Stop passing der::Input by const-ref
Span/view types are small enough that the guidance these days is to pass
by value. This CL is the result of two sed lines:
sed -i -e 's/const Input &/Input /g' pki/*.*
sed -i -e 's/const der::Input &/der::Input /g' pki/*.*
Plus one manual fix inside a comment in pki/parser.h where the spacing
didn't match. Then a clang-format -i
Change-Id: I29c9ffc7ddf2df5822e5335f108c85ecbf496a3c
Commit-Queue: David Benjamin <>
Reviewed-by: Matt Mueller <>
diff --git a/pki/ b/pki/
index 07ced15..98c6438 100644
--- a/pki/
+++ b/pki/
@@ -621,7 +621,8 @@
// trusted root.
if (!cur_path_.Empty()) {
if (delegate->IsDebugLogEnabled()) {
- delegate->DebugLog("Issuer is a trust leaf, considering as UNSPECIFIED");
+ delegate->DebugLog(
+ "Issuer is a trust leaf, considering as UNSPECIFIED");
} = CertificateTrust::ForUnspecified();
@@ -692,7 +693,8 @@
std::move(next_issuer_.cert), &cert_issuer_sources_, trust_store_));
next_issuer_ = IssuerEntry();
if (delegate->IsDebugLogEnabled()) {
- delegate->DebugLog("CertPathIter cur_path_ =\n" + cur_path_.PathDebugString());
+ delegate->DebugLog("CertPathIter cur_path_ =\n" +
+ cur_path_.PathDebugString());
// Continue descending the tree.