD[16+rbp]
+	adcx	r9,rax
+	adox	r10,r11
+	mulx	r11,rax,QWORD[24+rbp]
+	adcx	r10,rax
+	adox	r11,r12
+	DB	0xc4,0x62,0xfb,0xf6,0xa5,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00
+	adcx	r11,rax
+	adox	r12,r13
+	mulx	r13,rax,QWORD[40+rbp]
+	adcx	r12,rax
+	adox	r13,r14
+	mulx	r14,rax,QWORD[48+rbp]
+	adcx	r13,rax
+	adox	r14,r15
+	mulx	r15,rax,QWORD[56+rbp]
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[((72+48+8))+rcx*8+rsp]
+	adcx	r14,rax
+	adox	r15,rsi
+	mov	QWORD[rcx*8+rdi],rbx
+	mov	rbx,r8
+	adcx	r15,rsi
+	inc	rcx
+	jnz	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_tail
+	cmp	rbp,QWORD[((0+8))+rsp]
+	jae	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_tail_done
+	sub	rsi,QWORD[((16+8))+rsp]
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[((48+8))+rsp]
+	lea	rbp,[64+rbp]
+	adc	r8,QWORD[rdi]
+	adc	r9,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	adc	r10,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	adc	r11,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	adc	r12,QWORD[32+rdi]
+	adc	r13,QWORD[40+rdi]
+	adc	r14,QWORD[48+rdi]
+	adc	r15,QWORD[56+rdi]
+	lea	rdi,[64+rdi]
+	sbb	rax,rax
+	sub	rcx,8
+	xor	rsi,rsi
+	mov	QWORD[((16+8))+rsp],rax
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_tail
+	xor	rax,rax
+	add	r8,QWORD[((24+8))+rsp]
+	adc	r9,0
+	adc	r10,0
+	adc	r11,0
+	adc	r12,0
+	adc	r13,0
+	adc	r14,0
+	adc	r15,0
+	adc	rax,0
+	sub	rsi,QWORD[((16+8))+rsp]
+	adc	r8,QWORD[rdi]
+DB	102,72,15,126,217
+	adc	r9,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[56+rbp]
+DB	102,72,15,126,213
+	adc	r10,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	adc	r11,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	adc	r12,QWORD[32+rdi]
+	adc	r13,QWORD[40+rdi]
+	adc	r14,QWORD[48+rdi]
+	adc	r15,QWORD[56+rdi]
+	adc	rax,0
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((32+8))+rsp]
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[64+rcx*1+rdi]
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r8
+	lea	r8,[64+rdi]
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r9
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r10
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r11
+	mov	QWORD[32+rdi],r12
+	mov	QWORD[40+rdi],r13
+	mov	QWORD[48+rdi],r14
+	mov	QWORD[56+rdi],r15
+	lea	rdi,[64+rcx*1+rdi]
+	cmp	r8,QWORD[((8+8))+rsp]
+	jb	NEAR $L$sqrx8x_reduction_loop
+	ret
+	mov	r12,QWORD[rbp]
+	mov	r10,rcx
+	mov	r9,rcx
+	neg	rax
+	sar	rcx,3+2
+DB	102,72,15,126,202
+DB	102,72,15,126,206
+	dec	r12
+	mov	r13,QWORD[8+rbp]
+	xor	r8,r8
+	mov	r14,QWORD[16+rbp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[24+rbp]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$sqrx4x_sub_entry
+	mov	r12,QWORD[rbp]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[8+rbp]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[16+rbp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[24+rbp]
+	andn	r12,r12,rax
+	lea	rbp,[32+rbp]
+	andn	r13,r13,rax
+	andn	r14,r14,rax
+	andn	r15,r15,rax
+	neg	r8
+	adc	r12,QWORD[rdi]
+	adc	r13,QWORD[8+rdi]
+	adc	r14,QWORD[16+rdi]
+	adc	r15,QWORD[24+rdi]
+	mov	QWORD[rdx],r12
+	lea	rdi,[32+rdi]
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdx],r13
+	sbb	r8,r8
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdx],r14
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdx],r15
+	lea	rdx,[32+rdx]
+	inc	rcx
+	jnz	NEAR $L$sqrx4x_sub
+	neg	r9
+	ret
+global	bn_scatter5
+	cmp	edx,0
+	jz	NEAR $L$scatter_epilogue
+	lea	r8,[r9*8+r8]
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rcx]
+	lea	rcx,[8+rcx]
+	mov	QWORD[r8],rax
+	lea	r8,[256+r8]
+	sub	edx,1
+	jnz	NEAR $L$scatter
+	ret
+global	bn_gather5
+	DB	0x4c,0x8d,0x14,0x24
+	DB	0x48,0x81,0xec,0x08,0x01,0x00,0x00
+	lea	rax,[$L$inc]
+	and	rsp,-16
+	movd	xmm5,r9d
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[rax]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+rax]
+	lea	r11,[128+r8]
+	lea	rax,[128+rsp]
+	pshufd	xmm5,xmm5,0
+	movdqa	xmm4,xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm1
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(-128)+rax],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(-112)+rax],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(-96)+rax],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(-80)+rax],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(-64)+rax],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(-48)+rax],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(-32)+rax],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(-16)+rax],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[rax],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[16+rax],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[32+rax],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm1,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[48+rax],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm2,xmm1
+	pcmpeqd	xmm1,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[64+rax],xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm3,xmm2
+	pcmpeqd	xmm2,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[80+rax],xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	paddd	xmm0,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm3,xmm5
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[96+rax],xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[112+rax],xmm3
+	jmp	NEAR $L$gather
+	pxor	xmm4,xmm4
+	pxor	xmm5,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-128))+r11]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-112))+r11]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-96))+r11]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-128))+rax]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-80))+r11]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-112))+rax]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-96))+rax]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-80))+rax]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-64))+r11]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-48))+r11]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-32))+r11]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[((-64))+rax]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-16))+r11]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[((-48))+rax]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[((-32))+rax]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((-16))+rax]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[r11]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+r11]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+r11]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[rax]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+r11]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+rax]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+rax]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+rax]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[64+r11]
+	movdqa	xmm1,XMMWORD[80+r11]
+	movdqa	xmm2,XMMWORD[96+r11]
+	pand	xmm0,XMMWORD[64+rax]
+	movdqa	xmm3,XMMWORD[112+r11]
+	pand	xmm1,XMMWORD[80+rax]
+	por	xmm4,xmm0
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[96+rax]
+	por	xmm5,xmm1
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[112+rax]
+	por	xmm4,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	por	xmm4,xmm5
+	lea	r11,[256+r11]
+	pshufd	xmm0,xmm4,0x4e
+	por	xmm0,xmm4
+	movq	QWORD[rcx],xmm0
+	lea	rcx,[8+rcx]
+	sub	edx,1
+	jnz	NEAR $L$gather
+	lea	rsp,[r10]
+	ret
+section	.rdata rdata align=8
+	DD	0,0,1,1
+	DD	2,2,2,2
+	DB	77,111,110,116,103,111,109,101,114,121,32,77,117,108,116,105
+	DB	112,108,105,99,97,116,105,111,110,32,119,105,116,104,32,115
+	DB	99,97,116,116,101,114,47,103,97,116,104,101,114,32,102,111
+	DB	114,32,120,56,54,95,54,52,44,32,67,82,89,80,84,79
+	DB	71,65,77,83,32,98,121,32,60,97,112,112,114,111,64,111
+	DB	112,101,110,115,115,108,46,111,114,103,62,0
+section	.text
+EXTERN	__imp_RtlVirtualUnwind
+	push	rsi
+	push	rdi
+	push	rbx
+	push	rbp
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	push	r14
+	push	r15
+	pushfq
+	sub	rsp,64
+	mov	rax,QWORD[120+r8]
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[248+r8]
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[8+r9]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[56+r9]
+	mov	r10d,DWORD[r11]
+	lea	r10,[r10*1+rsi]
+	cmp	rbx,r10
+	jb	NEAR $L$common_seh_tail
+	mov	r10d,DWORD[4+r11]
+	lea	r10,[r10*1+rsi]
+	cmp	rbx,r10
+	jb	NEAR $L$common_pop_regs
+	mov	rax,QWORD[152+r8]
+	mov	r10d,DWORD[8+r11]
+	lea	r10,[r10*1+rsi]
+	cmp	rbx,r10
+	jae	NEAR $L$common_seh_tail
+	lea	r10,[$L$mul_epilogue]
+	cmp	rbx,r10
+	ja	NEAR $L$body_40
+	mov	r10,QWORD[192+r8]
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+r10*8+rax]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$common_pop_regs
+	mov	rax,QWORD[40+rax]
+	mov	rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rax]
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rax]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((-24))+rax]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[((-32))+rax]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((-40))+rax]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((-48))+rax]
+	mov	QWORD[144+r8],rbx
+	mov	QWORD[160+r8],rbp
+	mov	QWORD[216+r8],r12
+	mov	QWORD[224+r8],r13
+	mov	QWORD[232+r8],r14
+	mov	QWORD[240+r8],r15
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rax]
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rax]
+	mov	QWORD[152+r8],rax
+	mov	QWORD[168+r8],rsi
+	mov	QWORD[176+r8],rdi
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[40+r9]
+	mov	rsi,r8
+	mov	ecx,154
+	DD	0xa548f3fc
+	mov	rsi,r9
+	xor	rcx,rcx
+	mov	rdx,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[40+rsi]
+	lea	r11,[56+rsi]
+	lea	r12,[24+rsi]
+	mov	QWORD[32+rsp],r10
+	mov	QWORD[40+rsp],r11
+	mov	QWORD[48+rsp],r12
+	mov	QWORD[56+rsp],rcx
+	call	QWORD[__imp_RtlVirtualUnwind]
+	mov	eax,1
+	add	rsp,64
+	popfq
+	pop	r15
+	pop	r14
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	pop	rbp
+	pop	rbx
+	pop	rdi
+	pop	rsi
+	ret
+section	.pdata rdata align=4
+	DD	$L$SEH_begin_bn_mul_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_end_bn_mul_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_info_bn_mul_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_begin_bn_mul4x_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_end_bn_mul4x_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_info_bn_mul4x_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_begin_bn_power5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_end_bn_power5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_info_bn_power5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_begin_bn_mulx4x_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_end_bn_mulx4x_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_info_bn_mulx4x_mont_gather5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_begin_bn_powerx5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_end_bn_powerx5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_info_bn_powerx5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_begin_bn_gather5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_end_bn_gather5 wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$SEH_info_bn_gather5 wrt ..imagebase
+section	.xdata rdata align=8
+	DB	9,0,0,0
+	DD	mul_handler wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$mul_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$mul_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$mul_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
+	DB	9,0,0,0
+	DD	mul_handler wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$mul4x_prologue wrt ..imagebase,$L$mul4x_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$mul4x_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
+	DB	9,0,0,0
+	DD	mul_handler wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$power5_prologue wrt ..imagebase,$L$power5_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$power5_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
+	DB	9,0,0,0
+	DD	mul_handler wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$mulx4x_prologue wrt ..imagebase,$L$mulx4x_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$mulx4x_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
+	DB	9,0,0,0
+	DD	mul_handler wrt ..imagebase
+	DD	$L$powerx5_prologue wrt ..imagebase,$L$powerx5_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$powerx5_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
+	DB	0x01,0x0b,0x03,0x0a
+	DB	0x0b,0x01,0x21,0x00
+	DB	0x04,0xa3,0x00,0x00
+; Work around