Export pqueue functions.

04dbb7f1d185af0837d46ac76bf899df6cdd2cc5 added tests for the pqueue
functions. However, when building as a shared library, the test binary
needs access to the raw pqueue functions which require them to be

Change-Id: Iffb22fec491082ff43f06a7119560610425cf20e
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/1711
Reviewed-by: David Benjamin <davidben@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <agl@google.com>
diff --git a/include/openssl/pqueue.h b/include/openssl/pqueue.h
index eb0861e..ceb1fa2 100644
--- a/include/openssl/pqueue.h
+++ b/include/openssl/pqueue.h
@@ -84,11 +84,11 @@
 /* pqueue_new allocates a fresh, empty priority queue object and returns it, or
  * NULL on error. */
-pqueue pqueue_new(void);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT pqueue pqueue_new(void);
 /* pqueue_free frees |pq| but not any of the items it points to. Thus |pq| must
  * be empty or a memory leak will occur. */
-void pqueue_free(pqueue pq);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT void pqueue_free(pqueue pq);
 /* Creating and freeing items. */
@@ -97,47 +97,46 @@
  * has a priority given by |prio64be|, which is a 64-bit, unsigned number
  * expressed in big-endian form. It returns the fresh item, or NULL on
  * error. */
-pitem *pitem_new(uint8_t prio64be[8], void *data);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT pitem *pitem_new(uint8_t prio64be[8], void *data);
 /* pitem_free frees |item|, but not any data that it points to. */
-void pitem_free(pitem *item);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT void pitem_free(pitem *item);
 /* Queue accessor functions */
 /* pqueue_peek returns the item with the smallest priority from |pq|, or NULL
  * if empty. */
-pitem *pqueue_peek(pqueue pq);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT pitem *pqueue_peek(pqueue pq);
 /* pqueue_find returns the item whose priority matches |prio64be| or NULL if no
  * such item exists. */
-pitem *pqueue_find(pqueue pq, uint8_t *prio64be);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT pitem *pqueue_find(pqueue pq, uint8_t *prio64be);
 /* Queue mutation functions */
 /* pqueue_insert inserts |item| into |pq| and returns item. */
-pitem *pqueue_insert(pqueue pq, pitem *item);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT pitem *pqueue_insert(pqueue pq, pitem *item);
 /* pqueue_pop takes the item with the least priority from |pq| and returns it,
  * or NULL if |pq| is empty. */
-pitem *pqueue_pop(pqueue pq);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT pitem *pqueue_pop(pqueue pq);
 /* pqueue_size returns the number of items in |pq|. */
-size_t pqueue_size(pqueue pq);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t pqueue_size(pqueue pq);
 /* Iterating */
 /* pqueue_iterator returns an iterator that can be used to iterate over the
  * contents of the queue. */
-piterator pqueue_iterator(pqueue pq);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT piterator pqueue_iterator(pqueue pq);
 /* pqueue_next returns the current value of |iter| and advances it to the next
  * position. If the iterator has advanced over all the elements, it returns
  * NULL. */
-pitem *pqueue_next(piterator *iter);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT pitem *pqueue_next(piterator *iter);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)