SLH-DSA: support SHA-384 as the prehash function instead.
Change-Id: I931e660d6ad8e6fae0e17b414a40bb0a0ea7e9c3
Reviewed-by: Bob Beck <>
Auto-Submit: Adam Langley <>
Commit-Queue: Adam Langley <>
diff --git a/rust/bssl-crypto/src/ b/rust/bssl-crypto/src/
index 47185f2..193db57 100644
--- a/rust/bssl-crypto/src/
+++ b/rust/bssl-crypto/src/
@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@
//! assert!(public_key.verify_with_context(message, &signature2, context).is_ok());
//! ```
-use crate::{
- digest, sealed, with_output_vec_fallible, FfiSlice, ForeignTypeRef, InvalidSignatureError,
+use crate::{with_output_vec_fallible, FfiSlice, InvalidSignatureError};
use alloc::vec::Vec;
/// The number of bytes in an SLH-DSA-SHA2-128s public key.
@@ -132,48 +130,6 @@
- /// Signs a prehashed message using this private key.
- ///
- /// This function returns None if `context` is longer than 255 bytes, if
- /// the hash function is not supported, or if `hashed_msg` is the wrong length.
- ///
- /// This function generally should not be used. The general functions are
- /// perfectly capable of signing a hash if you wish. These functions should
- /// only be used when:
- ///
- /// 1. Compatibility with an external system that uses prehashed messages is
- /// required. (The general signature of a hash is not compatible with a
- /// "prehash" signature of the same hash.)
- /// 2. A single private key is used to sign both prehashed and raw messages,
- /// and there's no other way to prevent ambiguity.
- pub fn prehash_sign<Hash: digest::Algorithm>(
- &self,
- hashed_msg: &[u8],
- context: &[u8],
- ) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
- unsafe {
- with_output_vec_fallible(SIGNATURE_BYTES, |signature| {
- let hash_nid = bssl_sys::EVP_MD_nid(Hash::get_md(sealed::Sealed).as_ptr());
- // Safety: the FFI function always writes exactly `SIGNATURE_BYTES` to
- // the first argument if it succeeds. Otherwise, all buffers are valid.
- if bssl_sys::SLHDSA_SHA2_128S_prehash_sign(
- signature,
- self.0.as_ptr(),
- hashed_msg.as_ffi_ptr(),
- hashed_msg.len(),
- hash_nid,
- context.as_ffi_ptr(),
- context.len(),
- ) == 1
- {
- } else {
- None
- }
- })
- }
- }
impl AsRef<[u8]> for PrivateKey {
@@ -221,40 +177,6 @@
- /// Verifies a signature for a prehashed message using this public key and
- /// the given context.
- ///
- /// This function returns `InvalidSignatureError` if `context` is longer
- /// than 255 bytes, if the hash function is not supported, or if
- /// `hashed_msg` is the wrong length.
- pub fn prehash_verify<Hash: digest::Algorithm>(
- &self,
- hashed_msg: &[u8],
- signature: &[u8],
- context: &[u8],
- ) -> Result<(), InvalidSignatureError> {
- let ok = unsafe {
- let hash_nid = bssl_sys::EVP_MD_nid(Hash::get_md(sealed::Sealed).as_ptr());
- // Safety: all buffers are valid
- bssl_sys::SLHDSA_SHA2_128S_prehash_verify(
- signature.as_ffi_ptr(),
- signature.len(),
- self.0.as_ptr(),
- hashed_msg.as_ffi_ptr(),
- hashed_msg.len(),
- hash_nid,
- context.as_ffi_ptr(),
- context.len(),
- )
- };
- if ok == 1 {
- Ok(())
- } else {
- Err(InvalidSignatureError)
- }
- }
impl AsRef<[u8]> for PublicKey {
@@ -301,38 +223,6 @@
- fn test_sign_and_verify_prehashed() {
- let (public_key, private_key) = PrivateKey::generate();
- let digest = [42u8; 32];
- let context = b"test context";
- let sig = private_key
- .prehash_sign::<digest::Sha256>(&digest, context)
- .unwrap();
- assert!(public_key
- .prehash_verify::<digest::Sha256>(&digest, &sig, context)
- .is_ok());
- let mut incorrect_digest = digest;
- incorrect_digest[0] ^= 1;
- assert!(public_key
- .prehash_verify::<digest::Sha256>(&incorrect_digest, &sig, context)
- .is_err());
- assert!(public_key
- .prehash_verify::<digest::Sha256>(&digest, &sig, b"wrong context")
- .is_err());
- let incorrect_length_digest = [42u8; 16];
- assert!(private_key
- .prehash_sign::<digest::Sha256>(&incorrect_length_digest, context)
- .is_none());
- assert!(public_key
- .prehash_verify::<digest::Sha256>(&incorrect_length_digest, &sig, context)
- .is_err());
- }
- #[test]
fn test_public_key_from_private() {
let (public_key, private_key) = PrivateKey::generate();
let derived_public_key = private_key.to_public_key();