Fix build for PNaCl.
PNaCl builds BoringSSL with OPENSSL_NO_ASM, but the new OPENSSL_cleanse
was using inline assembly anyway. It appears that even though the inline
asm was empty, it still breaks the PNaCl build:
disallowed: inline assembly: call void asm sideeffect "", "r,~{memory}"(i8* %.asptr319), !dbg !96986
With this change, we don't have any compiler scarecrows for
OPENSSL_cleanse any longer when using OPENSSL_NO_ASM :( Maybe, one day,
we'll get memset_s in our base platform.
Change-Id: Ia359f6bcc2000be18a6f15de10fc683452151741
Reviewed-by: David Benjamin <>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <>
1 file changed