Switch the generated Soong (Android) build to the new asm source list

Tested in aosp/2673719. As a bonus, this will increase asm coverage on
Android. Right now they're not building the macOS assembly.

Bug: 542
Change-Id: I02f77831566bba55bb204cb08c1e1e972e03b90b
Reviewed-on: https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/c/boringssl/+/62005
Auto-Submit: David Benjamin <davidben@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Bob Beck <bbe@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Bob Beck <bbe@google.com>
diff --git a/util/generate_build_files.py b/util/generate_build_files.py
index 1c3cbb2..7ff0f12 100644
--- a/util/generate_build_files.py
+++ b/util/generate_build_files.py
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@
       #  Separate out BCM files to allow different compilation rules (specific to Android FIPS)
       bcm_c_files = files['bcm_crypto']
       non_bcm_c_files = [file for file in files['crypto'] if file not in bcm_c_files]
-      non_bcm_asm = self.FilterBcmAsm(asm_outputs, False)
-      bcm_asm = self.FilterBcmAsm(asm_outputs, True)
+      non_bcm_asm = self.FilterBcmAsm(files['crypto_asm'], False)
+      bcm_asm = self.FilterBcmAsm(files['crypto_asm'], True)
       self.PrintDefaults(blueprint, 'libcrypto_sources', non_bcm_c_files, non_bcm_asm)
       self.PrintDefaults(blueprint, 'libcrypto_bcm_sources', bcm_c_files, bcm_asm)
@@ -141,8 +141,15 @@
             makefile, '%s_%s_sources' % (osname, arch), asm_files)
-  def PrintDefaults(self, blueprint, name, files, asm_outputs={}):
+  def PrintDefaults(self, blueprint, name, files, asm_files=[]):
     """Print a cc_defaults section from a list of C files and optionally assembly outputs"""
+    if asm_files:
+      blueprint.write('\n')
+      blueprint.write('%s_asm = [\n' % name)
+      for f in sorted(asm_files):
+        blueprint.write('    "%s",\n' % f)
+      blueprint.write(']\n')
     blueprint.write('cc_defaults {\n')
     blueprint.write('    name: "%s",\n' % name)
@@ -151,21 +158,20 @@
       blueprint.write('        "%s",\n' % f)
     blueprint.write('    ],\n')
-    # TODO(crbug.com/boringssl/542): Migrate this to the combined source lists.
-    if asm_outputs:
+    if asm_files:
       blueprint.write('    target: {\n')
-      for ((osname, arch), asm_files) in asm_outputs:
-        if osname != 'linux':
-          continue
-        if arch == 'aarch64':
-          arch = 'arm64'
-        blueprint.write('        linux_%s: {\n' % arch)
-        blueprint.write('            srcs: [\n')
-        for f in sorted(asm_files):
-          blueprint.write('                "%s",\n' % f)
-        blueprint.write('            ],\n')
-        blueprint.write('        },\n')
+      # Only emit asm for non-Windows. On Windows, BoringSSL requires NASM,
+      # which is not available in AOSP. Note that, despite the name,
+      # "not_windows" covers only non-Windows host devices.
+      blueprint.write('        android: {\n')
+      blueprint.write('            srcs: %s_asm,\n' % name)
+      blueprint.write('        },\n')
+      blueprint.write('        not_windows: {\n')
+      blueprint.write('            srcs: %s_asm,\n' % name)
+      blueprint.write('        },\n')
+      blueprint.write('        windows: {\n')
+      blueprint.write('            cflags: ["-DOPENSSL_NO_ASM"],\n')
+      blueprint.write('        },\n')
       blueprint.write('    },\n')
@@ -174,7 +180,7 @@
     """Filter a list of assembly outputs based on whether they belong in BCM
-      asm: Assembly file lists to filter
+      asm: Assembly file list to filter
       want_bcm: If true then include BCM files, otherwise do not
@@ -183,8 +189,7 @@
     # TODO(https://crbug.com/boringssl/542): Rather than filtering by filename,
     # use the variable listed in the CMake perlasm line, available in
     # ExtractPerlAsmFromCMakeFile.
-    return [(archinfo, filter(lambda p: ("/crypto/fipsmodule/" in p) == want_bcm, files))
-            for (archinfo, files) in asm]
+    return filter(lambda p: ("/crypto/fipsmodule/" in p) == want_bcm, asm)
 class AndroidCMake(object):