blob: c352a5e99f1ef7e837eacb0838e50794f751b79a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The BoringSSL Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/conf.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "internal.h"
// A |CONF| is an unordered list of sections, where each section contains an
// ordered list of (name, value) pairs.
using ConfModel =
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>>;
static void ExpectConfEquals(const CONF *conf, const ConfModel &model) {
// There is always a default section, even if empty. This is an easy mistake
// to make in test data, so test for it.
EXPECT_NE(model.find("default"), model.end())
<< "Model does not have a default section";
size_t total_values = 0;
for (const auto &pair : model) {
const std::string &section = pair.first;
const STACK_OF(CONF_VALUE) *values =
NCONF_get_section(conf, section.c_str());
total_values += pair.second.size();
EXPECT_EQ(sk_CONF_VALUE_num(values), pair.second.size());
// If the lengths do not match, still compare up to the smaller of the two,
// to aid debugging.
size_t min_len = std::min(sk_CONF_VALUE_num(values), pair.second.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < min_len; i++) {
const std::string &name = pair.second[i].first;
const std::string &value = pair.second[i].second;
const CONF_VALUE *v = sk_CONF_VALUE_value(values, i);
EXPECT_EQ(v->section, section);
EXPECT_EQ(v->name, name);
EXPECT_EQ(v->value, value);
const char *str = NCONF_get_string(conf, section.c_str(), name.c_str());
ASSERT_NE(str, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(str, value);
if (section == "default") {
// nullptr is interpreted as the default section.
str = NCONF_get_string(conf, nullptr, name.c_str());
ASSERT_NE(str, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(str, value);
// Unrecognized sections must return nullptr.
EXPECT_EQ(NCONF_get_section(conf, "must_not_appear_in_tests"), nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(NCONF_get_string(conf, "must_not_appear_in_tests",
if (!model.empty()) {
// Valid section, invalid name.
EXPECT_EQ(NCONF_get_string(conf, model.begin()->first.c_str(),
if (!model.begin()->second.empty()) {
// Invalid section, valid name.
EXPECT_EQ(NCONF_get_string(conf, "must_not_appear_in_tests",
// There should not be any other values in |conf|. |conf| currently stores
// both sections and values in the same map.
EXPECT_EQ(lh_CONF_SECTION_num_items(conf->sections), model.size());
EXPECT_EQ(lh_CONF_VALUE_num_items(conf->values), total_values);
TEST(ConfTest, Parse) {
const struct {
std::string in;
ConfModel model;
} kTests[] = {
// Test basic parsing.
R"(# Comment
{"default", {{"key", "value"}}},
{"section_name", {{"key", "value2"}}},
// If a section is listed multiple times, keys add to the existing one.
R"(key1 = value1
key2 = value2
key3 = value3
key4 = value4
key5 = value5
{"default", {{"key1", "value1"}, {"key4", "value4"}}},
{"section1", {{"key2", "value2"}, {"key5", "value5"}}},
{"section2", {{"key3", "value3"}}},
// Although the CONF parser internally uses a buffer size of 512 bytes to
// read one line, it detects truncation and is able to parse long lines.
std::string(1000, 'a') + " = " + std::string(1000, 'b') + "\n",
{"default", {{std::string(1000, 'a'), std::string(1000, 'b')}}},
// Trailing backslashes are line continations.
{"default", {{"key", "value"}, {"key2", "foobar=baz"}}},
// To be a line continuation, it must be at the end of the line.
"key=\\\nvalue\nkey2=foo\\ \nbar=baz",
{"default", {{"key", "value"}, {"key2", "foo"}, {"bar", "baz"}}},
// A line continuation without any following line is ignored.
{"default", {{"key", "value"}}},
// Values may have embedded whitespace, but leading and trailing
// whitespace is dropped.
"key = \t foo \t\t\tbar \t ",
{"default", {{"key", "foo \t\t\tbar"}}},
// Empty sections still end up in the file.
{"default", {}},
{"section1", {}},
{"section2", {}},
{"section3", {}},
// Section names can contain spaces and punctuation.
"[This! Is. A? Section;]\nkey = value",
{"default", {}},
{"This! Is. A? Section;", {{"key", "value"}}},
// Trailing data after a section line is ignored.
"[section] key = value\nkey2 = value2\n",
{"default", {}},
{"section", {{"key2", "value2"}}},
// Comments may appear within a line. Escapes and quotes, however,
// suppress the comment character.
key1 = # comment
key2 = "# not a comment"
key3 = '# not a comment'
key4 = `# not a comment`
key5 = \# not a comment
{"key1", ""},
{"key2", "# not a comment"},
{"key3", "# not a comment"},
{"key4", "# not a comment"},
{"key5", "# not a comment"},
// Quotes may appear in the middle of a string. Inside quotes, escape
// sequences like \n are not evaluated. \X always evaluates to X.
key1 = mix "of" 'different' `quotes`
key2 = "`'"
key3 = "\r\n\b\t\""
key4 = '\r\n\b\t\''
key5 = `\r\n\b\t\``
{"key1", "mix of different quotes"},
{"key2", "`'"},
{"key3", "rnbt\""},
{"key4", "rnbt'"},
{"key5", "rnbt`"},
// Outside quotes, escape sequences like \n are evaluated. Unknown escapes
// turn into the character.
key = \r\n\b\t\"\'\`\z
{"key", "\r\n\b\t\"'`z"},
// Escapes (but not quoting) work inside section names.
"[section\\ name]\nkey = value\n",
{"default", {}},
{"section name", {{"key", "value"}}},
// Escapes (but not quoting) are skipped over in key names, but they are
// left unevaluated. This is probably a bug.
"key\\ name = value\n",
{"default", {{"key\\ name", "value"}}},
// Keys can specify sections explicitly with ::.
default::key1 = value1
section1::key2 = value2
section2::key3 = value3
section1::key4 = value4
section2::key5 = value5
default::key6 = value6
key7 = value7 # section1
{"default", {{"key1", "value1"}, {"key6", "value6"}}},
{{"key2", "value2"}, {"key4", "value4"}, {"key7", "value7"}}},
{"section2", {{"key3", "value3"}, {"key5", "value5"}}},
// Punctuation is allowed in key names.
"key!%&*+,-./;?@^_|~1 = value\n",
{"default", {{"key!%&*+,-./;?@^_|~1", "value"}}},
// Only the first equals counts as a key/value separator.
{"default", {{"key", "====="}}},
// Empty keys and empty values are allowed.
{"default", {}},
{"both_empty", {{"", ""}}},
{"empty_key", {{"", "value"}}},
{"empty_value", {{"key", ""}}},
{"equals", {{"", "====="}}},
{"", {{"empty", "section"}}},
// After the first equals, the value can freely contain more equals.
"key1 = \\$value1\nkey2 = \"$value2\"",
{"default", {{"key1", "$value1"}, {"key2", "$value2"}}},
// Non-ASCII bytes are allowed in values.
"key = \xe2\x98\x83",
{"default", {{"key", "\xe2\x98\x83"}}},
// An escaped backslash is not a line continuation.
key1 = value1\\
key2 = value2
{"default", {{"key1", "value1\\"}, {"key2", "value2"}}},
// An unterminated escape sequence at the end of a line is silently
// ignored. Normally, this would be a line continuation, but the line
// continuation logic does not count backslashes and only looks at the
// last two characters. This is probably a bug.
key1 = value1\\\
key2 = value2
{"default", {{"key1", "value1\\"}, {"key2", "value2"}}},
// The above also happens inside a quoted string, even allowing the quoted
// string to be unterminated. This is also probably a bug.
key1 = "value1\\\
key2 = value2
{"default", {{"key1", "value1\\"}, {"key2", "value2"}}},
for (const auto &t : kTests) {
bssl::UniquePtr<BIO> bio(BIO_new_mem_buf(,;
bssl::UniquePtr<CONF> conf(NCONF_new(nullptr));
ASSERT_TRUE(NCONF_load_bio(conf.get(), bio.get(), nullptr));
ExpectConfEquals(conf.get(), t.model);
const char *kInvalidTests[] = {
// Missing equals sign.
// Unterminated section heading.
// Section names can only contain alphanumeric characters, punctuation,
// and escapes. Quotes are not punctuation.
// Keys can only contain alphanumeric characters, punctuaion, and escapes.
"key name = value",
"\"key\" = value",
// Variable references have been removed.
"key1 = value1\nkey2 = $key1",
for (const auto &t : kInvalidTests) {
bssl::UniquePtr<BIO> bio(BIO_new_mem_buf(t, strlen(t)));
bssl::UniquePtr<CONF> conf(NCONF_new(nullptr));
EXPECT_FALSE(NCONF_load_bio(conf.get(), bio.get(), nullptr));
TEST(ConfTest, ParseList) {
const struct {
const char *list;
char sep;
bool remove_whitespace;
std::vector<std::string> expected;
} kTests[] = {
{"", ',', /*remove_whitespace=*/0, {""}},
{"", ',', /*remove_whitespace=*/1, {""}},
{" ", ',', /*remove_whitespace=*/0, {" "}},
{" ", ',', /*remove_whitespace=*/1, {""}},
{"hello world", ',', /*remove_whitespace=*/0, {"hello world"}},
{"hello world", ',', /*remove_whitespace=*/1, {"hello world"}},
{" hello world ", ',', /*remove_whitespace=*/0, {" hello world "}},
{" hello world ", ',', /*remove_whitespace=*/1, {"hello world"}},
{"hello,world", ',', /*remove_whitespace=*/0, {"hello", "world"}},
{"hello,world", ',', /*remove_whitespace=*/1, {"hello", "world"}},
{"hello,,world", ',', /*remove_whitespace=*/0, {"hello", "", "world"}},
{"hello,,world", ',', /*remove_whitespace=*/1, {"hello", "", "world"}},
{"\tab cd , , ef gh ",
{"\tab cd ", " ", " ef gh "}},
{"\tab cd , , ef gh ",
{"ab cd", "", "ef gh"}},
for (const auto& t : kTests) {
std::vector<std::string> result;
auto append_to_vector = [](const char *elem, size_t len, void *arg) -> int {
auto *vec = static_cast<std::vector<std::string> *>(arg);
vec->push_back(std::string(elem, len));
return 1;
ASSERT_TRUE(CONF_parse_list(t.list, t.sep, t.remove_whitespace,
append_to_vector, &result));
EXPECT_EQ(result, t.expected);