Fix parameter type of p256-64.c's |select_point|.

Make it match how it is done in p224-64.c. Note in particular that
|size| may be 17, so presumably |pre_comp[16]| is accessed, which one
would not expect when it was declared |precomp[16][3]|.

Change-Id: I54c1555f9e20ccaacbd4cd75a7154b483b4197b7
Reviewed-by: David Benjamin <>
diff --git a/crypto/ec/p256-64.c b/crypto/ec/p256-64.c
index 24778c4..e3b7c48 100644
--- a/crypto/ec/p256-64.c
+++ b/crypto/ec/p256-64.c
@@ -1404,7 +1404,8 @@
 /* select_point selects the |idx|th point from a precomputation table and
  * copies it to out. */
 static void select_point(const u64 idx, unsigned int size,
-                         const smallfelem pre_comp[16][3], smallfelem out[3]) {
+                         const smallfelem pre_comp[/*size*/][3],
+                         smallfelem out[3]) {
   unsigned i, j;
   u64 *outlimbs = &out[0][0];
   memset(outlimbs, 0, 3 * sizeof(smallfelem));