Add a flag to configure the path to the SDE executable.
Change-Id: Id03991cc785571bc10b3ee4b4fe3e367d347ff82
Reviewed-by: Steven Valdez <>
diff --git a/util/all_tests.go b/util/all_tests.go
index 1b912dc..3ba52b8 100644
--- a/util/all_tests.go
+++ b/util/all_tests.go
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
useCallgrind = flag.Bool("callgrind", false, "If true, run code under valgrind to generate callgrind traces.")
useGDB = flag.Bool("gdb", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under gdb")
useSDE = flag.Bool("sde", false, "If true, run BoringSSL code under Intel's SDE for each supported chip")
+ sdePath = flag.String("sde-path", "sde", "The path to find the sde binary.")
buildDir = flag.String("build-dir", "build", "The build directory to run the tests from.")
numWorkers = flag.Int("num-workers", runtime.NumCPU(), "Runs the given number of workers when testing.")
jsonOutput = flag.String("json-output", "", "The file to output JSON results to.")
@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@
func sdeOf(cpu, path string, args ...string) *exec.Cmd {
sdeArgs := []string{"-" + cpu, "--", path}
sdeArgs = append(sdeArgs, args...)
- return exec.Command("sde", sdeArgs...)
+ return exec.Command(*sdePath, sdeArgs...)
type moreMallocsError struct{}