Make build work on OS X with older cmake versions.

`uname -p` is still i386 on OS X for some reason, which causes cmake 2.8 to set
CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR to i386, making the build think it's doing a 32-bit
build.  However, since the system is almost completely 64-bit these days, clang
defaults to producing 64-bit object files unless told otherwise. As a result,
the produced .o files are all 64-bit except for the .o files from assembly, and
then linking fails.

Fix this by forcing ARCH to 64-bit on OS X. This matches the default behavior
of cmake 3.0, where CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR is x86_64.

Change-Id: I7a2abc4cef84dfbaf205852a9d7b647e83dd249f
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <>
Reviewed-by: Piotr Sikora <>
1 file changed