Align TLS 1.2 and 1.3 server session validity checks.

Having that logic in two different places is a nuisance when we go to
add new checks like resumption stuff. Along the way, this adds missing
tests for the ClientHello cipher/session consistency check. (We'll
eventually get it for free once the cipher/resumption change is
unblocked, but get this working in the meantime.)

This also fixes a bug where the session validity checks happened in the
wrong order relative to whether tickets_supported or renew_ticket was
looked at. Fix that by lifting that logic closer to the handshake.

Change-Id: I3f4b59cfe01064f9125277dc5834e62a36e64aae
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <>
diff --git a/ssl/internal.h b/ssl/internal.h
index c964a83..8f4300e 100644
--- a/ssl/internal.h
+++ b/ssl/internal.h
@@ -1651,6 +1651,10 @@
  * it has expired. */
 int ssl_session_is_time_valid(const SSL *ssl, const SSL_SESSION *session);
+/* ssl_session_is_resumable returns one if |session| is resumable for |ssl| and
+ * zero otherwise. */
+int ssl_session_is_resumable(const SSL *ssl, const SSL_SESSION *session);
 void ssl_set_session(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session);
 enum ssl_session_result_t {
@@ -1660,14 +1664,13 @@
 /* ssl_get_prev_session looks up the previous session based on |ctx|. On
- * success, it sets |*out_session| to the session or NULL if none was found. It
- * sets |*out_send_ticket| to whether a ticket should be sent at the end of the
- * handshake. If the session could not be looked up synchronously, it returns
+ * success, it sets |*out_session| to the session or NULL if none was found. If
+ * the session could not be looked up synchronously, it returns
  * |ssl_session_retry| and should be called again. Otherwise, it returns
  * |ssl_session_error|.  */
 enum ssl_session_result_t ssl_get_prev_session(
-    SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION **out_session, int *out_send_ticket,
-    const struct ssl_early_callback_ctx *ctx);
+    SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION **out_session, int *out_tickets_supported,
+    int *out_renew_ticket, const struct ssl_early_callback_ctx *ctx);
 /* The following flags determine which parts of the session are duplicated. */