Measure session->timeout from ticket issuance.

The distinction for full handshakes is not meaningful (the timestamp is
currently the start of the handshake), but for renewed sessions, we
currently retain the timestamp of the original issuance.

Instead, when minting or receiving tickets, adjust session->time and
session->timeout so that session->time is the ticket issuance time.

This is still not our final TLS 1.3 behavior (which will need a both
renewable and non-renewable times to honor the server ticket lifetime),
but it gets us closer and unblocks handling ticket_age_add from TLS 1.3
draft 18 and sends the correct NewSessionTicket lifetime.

This fixes the ticket lifetime hint which we emit on the server to
mirror the true ticket lifetime. It also fixes the TLS 1.3 server code
to not set the ticket lifetime hint. There is no need to waste ticket
size with it, it is no longer a "hint" in TLS 1.3, and even in the TLS
1.3 code we didn't fill it in on the server.

Change-Id: I140541f1005a24e53e1b1eaa90996d6dada1c3a1
Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <>
Commit-Queue: Adam Langley <>
CQ-Verified: CQ bot account: <>
diff --git a/ssl/handshake_server.c b/ssl/handshake_server.c
index 14229cb..285bd84 100644
--- a/ssl/handshake_server.c
+++ b/ssl/handshake_server.c
@@ -1827,20 +1827,36 @@
     return ssl->method->write_message(ssl);
+  const SSL_SESSION *session;
+  SSL_SESSION *session_copy = NULL;
+  if (ssl->session == NULL) {
+    /* Fix the timeout to measure from the ticket issuance time. */
+    ssl_session_refresh_time(ssl, ssl->s3->new_session);
+    session = ssl->s3->new_session;
+  } else {
+    /* We are renewing an existing session. Duplicate the session to adjust the
+     * timeout. */
+    session_copy = SSL_SESSION_dup(ssl->session, SSL_SESSION_INCLUDE_NONAUTH);
+    if (session_copy == NULL) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    ssl_session_refresh_time(ssl, session_copy);
+    session = session_copy;
+  }
   CBB cbb, body, ticket;
-  if (!ssl->method->init_message(ssl, &cbb, &body,
-                                 SSL3_MT_NEW_SESSION_TICKET) ||
-      /* Ticket lifetime hint (advisory only): We leave this unspecified for
-       * resumed session (for simplicity), and guess that tickets for new
-       * sessions will live as long as their sessions. */
-      !CBB_add_u32(&body,
-                   ssl->session != NULL ? 0 : ssl->s3->new_session->timeout) ||
-      !CBB_add_u16_length_prefixed(&body, &ticket) ||
-      !ssl_encrypt_ticket(ssl, &ticket, ssl->session != NULL
-                                            ? ssl->session
-                                            : ssl->s3->new_session) ||
-      !ssl->method->finish_message(ssl, &cbb)) {
-    CBB_cleanup(&cbb);
+  int ok =
+      ssl->method->init_message(ssl, &cbb, &body, SSL3_MT_NEW_SESSION_TICKET) &&
+      CBB_add_u32(&body, session->timeout) &&
+      CBB_add_u16_length_prefixed(&body, &ticket) &&
+      ssl_encrypt_ticket(ssl, &ticket, session) &&
+      ssl->method->finish_message(ssl, &cbb);
+  SSL_SESSION_free(session_copy);
+  CBB_cleanup(&cbb);
+  if (!ok) {
     return -1;